ReAct (Reason Action):在语言模型中协同推理和行动
Agents/chat_agents_google_search.py这段代码使用了 Langchain 库来构建一个基于 OpenAI 语言模型的智能问答代理(Agent),该代理整合了多个工具(如 SERP API 和数学处理工具)来处理复杂的查询。以下是对代码的详细解释和注释(代码参考黄佳老师的课程Demo,如需要知道代码细节请读原文)::
# 导入与 OpenAI 语言模型交互的模块。
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
# 导入用于创建和管理提示模板的模块。
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
# 导入用于加载和初始化代理的工具和函数。
from langchain.agents import load_tools
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent
from langchain.agents import AgentType
# 导入从 .env 文件加载环境变量的库。
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# 导入创建和管理 OpenAI 聊天模型实例的类。
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
# 加载 .env 文件中的环境变量。
# 设置 SERP API 的环境变量(API 密钥)。
import os
os.environ["SERPAPI_API_KEY"] = 'xxxxx'
# 初始化 OpenAI 语言模型实例。
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
# 加载工具,包括 SERP API 和数学处理工具。
tools = load_tools(['serpapi', 'llm-math'], llm=llm)
agent = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True)
# 使用代理运行查询,并打印响应。
response ="目前市场上草莓的平均价格是多少?如果我在此基础上加价15%卖出,应该如何定价?")
(develop)⚡ [1] % python Agents/ ~/Workspace/LLM/langchain-llm-app
> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
I need to find the current market price of strawberries and then calculate the new price with a 15% markup.
Action: Search
Action Input: "current market price of strawberries"
Observation: ['Wholesale prices. In 2023, the approximate wholesale price range for US strawberries is between US$ 2.1 and US$ 4.2 per kilogram or between US$ 0.95 and ...', 'CHICAGO : STRAWBERRIES Market : STEADY. Location : CHICAGO Commodity : STRAWBERRIES Package: flats 4 2-lb containers with lids. Date, Low-High Price, Mostly Low ...', 'US Strawberries Price Received is at a current level of 115.00, down from 128.00 one year ago. This is a change of -10.16% from one year ago.', 'Average prices for traditional strawberries in the U.S. market were 6.70 USD/kg, a 34% rise year-on-year. The strawberry business in the United States has shown ...', 'Average Price: Strawberries, Dry Pint (Cost per 12 Ounces/340.2 Grams) in U.S. City Average (APU0000711415)', 'Discover price data of wholesale and farmgate prices of Fresh Strawberry. See the price changes and trends of countries or varieties you are interested in.', 'Wholesale Price of Strawberries. Date, Location, Origin, Package, Variety ... These reports show price data on commodities traded at the local wholesale market ...', 'Farm Price represents the prices farmers are paid by retailers and grocery ... Strawberries, 2019-05-19, $1.16, $2.23, $1.70, $1.99, $2.54, 82.33%. Romaine ...', 'Strawberry Price in the United States (FOB) - 2023. The average strawberry export price stood at $3,051 per ton in June 2023, dropping by -15.8% against the ...', 'Today Buy Fresh Strawberries, 1 lb Package at']
Thought: I need to find the average price of strawberries in the US market.
Action: Search
Action Input: "average price of strawberries in US market"
Observation: ['In 2023, the approximate wholesale price range for US strawberries is between US$ 2.1 and US$ 4.2 per kilogram or between US$ 0.95 and US$ 1.9 per pound(lb).', 'Average Price: Strawberries, Dry Pint (Cost per 12 Ounces/340.2 Grams) in U.S. City Average (APU0000711415) ; Sep 2023: 2.628 ; Aug 2023: 2.609 ; Jul 2023: 2.421.', 'US Strawberries Price Received is at a current level of 115.00, down from 128.00 one year ago. This is a change of -10.16% from one year ago.', 'Average prices for traditional strawberries in the U.S. market were 6.70 USD/kg, a 34% rise year-on-year. The strawberry business in the United States has ...', 'The average strawberry export price stood at $3,051 per ton in June 2023, dropping by -15.8% against the previous month. Over the period under review, the ...', 'ATLANTA : STRAWBERRIES Offerings : VERY LIGHT. Location : ATLANTA Commodity : STRAWBERRIES Package: flats 8 1-lb containers with lids. Date, Low-High Price ...', 'Strawberries. A, B, C, D, E, F, G. 1, Strawberries—Average retail price per pound and per cup equivalent, 2016. 2, Form, Average retail price, Preparation, Size ...', 'In 2021, the average grower price for fresh strawberries was $143/hundredweight. (NASS, 2022). The U.S. strawberry industry is primarily located ...', 'Although during week 48 there was a decrease in the average price for strawberries in the US market of approximately 5%, from $8,93 per kilo ...', 'Strawberries, 2019-05-19, $1.16 ; Romaine Lettuce, 2019-05-19, $0.35 ; Red Leaf Lettuce, 2019-05-19, $0.32 ; Potatoes, 2019-05-19, $1.50 ...']
Thought: I need to find the average price of strawberries in the US market for 2023.
Action: Search
Action Input: "average price of strawberries in US market 2023"
Observation: {'type': 'organic_result', 'title': 'Strawberry Price in the United States (FOB) - 2023', 'source': 'IndexBox'}
Thought:Retrying langchain.llms.openai.completion_with_retry.<locals>._completion_with_retry in 4.0 seconds as it raised RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for text-davinci-003 in organization org-jkd8QtrppR9UcAr9C841gy2b on requests per min (RPM): Limit 3, Used 3, Requested 1. Please try again in 20s. Visit to learn more. You can increase your rate limit by adding a payment method to your account at
I now have the average price of strawberries in the US market for 2023.
Action: Calculator
Action Input: 115 * 1.15