
The Origin of Personality  by Alexander Thomas, Stella Chess and Herbert G. Birch

Scientific American, pp 102-109, 1970 


(1)the level and extent of motor activity; 机体活动的程度和范围。

(2)the rhythmicity, or degree of regularity, of functions such as eating, elimination and the cycle of sleeping and wakefulness; 节律性:表现在吃饭、排便、睡眠和醒来的规律程度。

(3)the response to a new object or person, in terms of whether the child accepts the new experience or withdraws from it; 趋避性:儿童对新事物或人是接受或是回避。

(4)the adaptability of behavior to changes in the environment; 适应度:对待环境改变的行为。

(5)the threshold, or sensitivity, to stimuli; 对刺激的敏感程度

(6)the intensity, or energy level, of responses; 反应的强度

(7)the child's general mood or "disposition", whether cheerful or given to crying, pleasant or cranky, friendly or unfriendly; 儿童的一般情绪,爱哭还是高兴、愉快还是易怒,友好还是不友好。

(8)the degree of the child's distractibility from what he is doing; 孩子注意力容易被分散的程度

(9)the span of the child's attention and his persistence in an activity. 孩子注意力的广度和持续性
