【双语】最新研究:读研更容易患抑郁 女性研究生更甚...


More than one-third of graduate students report being depressed

A new study found that graduate students are six times more likely to exhibit depression symptoms than the general population. The findings should surprise no one but it’s important to have quantitative data about a mental health hazard running rampant in[1] universities across the entire world. Such data “should prompt academia and policymakers to consider intervention strategies,” the authors wrote in the journal Nature.


[1]rampant: if something bad, such as crime or disease, is rampant, there is a lot of it and it is very difficult to control 〔犯罪、疾病等〕猖獗的,泛滥的,失控的

Pickpocketing is rampant in the downtown area.


Researchers led by Teresa Evans, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, surveyed 2,279 students in 26 different countries, 70% of whom were female, 28% male, and 2% transgender. The fields of study involved were 56% humanities and 38% physical sciences. Approximately 40% of the respondents scored moderate to severe for anxiety. Nearly 40 percent of respondents also showed signs of moderate to severe depression.



Consistent with previous research on non-student populations, transgender and gender-nonconforming graduate students, along with women, were more likely to experience anxiety and depression than their cisgender male counterparts. The prevalence of anxiety and depression in transgender or gender-nonconforming graduate students was 55% and 57%, respectively. Among cis students, 43% of women had anxiety and 41% were depressed. That’s compared to 34% of cis men reporting symptoms of anxiety and 35% showing signs of depression.



These incredibly high rates of anxiety and depression, when compared to the general population, are alarming and should serve as a wakeup call forthe academia, Evans says.


It’s not hard to understand why life as a Ph.D. student can literally drive some people crazy. Long hours, social isolation, and feelings of inadequacy can break even the most motivated persons among us. Top it all off[2] with a generous topping of impostor syndrome[3], and when this situation persists, the anxiety and depression can become chronic.



[2]top it all off:If you have been describing bad things that happened, and then say that to top it all something else happened, you mean that the final thing was even worse 更有甚者

[3]impostor syndrome:冒充者综合征,又称自我能力否定倾向也就是自身明明有能力,却不断自我怀疑、自我折磨的心态, 甚至担心自己就像个随时会被揭穿的骗子。

One obvious solution is improving the work-life balance among graduate students. Of the graduate students who experienced moderate to severe anxiety, 56% did not agree that their work-life balance was ‘good’, versus 24% who did. Among graduate students with depression, more than half (55%) did not agree with the statement (21% agreed).


Proper mentorship is another aspect that can impact a graduate student’s mental health. Among the respondents with anxiety or depression, only half agreed that their immediate mentors provided “real” mentorship.


Evans and colleagues wrote in their study that one important study limitation is that students suffering from anxiety and depression may be biased, in the sense that they are particularly motivated to take part in the survey. This may have skewed[4] the results but even if only one in four grad students is depressed, that’s still a clear sign that something is wrong. She adds that universities need to recognize the problem and provide students with the necessary training and support in order to help them manage their time and cope with stress.



1) if something skews the results of a test etc, it affects them, making them incorrect  影响〔测试结果等〕的准确性,使偏颇

All the people we questioned lived in the same area, which had the effect of skewing the figures.


2) to affect or influence someone’s ideas, actions, or judgment, especially in a way that makes the ideas etc not correct or fair 使曲解,使存有偏见

These assumptions about Communism skewed American foreign policy for decades.


“Our results show that graduate students are more than six times as likely to experience depression and anxiety as compared to the general population,” the authors wrote. “It is only with strong and validated interventions that academia will be able to provide help for those who are traveling through the bioscience workforce pipeline.”

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