1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法



1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法

The goal of photorealistic rendering is to create an image of a 3D scene that is indistinguishable from a photograph of the same scene. 


Before we describe the rendering process,it is important to understand that in this context the word “indistinguishable” is imprecise because it involves a human observer, and different observers may perceive the same image differently.


Although we will cover a few perceptual issues in this book, accounting for the precise characteristics of a given observer is a very difficult and largely unsolved problem. 


For the most part, we will be satisfied with an accurate simulation of the physics of light and its interaction with matter, relying on our understanding of display technology to present a good image to the viewer.


Most photorealistic rendering systems are based on the ray-tracing algorithm. Ray tracing is actually a very simple algorithm; it is based on following the path of a ray of light through a scene as it interacts with and bounces off objects in an environment. 


Although there are many ways to write a ray tracer, all such systems simulate at least the following
objects and phenomena:

虽然有很多种思路去实现一个光线追踪器(ray tracer),这些系统都模拟了下列一些对象和现象(phenomena [fɪˈnɑmənə]):

. Cameras: How and from where is the scene being viewed? Cameras generate raysfrom the viewing point into the scene.

摄像机:如何观察场景的哪一个部分?摄像机负责从视点(viewing point)生成场景中的光线。

. Ray-object intersections: We must be able to tell precisely where a given ray pierces a geometric object. In addition, we need to determine certain geometric properties of the object at the intersection point, such as a surface normal or its material. Most ray tracers also have some facility for finding the intersection of a ray with multiple objects, typically returning the closest intersection along the ray.

光线-物体的相互作用:我们要能精确的知道一个光线照射到了一个指定的几何体上。而且我们需要知道射入点的一些几何属性,比如面法线(surface normal)或者它的材质(material)。大部分光线追踪器都包含测量一个光线和多个物体的相交、返回距离最近的对象之类的功能。

. Light distribution: Without lighting, there would be little point in rendering a scene. A ray tracer must model the distribution of light throughout the scene, including not only the locations of the lights themselves, but also the way in which they distribute their energy throughout space.


. Visibility: In order to know whether a given light deposits energy at a point on a surface, we must know whether there is an uninterrupted path from the point to the light source. Fortunately, this question is easy to answer in a ray tracer, since we can just construct the ray from the surface to the light, find the closest ray-object intersection, and compare the intersection distance to the light distance.


. Surface scattering: Each object must provide a description of its appearance, including information about how light interacts with the object’s surface, as well as the nature of the reradiated (or scattered) light. We are usually interested in the properties of the light that is scattered directly toward the camera. Models for surface scattering are typically parameterized so that they can simulate a variety of appearances.


. Recursive ray tracing: Because light can arrive at a surface after bouncing off or passing through several other surfaces, it is usually necessary to trace additional rays originating at the surface to fully capture this effect. This is particularly important for shiny surfaces like metal or glass.


. Ray propagation: We need to know what happens to the light traveling along a ray as it passes through space. If we are rendering a scene in a vacuum, light energy remains constant along a ray. Although most human observers have never been in a vacuum, this is the typical assumption made by most ray tracers. More sophisticated models are available for tracing rays through fog, smoke, the Earth’s atmosphere, and so on.

光线传播:我们需要知道光线穿过空间时的情况。如果我们渲染在真空中的场景,光线的能量会在路径上保持一个常量。绝大多数人类都没去过真空环境。这是绝大多数光线追踪器的假设情况(assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən])。一些十分精细的光照模型可以模拟光线穿过雾、烟、地球的大气层之类的情况。

We will briefly discuss each of these simulation tasks in this section. In the next section, we will show pbrt’s high-level interface to the underlying simulation components and follow the progress of a single ray through the main rendering loop. We will also show one specific surface scattering model based on Turner Whitted’s original ray-tracing algorithm.

我们会在本章简略的讨论一下这些模拟目标。在下个章节,我们会展示pbrt的高级接口,以便方便理解这些组件以及通过单一光线的传递过程来了解主要的渲染流程。同时也会展示一个基于Turner Whitted的原始光线追踪算法建立的表面散射模型。



Nearly everyone has used a camera and is familiar with its basic functionality: you indicate your desire to record an image of the world (usually by pressing a button), and the image is recorded onto a piece of film or an electronic sensor. 


One of the simplest devices for taking photographs in the real world is called the pinhole camera. Pinhole cameras consist of a light-tight box with a tiny hole at one end (Figure 1.1). When the hole is uncovered, light enters this hole and falls on a piece of photographic paper that is affixed to the other end of the box. Despite its simplicity, this kind of camera is still used today, frequently for artistic purposes. Very long exposure times are necessary to get enough light on the film to form an image.

在现实中最简单的摄像机就是针孔成像摄像机(pinhole camera)。针孔成像包含一个不透光的盒子,其中一端上有一个小孔。当这个孔没被遮住时,光线通过这个孔落到盒子的另外一个面或者胶片上。鉴于这套原理的简易性,直到现在还有一部分照相机使用这样的技术来达到一些特定的艺术效果。需要曝光足够长的时间,才能获得足够的光线来进行成像。

Although most cameras are substantially more complex than the pinhole camera, it is a convenient starting point for simulation. The most important function of the camera is to define the portion of the scene that will be recorded onto the film. In Figure 1.1, it is easy to see that connecting the pinhole to the edges of the film creates a double pyramid that extends into the scene. Objects that are not inside this pyramid cannot be imaged onto the film. Because modern cameras image a more complex shape than a pyramid, we will refer to the region of space that can potentially be imaged onto the film as the viewing volume.

虽然几乎所有相机都比针孔相机的原理要复杂,但它作为我们的一个开端来说倒是挺方便的。对相机来说最重要的功能是定义场景中会被记录到胶卷上的可视部分。在图1.1里,你可以看到穿过盒子的两个椎体。如果场景中的物体不在盒子外面那个椎体内,就不会被拍进去。现代的相机的可视部分比椎体要复杂多了,我们将可视部分的空间统称为视见体(viewing volume)。

  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第1张图片

Figure 1.1: A Pinhole Camera.

Another way to think about the pinhole camera is to place the film plane in front of the pinhole, but at the same distance (Figure 1.2). Note that connecting the hole to the film defines exactly the same viewing volume as before. Of course, this is not a practical way to build a real camera, but for simulation purposes it is a convenient abstraction. When the film (or image) plane is in front of the pinhole, the pinhole is frequently referred to as the eye.


  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第2张图片
Figure 1.2: When we simulate a pinhole camera, we place the film in front of the hole at the near plane, and the hole is renamed the eye.
图1.2: 当我们模拟一个针孔成像时,我们将成像平面设置在孔的前面,作为近平面(near plane),孔(hole)就改名叫做眼睛(eye)。

Now we come to the crucial issue in rendering: at each point in the image, what color value do we display? If we recall the original pinhole camera, it is clear that only light rays that travel along the vector between the pinhole and a point on the film can contribute to that film location. In our simulated camera with the film plane in front of the eye, we are interested in the amount of light traveling from the image point to the eye.


Therefore, the task of the camera simulator is to take a point on the image and generate rays along which light is known to contribute to that image location. Because a ray consists of an origin point and a direction vector, this is particularly simple for the pinhole camera model of Figure 1.2: it uses the pinhole for the origin, and the vector from the pinhole to the near plane as the ray’s direction. For more complex camera models involving multiple lenses, the calculation of the ray that corresponds to a given point on the image may be more involved. However, if the process of converting image locations to rays is completely encapsulated in the camera module, the rest of the rendering system can focus on evaluating the lighting along those rays, and a variety of camera models can be supported. pbrt’s camera abstraction is described in detail in Chapter 6.



Each time the camera generates a ray, the first task of the renderer is to determine which object, if any, that ray intersects first and where the intersection occurs. This intersection point is the visible point along the ray, and we will want to simulate the interaction of light with the object at this point. To find the intersection, we must test the ray for intersection against all objects in the scene and select the one that the ray intersects first. 


Given a ray r, we first start by writing it in parametric form:
r(t) = o + td,
where o is the ray’s origin, d is its direction vector, and t is a parameter whose legal range is [0, ∞). We can obtain a point along the ray by specifying its parametric t value and evaluating the above equation.

r(t) = o + td
r = 射线
o = 原点
d = 方向
t = 指定点和原点的距离的值[0, ∞)

It is often easy to find the intersection between the ray r and a surface defined by an implicit function F(x, y, z) = 0. We first substitute the ray equation into the implicit equation, producing a new function whose only parameter is t. We then solve this function fort and substitute the smallest positive root into the ray equation to find the desired point. For example, the implicit equation of a sphere centered at the origin with radius r is
x2 + y2 + z2 − r2 = 0,
so substituting the ray equation, we have
o + td2 x + o + td2 y + o + td2 z − r2 = 0.
This is just a quadratic equation in t, so we can easily solve it. If there are no real roots, the ray must miss the sphere. If there are roots, we select the smaller positive one to find the intersection point. 

如果有一个表面能被描述为F(x, y, z) = 0,那么我们很容易得到射线r和它的交点。我们只需要联立方程组求解。比如一个球形表面的方程为:
x2 + y2 + z2 − r2 = 0,
o + td2 x + o + td2 y + o + td2 z − r2 = 0.

The intersection point is not enough information for the rest of the ray tracer; it needs to know certain properties of the surface at the point. First, the appearance model needs to be extracted and passed along to later stages of the ray-tracing algorithm, and additional geometric information about the intersection point will also be required in order to shade the point. For example, the surface normal n is always required. Although many ray tracers operate with only n, more sophisticated rendering systems like pbrt require even more information, such as various partial derivatives of position and surface normal with respect to the local parameterization of the surface.

对于余下的光线追踪流程,光知道交点的位置还不行,还需要知道交点的表面属性。首先模型的外观信息(diffuse纹理之类的)需要被提炼出来,供光线追踪算法的后续的处理阶段使用,然后一些额外的几何体信息也需要,用来指导对成像点的着色。比如面法线n (surface normal n)总是需要的。一部分光线追踪器只需要n,而像pbrt之类更精细的渲染系统需求更多的信息,比如局部参数化的位置和表面法线的各种偏导数(用来计算光的辐射能量)。

Of course, most scenes are made up of multiple objects. The brute-force intersection approach would be to test the ray against each object in turn, choosing the minimum t value of the intersections found. This approach, while correct, is very slow, even for scenes of modest complexity. A solution is to incorporate an acceleration structure that quickly rejects whole groups of objects during the ray intersection process. This ability to quickly cull irrelevant geometry means that ray tracing frequently runs in O(I log N) time, where I is the number of pixels in the image and N is the number of objects in the scene.2 (Building the acceleration structure is necessarily at least O(N) time.) The geometric interface supported by pbrt is described in Chapter 3, and the acceleration interface is shown in Chapter 4.

大多数的场景必然由多个对象组成。比较暴力的相交计算方法是计算射线和每一个物体是否相交,选择t值最小的那个相交点作为结果。这个方法,虽然正确,但是极慢,即使处理复杂程度并不高的场景来说也是。一个解决方法是建立(特定的)用于构建高效算法的数据结构,对不相交对象进行快速排除,查询耗时可以降低到O(I log N)的时间级别,I是image的pixel数量,N是待检测对象数量。(建立加速用的数据结构需要O(N)的时间。) 

1.2.3 光照分布

The ray-object intersection stage gives us a point to be shaded and some information about the geometry at that point. Recall that our eventual goal is to find the amount of light leaving this point in the direction of the camera. In order to do this, we need to know how much light is arriving at this point. This involves both the geometric and radiometric distribution of light in the scene. For very simple light sources (e.g., point lights), the geometric distribution of lighting is a simple matter of knowing the position of the lights.


However, point lights do not exist in the real world, and so physically based lighting is often based on area light sources. This means that the light source is associated with a geometric object that emits illumination from its surface. However, we will use point lights in this section to illustrate the components of light distribution; rigorous discussion of light measurement and distribution is the topic of Chapters 5 and 12. 


We frequently would like to know the amount of light energy being deposited on the differential area surrounding the intersection point (Figure 1.3). We will assume that the point light source has some power Φ associated with it, and that it radiates light equally in all directions. This means that the total amount of energy on a sphere surrounding the light isΦ/(4π). (These measurements will be explained and formalized in Chapter 12.) 

我们通常希望知道在交点及其附近(differential area)接收到的辐射量(就是建立数学模型,用于计算光量的吸收之类的效果)(图1.3)。我们假定点光源具有的功率(辐射通量)为Φ,并且这个光源在所有方向上的辐射量是均匀的(各项同性isotropic)。这意味着如果(换一个思路考虑这个问题)有一个球体内包含着这个光源,那么球体内壁受到的辐射总能量为Φ/(4π)。(这些公式参数会在第十二章节进行详解。)

【立体角:https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E7%AB%8B%E9%AB%94%E8%A7%92 】
【辐射度量与光度量:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/eb11351e59eef8c75fbfb371.html 】
【各向异性:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%84%E5%90%91%E5%BC%82%E6%80%A7 】

If we consider two such spheres (Figure 1.4), it is clear that the energy at a point on the larger sphere must be less than the energy at a point on the smaller sphere because the same total energy is distributed over a larger area. 


Specifically, the amount of energy arriving at a point on a sphere of radius r is proportional to 1/r2. Furthermore, it can be shown that if the tiny surface patch dA is tilted by an angle θ away from the vector from the surface point to the light, the amount of energy deposited on dA is proportional to cos θ. 

具体来说,对于一个半径为r的球形,到达一个点的能量与1/ r2成正比。同时,可以证对于面法线和交点到光源方向的夹角(立体角)为θ的一小块面积dA,其接受的能量与cosθ成正比。

Putting this all together, the total light energy dE (the differential irradiance) deposited on dA is


Readers already familiar with basic lighting in computer graphics will notice two familiar laws encoded in this equation: the cosine falloff of light for tilted surfaces mentioned above, and the one-over-r-squared falloff of light with distance.


  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第3张图片
Figure 1.3: Geometric construction for evaluating the light energy at a point due to a point light source. The distance from the point to the light source is denoted by r.
  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第4张图片
Figure 1.4: Since the point light radiates light equally in all directions, the same total energy is deposited on all spheres centered at the light.

Scenes with multiple lights are easily handled because illumination is linear: the contribution of each light can be computed separately and summed to obtain the overall contribution.


1.2.4 可见性

The lighting distribution described in the previous section ignores one very important component: shadows. Each light contributes illumination to the point being shaded only if the path from the point to the light’s position is unobstructed (Figure 1.5).


  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第5张图片
Figure 1.5: A light source only deposits energy on a surface if the source is not obscured as seen from the receiving point. The light source on the left illuminates the point p, but the light source on the right does not.


Fortunately, in a ray tracer it is easy to determine if the light is visible from the point being shaded. We simply construct a new ray whose origin is at the surface point and whose direction points toward the light. These special rays are called shadow rays. If we trace this ray through the environment, we can check to see whether any intersections are found between the ray’s origin and the light source by comparing the parametric t value of any intersections found to the parameteric t value along the ray of the light source position. If there is no blocking object between the light and the surface, the light’s contribution is included.

幸运的很,对一个光线追踪器来说,检测着色点是否能被光源照到很简单。我们只需要在被检查点构造一个朝向光源的射线(ray)。这些射线有一个专有名词:阴影线(shadow rays)。我们检查这个射线和环境的相交情况,如果有任何交点,并且交点的t值是否在射线的原点到光源之间。如果检查点和光源之间没有任何阻挡物,这条光线就参与光照计算。

1.2.5 表面散射

We now are able to compute two pieces of information that are vital for proper shading of a point: its location and the incident lighting.3 Now we need to determine how the incident lighting is scattered at the surface. Specifically, we are interested in the amount of light energy scattered back along the ray that we originally traced to find the intersection point, since that ray leads to the camera (Figure 1.6).


Each object in the scene provides a material, which is a description of its appearance properties at each point on the surface. This description is given by the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). This function tells us how much energy is reflected from a given incoming direction ωi to a given outgoing direction ωo. We will write the BRDF at p as fr(p, ωo, ωi). Now, computing the amount of light L scattered back toward the camera is straightforward:

场景中的每个对象都具有一个材质,它描述了这个对象表面每个点的外观属性。这些属性是根据双向反射分布函数(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF))得出的。此函数可以告诉我们沿着入射角ωi的光线的能量在沿着反射角ωo 反射时的能量衰减系数。我们将关于P点的BRDF记作fr(p, ωo, ωi)。现在计算散射回摄像机的光照能量L就很简单了:

for each light:
if light is not blocked:
incident_light = light.L(point)
amount_reflected =
surface.BRDF(hit_point, camera_vector, light_vector)
L += amount_reflected * incident_light

  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第6张图片
Figure 1.6: The Geometry of Surface Scattering. Incident light arriving along direction ωi interacts with the surface at point p and is scattered back toward the camera along direction ωo. The amount of light scattered toward the camera is given by the product of the incident light energy and the BRDF.
图1.6:表面散射结构。入射光沿着ωi和物体表面相交于p点,并沿着ωo散射向摄像机。反射光的能量由入射光能量和BRDF(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function)计算得出。

Here we are using L to represent the light; this represents a slightly different unit for light measurement than dE, which was used before. It is easy to generalize the notion of a BRDF to transmitted light (obtaining a BTDF) or to general scattering of light arriving from either side of the surface. A function that describes general scattering is called a Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF). pbrt supports a variety of both physically and phenomenologically based BSDF models; they are described in Chapter 8

我们将光线记作L,它和之前的dE稍微有些不同。我们可以很容易的将BRDF的概念推广到光的折射部分(简称BTDF(Bidirectional Transmittance Distribution Function))或者散射部分。描述一般性的散射的函数称为双向散射分布函数(BSDF)。(B*DF哈哈)。pbrt支持许多基于BSDF模型的物理现象模拟,这些特性会在第八章节进行介绍。


Turner Whitted’s original paper on ray tracing emphasized its recursive nature. For example, if a ray from the camera hits a shiny object like a mirror, we can reflect the ray about the surface normal at the intersection point and recursively invoke the ray-tracing routine to find the light arriving at the point on the mirror, adding its contribution to the original camera ray. This same technique can be used to trace transmitted rays that intersect transparent objects. For a long time, most early ray-tracing examples showcased mirrors and glass balls (Figure 1.7) because these types of effects were difficult to capture
with other rendering techniques.

Turner Whitted 在论文中强调了光线追踪算法的递归性质。例如如果一条从摄像机发出的光线射中了类似镜子一样的光泽表面,我们可以通过交点的面法线计算出反射光路径,并且用这个反射光当新的入射光,将它纳入有效光照,并对它继续进行光线追踪流程,找出新入射光相关的信息。对于在透明物体中发生的折射现象也使用同样的思路。在很长的一段时间里,对多个镜面球和玻璃球同时进行渲染的场景被当做炫耀光线追踪程序的例子(图1.7),因为对于其他类型的渲染引擎来说渲染这种效果十分困难。
  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第7张图片
Figure 1.7: A Prototypical Example of Early Ray Tracing. Note the use of mirrored and glass objects, which emphasize the algorithm’s ability to handle these kinds of surfaces.

In general, the amount of light that reaches the camera from a point on an object is given by the sum of light emitted by the object (if it is itself a light source) and the amount of reflected light. This idea is formalized by the light transport equation (also often known as the rendering equation), which says that the outgoing radiance Lo(p, ωo) from a point p in direction ωo is the emitted radiance at that point in that direction, Le(p, ωo), plus the incident radiance from all directions on the sphere S2 around p scaled by the BSDF f (p, ωo, ωi) and a cosine term:

这个思路可以由光传输方程(通常也被称为渲染方程)来表达:对于物体表面上的任意点p,在这个点上的射出辐射量Lo(p, ωo),等于这个点的自发光辐射量Le(p, ωo),加上根据BSDF函数f (p, ωo, ωi)计算得出的在p点周围的微小表面s2的反射的量,以及一个和余弦相关的函数。

Lo(p,ωo)= Le(p,ωo)+∫_s2▒〖 (p,ωo,ωi)Li(p,ωi)|cos⁡θi |dωi〗

We will show a more complete derivation of this equation in Sections 5.6.1 and 15.2. Solving this integral analytically is not possible except for the simplest of scenes, so we must either make simplifying assumptions or use numerical integration techniques. Whitted’s algorithm simplifies this integral by ignoring incoming light from most directions and only evaluating Li(p, ωi) for directions to light sources and for the directions of perfect reflection and refraction. In other words, it turns the integral into a sum over a small number of directions.

这个公式更详细的推导过程会在5.6.1和15.2章节进行介绍。除非场景非常简单,否则求这个方程的解析解比较困难。因此我们需要做一些假设以便简化情况,这样便于对方程求得数值解。Whitted的算法的简化方法是忽略大多数方向的入射光,只计算来自光源的入射光Li(p, ωi)和在理想表面上的反射和折射光。换句话说,算法把积分变成有限方向的累加。

Whitted’s method can be extended to capture more effects than just perfect mirrors and glass. For example, by tracing many recursive rays near the mirror-reflection direction and averaging their contributions, we obtain an approximation of glossy reflection. In fact, we can always recursively trace a ray whenever we hit an object. For example, we can randomly choose a reflection direction ωi and weight the contribution of this newly spawned ray by evaluating the BRDF fr(p, ωo, ωi). This simple but powerful idea can lead to very realistic images because it captures all of the interreflection of light between objects. Of course, we need to know when to terminate the recursion, and choosing directions completely at random may make the rendering algorithm slow to converge to a reasonable result. These problems can be addressed, however; these issues are the topic of Chapters 13 to 15.

可以对Whitted的算法进行扩展,以便处理更多类型的表面,而不仅仅是理想镜面和玻璃。比如说,如果我们相对镜面反射光的方向,对一些在方向上做过微小偏移的光线进行追踪计算,然后取它们的平均值,就可以模拟粗糙表面的效果。事实上不论何时,只要光照射到某个物体上,我们就可以对它进行光线追踪。举个例子,我们可以随机选取任意一个由BRDF函数 fr(p, ωo, ωi)计算出的反射方向ωi,然后规定它的贡献值。这个想法很简单,但是对于实现真实感级别的画质特别有用,因为这意味着我们可以计算任意对象之间的光线相互反射现象。当然,我们需要知道何时结束递归计算,并且如果彻底的使用随机会让渲染算法生成一张达到质量要求的图片时效率降低。不过这些问题都能解决,这些问题将是第十三章和第十五章的主题。

When we trace rays recursively in this manner, we are really associating a tree of rays with each image location (Figure 1.8), with the ray from the camera at the root of this tree. Note that each ray in this tree can have a weight associated with it; this allows us to model, for example, shiny surfaces that do not reflect 100% of the incoming light.


  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第8张图片
Figure 1.8: Recursive ray tracing associates an entire tree of rays with each image location.
图1.8: 递归的光线追踪会为每一个像素点构造一棵射线树。

1.2.7 光线传播

The prior discussion has assumed that rays are traveling through a vacuum. For example, when describing the distribution of light from a point source, we assumed that the energy was distributed equally on the surface of a sphere centered at the light without decreasing along the way. The presence of participating media such as smoke, fog, or dust can invalidate this assumption. Many ray tracers ignore these phenomena, though doing so is quite limiting. Even if we are not making a rendering of a smoke-filled room, almost all outdoor scenes are affected substantially by participating media. For example, Earth’s atmosphere causes objects that are farther away to appear less saturated (Figure 1.9). 


There are two ways in which a participating medium can affect the light propagating along a ray. First, the medium can extinguish (or attenuate) light, either by absorbing it or by scattering it in a different direction. We can capture this effect by computing the transmittance T between the ray origin and the intersection point. The transmittance tells us how much of the light scattered at the intersection point makes it back to the ray origin.


A participating medium can also add to the light along a ray. This can happen either if the medium emits light (as with a flame) or if the medium scatters light from other directions back along the ray (Figure 1.10). We can find this quantity by numerically evaluating the volume light transport equation, in the same way we evaluated the light transport equation to find the amount of light reflected from a surface. We will leave the description of participating media and volume rendering until Chapters 11 and 16. For now, it will suffice to say that we can compute the effect of participating media and incorporate its effect into the amount of light carried by the ray.

传播介质也可以沿着射线方向增加光的强度。比如介质本身会发光(如火焰)或者介质将其他方向的光散射到射线的方向(图1.10)。我们可以通过体积光传输公式(volume light transport equation)来对这些增加的光强度进行量化计算,同时我们也可以通过同样的方法计算出被一个表面反射的光的总量。我们将传输介质的详细描述和体积光的渲染方法留给第十一章和第十六章。目前我们只需要了解到我们可以计算传输介质对光的影响以及量化地融合介质对射线方向上光强度的影响。


 1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第9张图片

1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第10张图片

Figure 1.9: Earth’s Atmosphere Decreases Saturation with Distance. The scene on the top is rendered without simulating this phenomenon, while the scene on the bottom includes an atmospheric model. This sort of atmospheric attenuation is an important depth cue when viewing real scenes and adds a sense of scale to the rendering on the bottom.

  1.2 照片级真实感渲染和光线追踪算法_第11张图片
Figure 1.10: A Spotlight Shining on a Sphere through Fog. Notice that the shape of the spotlight’s lighting distribution and the sphere’s shadow are clearly visible due to the additional scattering in the participating medium.
