人生要去的地方那么多!DBA博士学习第一天信息量很大!-Healthy&Happy 11


一直有那么多要去看的地方,mustang木斯塘是一个古老王国,虽然现在是尼泊尔一部分但保留藏族传统,想象她的粗朴简单雪山绿地和红扑扑的脸颊;还有Wyoming wind river range,如此广阔的美,也是雪山河流和绿地的组合,一个大100倍的mustang,一个粗旷大10倍的瑞士山谷,完美的结合就是雪山,绿地和河谷,孤独和宁静,清凉的清新空气和寻觅不到的商业氛围。


L'amica geniale我的天才女友让我着迷,作家匿名更是有意思,女人女友的所有竞争友情和抵不住一个差劲男人的实质都真实而近在咫尺,还有对女性地位如此低下的不认同,接受丈夫父亲殴打的愤慨和清醒自己晚生30年新中国的karma;很多场景都有联想,因为去过naples那不勒斯,曾经很奇怪这个破旧历史城市为啥生命卓著,看来当时还没有真正感受她的魅力和底蕴,只知道它的pizza历史和mafia盛名,看来鞋业和熟食店都应该好好探寻一下,还有Ischia如此原始的美,不记得当年是否去过,为啥没去?



Morning yoga is quite cold 5.30-7am,but nicely chilly;like the concept breakfast express,12,which is more less same with China.


Walk through train track,highway,construction road,grass to the school,quite a good surprise to see a nice building.


本来11个DBA学生,8个来了,非洲亚洲和欧洲一个中美洲,我们dean David,花了13年拿到他的PHD,很喜欢SWISS BRONZE SCULPTURE A. GIACOMETTI 贾科梅蒂的雕塑作品“行走的人”曾经是拍卖纪录。介绍学校属于一个family business,一共10个私立学校,2个university。David相信逻辑和自由是万物基础,自己喜欢研究16世纪法国诗歌rationality freedom is foundation, poetry 16 centuries French language

11,8 of showing up,one man,four continents; dAvid 1990 starting dBA, Research PHD 13 years, 10 schools,two university level, Content expert in the research area

Case study?David 0797746465

来自尼日利亚55岁Pius,在政府工作负责和研究有关系工作,自己有2个英国硕士学位。 nigeria,writing and researching,3 masters in UK,

Zoey来自香港,曾经Canada,New York,Canada Tokyo and HK工作过,奢侈品行业工作,对心理学行为学感兴趣。luxury goods, psychology behavior

Angela工程师背景对于可持续金融发展感兴趣: engineering,tech,sustainable financing industry

Mandy来自南非,曾经EY非洲partner,学习微生物,现在做公益房屋和金融,有机种植。South African,microbiology EY in past on sustainability,now on social housing and financing,organic farming

renf来自牙买加,致力于健康食物成为coach,曾经做旅游业,男友来自罗马尼亚在瑞士EPFL毕业后创业。后来知道为了她离婚,两个人会来中国和viva探讨合作;Jamaica,plant biology,travel,health coach;Romania BF in startup from EPFL

Too Kun来自韩国,在伦敦日本银行工作过很多年,英语还是很差;派回韩国负责银行PPP工作: London Japanese bank on oil gas,ppp public private project;

Corlea来自南非居住过瑞士10几年现在伦敦,音乐背景,往返于非洲帮助当地公益建设和自己生意是和老公为食品企业提供创新方案: love for music,South African community work and business of health consultancy.

Dominique是我们DBA项目president,法学博士,15年创业者,生意包括电台节目和顾问咨询。PhD in law,entrepreneur 15 years old,business coach and TV show French companies。


Tour is coming to a surprise on attic floor for our use. Like the small size of the school with 15 each year Masters and less on DBAs.


我们谈到DBA和PHD区别,PHD更多关注世界变化实质和观察,而DBA致力于世界革新和理论变化;这个听起来我更喜欢DBA路径,如果不是自夸DBA有多么好的话!Indiana jones 作为大学教授去实践冒险就是一个PHD去DBA很好的实证,这个我喜欢,尤其自己还有indana jones皮夹克更有感受。as an illusion of DBA and PHD difference.

Academic research in general: reasoning deduction and induction

DBA-phD: practical and theory,not true;cumulative and dissertation

DBA: observation(PHD)or transformation of the world;exploitation and augmentation of the theory(DBA more advancement of theory)

Lunch break我和IMD AAC讨论如何适应新的GDPR? Nuts最为午餐。 下午我们present 自己topic,我第一个上去present wellbeing topic和金三角:health,happiness and mindfulness. 当Mandypresent她在非洲给当地人提供一个住房项目,我一股热流和sensation,渴望更多了解她,所以组队的时候邀请她一起阁楼上讨论,为她的博士论文主题出谋划策。

我们曾经渴望登火星,却得到facebook!U promise me Mars but I got facebook


Master thesis: transform the world or observe the world.

Academic standard,transformation in business,advancement in knowledge

Angela: technology impact on society

Sensation and tearing on watching video of Mandy helping disable people and poor building up house

forming partnership fund from public and private fund

Public funder?

BSL: background,significance,learning

Nigeria CSP: corporate sustainability performance in Nigeria LNG limited

Likes quoting drucker a lot.

Redefining property:pursuit of happiness

Eastern paradox 1974

Brickman study 1978

Flexible hours,

Most important is based on current research,focus on the improvement

Anything to do with human being has to look at psychology,sociology.


If we got answer to the question,we should work back to see if the questions are answered or not.


一路上David和dominique很用心调动topic,讨论他们代表valai和日内瓦区别,很骄傲当地的酒庄,我们8.30在一个低调的酒庄餐厅开始吃饭,我睡觉时间。入乡随俗,我吃了黄色油炸蛋糕一样的cheese,还在等激动人心的molakoff,被告知吃的就是啦,好吧,我还以为是side dish!

我和学校老板P坐在一起,他低调简单快乐,和我们分享每一个小事开头都是“I am so shocked!"我喜欢他如此容易被shocked!提到家族100多年教育历史,上海也有分校,每年100个学生足矣,很喜欢Goodbye Lenin so much laugh on German humor. 马上和太太去骑车环绕莱茵河谷,非常平常的快乐!Zoey问了很多如何成功毕业的窍门等,也没得到想要的答案,她完全戒绝碳水化合物,说社交上有些难但对于清晰大脑很重要,我同意,她比我坚决多了,我虽然当地赞誉有加white wine在手,勉了一小口没喝,也是服了自己。

典型瑞士social 晚餐,结束10点多,回到酒店我号召之前要瑜伽女士们第二天一早一起瑜伽,没人参加,也不奇怪!

From Russian tradition,valai difference with Geneva,wine how good it is,drive 30minutes+ to Vaud restaurant very low key,started dinner at 8.30pm time for my bed.

3 or 4 even lost counts,talking to the 3rd generation President P,who is easily shocked by what he sees when traveling around,either just so pure or entertaining us with sincerity. He likes simple conversation we asked my practical things,tips for successful dBA from Zoey,ranking of school,history,business breakeven with 100 students? 100 years old and even one IE in Shanghai.

2DBAs,in Finland no darkness so to study;no sugar no carb no alcohol social difficult but good for brain.

A sip of wine no drinking good.

Calling girls for morning yoga

Bleeding chair

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