1、运行中输入cmd,确定后在界面内输入“cd 空格 库文件路径”回车,进入到目录中;
2、①如果使用的是Allegro16.6版本,需要将库升级为Allegro16.6版本,则继续输入 :
uprev -b
②如果使用的是Allegro17.2版本,需要将库升级为Allegro17.2版本,则继续输入 :
allegro_uprev -b
说明:如果以上命令不行,用everything搜索" uprev.exe "看一下这个程序是什么名字,一般在
Command line arguments for Allegro database uprev program Database upreving utility. Used to uprev one or multiple databases in a batch environment. Typically used when migrating to a major release and the need exists to uprev all symbol libraries.
Has two formats; single databases (format 1) and multiple databases with traversing directories as needed (format 2). Format 2 replaces the uprev_overwrite utility that performed this functionality in previous releases. The -b option tells the program to use format 2 mode instead of the default format 1.
This is a wrapper to the dbdoctor program that processes each database.
FORMAT 1: Uprev one database. If output filename is provided then will result the result of uprev into the it, leaving the input unchanged.
uprev [] [
FORMAT 2: Uprev multiple databases. You can provide both databases and directories to the command. If a directory is encountered, uprev will recursively enter that directory and all its child directories until it encounters the nest directory depth limit or a read-only directory. It will only process known Allegro database extensions and directories, all other names will be ignored.
If no names are provided will process all files in current working directory and all sub-directories. Give “-n 1” if you only want the current directory. All databases will be uprev in place(overwritten).
uprev [] [-n ]
Example: uprev -b
Uprev all databases in current directory and any child directories up to a depth of 3.
Example: uprev -b *
Same as previous example
Example: uprev -b *.pad
Uprev only padstacks found in current directory
Example: uprev -b -d -n 1 symbols padstacks
Uprev and perform batch DRC on all databases found in “symbols” and “padstacks” directories and any child directories. Do not descend to any sub-directories.
Updates all DRC's, including BATCH only.
Runs command in debug mode. Output what it is going to do.
Enable format 2 mode (default is format 1)
name of database; must provide an extension
Standard command line arguments:
[-help] - This information
[-version] - Program prints its version and exits
[-versionLong] - Program prints its long version (if available) and exits
[...] - optional argument
<...> - provide indicated data. Typically a filename.
| - provide one of these arguments. Example -j|-o
... - required argument
-$ - most Allegro programs accept this argument which means do not prompt for missing command line arguments