



class COpenGLDC : public CObject 
 COpenGLDC(HWND hWnd);
 virtual ~COpenGLDC();

 HWND m_hWnd;
 HDC  m_hDC;

 GCamera  m_Camera;

 CVector3D   m_vecLight;

 COLORREF    m_mat_clr;

 COLORREF    m_bk_clr;


 BOOL InitDC();
 void GLResize(int cx,int cy);
 void GLSetupRC();

 void Ready();//开始取景
 void Finish();//强制执行且交换缓存

 void Lighting(bool bLighting);
 BOOL IsLighting();
 void SetLightDirection(float *l_direction);
 void SetMaterialColor(COLORREF clr);
 void SetBkColor(COLORREF clr);
 void GetBkColor(COLORREF &clr);
    void ClearBkground();
 void SetColor(COLORREF clr);

 void DrawLine(const CPoint3D &p_Begin, const CPoint3D &p_End );//画线
 void DrawPoint(const CPoint3D &p);//画点
 void DrawElement(ELEMENT *ele);//画八面体单元





COpenGLDC::COpenGLDC(HWND hWnd):m_hWnd(hWnd)



 if (m_hWnd == NULL) return FALSE;

 m_hDC = ::GetDC(m_hWnd);   // Get the Device context

  sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // Structure size.
  1,                             // Structure version number.
  PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |           // Property flags.
  24,                            // 24-bit color.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,              // Not concerned with these.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,           // No alpha or accum buffer.
  32,                            // 32-bit depth buffer.
  0, 0,                          // No stencil or aux buffer.
  PFD_MAIN_PLANE,                // Main layer type.
  0,                             // Reserved.
  0, 0, 0                        // Unsupported.

 int pixelformat;
    if ( (pixelformat = ChoosePixelFormat(m_hDC, &pfdWnd)) == 0 )
  AfxMessageBox("ChoosePixelFormat to wnd failed");
  return FALSE;

    if (SetPixelFormat(m_hDC, pixelformat, &pfdWnd) == FALSE)
        AfxMessageBox("SetPixelFormat failed");


 return m_hRC!=0;

void COpenGLDC::GLResize(int w,int h)

 // Prevent a divide by zero
 if(h == 0) h = 1;
 if(w == 0) w = 1;

void COpenGLDC::GLSetupRC()
 glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Hidden surface removal

   glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); //background color
 // default color
 GLfloat lightpos[] = {0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1.0};
 GLfloat specular[] = {0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0};
    GLfloat matspecular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};

 glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, matspecular);

 glColor3ub(0, 0, 255);

/* glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT,GL_LINE);

 // 设置光照及材质的属性
 GLfloat ambientProperties[]  = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.0f};
 GLfloat diffuseProperties[]  = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.0f};
 GLfloat specularProperties[] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.0f};
 glClearDepth( 1.0f );

 glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambientProperties);
 glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuseProperties);
 glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, specularProperties);
 glLightModelf(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, 1.0f);

 // 缺省情况下加光照


void COpenGLDC::Ready()

void COpenGLDC::Finish()

void COpenGLDC::Lighting(bool bLighting)//控制光照
 if (bLighting)

BOOL COpenGLDC::IsLighting()//判断光照状态
 GLboolean bLighting ;
 glGetBooleanv(GL_LIGHTING, &bLighting);
 return bLighting;


void SetLightDirection(float *l_direction)//四个值,齐次坐标
//   CVector3D  m_vecLight = CVector3D(l_direction);//自动调用构造函数
//   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, l_direction);

void COpenGLDC::SetMaterialColor(COLORREF clr)

 m_mat_clr = clr;

 GLclampf r, g, b;
 r = GetRValue(clr);
 g = GetGValue(clr);
 b = GetBValue(clr);

 GLfloat mat_a_d[] = {(GLfloat)r/255, (GLfloat)g/255, (GLfloat)b/255};
 glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_a_d);

void COpenGLDC::SetBkColor(COLORREF clr)
    m_bk_clr = clr;

void  COpenGLDC::GetBkColor(COLORREF &clr)
    clr = m_bk_clr;

void COpenGLDC::ClearBkground()
   GLclampf r, g, b;
   r = (GLclampf)GetRValue(m_bk_clr)/255;
   g = (GLclampf)GetGValue(m_bk_clr)/255;
   b = (GLclampf)GetBValue(m_bk_clr)/255;

   glClearColor(r, g, b, 1.0);

void COpenGLDC::SetColor(COLORREF clr)

 glColor3ub(GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr));

void COpenGLDC::DrawLine(const CPoint3D &p_Begin, const CPoint3D &p_End )
       glVertex3f(p_Begin.x, p_Begin.y, p_Begin.z);
    glVertex3f(p_End.x, p_End.y, p_End.z);

void COpenGLDC::DrawPoint(const CPoint3D &p)
       glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z);

void COpenGLDC::DrawElement(ELEMENT *ele)


       glVertex3f(ele->Num[1], ele->Num[2], ele->Num[3]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[4], ele->Num[5], ele->Num[6]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[7], ele->Num[8], ele->Num[9]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[10], ele->Num[11], ele->Num[12]);

       glVertex3f(ele->Num[13], ele->Num[14], ele->Num[15]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[16], ele->Num[17], ele->Num[18]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[19], ele->Num[20], ele->Num[21]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[22], ele->Num[23], ele->Num[24]);

       glVertex3f(ele->Num[13], ele->Num[14], ele->Num[15]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[16], ele->Num[17], ele->Num[18]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[4], ele->Num[5], ele->Num[6]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[1], ele->Num[2], ele->Num[3]);

       glVertex3f(ele->Num[13], ele->Num[14], ele->Num[15]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[1], ele->Num[2], ele->Num[3]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[10], ele->Num[11], ele->Num[12]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[22], ele->Num[23], ele->Num[24]);

       glVertex3f(ele->Num[22], ele->Num[23], ele->Num[24]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[19], ele->Num[20], ele->Num[21]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[7], ele->Num[8], ele->Num[9]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[10], ele->Num[11], ele->Num[12]);

       glVertex3f(ele->Num[16], ele->Num[17], ele->Num[18]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[4], ele->Num[5], ele->Num[6]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[7], ele->Num[8], ele->Num[9]);
    glVertex3f(ele->Num[19], ele->Num[20], ele->Num[21]);
