yii 中缓存大概有这样几种 数据、片段、整体页面、局部动态这几种吧
引入组件 main.php
'cache' => array ( 'class' => 'system.caching.CFileCache', 'directoryLevel' => 2, 'cachePath'=>'./cache', 'cacheFileSuffix'=>'.weige' ),
public function filters() { /** * varyByRoute: 这个参数指定缓存内容是否 随着请求的路由(控制器与动作)而变化。 * varyByParam: 这个参数指定了一个GET参数 的名字列表并使用相应的值来决定缓存数据的版本。 * varyBySession: 这个参数指定缓存内容是 否随着用户会话而变化。 * varyByExpression: 这个参数指定缓存内容 是否随着指定的PHP表达式的结果而变化。 * * */ return array( array( 'COutputCache+rss',//要缓存的组件和方法 默认控制器的全部方法 'duration'=>100,//过期时间秒杀 默认60s //'varyByParam'=>array('id'), //'varyBySession'=>true, //'varyByExpression'=>'$user->isGuest', //'cacheID'=>'cache',// main.php 引入的组件别名 // array( // 'class'=>'CGlobalStateCacheDependency', // 'stateName'=>'user_id',//自定义的sateName相当于key // ), ), ); } public function getTimer() { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } public function getHeader() { if(Yii::app()->session['wei'] =='wei') { return 'i am wei ge'.$this->timer; } else { return 'i am leo.yan'.$this->timer; } } public function actionRss() { $this->render('rss'); }
视图 rss.php
<?php echo"<pre>"; print_r($_SERVER); ?> ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss <div style='color:blue;height:80px;width:500px;'> <?php echo '我是威哥'.$this->timer;?> </div> <div style='color:red;height:50px;width:500px;'> <?php $this->renderDynamic('getHeader'); ?> </div> ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
第二次访问 请留意下面 请求时间和蓝色红色字体部分(3个箭头)
刷新其他页面 局部动态 请留意下面 请求时间和蓝色红色字体部分(3个箭头)各发生的变化
存了两个文件 状态+内容 可能注意到<###dynamic-0###>这个东东 ,
细心去看 和1的原理差不多 ,不信你看代码
CController.php /** * Postprocesses the dynamic output. * This method is internally used. Do not call this method directly. * @param string $output output to be processed * @return string the processed output */ public function processDynamicOutput($output) { if($this->_dynamicOutput) { $output=preg_replace_callback('/<###dynamic-(\d+)###>/',array($this,'replaceDynamicOutput'),$output); } return $output; } /** * Renders dynamic content returned by the specified callback. * This method is used together with {@link COutputCache}. Dynamic contents * will always show as their latest state even if the content surrounding them is being cached. * This is especially useful when caching pages that are mostly static but contain some small * dynamic regions, such as username or current time. * We can use this method to render these dynamic regions to ensure they are always up-to-date. * * The first parameter to this method should be a valid PHP callback, while the rest parameters * will be passed to the callback. * * Note, the callback and its parameter values will be serialized and saved in cache. * Make sure they are serializable. * * @param callback $callback a PHP callback which returns the needed dynamic content. * When the callback is specified as a string, it will be first assumed to be a method of the current * controller class. If the method does not exist, it is assumed to be a global PHP function. * Note, the callback should return the dynamic content instead of echoing it. */ public function renderDynamic($callback) { $n=count($this->_dynamicOutput); echo "<###dynamic-$n###>"; $params=func_get_args(); array_shift($params); $this->renderDynamicInternal($callback,$params); }