Kruskal's MST Algorithm

1.  MST Review :

    a) Input : Undirected graph G = (V; E), edge costs ce.

    b) Output : Min-cost spanning tree (no cycles, connected).

    c) Assumptions : G is connected

    d) Cut Property : If e is the cheapest edge crossing some cut (A , B), then e belongs to the MST.


2.  Kruskal's MST Algorithm

    - Sort edges in order of increasing cost

    (Rename edges 1, 2, ... , m so that c1 < c2 < ... < cm)

    - T = empty set;

    - For i = 1 to m

        - If T U {i} has no cycles

        - Add i to T

    - Return T


3.  Correctness of Kruskal's algorithm

    Let T* = output of Kruskal's algorithm on input graph G.

    (1) Clearly T* has no cycles.

    (2) T* is connected. 

        - By Empty Cut Lemma, only need to show that T crosses every cut.

        - Fix a cut (A , B). Since G is connected, so at least one of its edges crosses (A , B).

        - Kruskal will include first edge crossing (A , B) that it sees,

          by Lonely Cut Corollary, cannot create a cycle.

    (3) Every edge of T satisfied by the Cut Property. (Implies T is the MST)

        - Consider iteration where edge (u , v) added to current set T. Since T U { (u, v)} has no cycle, T has no u - v path.

        - exists empty cut (A , B) separating u and v. (As in proof of Empty Cut Lemma)

        - no edges crossing (A , B) were previously considered by Kruskal's algorithm.

        - (u , v) is the first ( hence the cheapest!) edge crossing (A , B).

        - (u , v) justified by the Cut Property.


4.  Running Time of Kruskal's Algorithm

    - Sorting edges : O(m log n) , because m = O(n^2) assuming nonparallel edges

    - O(m) iterations and O(n) time to check for cycle (Use BFS or DFS in the graph (V , T) which contains <= n - 1 edges)

    Plan : Data structure for O(1)-time cycle checks ==> overall algorithm has O(m log n) running time.


5.  The Union-Find Data Structure

    - Maintain partition of a set of objects.

    - FIND(X): Return name of group that X belongs to.

    - UNION(Ci , Cj ): Fuse groups Ci , Cj into a single one.


6.  Applied Union-Find Data Structure in Kruskal's Algorithm:

    - Groups = Connected components w.r.t. chosen edges T.x

    - Adding new edge (u , v) to T <==> Fusing connected components of u, v.


7. Union-Find Data Structure Implementation:

    - Maintain one linked structure per connected component of (V , T).

    - Each component has an arbitrary leader vertex. 

    - Invariant : Each vertex points to the leader of its component.

    - Given edge (u , v), can check if u & v already in same component in O(1) time : FIND(u) = FIND(v)

    - Maintain the invariant : When two components merge, have smaller one inherit the leader of the larger one.

    A single vertex v have its leader pointer updated at most O(log n) times over the course of Kruskal's algorithm. Because : Every time v's leader pointer gets updated, population of its component at least doubles ==> Can only happen log2 n times. (the total number of vertices is n)


