Cisco 2950 一公司标准配置

1. 清空vlan  , 清空配置文件,然後重新��樱�
Switch#delete flash:vlan.dat   --- �h除 vlan
Switch#erase startup-config   --- 清除配置文件
Switch#reload              --- 重新��咏�Q�C
2. 重新配置交�Q�C
配置交�Q�C名�Q、密�a( enable secret
Switch(config)#hostname A-F 5-2-01 -A  --- 把交�Q�C命名成 A-F5-2-01-A
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#enable password switch   --- �O置 enable 密�a�� switch
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#enable secret cisco   --- �O置 secret 密�a�� cisco
3. 配置vlan( 有�煞N方法配置vlan)
a. �M配置模式配置
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#vlan 455   --- 新增 vlan455
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-vlan)#vlan 456   --- 新增 vlan456
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-vlan)#vlan 457   --- 新增 vlan457
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-vlan)#vlan 458   --- 新增 vlan458
b. �M vlan database 配置(此模式下不可以用 end 退出,只能用 exit 退出)
A-F 5-2-01 -A#vlan database   --- �M入 vlan database 模式
A-F 5-2-01 -A(vlan)#vlan 465
VLAN 465 added:
    Name: VLAN0465  默�J名�Q�� vlan+0+vlan 名�Q
A-F 5-2-01 -A(vlan)#vlan 466   --- 新增 vlan465
VLAN 466 added:
    Name: VLAN0466   ---vlan 系�y默�J名�Q�� VLAN0466
A-F 5-2-01 -A(vlan)#vlan 467 name 467  ---vlan 取名�� 467
VLAN 467 added:
    Name: 467
A-F 5-2-01 -A(vlan)#
A-F 5-2-01 -A(vlan)#end  ---end 退出�箦e�`,此模式下只能用 exit 退出
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
A-F 5-2-01 -A(vlan)#exit  ---exit 退出正常
APPLY completed.
A-F 5-2-01 -A#
4. 配置管理IP 、缺省�W�P、配置vty console �B接、添加登入�~�
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface vlan 455
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#ip address   --- 配置管理 IP
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#ip default-gateway 192.168. 1.250--- 配置缺省�W�P
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#line ?
  <0-16>   First Line number
  console  Primary terminal line
  vty      Virtual terminal
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#line vty 0 4   --- 配置 VTY ,�共可以同�r通�^ 5 ���B接
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-line)#password switch   --- 配置�B接密�a switch
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-line)#login   --- 一定得配 login 否�t前面配 vty �o效
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#line console 0   --- console �B接,此�勿配密�a
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-line)#logging synchronous
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-line)# end
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#usern
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#username echo pr
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#username echo privilege 15 pass
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#username echo privilege 15 password echo                      --- 配置登��~�,�嘞� 15 �,最高
( service password encryption �~�加密命令 可配可不配 配了密�a show 看不到 )
A-F 5-2-01 -A#
5. 配置主端口、配置主端口允�S通�^的vlan 、配置端口描述
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface gi0/1   --- �M入千兆 1 端口
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#switchport mode trunk  --- 配置 trunk 模式,此模式可�B交�Q�C
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#no shutdown  --- �_�⒍丝�
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#exit
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface gi0/2   --- �M入千兆 2 端口
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#no shutdown
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range gi0/1 -2  --- 同�r�M入 2 ��千兆口
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 455,456
------ 允�S vlan 455,456 通�^
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport trunk allow vlan add 465,466
------ 增加 vlan 465,466 通�^,一定要加 add ,否�t是替代不是增加
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#end
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface gi0/1
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#description connect to 4506   --- 配置端口描述
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#exit
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface gi0/2
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#description connect to 4506   --- 配置端口描述
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#exit
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fa0/1 �C 2   --- 同�r配置 1-2 �端口
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#no shutdown
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)exit
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fa0/3
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#switchport mode access
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#no shutdown
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface fa0/1
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#description connect to A-F5-2-01-B  --- 端口描述
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#interface fa0/2  ---- 此模式下可直接�� 1 端口跳到 2 端口�M行配置
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#description connect to A-F5-2-01-C
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#interface fa0/3
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#description connect to A-F5-2-01-D
A-F 5-2-01 -A#
6. 配置普通端口assess 模式,把普通端口加入vlan
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fastEthernet0/4 �C 24  --- 同�r配置 4-24 �端口
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#end
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fa0/3
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 465   --- 1-3 端口加入 vlan465
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#interface range fa0/4 -24
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport access vlan 456   --- 4-24 端口加入 vlan456
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#end
A-F 5-2-01 -A#
7. 配置�V播�L暴,多播�L暴,配置
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fa0/2 �C 24
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#storm-control bro
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#storm-control broadcast level 2  --- 配置�V播�L暴
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#storm-control multicast level 2   --- 配置多播�L暴
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#storm-control action shutdown   --- 超�^限制自�� down
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#end
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fastEthernet0/4 �C 24
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#spanning-tree portfast   --- 配置 spantree
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#spanning-tree bpduguard enable   --- 配置 spantree
A-F 5-2-01 -A (config-if-range)#end
8. 配置允�S���MAC 地址通�^端口
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config)#interface range fa0/4 -24
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport port-security  --- 先�⒂� port-security
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#switchport port-security maximum 2
------ 配置允�S 2 �� MAC 地址通�^,默�J�橐��
9. 配置802.1X �f�h
A-F 5-2-01 -A#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#dot1x port-control auto  --- 配置成自��
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#dot1x timeout tx-period 15  --- 配置�B接 15s
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#dot1x timeout server-timeout 30
A-F 5-2-01 -A(config-if-range)#end
A-F 5-2-01 -A#wr
A-F 5-2-01 -A#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 8524 bytes
version 12.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname A-F 5-2-01 -A
enable secret 5 $1$ 0A 9M $TeUTsDGC2MeDZnH8S 6l 7C /   --- 加密了的 secret 密�a
enable password switch   ---enable 密�a
username XXX privilege 15 password 0  XXX   --- 登入�~�及密�a
ip subnet-zero
spanning-tree mode pvst
no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission
spanning-tree extend system-id
interface FastEthernet0/1     --- �B接 cisco 交�Q�C ( �V播、多播�L暴在下�咏�Q�C端口上�O置 )
 description connect to A-F 5-2-01 -B
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control action shutdown
interface FastEthernet0/2
 description connect to A-F 5-2-01 -C   --- �B接 asus 2024B 交�Q�C
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast level 2.00
 storm-control multicast level 2.00
 storm-control action shutdown
interface FastEthernet0/3   --- �B接 hub , 此端口�O置成 access 模式,
 description connect to A-F 5-2-01 -D
 switchport access vlan 465  --- 假如 465 VIP ,�t下面 hub 下端口都是 VIP
 switchport mode access
 storm-control broadcast level 2.00
 storm-control multicast level 2.00
 storm-control action shutdown
interface FastEthernet0/4
 switchport access vlan 456
 switchport mode access    --- 端口所�模式,此模式不可接交�Q�C,可接 HUB
switchport port-security    --- �⒂� port-security ,默�J不�⒂�
 switchport port-security maximum 2   --- 允�S通�^ 2 �� MAC 地址
 storm-control broadcast level 2.00   --- 配置�V播�L暴
 storm-control multicast level 2.00  --- 配置多播�L暴
 storm-control action shutdown   --- 超�^上面的限制自�� down
 dot1x port-control auto    ---802.1X �f�h
 dot1x timeout tx-period 15
 spanning-tree portfast   --- 配置 spanning-tree �f�h
 spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface FastEthernet0/24
 switchport access vlan 456
 switchport mode access
 switchport port-security
 switchport port-security maximum 2
 storm-control broadcast level 2.00
 storm-control multicast level 2.00
 storm-control action shutdown
 dot1x port-control auto
 dot1x timeout tx-period 15
 spanning-tree portfast
 spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 description connect to 4506
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 455,456,465,466
 switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 description connect to 4506
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 455,456,465,466
 switchport mode trunk
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
interface Vlan455
 ip address   --- 管理 IP
 no ip route-cache
ip default-gateway192.168.1.250  --- �W�P
ip http server
line con 0  --- console �B接
 logging synchronous
line vty 0 4   ---vty �B接
 password switch   ---vty �B接密�a
line vty 5 15
