程序风格的要素-C++风格指南 作者:Neill Kipp 译者:panic

译者:panic 2005年3月30日



实现文件有一个".cc" (UNIX) 或者".cpp" (Windows, DOS)后缀。实现文件包括函数和方法的实现。




{ open brace, open curly 左花括号
} close brace, close curly 右花括号
( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号
) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号
[ open bracket 左方括号
] close bracket 右方括号
. period, dot 句号,点
! exclamation point, bang, not 叹号,否
| bar, vertical-bar, or, or-bar (actually a "vertical virgule") 竖线,按位或
& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,按位与,引用,取地址
* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针
/ slash, divide 斜线,除号
// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符
# pound 井号 (宏:#,参考 把符号转化为字符串的宏技巧 )
/ backslash, (sometimes "escape") 反斜线,(有时候做转义符)(还有一个:续行符)
~ tilde 按位取反

基本类型 "char" 通常发音是"charcoal."的首音节。有时念作 "care" 或者 "car."



    interspersed_underscores lowercaseMixedCapital      CapitalMixedCapital               ALL_UPPERCASE
           中间下划线               小写混合(首字母)大写    (首字母)大写混合(首字母)大写     全部大写


  • enumeration_item_name 枚举,小写加下划线
  • variableName 变量,小写前缀加首字母大写后缀
  • TypeName, ClassName, MethodName() 类型名,类名,方法名,首字母大写前后缀。
  • UnixFileName.cc  Unix/Linux文件名:每个单词首字母大写
  • dosfn.cpp  windows/dos文件名:全部小写
  • POUND_DEFINES 宏定义,全部大写。


  • 程序中为每个名字使用完整拼写.  

避免直接使用数字(Magic number)

  • 不允许出现除了0(有时也包括1)之外的数字常量. 使用常变量或者宏定义(#defines).


  • 空格(按空格键得到)
  • 新行(按回车键得到)
  • 制表符(tab) (用8个空格代替)


  • 左花括号之后, 每行缩进4个空格直到对应的右花括号出现.
  • 如果if, while, 或 for 后面没有跟花括号, 下一行缩进两个空格.
  • 冒号结尾的语句,反向缩进两个空格(public, case).
  • 保留字(if, else, class, struct) 前后要加1个空格除非已经因为新行或者特殊标点做了缩进.
  • 运算符和比较符前后要有一个空格 (除了!之外).
  • 指针变量 (&,*) 声明的时候要前后加一个空格.
  • 指针变量 (&,*) 在表达式中,前面(不是后面)要加一个空格llowed) .
  • 左圆括号后要加一个空格.


  • 在下面这些关键字后的左花括号后要换行: class, struct, union, enum, method, function (而不是: if, else, do, for, while, switch --- 这些的花括号后只要1个空格.)
  • 方法(method),函数( function), if, else, do, for, while, switch的右花括号后要换行.
  • class, struct, union的右花括号后要换行并插入新空行。.(原文有写Semi-colon,不理解含义)
  • 左花括号后要换行.


  • 注释总是从当前缩进开始 "//" 然后紧接一个空格.
  • 注释中不允许其他注释.
  • 注释要加在注释的对象之后. (译者注:原文 Comments always preceed the construct they address )
  • 注释中使用完整语句.
  • 用于声明的时候,注释可以使用祈使句.



 // MODULE NAME: ClassName.h // PROJECT: CS1344-1,2 Course Notes // AUTHOR: Neill Kipp // DATE: January 1, 1996 // DESCRIPTION: This file presents examples of naming and // indentation style in a C++ class declaration. This title // information is minimal. // The following prevents files from being included // twice. It is a naming exception designed to emulate a file name // (period is not a name character; underscore is). #ifndef ClassName_h #define ClassName_h // This directive includes the superclass declaration. #include "super.h" // This directive includes another class declaration. #include "other.h" // The comment for an enumeration declaration precedes the declaration. enum OverflowState { // Each item's comment precedes it at the same indentation as the item. no_overflow, // Follow the last item with a comma; // it helps avoid syntax errors when adding or rearranging items. overflow_occurred, }; // This class shows how naming conventions and comments are used in a // simple class declaration. Whitespace precedes and follows reserved // words (like "public"). class ClassName { // After a brace, indent four spaces. // The description of the variable "memberData" goes here. int memberData; // If a line ends in single colon, reverse-indent two spaces. public: // The constructor gives initial values to member data. ClassName(); // The destructor guarantees clean deallocation. // The tilde (~) is part of the method name. It is not an operator. ~ClassName(); // This method increments the member variable by the value in "howMuch" // and returns TRUE if overflow is detected (FALSE otherwise). Method // comments tell what the method does, what the arguments are, // and what the method returns. OverflowState IncrementMemberVariable( int howMuch); // Prints message about overflow. void ShowOverflow( OverflowState overflow); }; #endif 


 // MODULE NAME: ClassName.cc // PROJECT: CS1344-1,2 Course Notes // AUTHOR: Neill Kipp // DATE: January 1, 1996 // DESCRIPTION: This file presents examples of naming and // indentation style in a C++ class implementation. This title // information is minimal. // This directive includes header information for the "ClassName" class. #include "ClassName.h" ClassName:: ClassName() { // Initialize member data (statement comments are in the imperative, // and preceed the statement). Suggestion: write the comments first, then // write the code. memberData = 0; } // The return type appears on the first line, // followed by the class name colon-colon on the second, // and finally the method name on the last. Then a newline, an open brace // and then indent. Notice the space after the open parenthesis. It helps // the eye catch the type name. OverflowState ClassName:: IncrementMemberVariable( int howMuch) { // Check the overflow condition. if ( TOO_BIG - memberVariable > howMuch) { // If overflow, return that overflow occurred. return overflow_occurred; } else { // Otherwise, return overflow is ok. return overflow_none; } } // This code implements the ShowOverflow method. void ClassName:: ShowOverflow( OverflowState overflow) { // Switch is a reserved word. It is followed by a space. switch ( overflow) { // Lines ending in a colon reverse indent two spaces. case no_overflow: // Display message about no overflow. cout << "No overflow occurred./n"; break; case overflow_occurred: // Display message that overflow occurred. cout << "Warning: overflow occurred./n"; break; } } 


 // Note the spacing and indentation in the for statement. for ( whichItem = 0; whichItem < BIG_NUMBER; whichItem++) { DoSomething( whichItem); } // Bang is not followed by a space. while ( !SemaphoreOK()) { DoWaitForSemaphore( LONG_TIME); } 

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