/*Your application must start the face detection function each time you start (or restart) the camera preview. Create a method for starting face detection so you can call it as needed, as shown in the example code below.*/ public void startFaceDetection(){ // Try starting Face Detection .... // start face detection only *after* preview has started if (params.getMaxNumDetectedFaces() > 0){ // camera supports face detection, so can start it: mCamera.startFaceDetection(); } }首先判断硬件是否支持该功能
/** * Gets the maximum number of detected faces supported. This is the * maximum length of the list returned from {@link FaceDetectionListener}. * If the return value is 0, face detection of the specified type is not * supported. * * @return the maximum number of detected face supported by the camera. * @see #startFaceDetection() */ public int getMaxNumDetectedFaces() { return getInt(KEY_MAX_NUM_DETECTED_FACES_HW, 0); }而KEY_MAX_NUM_DETECTED_FACES_HW一般是在HAL层initDefaultParameters函数里设置的,设置如下
p.set(CameraParameters::KEY_MAX_NUM_DETECTED_FACES_HW, "1"); //add by dao set the max face detectctor number
/** * Starts the face detection. This should be called after preview is started. * The camera will notify {@link FaceDetectionListener} of the detected * faces in the preview frame. The detected faces may be the same as the * previous ones. Applications should call {@link #stopFaceDetection} to * stop the face detection. This method is supported if {@link * Parameters#getMaxNumDetectedFaces()} returns a number larger than 0. * If the face detection has started, apps should not call this again. * * <p>When the face detection is running, {@link Parameters#setWhiteBalance(String)}, * {@link Parameters#setFocusAreas(List)}, and {@link Parameters#setMeteringAreas(List)} * have no effect. The camera uses the detected faces to do auto-white balance, * auto exposure, and autofocus. * * <p>If the apps call {@link #autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)}, the camera * will stop sending face callbacks. The last face callback indicates the * areas used to do autofocus. After focus completes, face detection will * resume sending face callbacks. If the apps call {@link * #cancelAutoFocus()}, the face callbacks will also resume.</p> * * <p>After calling {@link #takePicture(Camera.ShutterCallback, Camera.PictureCallback, * Camera.PictureCallback)} or {@link #stopPreview()}, and then resuming * preview with {@link #startPreview()}, the apps should call this method * again to resume face detection.</p> * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the face detection is unsupported. * @throws RuntimeException if the method fails or the face detection is * already running. * @see FaceDetectionListener * @see #stopFaceDetection() * @see Parameters#getMaxNumDetectedFaces() */ public final void startFaceDetection() { if (mFaceDetectionRunning) { throw new RuntimeException("Face detection is already running"); } _startFaceDetection(CAMERA_FACE_DETECTION_HW); mFaceDetectionRunning = true; }_startFaceDetection在JNI里,CAMERA_FACE_DETECTION_HW这里初始化值是0在这个文件的开始有定义
{ "_startFaceDetection", "(I)V", (void *)android_hardware_Camera_startFaceDetection },对应:android_hardware_Camera_startFaceDetection,内容如下:
static void android_hardware_Camera_startFaceDetection(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jint type) { LOGV("startFaceDetection"); JNICameraContext* context; sp<Camera> camera = get_native_camera(env, thiz, &context); if (camera == 0) return; status_t rc = camera->sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_START_FACE_DETECTION, type, 0); if (rc == BAD_VALUE) { char msg[64]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "invalid face detection type=%d", type); jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", msg); } else if (rc != NO_ERROR) { jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "start face detection failed"); } }这里camera->sendCommand对应
status_t CameraHardwareSec::sendCommand(int32_t command, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2) { return BAD_VALUE; }到这里调用就结束了。