DZY loves Fast Fourier Transformation, and he enjoys using it.
Fast Fourier Transformation is an algorithm used to calculate convolution. Specifically, if a, b and c are sequences with length n, which are indexed from 0 to n - 1, and
We can calculate c fast using Fast Fourier Transformation.
DZY made a little change on this formula. Now
To make things easier, a is a permutation of integers from 1 to n, and b is a sequence only containing 0 and 1. Given a and b, DZY needs your help to calculate c.
Because he is naughty, DZY provides a special way to get a and b. What you need is only three integers n, d, x. After getting them, use the code below to generate a and b.
//x is 64-bit variable; function getNextX() { x = (x * 37 + 10007) % 1000000007; return x; } function initAB() { for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ a[i] = i + 1; } for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ swap(a[i], a[getNextX() % (i + 1)]); } for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ if (i < d) b[i] = 1; else b[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ swap(b[i], b[getNextX() % (i + 1)]); } }
Operation x % y denotes remainder after division x by y. Function swap(x, y) swaps two values x and y.
The only line of input contains three space-separated integers n, d, x (1 ≤ d ≤ n ≤ 100000; 0 ≤ x ≤ 1000000006). Because DZY is naughty, x can't be equal to 27777500.
Output n lines, the i-th line should contain an integer ci - 1.
3 1 1
1 3 2
5 4 2
2 2 4 5 5
5 4 3
5 5 5 5 4
In the first sample, a is [1 3 2], b is [1 0 0], so c0 = max(1·1) = 1, c1 = max(1·0, 3·1) = 3, c2 = max(1·0, 3·0, 2·1) = 2.
In the second sample, a is [2 1 4 5 3], b is [1 1 1 0 1].
In the third sample, a is [5 2 1 4 3], b is [1 1 1 1 0].
Firstly, you should notice that A, B are given randomly.
Then there're many ways to solve this problem, I just introduce one of them.
This algorithm can get Ci one by one. Firstly, choose an s. Then check if Ci equals to n, n - 1, n - 2... n - s + 1. If none of is the answer, just calculate Ci by brute force.
The excepted time complexity to calculate Ci - 1 is around
where .
Just choose an s to make the formula as small as possible. The worst excepted number of operations is around tens of million.
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<functional> #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<cctype> #include<ctime> using namespace std; #define For(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define Fork(i,k,n) for(int i=k;i<=n;i++) #define Rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define ForD(i,n) for(int i=n;i;i--) #define RepD(i,n) for(int i=n;i>=0;i--) #define Forp(x) for(int p=pre[x];p;p=next[p]) #define Lson (x<<1) #define Rson ((x<<1)+1) #define MEM(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); #define MEMI(a) memset(a,127,sizeof(a)); #define MEMi(a) memset(a,128,sizeof(a)); #define INF (2139062143) #define F (100000007) #define MAXN (100000+10) #define MAXX (1000000006+1) #define N_MAXX (27777500) long long mul(long long a,long long b){return (a*b)%F;} long long add(long long a,long long b){return (a+b)%F;} long long sub(long long a,long long b){return (a-b+(a-b)/F*F+F)%F;} typedef long long ll; ll n,d,x; int i,a[MAXN],b[MAXN]; //x is 64-bit variable; ll getNextX() { x = (x * 37 + 10007) % 1000000007; return x; } void initAB() { for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ a[i] = i + 1; } for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ swap(a[i], a[getNextX() % (i + 1)]); } for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ if (i < d) b[i] = 1; else b[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1){ swap(b[i], b[getNextX() % (i + 1)]); } } int q[MAXN]={0},h[MAXN]={0}; int main() { // freopen("","r",stdin); // freopen("FFT.out","w",stdout); cin>>n>>d>>x; initAB(); Rep(i,n) if (b[i]) q[++q[0]]=i; Rep(i,n) h[a[i]]=i; // Rep(i,n) cout<<a[i]<<' ';cout<<endl; // Rep(i,n) cout<<b[i]<<' ';cout<<endl; Rep(i,n) { int s=30,ans=0; Rep(j,30) { if (n-j<=0) break; int t=h[n-j]; if (t<=i&&b[i-t]) {ans=n-j; break;} } if (!ans) { For(j,q[0]) { int t=q[j]; if (t>i) break; ans=max(ans,a[i-t]*b[t]); } } printf("%d\n",ans); } return 0; }