-- Author : htl258(Tony)
-- Date : 2010-04-24 20:26:38
-- Version:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) - 10.0.1600.22 (Intel X86)
-- Jul 9 2008 14:43:34
-- Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation
-- Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 <X86> (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)
-- Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/htl258
--> 生成测试数据表:tb
CREATE TABLE [tb]([物料] NVARCHAR(10),[货位] NVARCHAR(10),[数量] INT)
SELECT 'A','C0100201',11 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100202',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100301',42 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100302',565 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100401',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100702',15 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100801',1234 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100902',123 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0101201',33 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0107202',138 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0101301',9 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0109302',13
--SELECT * FROM [tb]
;with t as
select *,path=cast([货位] as varchar(8000)),total=[数量] from tb
union all
select b.物料,b.[货位],b.[数量],
cast(a.path+'.'+rtrim(b.[货位]) as varchar(8000)),a.total+b.[数量]
from t a join tb b on a.[货位]<b.[货位] and a.total<=50
select b.*,[path]
from (select top 1 path from t where total>=50 order by total,LEN(path)) a
join tb b
on charindex('.'+b.货位+'.','.'+a.path+'.')>0
物料 货位 数量 path
A C0100301 42 C0100301.C0101301
A C0101301 9 C0100301.C0101301
;with t as
select *,path=cast([货位] as varchar(8000)),total=[数量] from tb
union all
select b.物料,b.[货位],b.[数量],
cast(a.path+'.'+rtrim(b.[货位]) as varchar(8000)),a.total+b.[数量]
from t a join tb b on a.[货位]<b.[货位] and a.total<=50
select b.*,[path]
from (select top 1 path from t where total<=50 order by total desc,LEN(path)) a
join tb b
on charindex('.'+b.货位+'.','.'+a.path+'.')>0
物料 货位 数量 path
A C0100201 11 C0100201.C0100401.C0101201
A C0100401 5 C0100201.C0100401.C0101201
A C0101201 33 C0100201.C0100401.C0101201
--> 生成测试数据表:tb
CREATE TABLE [tb]([物料] NVARCHAR(10),[货位] NVARCHAR(10),[数量] INT)
SELECT 'A','C0100201',11 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100202',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100301',42 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100302',565 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100401',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100702',15 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100801',1234 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0100902',123 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0101201',33 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0107202',138 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0101301',9 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','C0109302',13 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100202',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100301',48 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100302',565 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100401',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100702',15 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100801',1234 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0100902',123 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0101201',33 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0107202',138 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0101301',9 UNION ALL
SELECT 'B','C0109302',13
--SELECT * FROM [tb]
;with t as
select *,列表=cast([货位] as varchar(8000)),total=[数量]
from tb
union all
select b.物料,b.[货位],b.[数量],
cast(a.列表+','+rtrim(b.[货位]) as varchar(8000)),a.total+b.[数量]
from t a
join tb b
on a.物料=b.物料 and a.[货位]<b.[货位] and a.total<=50
select b.*,列表
from (
select * from t tx
where 列表 in(
select top 1 列表 from t
where 物料=tx.物料
and total>=50 order by total,LEN(列表))
) a
join tb b
on a.物料=b.物料 and charindex(','+b.货位+',',','+a.列表+',')>0
order by 物料
物料 货位 数量 列表
A C0100301 42 C0100301,C0101301
A C0101301 9 C0100301,C0101301
B C0100401 5 C0100401,C0101201,C0109302
B C0101201 33 C0100401,C0101201,C0109302
B C0109302 13 C0100401,C0101201,C0109302
;with t as
select *,列表=cast([货位] as varchar(8000)),total=[数量]
from tb
union all
select b.物料,b.[货位],b.[数量],
cast(a.列表+','+rtrim(b.[货位]) as varchar(8000)),a.total+b.[数量]
from t a
join tb b
on a.物料=b.物料 and a.[货位]<b.[货位] and a.total<=50
select b.*,列表
from (
select * from t tx
where 列表 in(
select top 1 列表 from t
where 物料=tx.物料
and total<=50 order by total desc,LEN(列表))
) a
join tb b
on a.物料=b.物料 and charindex(','+b.货位+',',','+a.列表+',')>0
order by 物料
物料 货位 数量 列表
A C0100201 11 C0100201,C0100401,C0101201
A C0100401 5 C0100201,C0100401,C0101201
A C0101201 33 C0100201,C0100401,C0101201
B C0100301 48 C0100301