Most of maves are caused by the action of wind, it’s better to use circular waves in the pond scence.we just talk about the directional waves.
Mentioned waves, we all think of sin、cos ,etc. This shader also used them.
if we just use sin , that effects looks awful.
如果单单是sin 未免有些单调,看起来也不真实。
so, in this shader, I used the Displacement mapping that I write a blog article about it before.
That can add some other waves in water.
所以本例中加入了之前写过曲面细分中的贴图置换(Displacement mapping),对水面加入一些杂波。
But why to use the tessellation?
our water in unity is a model. The plan model’s has little points, may be 100++. Used tessellation can add much more points, make the waves more smooth. The figure below is the waves not used tessellation.Looks like jag.
下图为未经曲面细分的水面,(= =;这不就是锯齿吗);
If you don’t want the real wave effect, you don’t need tessellation, like unity’s water4, water4 not wave truly, just some effects like normal, reflect ,etc. Brain always be cheated by eyes.
about tessellation you can see this I write before
Above I talked my shader is use sin, there are also many good waves like this. I refer to the water in 《GPU Gems》 , it used Gerstner Waves, its reality. The real waves have sharper peaks and wider troughs.
刚刚说我的例子用的是sin波,还有很多很好的波形,参考了一下GPU gems中的水体,书上用的是Gerstner波,理由是—真实,真实的浪波比较尖,波谷比较宽
Gerstner’s function is:
then I try this
That’s pretty good, the waves has many transformation, sharper peaks and wider troughs, with some small waves. Cause of used tessellation, the plane’s mesh and vertex is disappeared in unity, may be that is a bug in unity.
Here are the code, Cause of that can’t pass parameter, the water not have graet highlight, shade inaccurate, looks bad.
因为surface shader不能传出normal信息,没有高光,明暗的显示,再好的波也看不出来= =;
float wave(float x, float z, float timer) { float y = 0; float oct = _OCT; float fac = _FAC; float d = sqrt(x * x + z * z);// length(float2(x, z)); for (oct; oct>0; oct--) { y -= fac * cos(timer * _SP + (1 / fac) * x * z * _WS); fac /= 2; } return 2 * _VS * d * y; }
Then again to talk about sin, although less detail than Gerstner. But I think that’s also great. It’s not troublesome.
1. Wavelength(L): the crest-to-crest distance between waves;
2. Amplitude(A): the height from the water plane to the wave crest.
3. Speed(S):the distance the crest moves forward per second.
4. Direction(D):the horizontal vector perpendicular to the wave front along which the crext travels.
1. 波长(L):波峰到波峰之间的距离。
2. 振幅(A):从水平面到波峰的高度。
3. 速度(S):每秒钟波峰移动的距离。
4. 方向(D):运动方向,垂直于波阵面的水平方向;
We can use this to defined the wave:
the code:
float time = _Time * _Speed/2; float waveValueA = sin((v.vertex.x + v.vertex.z) * _Frequency + time * _Frequency) * _Amplitude;
Then, we used the Displacement mapping.
We used the texture in unity’s water ----water4 to be our displacement map.
之后就要杂波登场了,贴图置换(Displacement mapping)。
You can extract the texture in the water4.
Then is the blog article I write before about tessellation.We define a _Displacement value to control the other waves’s amplitude.
Define a _SpeedStrength value to control the other waves’s speed and direction.
float d = tex2Dlod(_MainTex, float4(v.texcoord.xy+_SpeedStrength.xy*_Time.x,0,0)).r * _Displacement; += v.normal * d;
That is the end effect about waves.
Cause of the real waves have sharper peaks and wider troughs. I try to change the sin waves.That is 1- abs(sin);
Then we have the waves like the figure above, that’s more better than “Just sin”.
I will gonna to try the fragment shader water wish to have a better effect.
博主会继续研究fragment shader争取得到更好的效果,(= =;开学在即,在模电的煎熬中。。。逃太多了)
The waves here is over, the surf function will write in the second blog article, maybe I will write things about the refraction.
In the end, I wish you a happy spring festival, again.
------------------------------by wolf96