function [short,long] = movavg(asset,lead,lag,alpha) %MOVAVG Leading and lagging moving averages chart. % [SHORT,LONG] = MOVAVG(ASSET,LEAD,LAG,ALPHA) plots leading and lagging % moving averages. ASSET is the security data, LEAD is the number of % samples to use in leading average calculation, and LAG is the number % of samples to use in the lagging average calculation. ALPHA is the % control parameter which determines what type of moving averages are % calculated. ALPHA = 0 (default) corresponds to a simple moving average, % ALPHA = 0.5 to a square root weighted moving average, ALPHA = 1 % to a linear moving average, ALPHA = 2 to a square weighted moving % average, etc. To calculate the exponential moving averages, % let ALPHA = 'e'. % % MOVAVG(ASSET,3,20,1) plots linear 3 sample leading and 20 sample % lagging moving averages. % % [SHORT,LONG] = MOVAVG(ASSET,3,20,1) returns the leading and lagging % average data without plotting it. % % See also BOLLING, HIGHLOW, CANDLE, POINTFIG. % Copyright 1995-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/06/16 20:09:55 $ if nargin < 4 alpha = 0; % Default is simple moving average end if nargin < 3 error('finance:movavg:missingInputs',sprintf('Please input asset, lead, and lag.')) end [m,n] = size(asset); if m > 1 & n > 1 error('finance:movavg:invalidInputSize',sprintf('Please specify input data as row or column vectors.')) end if lead > lag error('finance:movavg:badLeadInput',sprintf('Lead argument must be less than or equal to lag argument.')) end asset = asset(:); r = length(asset); if lead < 1 | lead > r | lag < 1 | lag > r error('finance:movavg:badLeadLagInput',sprintf('Lead and lag arguments must be positive <= %1.0f.',r)) end if lower(alpha) == 'e' %lower函数为把字母变为小写 % compute exponential moving average % calculate smoothing constant (alpha) alphas = 2/(lead+1); alphal = 2/(lag+1); % first exponential average is first price a(1) = asset(1); b(1) = asset(1); % preallocate matrices a = [a;zeros(r-1,1)]; b = [b;zeros(r-1,1)]; % lagging average % For large matrices of input data, FOR loops are more efficient % than vectorization. for j = 2:r a(j) = a(j-1) + alphal*(asset(j) - a(j-1)); end % leading average for j = 2:r b(j) = b(j-1) + alphas*(asset(j) - b(j-1)); end else % compute general moving average (ie simple, linear, etc) % build weighting vectors i = 1:lag; wa(i) = (lag - i + 1).^alpha./sum([1:lag].^alpha); i = 1:lead; wb(i) = (lead - i + 1) .^alpha/sum([1:lead].^alpha); % build moving average vectors by filtering asset through weights a = filter(wa,1,asset); b = filter(wb,1,asset); end if nargout == 0 % If no output arguments, plot moving averages h = plot(1:r-lag+1,asset(lag:r),1:r-lag+1,a(lag:r),1:r-lag+1,b(lag:r)); if get(0,'screendepth') > 1 cls = get(gca,'colororder'); set(h(1),'color',cls(1,:)) set(h(2),'color',cls(2,:)) set(h(3),'color',cls(3,:)) end else % output data to workspace short = b; long = a; end