PHPdoc 注释的关键词

如 @author, @since, @param 等


 * The short description
 * As many lines of extendend description as you want {@link element}
 * links to an element
 * {@link Example hyperlink inline link} links to
 * a website. The inline
 * source tag displays function source code in the description:
 * {@source } 
 * In addition, in version 1.2+ one can link to extended documentation like this
 * documentation using {@tutorial phpDocumentor/phpDocumentor.howto.pkg}
 * In a method/class var, {@inheritdoc may be used to copy documentation from}
 * the parent method
 * {@internal 
 * This paragraph explains very detailed information that will only
 * be of use to advanced developers, and can contain
 * {@link Other inline links!} as well as text}}}
 * Here are the tags:
 * @abstract
 * @access       public or private
 * @author       author name <author@email>
 * @copyright    name date
 * @deprecated   description
 * @deprec       alias for deprecated
 * @example      /path/to/example
 * @exception    Javadoc-compatible, use as needed
 * @global       type $globalvarname 
 * @global       type description of global variable usage in a function
 * @ignore
 * @internal     private information for advanced developers only
 * @param        type [$varname] description
 * @return       type description
 * @link         URL
 * @name         procpagealias
 * @name         $globalvaralias
 * @magic compatibility
 * @package      package name
 * @see          name of another element that can be documented,
 *                produces a link to it in the documentation
 * @since        a version or a date
 * @static
 * @staticvar    type description of static variable usage in a function
 * @subpackage    sub package name, groupings inside of a project
 * @throws       Javadoc-compatible, use as needed
 * @todo compatibility
 * @var        type    a data type for a class variable
 * @version    version

你可能感兴趣的:(PHPdoc 注释的关键词)