(fn name [s]
(let [words (re-seq #"[a-zA-Z]+" s)
words (cons (first words)
(map clojure.string/capitalize (rest words)))]
(apply str words)))
;; best answer
#(clojure.string/replace % #"-(\w)" (fn [[a b]] (clojure.string/capitalize b)))
107.Simple closures
(fn [y]
(fn [x]
(apply * (repeat y x)))
118.Re-implement Map
(fn mymap [f coll]
(if (false? (empty? coll))
(cons (f (first coll)) (mymap f (rest coll))))))
120.Sum of square of digits
(fn cnt-sqrt [arg]
(let [get-digits (fn [n]
(map #(Integer/valueOf (str %)) (String/valueOf n)))
digits-sqr (fn [n]
(apply + (map #(* % %) (get-digits n))))
res-seq (filter #(< % (digits-sqr %)) arg)]
(count res-seq)))
122.Read a binary number
#(Integer/valueOf % 2)
126.Through the Looking Class
128. Recognize Playing Cards
(fn poke [s]
(let [suit-map {\H :heart, \C :club, \D :diamond, \S :spades}
rank-map {\2 0, \3 1, \4 2, \5 3, \6 4, \7 5,
\8 6, \9 7, \T 8, \J 9, \Q 10, \K 11, \A 12}
{:suit (suit-map (first s)), :rank (rank-map (last s))}
134.A nil key
#(and (contains? %2 %1) (nil? (%2 %1)) )
;; #(nil?(%2 %1 0)) seems better
135.Infix Calculator
(fn infix [& args]
(reduce (fn [a [op b]] (op a b))
(first args)
(partition 2 (rest args))))
143.dot product
(fn [a b]
(apply + (map * a b)))
145.For the win
'(1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37)
146. Trees into tables
(fn [mp]
(into {}
(for [[k v] mp
[vk vv] v]
(vec [[k vk] vv]))))
147. Pascal's Trapezoid
(fn pas-seq [a]
(let [pas (fn [a]
(let [a1 (concat [0] a)
a2 (concat a [0])
b (map + a1 a2)]
(concat [a] (pas-seq (pas a) )))))
;; or
(fn [v]
(iterate #(vec (map + (cons 0 %) (conj % 0))) v))
153.Pairwise Disjoint Sets.clj
(fn [coll]
(let [ss (for [a coll b coll
:when (not (identical? a b))]
(clojure.set/intersection a b))]
(every? empty? ss)))
;; best answer
#(apply distinct? (mapcat seq %))
156.Map Defaults
(fn [defval init-keys]
(loop [res {}, key init-keys]
(if (empty? key)
(assoc res (first key) defval)
(rest key))
;; or
#(zipmap %2 (repeat %1))
157. Indexing Sequences
(fn [v]
(map #(vector %1 %2) v (range )))
#(map vector % (range))
161. Subset and Superset
#{2 1 3}
162.Logical falsity and truth
;; In Clojure, only nil and false representing the values of logical falsity in conditional tests - anything else is logical truth.
166. Comparisons
(fn [op a b]
(op a b) :lt
(op b a) :gt
:else :eq))
173. Intro to Destructuring 2
op arg