CGAL几何库 半边网格数据结构 模板类 设计核心思想







继承底层提供的基本类型,加入自己 的需要的属性,方法,生成新的类型,作为template参数,并传给网格类。从而实现


       CGAL就是采用了这一方法,但是它有大量的模板技巧,wrapper class 包装等等,从而对于想要了解底层具体实现的而言

显得比较复杂难于理解,虽然它的使用还是很简单方便的。 下面我将根据参考文献 Using Generic Programming for Designing a Data Structure for Polyhedral Surface


(比如CGAL对顶点,边,面数据结构进行了wrapper class封装,使得wrapper class没有任何模板参数),但是思想是一致的。 


      问题是对于特定的item type,比如顶点,它不知道其相关联的其它item的具体类型,如半边的具体类型 。 





     在顶点中仅仅用到 Halfedge_handel作为对应的halfedge的引用。


     对于整体的半边数据结构,它将会由如顶点,半边,面的类型来模板化,(parameterized with the item types)

     但是item types如顶点,已经是 class template模板类了,所以我们需要 template as template arguments 即模板参数本身是模板类






template <typename ElemType>
class Node {
            ElemType m_data; 


template  <template<type Elem> class Node, typename U>
class BinaryTree {
            Node<U>  *m_root; 


BinaryTree< Node, int> MyBinaryTree;



好回到CGAL中,这 里的类型依赖构成了一个循环,半边数据结构需要vertex,halfedge类型参数的实化,而半边数据结构类halfedge ds知道 handle 类型,可以用做Refs 参数的实际类型, 尽管当前handles还没有被声明(vertex,halfedge同样需要半边数据结构类来实化)。声明和定义的不同使得这一切成为可能。

struct Edge;
struct Node {
Edge * edge;
// .... maybe more than one edge ....
struct Edge {
Node * source;
Node * dest;
template <class Graph>
struct Node {
typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge;
Edge* edge;
// .... maybe some more edges ....
template <class Graph>
struct Edge {
typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
Node* node;
template < template <class G> class T_Node,
template <class G> class T_Edge>
struct Graph {
typedef Graph< T_Node, T_Edge>       Self;
typedef T_Node<Self>                 Node;
typedef T_Edge<Self>                 Edge;
int main() {
typedef Graph< Node, Edge> G;
G::Node node;
G::Edge edge;
node.edge = &edge;
edge.node = &node;

template <class Graph>
struct Colored_node : public Node<Graph> {
int color;
int main() {
typedef Graph< Colored_node, Edge> G;
G::Node node;
G::Edge edge;
node.edge = &edge;
edge.node = &node;
node.color = 3;

 注意上面代码用的是指针,本质上还是利用前置声明,如果改为Edge edge,就不行了,因为那样编译器需要知道Edge的定义,前置声明不行。

It is important to understand that these cyclic definitions work -- as for the C example -- because we can make use of a declared type to define pointers and references to this type before this type is defined itself. For example, we cannot change the pointer member Edge * edge  of the node class to a value Edge edge .



#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::list;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
template <typename Refs>
struct Vertex {
      typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle;
      Vertex(string name = "vertex0") { m_name = name;}
      void PrintName() const {
         cout << "This is " << m_name << endl;
      Halfedge_handle halfedge() const { return h; }
      void set_halfedge (Halfedge_handle g) { h = g; }
      Halfedge_handle h;
      string m_name;
template <typename Refs>
struct Halfedge {
      typedef typename Refs::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
      Halfedge(string name = "halfedge0") { m_name = name;}
      void PrintName() const {
            cout << "This is " << m_name << endl;
      Vertex_handle vertex() const { return v;}
      void set_vertex (Vertex_handle vv) { v = vv;}
      Vertex_handle v;
      string m_name;
template < template <typename Ref> class Vertex, template <typename Ref> class Halfedge>
struct HalfedgeDS {
      typedef HalfedgeDS< Vertex, Halfedge> Self;
      typedef Vertex<Self>                  V;
      typedef Halfedge<Self>                H;
      typedef list<V>                       Vlist;
      typedef list<H>                       Hlist;
      typedef typename Vlist::iterator Vertex_handle;
      typedef typename Hlist::iterator Halfedge_handle;
#include "simple_cgal.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    typedef HalfedgeDS< Vertex, Halfedge> HDS;
    typedef HDS::V Vert;
    typedef HDS::H HalfEdge;
    typedef HDS::Vlist Vlist;
    typedef HDS::Hlist Hlist;
    Vert v("vertex a");
    HalfEdge h("Halfedge b");
    Vlist vlist;
    Hlist hlist;
    return 0;

This is Halfedge b This is vertex a CGAL中实际的定义对于顶点,边和面元素进行了封装,将他们放在同一个不带模板参数的类里面,类似下面代码模仿的HalfedgeDS_iems, 从而将他们集中到一起并且最外层去掉模板参数,里面通过wrapper将他们的定义包装。用户可以定义不同的顶点类,只要 在传给HalfedgeDS的HalfedgeItesms参数的类中typedef 自己定义的顶点类为Vertex即可。 //简单模拟vertex,halfedge wrapper用法演示 //simple_cgal2.h
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::list;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
template <typename Refs>
struct Vertex {
      typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle;
      Vertex(string name = "vertex0") { m_name = name;}
      void PrintName() const {
            cout << "This is " << m_name << endl;
      Halfedge_handle halfedge() const { return h; }
      void set_halfedge (Halfedge_handle g) { h = g; }
      Halfedge_handle h;
      string m_name;
template <typename Refs>
struct Halfedge {
      typedef typename Refs::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
      Halfedge(string name = "halfedge0") { m_name = name;}
      void PrintName() const {
            cout << "This is " << m_name << endl;
      Vertex_handle vertex() const { return v;}
      void set_vertex (Vertex_handle vv) { v = vv;}
      Vertex_handle v;
      string m_name;
struct HalfedgeDS_iems {
      template <class Refs>
      struct Vertex_wrapper {
            typedef Vertex<Refs> Vertex;
      template <class Refs>
      struct Halfedge_wrapper {
            typedef Halfedge<Refs> Halfedge;
template < typename HalfedgeDSItems>
struct HalfedgeDS {
      typedef HalfedgeDS< HalfedgeDSItems> Self;
      typedef HalfedgeDSItems                            Items;
      typedef typename Items::template Vertex_wrapper<Self>                                                                                                            Vertex_wrapper;
            typedef typename Items::template Halfedge_wrapper<Self>
            typedef typename Vertex_wrapper::Vertex            Vertex;
            typedef typename Halfedge_wrapper::Halfedge        Halfedge;
            typedef list<Vertex>                       Vlist;
            typedef list<Halfedge>                       Hlist;
            typedef typename Vlist::iterator Vertex_handle;
            typedef typename Hlist::iterator Halfedge_handle;

#include "simple_cgal2.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


      typedef HalfedgeDS<HalfedgeDS_iems> HDS;

      typedef HDS::Vertex Vert;

      typedef HDS::Halfedge HalfEdge;

      typedef HDS::Vlist Vlist;

      typedef HDS::Hlist Hlist;

      Vert v("vertex a");

      HalfEdge h("Halfedge b");

      Vlist vlist;

      Hlist hlist;







      return 0;


template < template <typename Ref> class Vertex, template <typename Ref> class Halfedge>
struct HalfedgeDS
template < class Traits,

           class Items = Items_default,

           template < class, class> calss HDS = HalfedgeDS_default>

struct Polyhedron {

      typedef Polyhedron_items<Items> Deerived_items;

      typedef HDS< Traits, Derived_items> HDS;

      typedef typename HDS::Vertex                  Vertex;

      typedef typename HDS::Halfedge                Halfedge;

      typedef typename HDS::Face                    Face;


template <class Refs, class Triats>

class My_facet : public CGAL_HalfedgeDS_facet_base<Refs> {

      int face_cost;  // we need to sore addtional info 


       typename Traits::Vector_3 normal;  


struct My_items : public CGAL_Polyhedron_items_3 {

      template <class Refs, class Traits>

      struct Face_wrapper {

            typedef My_facet< Refs, Traits> Facet;



typedef CGAL_Polyhedron_3<Traits, My_items> Polyhedron;
class Polyhedron_items_3 {


    template < class Refs, class Traits>

    struct Vertex_wrapper {

        typedef typename Traits::Point_3 Point;

        typedef HalfedgeDS_vertex_base< Refs, Tag_true, Point> Vertex;


    template < class Refs, class Traits>

    struct Halfedge_wrapper {

        typedef HalfedgeDS_halfedge_base< Refs>                Halfedge;


    template < class Refs, class Traits>

    struct Face_wrapper {

        typedef typename Traits::Plane_3 Plane;

        typedef HalfedgeDS_face_base< Refs, Tag_true, Plane>   Face;



template < class Refs >

class HalfedgeDS_face_base< Refs, Tag_true, Tag_false> {


    typedef Refs                                 HalfedgeDS;

    typedef HalfedgeDS_face_base< Refs, Tag_true, Tag_false>   Base;

    typedef Tag_true                             Supports_face_halfedge;

    typedef typename Refs::Vertex_handle         Vertex_handle;

    typedef typename Refs::Vertex_const_handle   Vertex_const_handle;

    typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_handle       Halfedge_handle;

    typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle;

    typedef typename Refs::Face_handle           Face_handle;

    typedef typename Refs::Face_const_handle     Face_const_handle;

    typedef typename Refs::Vertex                Vertex;

    typedef typename Refs::Halfedge              Halfedge;

    // Additional tags required by Polyhedron.

    typedef Tag_false                            Supports_face_plane;

    struct Plane_not_supported {};

    typedef Plane_not_supported                  Plane;

    // No longer required.

    //typedef Tag_false                            Supports_face_normal;


    Halfedge_handle hdg;


    Halfedge_handle       halfedge()                        { return hdg; }

    Halfedge_const_handle halfedge() const                  { return hdg; }

    void                  set_halfedge( Halfedge_handle h)  { hdg = h; }

template <class Vertex_base>

struct Polyhedron_vertex : public Vertex_base {

      typedef Vertex_base Base;


      void set_halfedge(typename Base::Halfedge_handle g) {




template <class Items>

struct Polyhderon_items {

      template <class Refs, class Traits>

      struct Vertex_wrapper {

            typedef typename Items::Vertex_wrapper<Refs, Traits> Wrapper;

            typedef typename Wrapper::Vertex Vertex_base;

            typedef Polyhedron_vertex<Vertex_base> Vertex;


      //similar for facet and halfedge


template < class Traits,

           class Items = Items_default,

           template < class, class> calss HDS = HalfedgeDS_default>

struct Polyhedron {

      typedef Polyhedron_items<Items> Deerived_items;

      typedef HDS< Traits, Derived_items> HDS;

      typedef typename HDS::Vertex                  Vertex;

      typedef typename HDS::Halfedge                Halfedge;

      typedef typename HDS::Face                    Face;



用户自定义的Items,Vetex会被当作模板参数传递如下。也就是说最后实际用的是Polyhedron_items<Items> 中定义的Vertex Polyhedron_vertex<Vertex_base>而 Items即为用户定义并传递的点面边数据类型类。Vertex_base是用户定义的Vertex类型。下面看一下CGAL实际的代码,这里的I_Polyhedron_vertex其实就是上面的Polyhedron_vertex。

template <class VertexBase>

class I_Polyhedron_vertex  : public VertexBase  {


    typedef VertexBase                            Base;

    //typedef typename Base::HalfedgeDS              HDS;

    typedef typename Base::Point                   Point;

    typedef Point                                  Point_3;

    // Handles have to explicitly repeated, although they are derived

    typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle           Vertex_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Halfedge_handle         Halfedge_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Face_handle             Face_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Face_handle             Facet_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Vertex_const_handle     Vertex_const_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Halfedge_const_handle   Halfedge_const_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle       Face_const_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Face_const_handle       Facet_const_handle;

    typedef typename Base::Halfedge                Halfedge;

    typedef typename Base::Face                    Face;

    typedef typename Base::Face                    Facet;

    // Supported options by HDS.

    typedef typename Base::Supports_vertex_halfedge


    typedef typename Base::Supports_vertex_point  Supports_vertex_point;

    // Circulator category.

    typedef typename Halfedge::Supports_halfedge_prev  Supports_prev;


    // Circulator category.

    typedef HalfedgeDS_circulator_traits<Supports_prev> Ctr;

    typedef typename Ctr::iterator_category circulator_category;

    // Circulators around a vertex and around a facet.

    typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category>


    typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ< Halfedge_handle, circulator_category>


    typedef I_HalfedgeDS_facet_circ<


        circulator_category>       Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator;

    typedef I_HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ<


        circulator_category>      Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator;

    typedef typename Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator::size_type


    typedef typename Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator::difference_type



    // We need to repeat the constructors here.

    I_Polyhedron_vertex() {}

    I_Polyhedron_vertex( const VertexBase& b) : VertexBase(b) {}

    I_Polyhedron_vertex( const Point_3& p) : VertexBase(p) {}

// New Access Functions (not provided in VertexBase).

    Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator vertex_begin() {

        // a circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise).

        return Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator( this->halfedge());


    Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator vertex_begin() const {

        // a circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise).

        return Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator( this->halfedge());


    // the degree of the vertex, i.e., edges emanating from this vertex 

    std::size_t vertex_degree() const { 

        return this->halfedge()->vertex_degree(); 


    size_type degree() const { return vertex_degree(); } //backwards compatible

    // returns true if the vertex has exactly two incident edges

    bool is_bivalent() const { return  this->halfedge()->is_bivalent(); }

    // returns true if the vertex has exactly three incident edges

    bool is_trivalent() const { return  this->halfedge()->is_trivalent(); }

    // No longer hidden. Now the restricted version with precondition.

    // sets incident halfedge to h. Precondition: h is incident, i.e.,

    // h->vertex() == v.

    void  set_halfedge( Halfedge_handle hh) {

        CGAL_assertion( &*(hh->vertex()) == this);



HalfedgeDS_vector.h //vecotor和list思路一致不过是采用不同的内部数据组织,vector或者listHalfedgeDS_list.hPolyhedron_items_3.hHalfedgeDS_halfedge_base.h





