《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》读书笔记 第一章 项目管理总览

CHAPTER 1 An Overview of Project Management





The reason for these failures isconsistently found to be inadequate project planning. People adopt aready-fire-aim approach in an effort to get a job done really fast and end upspending far more time than necessary by reworking errors, recovering from diversionsdown “blind alleys,” and so on.



They want to know whether using goodproject management really reduces the failures and the rework, and I can onlysay you will have to try it and see for yourself. If you can achieve levels ofrework of only a few percent using a seat-of-the-pants approach to managingprojects, then keep doing what you’re doing! However, I don’t believe you willfind this to be true.



One mistake made by inexperienced projectmanagers is to plan the project for the team. Not only do they get no buy-in totheir plan, but that plan is usually full of holes. Managers can’t think ofeverything, their estimates of task durations are wrong, and the entire thingfalls apart after the project is started. The first rule of project managementis that the people who must do the work should help plan it.



The role of the project manager is that ofan enabler. Her job is to help the team get the work completed, to “run interference”for the team, to get scarce resources that team members need, and to bufferthem from outside forces that would disrupt the work.



The best definition of leadership that Ihave found is the one by Vance Packard, in his book The Pyramid Climbers. Hesays,Leadership is the art of getting others to want to do something thatyou believe should be done.” The operative word here is “want.” Dictators getothers to do things that they want done. So do guards who supervise prison workteams. But a leader gets people to want to do the work, and that is asignificant difference.



Scheduling is certainly a major tool usedto manage projects, but it is not nearly as important as developing a sharedunderstanding of what the project is supposed to accomplish or constructing agood work breakdown structure (WBS) to identify all the work to be done. Infact, without practicing good project management, the only thing a detailedschedule is going to do is allow you to document your failures with greatprecision!



The tendency is to give people thescheduling software and expect them to learn how to use it without any training.This simply does not work. The features of scheduling software are such thatmost people don’t learn the subtleties by themselves. They don’t have the time,because they are trying to do their regular jobs, and not everyone is good atself-paced learning.



When is managing a project not projectmanagement? When only one person is involved. However, when no one else isworking on the project (including outside vendors), there is no need for acritical path schedule. A critical path schedule is one that has a number ofparallel paths, and one of them is longer than the others and determines howlong it will take to complete the job or, ultimately, whether the given enddate can be met. When you’re working on a job by yourself, there aren’t any parallelpaths—unless you are ambidextrous!

One-person projects do require goodself-management, or good time management, but all you need is a good to-dolist, which comes from a task listing. However, unless you are coordinating thework of other people, you aren’t practicing true project management.



It is common to have individuals serve asproject managers and require also that they do part of the actual work in theproject. This is a certain prescription for problems.

Yes, for very small teams—perhaps up tothree or four people—a project manager can do some of the work. But, as teamsizes increase, it becomes impossible to work and manage both, because you areconstantly being pulled away from the work by the needs of your team members. Oneof the reasons for this situation is that organizations don’t fully understandwhat project management is all about, and they think that it is possible forindividuals to do both.



There is a higher probability that thingswill accidentally go wrong in a project than that they will accidently goright. In terms of cost estimates, this means that there is always a higherlikelihood that the budget will be overrun than that the project will come inbelow budget. This is just another way of stating Murphy’s law, thatwhatever cango wrong will go wrong.”



In my model, you will notice that everyproject begins as a concept, which is always “fuzzy,” and that the project teammust formalize the definition of the job before doing any work. However, becauseof our ready-fire-aim mentality, we often start working on the job withoutensuring that we have a proper definition or that the mission and vision for thejob are shared by everyone. This invariably leads to major problems as the projectprogresses.



Project management is solving a problem ona large scale, and the way you define a problem determines how you will solveit. If you have the wrong definition, you may come up with the right solution—tothe wrong problem!

In fact, I have become convinced thatprojects seldom fail at the end. Rather, they fail at the definition stage. Icall these projects headless-chicken projects because they are like the chickenthat has had its head chopped off and runs around spewing blood everywherebefore it finally falls over and is “officially” dead.



Once the project is defined, you can planhow to do the work. There are three components to the plan: strategy, tactics,and logistics.



When deviations from the plan occur,corrective action is taken to get the project back on track, or, if this is notpossible, the plan is changed and approved, and the revised plan becomes thenew baseline against which progress is tracked.         



When all the work has been completed, thecloseout phase requires that a review of the project be conducted. The purposeis to learn lessons from this job that can be applied to future ones.

Two questions are asked: “What did we dowell?” and “What do we want to improve next time?”

Notice that we don’t ask what was donewrong. This question tends to make people defensive, and they try to hidethings that may result in their being punished. 



Failing to do a lessons-learned reviewmeans that future projects will likely suffer the same headaches encountered onthe one just done. It has been said that the organizations that survive andthrive in the future will be those that learn faster than their competitors. Thisseems especially true for projects.



Most of the time the problem is caused by therebeing no planning! The team simply tries to “wing it,” to do the work withoutdoing any planning at all.        



 Itis amazing to find that teams often spend time planning a project, then abandonthe plan as soon as they encounter some difficulty. Once they do this, theycannot have control of the work, since without a plan there is no control. Thekey is to either take corrective action to get back on track with the originalplan or to revise the plan to show where the project is at present and continueforward from that point.



Control is exercised by comparing whereproject work is to where it is supposed to be, then taking action to correctfor any deviations from target. Naturally, small deviations are always presentand are ignored unless they exceed some pre-established threshold or show atrend toward drifting further off course.



Project integration management ensures thatthe project is properly planned, executed, and controlled, including theexercise of formal project change control.



One cause of project failure is that qualityis overlooked or sacrificed so that a tight deadline can be met. It is not veryhelpful to complete a project on time, only to discover that the thingdelivered won’t work properly! Project quality management includes both qualityassurance (planning to meet quality requirements) and quality control (stepstaken to monitor results to see if they conform to requirements).



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