GE's Immelt Forgoes $12M Bonus, Special Payout

通用电气(General Electric Co.)董事长兼首席执行长伊梅尔特(Jeffrey Immelt)决定放弃自己2008年1,200万美元的奖金。在这一年里,由于全球经济危机和自身利润下滑,通用电气股价重挫56%。伊梅尔特伊梅尔特周三在一份报告中写道,利润比我们预期的要低,原因是2008年股市下挫,通用电气股价下滑。他写道,在这种形势下,我向公司董事会建议,我将放弃2008年的奖金。他还说,他婉拒了一笔三年期现金派息。这笔股息发放的对象是高级管理人士,董事会薪酬委员会说这是他应得的。这家总部位于康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德的企业集团市值降至1,130亿美元,在美国上市公司市值排行中位列第十,而去年8月它的市值还仅次于埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)排行第二。现年52岁的伊梅尔特2008年工资收入为330万美元,自2005年以来就没有加过薪。他还会获得200万美元的股权奖励。2007年他的奖金是580万美元。通用电气的薪酬委员会为伊梅尔特的领导力进行辩护,说他在极其恶劣的业务环境下表现良好。伊梅尔特仍希望从积极的方面来看待通用电气的业绩。他写道,在2008年这样恶劣的环境下,我们实现了创纪录的收入,利润也是历史第三高。我们的利润下滑了19%;相比之下,标准普尔500指数成份股的平均利润下挫了35%。这不是我们希望的强于大盘的表现,不过仍然比整体市场要好。通用电气金融财务负责人副董事长尼尔(Mike Neal)的奖金减少了25%。公司首席财务长兼副董事长谢林(Keith Sherin)的奖金减少了15%。技术基础设施的负责人赖斯(John Rice)奖金减少了10%。伊梅尔特在报告中写道,董事会和我有以公平合理的方式为我们的高级管理人士发放薪酬的自由,这很重要。他说,我们认为,高级管理人士2008年的薪酬反映了他们对公司的贡献。Paul Glader相关阅读通用电气的信用评级可能被下调-摩根大通 2009-02-07通用电气首席执行长反对奥巴马的薪酬限制计划 2009-02-06通用加强金融子公司 信用评级仍存疑 2009-01-26通用电气第四财季净利润锐减44% 2009-01-24通用电气信用评级可能遭下调 2008-12-19高管纷纷入市 股票价值已现? 2008-11-19 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月19日09:04', 'GE'));通用电气公司英文名称:General Electric Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:GE

General Electric Co. Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt decided to forgo a $12 million bonus in 2008, a year that saw company's stock price slide 56% amid a global economic crisis and declining profits at GE.'Earnings came in below where we expected,' Mr. Immelt wrote in a note Wednesday, citing declining equity markets and a sliding GE stock price in 2008. 'In these circumstances, I recommend to GE's Board of Directors that I would not receive a bonus in 2008.'He also said he declined a special three-year cash payout that goes to senior executives and which the board's compensation committee said he earned.The Fairfield, Conn.,-based conglomerate has seen its market capitalization slide to $113 billion, placing it as the 10th-largest market capitalization among U.S.-listed companies, down from the second largest market cap behind Exxon Mobil Corp. in August.Mr. Immelt, 52, earned $3.3 million in salary in 2008 and hasn't received a raise since 2005. He's also receiving a $2 million equity award. His bonus in 2007 was $5.8 million. GE's compensation committee defended Immelt's leadership, saying 'he performed well in an extraordinarily tough business environment.'Mr. Immelt still aimed to cast GE's results in a positive light. 'In a tough environment in 2008, we set a record for revenue and had our third-highest earnings year ever,' he wrote. 'Our earnings declined 19% versus a decline in S&P 500 earnings of 35%. That's not the kind of outperformance we like, but it was still better than the broader market.'Mike Neal, head of the capital finance business and a vice chairman, is seeing his bonus drop 25%, and CFO and Vice Chairman Keith Sherin's bonus is falling by 15%. John Rice, head of the technology infrastructure group, is seeing a 10% bonus reduction.'It is important that the Board and I have the freedom to compensate our senior executives in a fair and reasonable way,' Mr. Immelt wrote in a note.'We believe that our senior executives' compensation in 2008 reflects their contribution to GE.'-0-Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
