聊聊flink Table的Time Attributes

本文主要研究一下flink Table的Time Attributes

Processing time


DataStream> stream = ...;

// declare an additional logical field as a processing time attribute
Table table = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream, "Username, Data, UserActionTime.proctime");

WindowedTable windowedTable = table.window(Tumble.over("10.minutes").on("UserActionTime").as("userActionWindow"));
  • 从DataStream创建Table的话,可以在fromDataStream里头进行定义Processing time


// define a table source with a processing attribute
public class UserActionSource implements StreamTableSource, DefinedProctimeAttribute {

    public TypeInformation getReturnType() {
        String[] names = new String[] {"Username" , "Data"};
        TypeInformation[] types = new TypeInformation[] {Types.STRING(), Types.STRING()};
        return Types.ROW(names, types);

    public DataStream getDataStream(StreamExecutionEnvironment execEnv) {
        // create stream
        DataStream stream = ...;
        return stream;

    public String getProctimeAttribute() {
        // field with this name will be appended as a third field
        return "UserActionTime";

// register table source
tEnv.registerTableSource("UserActions", new UserActionSource());

WindowedTable windowedTable = tEnv
  • 通过TableSource创建Table的话,可以通过实现DefinedProctimeAttribute接口来定义Processing time

Event time


// Option 1:

// extract timestamp and assign watermarks based on knowledge of the stream
DataStream> stream = inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...);

// declare an additional logical field as an event time attribute
Table table = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream, "Username, Data, UserActionTime.rowtime");

// Option 2:

// extract timestamp from first field, and assign watermarks based on knowledge of the stream
DataStream> stream = inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...);

// the first field has been used for timestamp extraction, and is no longer necessary
// replace first field with a logical event time attribute
Table table = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream, "UserActionTime.rowtime, Username, Data");

// Usage:

WindowedTable windowedTable = table.window(Tumble.over("10.minutes").on("UserActionTime").as("userActionWindow"));
  • 从DataStream创建Table的话,可以在fromDataStream里头进行定义Event time;具体有两种方式,一种是额外定义一个字段,一种是覆盖原有的字段


// define a table source with a rowtime attribute
public class UserActionSource implements StreamTableSource, DefinedRowtimeAttributes {

    public TypeInformation getReturnType() {
        String[] names = new String[] {"Username", "Data", "UserActionTime"};
        TypeInformation[] types =
            new TypeInformation[] {Types.STRING(), Types.STRING(), Types.LONG()};
        return Types.ROW(names, types);

    public DataStream getDataStream(StreamExecutionEnvironment execEnv) {
        // create stream
        // ...
        // assign watermarks based on the "UserActionTime" attribute
        DataStream stream = inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...);
        return stream;

    public List getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors() {
        // Mark the "UserActionTime" attribute as event-time attribute.
        // We create one attribute descriptor of "UserActionTime".
        RowtimeAttributeDescriptor rowtimeAttrDescr = new RowtimeAttributeDescriptor(
            new ExistingField("UserActionTime"),
            new AscendingTimestamps());
        List listRowtimeAttrDescr = Collections.singletonList(rowtimeAttrDescr);
        return listRowtimeAttrDescr;

// register the table source
tEnv.registerTableSource("UserActions", new UserActionSource());

WindowedTable windowedTable = tEnv
  • 通过TableSource创建Table的话,可以通过实现DefinedRowtimeAttributes接口来定义Event time



  * Extends a [[TableSource]] to specify a processing time attribute.
trait DefinedProctimeAttribute {

    * Returns the name of a processing time attribute or null if no processing time attribute is
    * present.
    * The referenced attribute must be present in the [[TableSchema]] of the [[TableSource]] and of
    * type [[Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP]].
  def getProctimeAttribute: String

  * Extends a [[TableSource]] to specify rowtime attributes via a
  * [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]].
trait DefinedRowtimeAttributes {

    * Returns a list of [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] for all rowtime attributes of the table.
    * All referenced attributes must be present in the [[TableSchema]] of the [[TableSource]] and of
    * type [[Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP]].
    * @return A list of [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]].
  def getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors: util.List[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]

  * Describes a rowtime attribute of a [[TableSource]].
  * @param attributeName The name of the rowtime attribute.
  * @param timestampExtractor The timestamp extractor to derive the values of the attribute.
  * @param watermarkStrategy The watermark strategy associated with the attribute.
class RowtimeAttributeDescriptor(
  val attributeName: String,
  val timestampExtractor: TimestampExtractor,
  val watermarkStrategy: WatermarkStrategy) {

  /** Returns the name of the rowtime attribute. */
  def getAttributeName: String = attributeName

  /** Returns the [[TimestampExtractor]] for the attribute. */
  def getTimestampExtractor: TimestampExtractor = timestampExtractor

  /** Returns the [[WatermarkStrategy]] for the attribute. */
  def getWatermarkStrategy: WatermarkStrategy = watermarkStrategy

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: RowtimeAttributeDescriptor =>
        Objects.equals(attributeName, that.attributeName) &&
        Objects.equals(timestampExtractor, that.timestampExtractor) &&
        Objects.equals(watermarkStrategy, that.watermarkStrategy)
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    Objects.hash(attributeName, timestampExtractor, watermarkStrategy)
  • DefinedProctimeAttribute定义了getProctimeAttribute方法,返回String,用于定义Process time的字段名;DefinedRowtimeAttributes定义了getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors方法,返回的是RowtimeAttributeDescriptor的List,RowtimeAttributeDescriptor有3个属性,分别是attributeName、timestampExtractor及watermarkStrategy


  • 在从DataStream或者TableSource创建Table时可以指定Time Attributes,指定了之后就可以作为field来使用或者参与time-based的操作
  • 针对Processing time,如果从DataStream创建Table的话,可以在fromDataStream里头进行定义;通过TableSource创建Table的话,可以通过实现DefinedProctimeAttribute接口来定义Processing time;DefinedProctimeAttribute定义了getProctimeAttribute方法,返回String,用于定义Process time的字段名
  • 针对Event time,如果从DataStream创建Table的话,可以在fromDataStream里头进行定义;具体有两种方式,一种是额外定义一个字段,一种是覆盖原有的字段;通过TableSource创建Table的话,可以通过实现DefinedRowtimeAttributes接口来定义Event time;DefinedRowtimeAttributes定义了getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors方法,返回的是RowtimeAttributeDescriptor的List,RowtimeAttributeDescriptor有3个属性,分别是attributeName、timestampExtractor及watermarkStrategy


  • Time Attributes
