cost =
pdist_scale * (distance to path from the endpoint of the trajectory in map cells or meters depending on the meter_scoring parameter)
+ gdist_scale * (distance to local goal from the endpoint of the trajectory in map cells or meters depending on the meter_scoring parameter)
+ occdist_scale * (maximum obstacle cost along the trajectory in obstacle cost (0-254))
同前面所讲,在机器人周围创建一个局部网格(局部地图的大小),并将全局路径映射到该区域。这意味着某些栅格单元(全局路径经过的栅格)将被标记为距离0。然后有效地将所有其他单元的距离标记为到最近的被标记为0的栅格的曼哈顿距离。MapGridCostFunction就是局部规划的路径离全局规划的路径的距离,也能够来评估到目标的距离,它维护了一个base_local_planner::MapGrid map_,MapGrid是一系列MapCell,而MapCell包含了一个target_dist,也就是说,MapGridCostFunction建立后随时知道地图上一个点到全局规划轨迹的距离,或者是到目标的距离。具体是在computeTargetDistance中实现的。
OscillationCostFunction:Oscillation occur when in either of the x, y, or theta dimensions, positive and negative values are chosen consecutively. To prevent oscillations, when the robot moves in any direction, for the next cycles the opposite direction is marked invalid, until the robot has moved beyond a certain distance from the position where the flag was set.
PreferForwardCostFunction:This cost function class was designed with robots in mind having good sensor coverage only in front of the robot (tilting laser). The costs function prefers motions in the front direction, penalizing backwards and strafing motions. On other robots or in other domains this may be very undesirable behavior.
-robot configuration
-goal tolerance
-forward simulation
-trajectory scoring
-oscillation prevention
-global plan
在参数调整中会很麻烦,使用rqt_reconfigure toll
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
bool TrajectoryPlannerROS::computeVelocityCommands(geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel){
if (! isInitialized()) {
ROS_ERROR("This planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() before using this planner");
return false;
std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> local_plan;
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_pose;
if (!costmap_ros_->getRobotPose(global_pose)) {
return false;
std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> transformed_plan;
//get the global plan in our frame
if (!transformGlobalPlan(*tf_, global_plan_, global_pose, *costmap_, global_frame_, transformed_plan)) {
ROS_WARN("Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller");
return false;
//now we'll prune the plan based on the position of the robot
prunePlan(global_pose, transformed_plan, global_plan_);
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> drive_cmds;
drive_cmds.frame_id_ = robot_base_frame_;
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_vel;
//if the global plan passed in is empty... we won't do anything
return false;
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> goal_point;
tf::poseStampedMsgToTF(transformed_plan.back(), goal_point);
//we assume the global goal is the last point in the global plan
double goal_x = goal_point.getOrigin().getX();
double goal_y = goal_point.getOrigin().getY();
double yaw = tf::getYaw(goal_point.getRotation());
double goal_th = yaw;
//check to see if we've reached the goal position
if (xy_tolerance_latch_ || (getGoalPositionDistance(global_pose, goal_x, goal_y) <= xy_goal_tolerance_)) {
//if the user wants to latch goal tolerance, if we ever reach the goal location, we'll
//just rotate in place
if (latch_xy_goal_tolerance_) {
xy_tolerance_latch_ = true;
double angle = getGoalOrientationAngleDifference(global_pose, goal_th);
//check to see if the goal orientation has been reached
if (fabs(angle) <= yaw_goal_tolerance_) {
//set the velocity command to zero
cmd_vel.linear.x = 0.0;
cmd_vel.linear.y = 0.0;
cmd_vel.angular.z = 0.0;
rotating_to_goal_ = false;
xy_tolerance_latch_ = false;
reached_goal_ = true;
} else {
//we need to call the next two lines to make sure that the trajectory
//planner updates its path distance and goal distance grids
Trajectory path = tc_->findBestPath(global_pose, robot_vel, drive_cmds);
//copy over the odometry information
nav_msgs::Odometry base_odom;
//if we're not stopped yet... we want to stop... taking into account the acceleration limits of the robot
if ( ! rotating_to_goal_ && !base_local_planner::stopped(base_odom, rot_stopped_velocity_, trans_stopped_velocity_)) {
if ( ! stopWithAccLimits(global_pose, robot_vel, cmd_vel)) {
return false;
//if we're stopped... then we want to rotate to goal
//set this so that we know its OK to be moving
rotating_to_goal_ = true;
if(!rotateToGoal(global_pose, robot_vel, goal_th, cmd_vel)) {
return false;
//publish an empty plan because we've reached our goal position
publishPlan(transformed_plan, g_plan_pub_);
publishPlan(local_plan, l_plan_pub_);
//we don't actually want to run the controller when we're just rotating to goal
return true;
//compute what trajectory to drive along
Trajectory path = tc_->findBestPath(global_pose, robot_vel, drive_cmds);
//pass along drive commands
cmd_vel.linear.x = drive_cmds.getOrigin().getX();
cmd_vel.linear.y = drive_cmds.getOrigin().getY();
cmd_vel.angular.z = tf::getYaw(drive_cmds.getRotation());
//if we cannot move... tell someone
if (path.cost_ < 0) {
"The rollout planner failed to find a valid plan. This means that the footprint of the robot was in collision for all simulated trajectories.");
publishPlan(transformed_plan, g_plan_pub_);
publishPlan(local_plan, l_plan_pub_);
return false;
ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("trajectory_planner_ros", "A valid velocity command of (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) was found for this cycle.",
cmd_vel.linear.x, cmd_vel.linear.y, cmd_vel.angular.z);
// Fill out the local plan
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < path.getPointsSize(); ++i) {
double p_x, p_y, p_th;
path.getPoint(i, p_x, p_y, p_th);
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> p =
tf::Point(p_x, p_y, 0.0)),
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
tf::poseStampedTFToMsg(p, pose);
//publish information to the visualizer
publishPlan(transformed_plan, g_plan_pub_);
publishPlan(local_plan, l_plan_pub_);
return true;