think in java笔记:RTTI-Runtime type information

RTTI-Runtime type information

To understand how RTTI works in Java, you must first know how type information is
represented at run time. This is accomplished through a special kind of object called the
Class object, which contains information about the class. In fact, the Class object is used to
create all of the “regular” objects of your class. Java performs its RTTI using the Class
object, even if you’re doing something like a cast. The class Class also has a number of other
ways you can use RTTI.

(class VS Class : class是静态的引用,Class是用在实例化之后getClass之后得到的,两个都可以获取对象的信息.)

It’s important to realize that there’s nothin g magic about reflection. When you’re using
reflection to interact with an object of an unknown type, the JVM will simply look at the
object and see that it belongs to a particular class (just like ordinary RTTI). Before anything
can be done with it, the Class object must be loaded. Thus, the .class file for that particular
type must still be available to the JVM, either on the local machine or across the network. So
the true difference between RTTI and reflection is that with RTTI, the compiler opens and
examines the .class file at compile time. Put another way, you can call all the methods of an
object in the “normal” way. With reflection, the .class file is unavailable at compile time; it is
opened and examined by the runtime environment.

