


读到过这样一个故事:把一个会跳的小虫子放在瓶子里,它明明可以跳得很高,但把盖子盖上以后,虫子碰到顶盖掉下来了,它反复条跳跃,却越跳越低。这时候再把盖子拧开,看见小虫子还在跳,但它已经永远不会跳出这个瓶子了,因为它认为,头顶上那个盖子将是不可逾越的。Tesla的成功颠覆了之前汽车行业对与电动车的判断,在Tesla之前也有具备实力的公司尝试过电动车,但是它们被自己所设定的边界给限制住了,即使很多以前存在的瓶颈已经可以跨越了,但它们还是束缚自己的手脚不敢去前进。在生活或工作中总会遇到一些人告诉我们说,这个是不可能的,那个是不现实的,但真正可怕的不是外界的嘲讽,而是那些评价被我们内化成自我判断的一种标尺, 是我们自己给自己套上了枷锁。

From 木心

torn it apart, reshaped, rectangular...不难想象这群工程师日夜埋头苦干的场景,拆解优秀的设计,再拼接还原,破而后立获取灵感和技术的进步。这种提升技术的方法是有效的,而真正能付诸实施的人却不多。对于我们有的各种想提高某些能力改善某种状态s的问题,其实不缺各种有效的方法去解决,只是少了务实之心付诸行动。就如同想说一口纯正英语,“听晨读原文,模仿,录音,修正”这套方法肯定是有用的,只是自己没有踏实的去做到底,还急于求成。安利练口语一款微信免费小程序“夏说晨读”,虽最近才开始使用,从自己所需而言感觉很赞。取需。

From 哇




From 哇

5.give way

At first the more traditional automakers viewed the Models S as a gimmick and its surging sales as part of a fad. These sentiment, however, soon gave way to something more akin to panic.

to be replaced by something, especially something newer or better.

give way在交通指示牌中是让行的意思,香港就经常能看见。


例:Over the next few years, the city’s buses will give way to a new light rail system.

akin to=similar to


9. As difficult as birthing the Roadster had been, the adventure had whetted Musk’s appetite for what he could accomplish in the automotive industry with a clean slate.

whet one's appetite for sth: increase one's desire for sth (whet 本意是在石头上磨刀)

clean slate/ sheet: a record of sb's work, behavior, performance etc that shows they have not done anything wrong or made any mistakes

Jed looked forward to starting life again with a clean slate/ sheet.

Lewis has kept a clean sheet in every game (= not let the other team score).

clean hands: do sth in a fair or legal way

Neither side is coming to the negotiation table with completely clean hands.

10. Los Angeles has long adored its cars, with the climate lending itself to all manner of vehicles from convertibles to surfboard-toting vans.

lend itself to sth: to be suitable for being used in a particular way

None of her books really lends itself to being made into a film.

lend (your) support to sth: to support or help

The government has now lent its support to the campaign.

lend your name to sth: to announce publicly that you support sth that sb is trying to do

The French prime minister has now lent his name to the protest.

11. Musk instantly saw von Holzhausen, with his bouffant, trendy clothes and laid-back attitude, as a free-spirited, creative complement and wooed him with vigor.

laid-back: (a.) relaxed and seeming not to be worried about sth

I don't know how you can be so laid-back about your exams.

laid-back attitude/ manner/ approach etc

From 木心

On the plus side, Tesla had only delivered about 345 Roadsters, which meant that it could fix the problem in a manageable fashion. On the downside, a safety recall was the last thing a car start-up needs


①On the plus side,....on the downside, ....

②on the positive side...on the negative side...

③on the credit side...on the debit side..

④on the plus side...on the minus side..

最不需要的:the last thing... need

More often than not, the strategy has worked.

more often than not= as often as not,

释义:usually; in a way that is typical of somebody/​something 通常,往往

例句:As often as not, heʼs late for work.

仿写:More often than not, we inclined to believe what we chosed to believe.

✏️  every so often:occasionally; sometimes 有时,偶然地

例句:Every so often I heard a strange noise outside.

✏️ once too often :used to say that somebody has done something wrong or stupid again, and this time they will suffer because of it 再一次

例句:Youʼve tried that trick once too often.

It must have been excruciating for Eberhard to agree to put that in writing


①excruciating:extremely painful or bad 特别痛苦的,副词 excruciatingly

excruciatingly painful 极其疼痛的

excruciatingly serious 特别严肃

excruciatingly silence 尴尬的沉默

②anguish severe pain, mental suffering or unhappiness 痛苦的,由指心灵上的

anguish and anxiety 痛苦焦虑

a cry of anguish  痛哭

to do sth in anguish 痛苦做...

③languish: to be forced to stay somewhere or suffer something unpleasantfor a long time

常指 内心渴望...而受煎熬痛苦

languish in homeless

to become weaker or fail to make progress:

➡️ 衰落:the company gradually languished

➡️ 失败:the new design languished on the drawing board.

④trauma 创伤,心里长久难以缓解的痛

trauma war 战争创伤

the compensation for trauma after the disaster 赔偿
