Notes for《Learn Objective-C》


* Calling Methods

* Accessors

* Creating Objects

* Basic Memory Management 

* Designing a Class Interface

* Class Implementation

* More on Memory Management

* Logging

* Properties

* Calling Methods on Nil

* Categories


1. Dot Syntax

The dot syntax should only be used setters and getters, not for general purpose methods.



2. Calling Methods on Nil

In Objective-C, the nil object is the functional equivalent to the NULL pointer in many other languages. The difference is that you can call methods on nil without crashing or not an exception.


3. Basic Memory Management

If you create an object using the manual alloc style, you need to release the object later. You should not manually release an autoreleased object because your application will crash if you do.


4. Calling Methods on Nil

Note that we're using theself.syntax here, which means we're using the setter and picking up the memory management for free.

5. Categories

A category allows you to add methods to an existing class without subclassing it or needing to know any of the details of how it's implemented.

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