
11.9 Economist - Business - China's internet titan has had a bruising 2018


1. the chief culprit

(1) 原文:A regulatory hold-up that was blocking it from charging for new video games was the chief culprit, it explained.

(2) 解释:= the main culprit 罪魁祸首、首要原因

(3) 造句:High labor costs are the chief/main culprit.

2. cash sth. in

(1) 原文:... but because of the monetisation freeze, Tencent cannot cash in.

(2) 解释:to exchange something such as an insurance policy for its value in money 把……兑换成现金

(3) 拓展:cash-in-'hand 用现金支付(结算)的

(4) 造句:I'd like to cash my traveler's check in.

3. tough sth. out

(1) 原文:Analysts now assume that Tencent will need to tough it out until the second half of 2019.

(2) 解释:to deal with a difficult situation by being determined, rather than leaving or changing your decision 渡过(难关),从(困境)中挺过来

(3) 造句:After breaking up she told herself to confident and tough it out.

4. slowdown in

(1) 原文:Capricious regulators may not be wholly to blame for the slowdown in online games.

(2) 解释:reduction in;减少、放缓

(3) 造句:When I burn the midnight oil, there is a sharp slowdown in learning efficiency.

5. eat into

(1) 原文:Users may simply be spending less time on Tencent's online entertainment, as other players eat into its market share.

(2) 解释:侵占

(3) 造句:Those programs running in the background eat into a lot of computer internal storage.

6. flagship

(1) 原文:For its flagship game, "Honour of Kings", ...

(2) 解释:the best and most important product 旗舰,通常用单数

(3) 造句:Pyramix, the digital audio workstation, is Merging's flagship product.
