VOA 翻译研讨:2009.2.26 教育报道——在美国学习:网络重新阐释学院之旅


This is the VOA Special English Education Report.


This week, we visit four Web sites where students can learn about higher education in the United States.


Cappex.com -- c-a-p-p-e-x -- matches students with colleges and universities. Students create a profile about themselves and their interests. The site then suggests ten to twenty schools.

http://www.cappex.com/ -- c-a-p-p-e-x --把学生与院校相匹配起来。学生设计自身和其兴趣的简历。然后网站推荐10到20所学校。

But Cappex President Chris Long says that there are no guarantees of admission. The site is free to students. Cappex sells advertising on the site to schools and companies.

但是Cappex网站主席Chris Long 说没有入学担保。网站对学生是免费开放的。Cappex靠在网站上为学校和公司打广告获利。

CollegeClickTV.com has thirty thousand videos of students answering questions about their schools.


GIRL: "I would recommend honestly taking Statistics 263 with Professor Alexander. He's absolutely wonderful, the class is a great class to take and I really enjoy it."


SECOND GIRL: "I chose this school because it's in the city and it's really great and the communication school is actually, I think, ranked in the top five?"


BOY: "Yeah."


SECOND GIRL: "It varies every year but it's ranked really high. And all the colleges. And you get like a really great, well-rounded education. And the kids are really cool. You meet really fun people."


BOY: "I came here because I didn't get into NYU."

男孩:“我来这里是由于我进不了纽约大学New York University。
Schools pay CollegeClickTV to come on campus. But founder and president Glenn Pere says schools do not approve or reject any comments. That does not mean the site will use whatever students say; Glenn Pere says they must give reasons for their opinions.

学校付费给CollegeClickTV,请他们来学校。但是创建者兼主席Glenn Pere说,学校不批准或拒绝任何评论。这不意味着网站会无条件采用学生所讲的;Glenn Pere说他们必须对其观点给出理由。

Zinch.com has video profiles produced by students themselves. Co-founder Sid Kromenhoek says it is a place where students can show their abilities and talents. The company says more than six hundred colleges pay to use the site to search for students. More than five hundred thousand high school students have profiles on the site.

http://www.zinch.com/具有学生自己制作的录像简介。Co-founder Sid Kromenhoek称这是学生可以展示他们能力和天赋的地方、公司说,600多所大学有偿使用这个网站来搜寻学生。500,000多高中生在网站上有个人简历。

Finally, we come to Unigo.com. Unigo offers college reviews, videos and other content created by students. Features include "unofficial campus tours" and advice for dealing with the recession -- oh, and of course, dating on campus.


The free site, supported b最后y ads, has a team of full-time editors. The site was launched to the public last September by a start-up company led by its twenty-six year old founder. Jordan Goldman says the site is starting with two hundred fifty of America's top colleges and will add more.

由广告维持的免费网站拥有一支全职的编辑队伍。这个网站于去年9月由一家刚起动的公司创立,面向公众。而这公司是由其26岁创建者领导的。Jordan Goldman说这个网站以250所一流大学稽首,而且还会增加更多。

Unigo, Zinch, CollegeClickTV and Cappex are just some of the sites for college searches on the Web. Others include MyCollegeOptions, CheckMyCampus and PrincetonReview.

Unigo, Zinch, CollegeClickTV 和Cappex 只是在网络上供搜索学院用的某些网站。其他的包括MyCollegeOptions, CheckMyCampus 和 PrincetonReview。

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. Our Foreign Student Series continues next week. The series is online at www.unsv.com. I'm Steve Ember.

这就是VOA特别英语教育报道,本次报道由Nancy Steinbach撰稿。我们的”外国学生系列“在下周继续。该系列可在www.unsv.com浏览。我是Steve Ember。




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