[TOEFL] English Speaking 托福英语口语

1 General Information 基本信息

-Topics about personal experience, campus-based situations, and academic materials. 话题内容来自个人经历,校园生活和课堂教学材料

-20 minutes to complete 20分钟内做完

-6 questions  共6个问题

Questions 1 and 2 : the Independent Speaking questions on topics that are familiar to you. 第1 2题是自述题 问的是个人熟悉的话题

Questions 3 through 6 are the Integrated Speaking questions. 第3到6为综合题。For these questions, you have to use more than one skill. Some questions require you to read, listen, and then speak, while others require you to listen and then speak. 有的题目需要听录音读材料,然后再表述,有的则是听完录音开始进行表述。When you listen, you will hear accents from North America, and you may also hear accents from the U.K. 听力材料的口音可能是北美音或英国音。

For all Speaking questions, you use a headset with a microphone to record your responses. Your responses are sent to ETS to be scored by certified raters. The Speaking section is scored on a scale from 0-30.你会用带有麦克风的耳麦录下口语阐述题的答案。录音被发送到ETS评分员那里评分。口语评分结果从0到30不等。

2 Talking to the computer 对着电脑说话

If you feel uncomfortable talking at a computer, just remember this: when you speak your responses into the microphone, the computer isn't judging you. It doesn't care what you look like or what you're wearing or know what you did with your hair that day. But if you have an interview and the interviewer is scoring your responses, then those are all things that the  interviewer can see and they could negatively affect your score, even unintentionally. So, hopefully when you realize that the computer isn't judging you, that will help you to relax, focus on the topic you're speaking about and give your best response. 如果你觉得对着电脑说话很别扭,那么想一下,电脑并不会给你直接打分。你的穿着行为发型等等都不会影响打分。如果你对着一个面试官进行口语阐述,你的成绩可能会在无意间被你的举止衣着等其他因素影响。对着电脑说话帮你除去了各种影响和偏差呢,放松专注的对着它说出你的想法吧。

Now, if you're the kind of person who really just prefers to be interacting with someone when you speak, try this: when you're taking the test, just imagine that you're with someone you trust, maybe a friend, a family member, a classmate. Pretend you're talking to that person about what the main point of the lecture is or whatever the speaking question is about. Pretend it's part of a conversation and you may be more comfortable giving your response. 换言之,如果你是一个非常喜欢直接和人打交道的人,那么试试这样做: 设想坐在你对面的不是电脑而是你信任熟悉的朋友,亲人,同学等。就当作你在和这个人说说今天上课的内容或者回答对应的问题。想象着这是你们之间的对话,有助于让回答更流畅自然。

One last piece of advice for getting comfortable talking to a computer: practice.最重要的一点就是多练习啦

3 Timing and Approach 做题时间规划

TheTOEFL® test will take you through each of the 6 Speaking questions, giving you a certain amount of time to prepare and speak for each one. 托福口语有6道试题,每个都给你足够的准备时间。Depending on the question type, you will have between 15 and 30 seconds to prepare your Speaking response. 根据问题类型的不同,你有15到30秒时间来准备回答。

It’s important that you use this time to decide what you want to say, but do not try to write down your full response; you won’t have time to write everything down, and raters expect to hear you speaking naturally, not reading from a script. 这个时间是让你决定说什么用的,而不是写下你的回答然后读下来的,你没时间这么做,评分人也期待听到自然的陈述,而不是朗读。Then, you will have 45 or 60 seconds to actually speak your response. 真正的作答时间在45-60秒之间。 These times will be displayed with a countdown clock on your computer screen so that you will know how much time you have left to prepare and to speak. 时间会在计算机屏幕上倒计时显示,你就知道自己还剩多少时间准备或者叙述。

[TOEFL] English Speaking 托福英语口语_第1张图片

Remember, your response should only provide content that the question asks of you. 记住问题问什么我们就回答什么。For questions 1 and 2, try to keep things simple and focused on the main message you want to share.  Then, support your main message with examples or details. 第一第二题中分享的主要信息要做到简单明确,然后围绕重点举例子。 For items 3 through 6, don't try to repeat everything you heard in a conversation or lecture. You should expect the Speaking section to last for about a total of 20 minutes. 第三到第六题 不要试图重复课堂对话的每个细节。 整个口语考试大概持续20分钟。

4 Question Types:

4.1 Independent Questions 1 and 2 独立题(第1 2题)

Independent Speaking questions ask about familiar topics. You will need to talk about a personal preference or make a personal choice. 独立口语题问的是你熟悉的滑梯。你只要说出自己的喜好或者是选择就可以了。

- no additional reading or listening passages 没有额外听力或者阅读材料

- 15 seconds to prepare 准备15秒

- 45 seconds to speak 叙述15秒

How to approach the questions

- Use the preparation time to organize your thoughts, jot down some notes. 准备时候整理思路,简单记录

Don't try to write a full response. the raters scoring your response want to hear you speaking, not reading, and they can tell the difference.  不要写下所有的内容,评分者希望听到你正常的口语而不是朗读,他们口语听出差别。

- Don't memorize responses 不要背答案

it will lower your score. It's very easy for ETS raters to identify memorized responses because they sound different, and the content is different, from responses that are more natural and spontaneous. 背答案的成绩会更低,因为评分者很容易就听出来背的和自己现场想的答案之间的区别

- speak naturally and use common connecting words 使用连接词来进行自然的表述

Some of those are "because," "so," "after that," "on the other hand," "I want to mention," and "what this means is". It's not necessary to organize your response into an introduction, a middle, and a conclusion,like you would with a written essay.   口语中只要适当用到连接词就口语了,不需要像写论文那样有清晰的介绍,主题,结论的结构

[TOEFL] English Speaking 托福英语口语_第2张图片

4.2. Integrated Questions 3 and 5 综合题(第3 5题)

Ask about campus situations

Question 3:

-You will read a passage about a campus-related topic.Then you will listen to a response to that topic.You will be asked about a speaker’s opinion and how it relates to ideas in a reading passage. Note that you will not be able to see the reading passage while you speak your response. You need to explain how that person's opinion relates to the issues presented in the reading passage. 

-30 seconds to prepare your response

-60 seconds to speak your answer. 

Question 5

-you will listen to a short conversation about a campus-related problem, and you will be asked to recommend one of two solutions to the problem. you will need to describe the problem and then give your opinion about what the solution should be.

- 20 seconds to prepare your response

- 60 seconds to speak your answer

Integrated Speaking Questions 3 and 5: Approach Tips 答题攻略

1. Be careful not to speak too quickly, because this might make it difficult for the rater to understand you.The questions are designed so that if you speak at a normal pace, you will have enough time to give a complete response. You'll get better at this if you time yourself when you practice. 口语回答时间是根据大家平时讲话的语速设计的,时间很充分,说得太快反而不利于评分员理解你的意思。平时练习时候给自己定时,会进步更快哟

2. In Question 3, where you have the reading passage, then the conversation between 2 speakers, listen carefully to the speaker's reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with points made in the reading. Then make sure you summarize the opinion of the speaker in your answer.


3. For Question 5, as you listen, focus on identifying and understanding what the problem and possible solutions are. And then write down a few key words or ideas on your scratch paper. But remember, you need to do more than summarize in your response; you also need to give your opinion.


So don't spend too much time summarizing. Use most of your time explaining why it is the best solution. 不要把所有时间花在总结上,把时间用来解释为什么某个解决方案最好

4.3. Integrated Questions 4 and 6 综合题(第4 6题)

about content in academic courses 都是关于学术课程的内容

Question 4: 第四题

you will read a passage about an academic subject(about an important academic term or concept that might be found in a first year college textbook).  Then you will listen to part of a lecture on that same subject. you are asked to combine and convey information from a reading passage and a lecture. Note that you will not be able to see the reading passage while you speak your response. 你会先阅读一段学术主题的文字(一般是大学一年级的课程里面的内容),然后再听一段相同主题的课堂录音。你需要综合整理阐述一下阅读和录音的内容。 注意:你在口语阐述的时候是看不到阅读的内容的

-30 seconds to prepare 准备时间30秒

-60 seconds to speak your answer 口语回答时间60秒

例子:A science reading might explain what a "keystone species" is. A reading from psychology might describe what is meant by "emotional intelligence". 

Question 6: 第六题

you listen to part of a lecture, then summarize the main concept using points and examples given in the lecture. The listening passage is an excerpt from an academic lecture on a single topic. Usually it starts with the professor either defining a concept or highlighting an issue. Then it will have examples that help explain or clarify the issue


-20 seconds to prepare your response 准备时间20秒

-60 seconds to speak your answer (summary of the lecture) 回答时间60秒(总结课堂内容)

Integrated Speaking Questions 4 and 6 Approach Tips 答题攻略


[TOEFL] English Speaking 托福英语口语_第3张图片

1.Possible topics: life science, social science, physical science,history, art, literature. 可能涉及的话题有:生命科学,社会科学,物理,历史,艺术,文学

The questions are designed so that you don't need any prior knowledge in a specific field to answer the question. Even though a question is about an academic topic, ultimately it's not testing your knowledge of that topic, it's testing your English. 具体的问题都不要求你之前学过这些方面的知识。这是用来测试英语水平的,不是考察你这些方面的知识的。

2.Take notes  做笔记

Write down a few key words or ideas on your scratch paper. Use the preparation time to review your notes, and prepare your response. 用草稿纸记下重点词提示词,准备时间对就找自己的笔记来整理回答

3. Time management 答题时间管理

If you finish your response before time runs out, don't just repeat yourself to fill the remaining time. Say something that clarifies, develops, or elaborates on your response. Practice timing yourself so that you get used to the amount of time you have to answer a question. 如果在作答时间用完前你就说完了,那么在剩下的时间内不要重复。补充说一点澄清,拓展或者具体化你的答案的内容。 在平时练习的时候就要给自己计时回答。

5 How the questions are scored 评分标准

In the Speaking section, all six responses are scored on a scale from zero to four. 口语部分每题从0到4分不等 And they're scored holistically, which means that the raters listen for various features in your response and then give it an overall score. Although there are some variations depending on the question, raters will be looking for three main things. 评分者会听完你的口语回答根据各个方面综合评分。虽然有一些小的不同,但是总体看三个方面。

[TOEFL] English Speaking 托福英语口语_第4张图片
3 main things

5.1 Delivery 表达能力

Your speech needs to be clear and fluid,with good pronunciation. The pace, or speed, of your speech should be natural. And you should have good-sounding intonation patterns. 你的口语表达是否清晰流利,并且发音标准。速度要自然,语调优美。

[TOEFL] English Speaking 托福英语口语_第5张图片

5.2 Language Use. 语言使用

This is mainly how you use grammar and vocabulary to express your ideas. 主要考察你的运用语法和词汇表达自己的能力

5.3  Topic Development. 话题深入

This is mainly how fully you answer the question, how clearly you express your ideas, and how you can connect one idea to the next in a way that is easy to follow. 这里会考量你是否深刻理解问题,能否清晰的表达自己的想法,你怎么把想法串联起来并用别人非常容易理解的方式表达出来

5.4 About Making Mistakes 小错误

It's important to remember that even native speakers make mistakes when they speak. While speaking your responses on theTOEFL®test, you can make occasional errors in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary and still get a high score. A high score does not mean a response is perfect, but it does mean that it is intelligible. 最重要的一点是,哪怕英语母语者说话的时候也可能犯各种小错误。当你回答托福口语题的时候,可以偶尔有些发音语法或者词汇问题,还是有可能得到高分的。高分不代表回答是完美的,高分代表的是你的口语回答清晰明了。

You can view the Speaking rubrics here:[Speaking Rubrics(opens new window)]

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the rubrics to learn what raters are looking for in a high-level response. In the rubrics, you can see that there is some room for mistakes/errors in delivery, language use, and topic development even at the highest score band, as long as your response is still clear and you include all the information that is relevant to the question. If you make a mistake, don’t let it worry you too much. Quickly correct the mistake if you are able to, and continue speaking so that you can give a full response.可以去研究一下评分量规,看看评分者在什么情况下会给高分。

5.5 其他问题:

Do Pronunciation and Accent Affect Scoring? 发音和口音会不会影响发奋呢?

TOEFL®raters are accustomed to hearing various accents from around the world. The important thing is to have clear pronunciation so your responses can be understood. As long as your speech is comprehensible, it is possible to receive a high score with an accent. 托福评分者习惯了来自世界各地的各种各样的口音。最重要的是你的回答必须有可以让人轻松理解的清晰的发音。只要你的口语语音别人可以理解,就算有口音也还是可能拿到高分的。如果你担心的话可以参考以下资料:


Here is a list of additional speaking resources. These resources offer information about spoken English and ways for you to practice speaking in English. The links will take you outside of the course and the edX platform.

Find a conversation partner for free, and chat using your preferred software (such as Skype®, WeChat®or Google®Hangouts):

·http://www.conversationexchange.com/(opens new window)

Practice your English and receive feedback from a community of speakers:

·https://www.reddit.com/r/JudgeMyAccent/(opens new window): Here you can post sound files of yourself speaking in English. Other users can listen to the sound files and provide feedback on your pronunciation and intonation. You can also comment on their speech.

Read about the features of spoken English:

·http://www.uefap.com/speaking/feature/complex.htm(opens new window)

·http://britishenglishcoach.com/5-things-you-should-know-about-spoken-english/(opens new window)

Work on your pronunciation:

·http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation(opens new window)

·http://www.dictionary.com/(opens new window)ortranslate.google.com(opens new window): Access an online dictionary or translator that gives you the option to hear a speaker pronounce the words you look up. After you look up a word or phrase and listen to the pronunciation, you can then try to pronounce it just like the speaker.

Focus on the intonation patterns of native English speakers, as well as on their pronunciation of words, by listening to conversations at normal or slow speed:

·http://esl.culips.com/(opens new window)

Work on building your speaking confidence:

·https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicSpeaking/(opens new window): Here you can read tips for public speaking that are posted by users, including how to build confidence for speaking in front of a group. You can also post questions and receive answers, or comment on the questions of others.

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