在 Frame 中,我们定义了 ID、时间戳、位姿、相机、图像这几个量;
public:// data members
typedef std::shared_ptr<Frame> Ptr;
unsigned long id_; // id of this frame
double time_stamp_; // when it is recorded
SE3 T_c_w_; // transform from world to camera
Camera::Ptr camera_; // Pinhole RGBD Camera model
Mat color_, depth_; // color and depth image
Frame( long id, double time_stamp=0, SE3 T_c_w=SE3(), Camera::Ptr camera=nullptr, Mat color=Mat(),Mat depth=Mat() );
Frame 中,我们定义了 ID、时间戳、位姿、相机、图像这几个量;
public:// data members
typedef std::shared_ptr<Frame> Ptr;
unsigned long id_; // id of this frame
double time_stamp_; // when it is recorded
SE3 T_c_w_; // transform from world to camera
Camera::Ptr camera_; // Pinhole RGBD Camera model
Mat color_, depth_; // color and depth image
Frame( long id, double time_stamp=0, SE3 T_c_w=SE3(), Camera::Ptr camera=nullptr, Mat color=Mat(),Mat depth=Mat() );
在方法中,方法:创建 Frame、寻找给定点对应的深度、获取相机光心、判断某个点是否在视野内等等
// factory function
static Frame::Ptr createFrame();
// find the depth in depth map
double findDepth( const cv::KeyPoint& kp );
// Get Camera Center
Vector3d getCamCenter() const;
// check if a point is in this frame
bool isInFrame( const Vector3d& pt_world );
,方法:创建 Frame、寻找给定点对应的深度、获取相机光心、判断某个点是否在视野内等等
// factory function
static Frame::Ptr createFrame();
// find the depth in depth map
double findDepth( const cv::KeyPoint& kp );
// Get Camera Center
Vector3d getCamCenter() const;
// check if a point is in this frame
bool isInFrame( const Vector3d& pt_world );
// Project (this fills MapPoint variables for matching)
// 步骤2.1:判断LocalMapPoints中的点是否在在视野内
// 观测到该点的帧数加1,该MapPoint在某些帧的视野范围内
// 只有在视野范围内的MapPoints才参与之后的投影匹配
// 步骤2.1:判断LocalMapPoints中的点是否在在视野内
// 观测到该点的帧数加1,该MapPoint在某些帧的视野范围内
// 只有在视野范围内的MapPoints才参与之后的投影匹配
frame.cpp cos(60) cos(60/180*pi)=0.5
/** * @brief 判断一个点是否在视野内 * * 计算了重投影坐标,观测方向夹角,预测在当前帧的尺度 * @param pMP MapPoint * @param viewingCosLimit 视角和平均视角的方向阈值 * @return true if is in view * @see SearchLocalPoints() */ bool Frame::isInFrustum(MapPoint *pMP, float viewingCosLimit) { pMP->mbTrackInView = false; // 3D in absolute coordinates cv::Mat P = pMP->GetWorldPos(); // 3D in camera coordinates // 3D点P在相机坐标系下的坐标 const cv::Mat Pc = mRcw*P+mtcw; // 这里的Rt是经过初步的优化后的 const float &PcX = Pc.at<float>(0); const float &PcY = Pc.at<float>(1); const float &PcZ = Pc.at<float>(2); // Check positive depth if(PcZ<0.0f) return false; // Project in image and check it is not outside // V-D 1) 将MapPoint投影到当前帧, 并判断是否在图像内 const float invz = 1.0f/PcZ; const float u=fx*PcX*invz+cx; const float v=fy*PcY*invz+cy; if(u<mnMinX || u>mnMaxX) return false; if(v<mnMinY || v>mnMaxY) return false; // Check distance is in the scale invariance region of the MapPoint // V-D 3) 计算MapPoint到相机中心的距离, 并判断是否在尺度变化的距离内 const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance(); const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance(); // 世界坐标系下,相机到3D点P的向量, 向量方向由相机指向3D点P const cv::Mat PO = P-mOw; const float dist = cv::norm(PO); if(dist
* @brief 判断一个点是否在视野内 * * 计算了重投影坐标,观测方向夹角,预测在当前帧的尺度 * @param pMP MapPoint * @param viewingCosLimit 视角和平均视角的方向阈值 * @return true if is in view * @see SearchLocalPoints() */ bool Frame::isInFrustum(MapPoint *pMP, float viewingCosLimit) { pMP->mbTrackInView = false; // 3D in absolute coordinates cv::Mat P = pMP->GetWorldPos(); // 3D in camera coordinates // 3D点P在相机坐标系下的坐标 const cv::Mat Pc = mRcw*P+mtcw; // 这里的Rt是经过初步的优化后的 const float &PcX = Pc.at<float>(0); const float &PcY = Pc.at<float>(1); const float &PcZ = Pc.at<float>(2); // Check positive depth if(PcZ<0.0f) return false; // Project in image and check it is not outside // V-D 1) 将MapPoint投影到当前帧, 并判断是否在图像内 const float invz = 1.0f/PcZ; const float u=fx*PcX*invz+cx; const float v=fy*PcY*invz+cy; if(u<mnMinX || u>mnMaxX) return false; if(v<mnMinY || v>mnMaxY) return false; // Check distance is in the scale invariance region of the MapPoint // V-D 3) 计算MapPoint到相机中心的距离, 并判断是否在尺度变化的距离内 const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance(); const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance(); // 世界坐标系下,相机到3D点P的向量, 向量方向由相机指向3D点P const cv::Mat PO = P-mOw; const float dist = cv::norm(PO); if(distmaxDistance) return false; // Check viewing angle // V-D 2) 计算当前视角和平均视角夹角的余弦值, 若小于cos(60), 即夹角大于60度则返回 cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal(); const float viewCos = PO.dot(Pn)/dist; if(viewCosreturn false; // Predict scale in the image // V-D 4) 根据深度预测尺度(对应特征点在一层) const int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist,this); // Data used by the tracking // 标记该点将来要被投影 pMP->mbTrackInView = true; pMP->mTrackProjX = u; pMP->mTrackProjXR = u - mbf*invz; //该3D点投影到双目右侧相机上的横坐标 pMP->mTrackProjY = v; pMP->mnTrackScaleLevel = nPredictedLevel; pMP->mTrackViewCos = viewCos; return true; } maxDistance) return false; // Check viewing angle // V-D 2) 计算当前视角和平均视角夹角的余弦值, 若小于cos(60), 即夹角大于60度则返回 cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal(); const float viewCos = PO.dot(Pn)/dist; if(viewCosreturn false; // Predict scale in the image // V-D 4) 根据深度预测尺度(对应特征点在一层) const int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist,this); // Data used by the tracking // 标记该点将来要被投影 pMP->mbTrackInView = true; pMP->mTrackProjX = u; pMP->mTrackProjXR = u - mbf*invz; //该3D点投影到双目右侧相机上的横坐标 pMP->mTrackProjY = v; pMP->mnTrackScaleLevel = nPredictedLevel; pMP->mTrackViewCos = viewCos; return true; }
// Undistort points
// 调整mat的通道为2,矩阵的行列形状不变
cv::undistortPoints(mat,mat,mK,mDistCoef,cv::Mat(),mK); // 用cv的函数进行失真校正
* This file is part of ORB-SLAM2.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal (University of Zaragoza)
* For more information see
* ORB-SLAM2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ORB-SLAM2. If not, see .
#ifndef FRAME_H
#define FRAME_H
#include "MapPoint.h"
#include "Thirdparty/DBoW2/DBoW2/BowVector.h"
#include "Thirdparty/DBoW2/DBoW2/FeatureVector.h"
#include "ORBVocabulary.h"
#include "KeyFrame.h"
#include "ORBextractor.h"
namespace ORB_SLAM2
#define FRAME_GRID_ROWS 48 //单位是像素吗 ??
#define FRAME_GRID_COLS 64 //orb_extractor 31*31 网格 ??
class MapPoint;
class KeyFrame;
class Frame
// Copy constructor.
Frame(const Frame &frame);
// Constructor for stereo cameras.
Frame(const cv::Mat &imLeft, const cv::Mat &imRight, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor* extractorLeft, ORBextractor* extractorRight, ORBVocabulary* voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth);
// Constructor for RGB-D cameras.
Frame(const cv::Mat &imGray, const cv::Mat &imDepth, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor* extractor,ORBVocabulary* voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth);
// Constructor for Monocular cameras. //帧的构造,给出对应相机参数及对应原始帧及对应的时间码
Frame(const cv::Mat &imGray, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor* extractor,ORBVocabulary* voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth);
// Extract ORB on the image. 0 for left image and 1 for right image.
// 提取的关键点存放在mvKeys和mDescriptors中
// ORB是直接调orbExtractor提取的 对图像进行ORB特征检测
void ExtractORB(int flag, const cv::Mat &im);
// Compute Bag of Words representation.
// 存放在mBowVec中
void ComputeBoW();
// Set the camera pose.
// 用Tcw更新mTcw
void SetPose(cv::Mat Tcw);
// Computes rotation, translation and camera center matrices from the camera pose.从相机姿势计算旋转、平移和相机中心矩阵。
void UpdatePoseMatrices();
// Returns the camera center.
inline cv::Mat GetCameraCenter()
return mOw.clone();
// Returns inverse of rotation 返回旋转的反方向
inline cv::Mat GetRotationInverse()
return mRwc.clone();
// Check if a MapPoint is in the frustum of the camera//截锥体
// and fill variables of the MapPoint to be used by the tracking
// 判断路标点是否在视野中
bool isInFrustum(MapPoint* pMP, float viewingCosLimit);
// Compute the cell of a keypoint (return false if outside the grid) 计算关键点的单元格(如果在网格之外,则返回false)
bool PosInGrid(const cv::KeyPoint &kp, int &posX, int &posY);
vector GetFeaturesInArea(const float &x, const float &y, const float &r, const int minLevel=-1, const int maxLevel=-1) const;
// Search a match for each keypoint in the left image to a keypoint in the right image.
// If there is a match, depth is computed and the right coordinate associated to the left keypoint is stored.
void ComputeStereoMatches();
// Associate a "right" coordinate to a keypoint if there is valid depth in the depthmap.
void ComputeStereoFromRGBD(const cv::Mat &imDepth);
// Backprojects a keypoint (if stereo/depth info available) into 3D world coordinates.
cv::Mat UnprojectStereo(const int &i);
// Vocabulary used for relocalization.
ORBVocabulary* mpORBvocabulary;
// Feature extractor. The right is used only in the stereo case.
ORBextractor* mpORBextractorLeft, *mpORBextractorRight;
// Frame timestamp.
double mTimeStamp;
// Calibration matrix and OpenCV distortion parameters.//相机模型
cv::Mat mK;//相机模型内参
static float fx;
static float fy;
static float cx;
static float cy;
static float invfx;
static float invfy;
cv::Mat mDistCoef;
// Stereo baseline multiplied by fx.
float mbf;
// Stereo baseline in meters.
float mb;
// Threshold close/far points. Close points are inserted from 1 view.
// Far points are inserted as in the monocular case from 2 views.
float mThDepth;
// Number of KeyPoints.
int N; // KeyPoints数量 特征点的个数
// Vector of keypoints (original for visualization) and undistorted (actually used by the system).
// In the stereo case, mvKeysUn is redundant as images must be rectified.
// In the RGB-D case, RGB images can be distorted.
// mvKeys:原始左图像提取出的特征点(未校正)
// mvKeysRight:原始右图像提取出的特征点(未校正)
// mvKeysUn:校正mvKeys后的特征点,对于双目摄像头,一般得到的图像都是校正好的,再校正一次有点多余
std::vector mvKeys, mvKeysRight;//帧对应的特征
std::vector mvKeysUn;
// Corresponding stereo coordinate and depth for each keypoint.
// "Monocular" keypoints have a negative value.
// 对于双目,mvuRight存储了左目像素点在右目中的对应点的横坐标
// mvDepth对应的深度
// 单目摄像头,这两个容器中存的都是-1
std::vector mvuRight;
std::vector mvDepth;
// Bag of Words Vector structures.
DBoW2::BowVector mBowVec;
DBoW2::FeatureVector mFeatVec;
// ORB descriptor, each row associated to a keypoint. 每一行,关联一个特征点
// 左目摄像头和右目摄像头特征点对应的描述子
cv::Mat mDescriptors, mDescriptorsRight;
// MapPoints associated to keypoints, NULL pointer if no association.
// 每个特征点对应的MapPoint
std::vector mvpMapPoints;
// Flag to identify outlier associations.
// 观测不到Map中的3D点
std::vector mvbOutlier;
// Keypoints are assigned to cells in a grid to reduce matching complexity when projecting MapPoints.
// 坐标乘以mfGridElementWidthInv和mfGridElementHeightInv就可以确定在哪个格子
static float mfGridElementWidthInv;
static float mfGridElementHeightInv;
// 每个格子分配的特征点数,将图像分成格子,保证提取的特征点比较均匀 // FRAME_GRID_ROWS 48 // FRAME_GRID_COLS 64
// Camera pose.
cv::Mat mTcw; ///< 相机姿态 世界坐标系到相机坐标坐标系的变换矩阵
// Current and Next Frame id.
static long unsigned int nNextId; ///< Next Frame id. //下帧的id
long unsigned int mnId; ///< Current Frame id.//创建帧的计数器,用于设置帧的唯一id
// Reference Keyframe.
KeyFrame* mpReferenceKF;//指针,指向参考关键帧
// Scale pyramid info.
int mnScaleLevels;//图像提金字塔的层数
float mfScaleFactor;//图像提金字塔的尺度因子
float mfLogScaleFactor;//
vector mvScaleFactors;
vector mvInvScaleFactors;
vector mvLevelSigma2;
vector mvInvLevelSigma2;
// Undistorted Image Bounds (computed once).
// 用于确定画格子时的边界
static float mnMinX;
static float mnMaxX;
static float mnMinY;
static float mnMaxY;
static bool mbInitialComputations;
// Undistort keypoints given OpenCV distortion parameters.
// Only for the RGB-D case. Stereo must be already rectified!
// (called in the constructor).
void UndistortKeyPoints();
// Computes image bounds for the undistorted image (called in the constructor).
void ComputeImageBounds(const cv::Mat &imLeft);
// Assign keypoints to the grid for speed up feature matching (called in the constructor).
void AssignFeaturesToGrid();
// Rotation, translation and camera center
cv::Mat mRcw; ///< Rotation from world to camera
cv::Mat mtcw; ///< Translation from world to camera
cv::Mat mRwc; ///< Rotation from camera to world
cv::Mat mOw; ///< mtwc,Translation from camera to world
}// namespace ORB_SLAM
#endif // FRAME_H