A mailbox is a communication mechanism that allows messages to be exchanged between processes. The process which wants to talk to another process posts the message to a mailbox, which stores the messages temporarily in a system defined memory object, to pass it to the desired process.
Based on the sizes mailboxes are categorized as,
A bounded mailbox is with the size defined. mailbox becomes full when on storing a bounded number of messages. A process that attempts to place a message into a full mailbox shall be suspended until enough space becomes available in the mailbox queue.
Unbounded mailboxes are with unlimited size.
There are two types of mailboxes,
The default mailbox is type-less. that is, a single mailbox can send and receive data of any type.
mailbox mailbox_name;
Parameterized mailbox (mailbox with particular type)
Parameterized mailbox is used to transfer a data of particular type.
mailbox#(type) mailbox_name;
Mailbox Methods
SystemVerilog Mailbox is a built-in class that provides the following methods. these are applicable for both Generic and Parameterized mailboxes
new(); //- Create a mailbox
put(); //- Place a message in a mailbox
try_put(); //- Try to place a message in a mailbox without blocking
get(); or peek();//- Retrieve a message from a mailbox
num(); //- Returns the number of messages in the mailbox
try_get(); or try_peek(); //- Try to retrieve a message from a mailbox without blocking
Mailboxes are created with the new() method.
mailbox_name = new(); // Creates unbounded mailbox and returns mailbox handle
mailbox_name = new(m_size); //Creates bounded mailbox with size m_size and returns mailbox
//handle ,where m_size is integer variable
In the example below,
Mailbox is used for communication between generator and driver.
// Packet
class packet;
rand bit [7:0] addr;
rand bit [7:0] data;
//Displaying randomized values
function void post_randomize();
$display("Packet::Packet Generated");
//Generator - Generates the transaction packet and send to driver
class generator;
packet pkt;
mailbox m_box;
//constructor, getting mailbox handle
function new(mailbox m_box);
this.m_box = m_box;
task run;
repeat(2) begin
pkt = new();
pkt.randomize(); //generating packet
m_box.put(pkt); //putting packet into mailbox
$display("Generator::Packet Put into Mailbox");
// Driver - Gets the packet from generator and display's the packet items
class driver;
packet pkt;
mailbox m_box;
//constructor, getting mailbox handle
function new(mailbox m_box);
this.m_box = m_box;
task run;
repeat(2) begin
m_box.get(pkt); //getting packet from mailbox
$display("Driver::Packet Recived");
// tbench_top
module mailbox_ex;
generator gen;
driver dri;
mailbox m_box; //declaring mailbox m_box
initial begin
//Creating the mailbox, Passing the same handle to generator and driver,
//because same mailbox should be shared in-order to communicate.
m_box = new(); //creating mailbox
gen = new(m_box); //creating generator and passing mailbox handle
dri = new(m_box); //creating driver and passing mailbox handle
gen.run(); //Process-1
dri.run(); //Process-2
Simulator Output
Packet::Packet Generated
Generator::Packet Put into Mailbox
Driver::Packet Recived
Packet::Packet Generated
Generator::Packet Put into Mailbox
Driver::Packet Recived