



1.1 特征点匹配

特征点匹配我就不多讲了,我的博文中有一个分类是讲比较经典的特征点匹配的方法的:特征点匹配 - lhanchao的博客

其中 m2m5 分别主管图像的水平和竖直方向上的位移; m0m1m3m4 主管图像的旋转和尺度; m6m7 主管水平和垂直方向上的变形量。

1.2 图像拼接与融合





void test()
    Mat img1 = imread("1.jpg");
    //set mask
    Mat mask = Mat::zeros(Size(img1.size()), CV_8UC1);
    mask(Rect(0, 0, mask.cols / 2, mask.rows / 2)).setTo(255);
    //detect 500 keypoints
    ORB orb(500);
    vector kp;
    orb.detect(img1, kp, mask);
    //draw keypoints in img1
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kp.size(); i++)
        circle(img1, Point(kp[i].pt.x, kp[i].pt.y), 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
    imwrite("1_1.jpg", img1);

2、OpenCV中的findHomgrophy函数中得到的透视矩阵是img1到img2的投影矩阵,即findHomography(image1Points, image2Points, CV_RANSAC, 2.5f, inlier_mask);得到的是图像1到图像2的变换矩阵,即是以图像2的坐标系为参考坐标系的,不要弄混了。另外如果是这样,得到的透视矩阵中水平平移的量,即前文中的 m2 一般情况下都是负的,也就是说图像1中的部分区域不会出现在拼接图像中,解决这个问题不能强制把 m2 变成0或者变成正值,这样会造成图像1的进一步形变。我解决这个问题的办法是先把图像2向左移动一定距离,从而使得透视矩阵的 m2 变大。


#pragma once

class ORBAlgorithm

    //detect feature points
    void detectPoints(const cv::Mat &img1, const cv::Mat& mask1, const cv::Mat &img2, const cv::Mat& mask2,
        std::vector& kp1, std::vector& kp2, cv::Mat& des1, cv::Mat& des2);

    //match feature points and return the match points pairs
    void matchPoints(const std::vector& kp1, const std::vector& kp2,
        const cv::Mat& des1, const cv::Mat& des2,std::vector& matchPairs);

    //use RANSAC to get the homography mat
    void getHomographyMat(const std::vector& kp1, const std::vector& kp2,
         std::vector& good_matches, cv::Mat& homography);

    void getHomographyMat(const cv::Mat& img1, const cv::Mat& img2, const std::vector& kp1, 
        const std::vector& kp2, std::vector& good_matches, cv::Mat& homography);

    static bool sortByDistance(const cv::DMatch& match1, const cv::DMatch& match2)
        return match1.distance < match2.distance;
#include "ORBAlgorithm.h"
using namespace cv;
using std::vector;



//detect featrue points from two images
//img1 and img2 are two images to match
//kp1 and kp2 are two points list storing the feature points
//des1 and des2 are two mats storing the descriptors of the feature points
void ORBAlgorithm::detectPoints(const Mat &img1, const Mat& mask1, const Mat &img2, const Mat& mask2,
    vector& kp1, vector& kp2, Mat& des1, Mat& des2)
    //detect 4000 keypoints, the first image scale is 1.2 and detect 2 scale images
    ORB orb(4000,1.2);
    //SIFT sift;
    int64 time1 = getTickCount(), time2 = 0, time3 = 0, time4 = 0;
    orb(img1, mask1, kp1, des1);
    //sift(img1, Mat(), kp1, des1);
    time2 = getTickCount();
    double cost1 = 1000.0 * (time2 - time1) / getTickFrequency();

    time3 = getTickCount();
    orb(img2, mask2, kp2, des2);
    //sift(img2, Mat(), kp2, des2);
    time4 = getTickCount();
    double cost2 = 1000.0*(time4 - time3) / getTickFrequency();

//match feature points using descriptors and return the match point pairs
void ORBAlgorithm::matchPoints(const vector& kp1, const vector& kp2,
    const Mat& des1, const Mat& des2,vector& goodMatches)
    Ptr matcher = DescriptorMatcher::create("BruteForce-Hamming");
    //Ptr matcher = DescriptorMatcher::create("BruteForce");
    vector matches1to2;
    vector matches2to1;
    vector twoDirectionMatch;
    matcher->match(des1, des2, matches1to2);
    matcher->match(des2, des1, matches2to1);
    //get the intersection of match image1 to image2 and match image2 to image1
    int *flag = new int[des2.rows];
    memset(flag, -1, sizeof(int)*des2.rows);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < des2.rows; i++)
        flag[matches2to1[i].queryIdx] = matches2to1[i].trainIdx;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < matches1to2.size(); i++)
        if (flag[matches1to2[i].trainIdx] == matches1to2[i].queryIdx)
    //get the best 100 matches
    sort(twoDirectionMatch.begin(), twoDirectionMatch.end(), sortByDistance);
    size_t loop_time = twoDirectionMatch.size();
    if (loop_time >= 500)
        loop_time = 500;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_time; i++)

//get homography mat using RANSAC
void ORBAlgorithm::getHomographyMat(const vector& kp1, const vector& kp2,
     vector& goodMatches, Mat& homography)
    vector image1Points;
    vector image2Points;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < goodMatches.size(); i++)
    Mat inlier_mask;
    homography = findHomography(image2Points, image1Points, CV_RANSAC, 2.5f, inlier_mask);
    std::cout << homography << std::endl;

    int i = 0;
    for (vector::iterator iter = goodMatches.begin(); iter != goodMatches.end();)
        if (!inlier_mask.at(i))
            iter = goodMatches.erase(iter);

void ORBAlgorithm::getHomographyMat(const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, const vector& kp1, 
    const vector& kp2, vector& goodMatches, Mat& homography)
    vector image1Points;
    vector image2Points;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < goodMatches.size(); i++)
    Mat inlier_mask;
    homography = findHomography(image2Points, image1Points, CV_RANSAC, 2.5f, inlier_mask);
    std::cout << homography << std::endl;

    int i = 0;
    for (vector::iterator iter = goodMatches.begin(); iter != goodMatches.end();)
        if (!inlier_mask.at(i))
            iter = goodMatches.erase(iter);
    std::cout << "goodMatche num: " << goodMatches.size() << std::endl;
    Mat matchImage;
    drawMatches(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, goodMatches, matchImage, Scalar(0, 255, 0),Scalar(0,0,255));
    imwrite("picture\\matchImage.jpg", matchImage);

//caclulate the homography mat of 2 images
void ImageStitching::getHomomgraphy(const Mat& src1, const Mat& mask1, const Mat& src2, const Mat& mask2, Mat& homography)
    ORBAlgorithm test;
    vector kp1, kp2;
    Mat des1, des2;
    //points matches
    vector matchPairs;

    std::cout << "detecting keypoints..." << std::endl;
    test.detectPoints(src1, mask1, src2, mask2, kp1, kp2, des1, des2);

    std::cout << "matching images..." << std::endl;
    test.matchPoints(kp1, kp2, des1, des2, matchPairs);

    std::cout << "computing the homography mat..." << std::endl;
    test.getHomographyMat(src1, src2, kp1, kp2, matchPairs, homography);

//image cylinder projection
void ImageStitching::projection(const Mat& src, Mat& dst)
    int width = src.cols;
    int height = src.rows;
    int centerX = width / 2;
    int centerY = height / 2;
    dst = src.clone();

    double f = width / (2 * tan(PI / 5 / 2));
    double theta, pointX, pointY;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        uchar* ptr = dst.ptr(i);
        int k = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
            theta = asin((j - centerX) / f);
            pointY = f*tan((j - centerX) / f) + centerX;
            pointX = (i - centerY) / cos(theta) + centerY;

            if (pointX >= 0 && pointX <= height && pointY >= 0 && pointY <= width)
                const uchar *tmp = src.ptr(pointX);
                ptr[k] = tmp[(int)pointY * 3];
                ptr[k + 1] = tmp[(int)pointY * 3 + 1];
                ptr[k + 2] = tmp[(int)pointY * 3 + 2];
                ptr[k] = 0;
                ptr[k + 1] = 0;
                ptr[k + 2] = 0;
            k += 3;

//stitch images from center. srcs are original images, dst is the result
//s_num is the given start num, if s_num is 0 then start from the left
void ImageStitching::stitchImagesFromCenter(vector& srcs, Mat& dst, int s_num)
    if (s_num == 0)
        stitchImages(srcs, dst);
    //start image after cylinder projection
    Mat p_src1;
    projection(srcs[s_num], p_src1);

    //stitch from right to left
    for (int i = s_num - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        int extraCol = p_src1.cols/2;
        Mat tp_src1 = Mat::zeros(p_src1.rows, p_src1.cols + extraCol, p_src1.type());
        Mat tROI = tp_src1(Rect(extraCol, 0, p_src1.cols, p_src1.rows));
        p_src1.convertTo(tROI, tROI.type());
        //the left image after cylinder projection
        //projection this image to the right image's cordinate using warp perspective
        Mat p_src2;
        projection(srcs[i], p_src2);

        //homography mat
        Mat H;
        if (i == s_num - 1)
            Mat mask = Mat::zeros(tp_src1.size(), CV_8UC1);
            mask(Rect(extraCol, 0, p_src1.cols, tp_src1.rows)).setTo(255);
            getHomomgraphy(tp_src1, mask, p_src2, Mat(), H);
            Mat mask1 = Mat::zeros(tp_src1.size(), CV_8UC1);
            mask1(Rect(extraCol, 0, p_src1.cols*(1.0 / (s_num - i)), p_src1.rows)).setTo(255);
            Mat mask2 = Mat::zeros(p_src2.size(), CV_8UC1);
            mask2(Rect(Point2f(p_src2.cols / 3, 0), Point2f(p_src2.cols - 1, p_src2.rows - 1))).setTo(255);
            getHomomgraphy(tp_src1, mask1, p_src2, mask2, H);
        Mat tmp;
        warpPerspective(p_src2, tmp, H, Size(tp_src1.cols, tp_src1.rows));
        for (int m = 0; m < tmp.rows; m++)
            uchar* p_tp_src1 = tp_src1.ptr(m);
            uchar* p_tmp = tmp.ptr(m);
            for (int n = 0; n < tmp.cols * 3; n += 3)
                if (p_tp_src1[n] || p_tp_src1[n + 1] || p_tp_src1[n + 2])
                    if (p_tmp[n] || p_tmp[n+1] || p_tmp[n+2])
                        int dis = n / 3 - extraCol;
                        if (dis < 500 && dis > 0)
                            double weight = 1.0 * dis / 500;
                            p_tmp[n] = p_tp_src1[n] * weight + p_tmp[n] * (1 - weight);
                            p_tmp[n + 1] = p_tp_src1[n + 1] * weight + p_tmp[n + 1] * (1 - weight);
                            p_tmp[n + 2] = p_tp_src1[n + 2] * weight + p_tmp[n + 2] * (1 - weight);
                        else if (dis >= 0)
                            p_tmp[n] = p_tp_src1[n];
                            p_tmp[n + 1] = p_tp_src1[n + 1];
                            p_tmp[n + 2] = p_tp_src1[n + 2];
                        p_tmp[n] = p_tp_src1[n];
                        p_tmp[n + 1] = p_tp_src1[n + 1];
                        p_tmp[n + 2] = p_tp_src1[n + 2];

        int maxNotZero = 0;
        uchar* p_start = tmp.ptr(0);
        uchar* p_middle = tmp.ptr(tmp.rows / 2);
        uchar* p_bottom = tmp.ptr(tmp.rows - 1);
        for (int m = 0; m < tmp.cols*3; m+=3)
            bool b_start = p_start[m] || p_start[m + 1] || p_start[m + 2];
            bool b_middle = p_middle[m] || p_middle[m + 1] || p_middle[m + 2];
            bool b_bottom = p_bottom[m] || p_bottom[m + 1] || p_bottom[m + 2];
            if (b_start && b_middle && b_bottom)
                maxNotZero = m/3;

        Mat tmpROI = tmp(Rect(Point2f(maxNotZero, 0), Point2f(tmp.cols - 1, tmp.rows - 1)));

        p_src1 = tmpROI;

    for (size_t i = s_num + 1; i < srcs.size(); i++)
        Mat p_src2;
        projection(srcs[i], p_src2);
        size_t m = p_src1.cols - 1;
        Mat roiMat = p_src1(Rect(Point2f(0, 0), Point2f(m, p_src1.rows - 1)));

        Mat H;
        if (i != 1)
            Mat mask1 = Mat::zeros(roiMat.size(), CV_8UC1);
            mask1(Rect(Point2f(roiMat.cols*(1 - 1.0 / i), 0), Point2f(roiMat.cols - 1, roiMat.rows - 1))).setTo(255);
            Mat mask2 = Mat::zeros(p_src2.size(), CV_8UC1);
            mask2(Rect(0, 0, p_src2.cols * 2 / 3, p_src2.rows)).setTo(255);
            getHomomgraphy(roiMat, mask1, p_src2, mask2, H);
            getHomomgraphy(roiMat, Mat(), p_src2, Mat(), H);
        Mat tmp;
        warpPerspective(p_src2, tmp, H, Size(H.at<double>(0, 2) + p_src2.cols, p_src2.rows));
        Mat p_src1ROI = tmp(Rect(0, 0, roiMat.cols, roiMat.rows));

        for (size_t i = 0; i < p_src1ROI.rows; i++)
            uchar* p_roiMat = roiMat.ptr(i);
            uchar* p_tmp = tmp.ptr(i);
            //double dis = roiMat.cols - H.at(0, 2);
            for (size_t j = 0; j < p_src1ROI.cols * 3; j += 3)
                if (p_roiMat[j] || p_roiMat[j + 1] || p_roiMat[j + 2])
                    if (p_tmp[j] || p_tmp[j + 1] || p_tmp[j + 2])
                        int dis = roiMat.cols - j / 3;
                        if (dis < 200 && dis > 0)
                            double weight = 1.0 * dis / 200;
                            p_tmp[j] = p_roiMat[j] * weight + p_tmp[j] * (1 - weight);
                            p_tmp[j + 1] = p_roiMat[j + 1] * weight + p_tmp[j + 1] * (1 - weight);
                            p_tmp[j + 2] = p_roiMat[j + 2] * weight + p_tmp[j + 2] * (1 - weight);
                        else if (dis > 0)
                            p_tmp[j] = p_roiMat[j];
                            p_tmp[j + 1] = p_roiMat[j + 1];
                            p_tmp[j + 2] = p_roiMat[j + 2];
                        p_tmp[j] = p_roiMat[j];
                        p_tmp[j + 1] = p_roiMat[j + 1];
                        p_tmp[j + 2] = p_roiMat[j + 2];
        p_src1 = tmp;
    dst = p_src1;
    imwrite("dst.jpg", dst);

