strace 用法

strace 命令
用途:打印 STREAMS 跟踪消息。
语法:strace [ mid sid level ] ...
 描述:没有参数的 strace 命令将所有的驱动程序和模块中的所有 STREAMS 事件跟踪消息写到它的标准输出中。 这些消息是从 STREAMS 日志驱动程序中获取的。如果提供参数,它们必须是在三元组中。每个三元组表明跟踪消息要从给定的模块或驱动程序、子标识(通常表明次要设备)以及优先级别 等于或小于给定级别的模块或驱动程序中接收。all 标记可由任何成员使用,以表明对该属性没有限制。
参数:mid---指定 STREAMS 模块的标识号 sid---指定子标识号 level----指定跟踪优先级别
 跟踪序列号
 消息时间(格式为 hh:mm:ss)
 系统启动后,以机器滴答信号表示消息的时间
 跟踪优先级别
 有以下值之一:
 消息也在错误日志中
 表示一个致命错误
 邮件已发送给系统管理员
 源的模块标识号
 源的子标识号
 跟踪消息的格式化文本
在多处理器系统上, 由两部分组成:消息所有者发送处的处理器号码,格式化文本本身。
一旦启动,strace 命令将继续执行,直到用户终止该命令。
注:由于性能的考虑,所以一次只允许一个 strace 命令来打开 STREAMS 日志驱动程序。
 日志驱动程序有一个三元组的列表(该列表在命令调用中指定),并且程序会根据该列表比较每个潜在的跟踪消息,以决定是否要格式化和发送这个信息到 strace 进程中。因此,长的三元组列表会对 STREAMS 的总体性能的影响更大。 运行 strace 命令对于某些模块和驱动程序(生成要发送给 strace 进程的跟踪消息的模块和驱动程序)的定时的影响最大。 如果跟踪消息生成过快,以至 strace 进程无法处理,那么就会丢失一些消息。 最后的情况可以通过检查跟踪消息输出上的序列号来确定。
要输出模块标识为 41 的模块或驱动程序中的所有跟踪消息,请输入:
strace 41 all all
要输出模块标识为 41,子标识为 0、1 或 2 的模块或驱动程序中的跟踪消息:
strace 41 0 1 41 1 1 41 2 0
 子标识为 0 和 1 的模块或驱动程序中的消息必须具有小于或等于 1 的跟踪级别。子标识为 2 的模块或驱动程序中的消息必须具有跟踪级别 0。
strace: option requires an argument -- e
usage: strace [-dffhiqrtttTvVxx] [-a column] [-e expr] ... [-o file]
 [-p pid] ... [-s strsize] [-u username] [-E var=val] ...
 [command [arg ...]]
 or: strace -c [-e expr] ... [-O overhead] [-S sortby] [-E var=val] ...
 [command [arg ...]]
-c -- count time, calls, and errors for each syscall and report summary
-f -- follow forks, -ff -- with output into separate files
-F -- attempt to follow vforks, -h -- print help message
-i -- print instruction pointer at time of syscall
-q -- suppress messages about attaching, detaching, etc.
-r -- print relative timestamp, -t -- absolute timestamp, -tt -- with usecs
-T -- print time spent in each syscall, -V -- print version
-v -- verbose mode: print unabbreviated argv, stat, termio[s], etc. args
-x -- print non-ascii strings in hex, -xx -- print all strings in hex
-a column -- alignment COLUMN for printing syscall results (default 40)
-e expr -- a qualifying expression: option=[!]all or option=[!]val1[,val2]...
 options: trace, abbrev, verbose, raw, signal, read, or write
-o file -- send trace output to FILE instead of stderr
-O overhead -- set overhead for tracing syscalls to OVERHEAD usecs
-p pid -- trace process with process id PID, may be repeated
-s strsize -- limit length of print strings to STRSIZE chars (default 32)
-S sortby -- sort syscall counts by: time, calls, name, nothing (default time)
-u username -- run command as username handling setuid and/or setgid
-E var=val -- put var=val in the environment for command
-E var -- remove var from the environment for command
strace - 跟踪系统调用和信号
usage: strace [-dffhiqrtttTvVxx] [-a column] [-e expr] [-o file]
[-p pid] [-s strsize] [-u username] [command [arg]]
strace -c [-e expr] [-O overhead] [-S sortby] [command [arg]]
-a column
 指定显示返回值的列位置,默认是40(从0开始计数),就是说"="出现在40列的位
 置。
-c 产生类似下面的统计信息
 strace -c -p 14653 (Ctrl-C)
 % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
 ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 53.99 0.012987 3247 4 2 wait4
 42.16 0.010140 2028 5 read
 1.78 0.000429 61 7 write
 0.76 0.000184 10 18 ioctl
 0.50 0.000121 2 52 rt_sigprocmask
 0.48 0.000115 58 2 fork
 0.18 0.000043 2 18 rt_sigaction
 0.06 0.000014 14 1 1 stat
 0.03 0.000008 4 2 sigreturn
 0.02 0.000006 2 3 time
 0.02 0.000006 3 2 1 setpgid
 ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 100.00 0.024053 114 4 total
 -d 输出一些strace自身的调试信息到标准输出
 strace -c -p 14653 -d (Ctrl-C)
 [wait(0x137f) = 14653]
 pid 14653 stopped, [SIGSTOP]
 [wait(0x57f) = 14653]
 pid 14653 stopped, [SIGTRAP]
 cleanup: looking at pid 14653
 % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
 ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 100.00 0.000000 0 total
 -e expr
 A qualifying expression which modifies which events to trace or how to trace
 them. The format of the expression is:
 [qualifier=][!]value1[,value2]...
 这里qualifier可以是trace、abbrev、verbose、raw、signal、read或者write。
 value是qualifier相关的符号或数值。缺省qualifier是trace。!表示取反。
 -eopen等价于-e trace=open,表示只跟踪open系统调用。-etrace=!open意思是
 跟踪除open系统调用之外的其他所有系统调用。此外value还可以取值all和none。
 某些shell用!表示重复历史指令,此时可能需要引号、转义符号(/)的帮助。
 -e trace=set
 只跟踪指定的系统调用列表。决定跟踪哪些系统调用时,-c选项很有用。
 trace=open,close,read,write意即只跟踪这四种系统调用,缺省是trace=all
 -e trace=file
 跟踪以指定文件名做参数的所有系统调用。
 -e trace=process
 Trace all system calls which involve process management. This is
 useful for watching the fork, wait, and exec steps of a process.
 -e trace=network
 跟踪所有和网络相关的系统调用
 -e trace=signal
 Trace all signal related system calls.
 -e trace=ipc
 Trace all IPC related system calls.
 -e abbrev=set
 Abbreviate the output from printing each member of large structures.
 缺省是abbrev=all,-v选项等价于abbrev=none
 -e verbose=set
 Dereference structures for the specified set of system calls.
 The default is verbose=all.
 -e raw=set
 Print raw, undecoded arguments for the specifed set of system calls.
 This option has the effect of causing all arguments to be printed in
 hexadecimal. This is mostly useful if you don"t trust the decoding or
 you need to know the actual numeric value of an argument.
 -e signal=set
 只跟踪指定的信号列表,缺省是signal=all。signal=!SIGIO (or signal=!io)
 导致 SIGIO 信号不被跟踪
 -e read=set
 Perform a full hexadecimal and ASCII dump of all the data read from
 file descriptors listed in the specified set. For example, to see all
 input activity on file descriptors 3 and 5 use -e read=3,5. Note that
 this is independent from the normal tracing of the read(2) system call
 which is controlled by the option -e trace=read.
 -e write=set
 Perform a full hexadecimal and ASCII dump of all the data written to
 file descriptors listed in the specified set. For example, to see all
 output activity on file descriptors 3 and 5 use -e write=3,5. Note
 that this is independent from the normal tracing of the write(2)
 system call which is controlled by the option -e trace=write.
 -f
 follow forks,跟随子进程?
 Trace child processes as they are created by currently traced
 processes as a result of the fork(2) system call. The new process
 is attached to as soon as its pid is known (through the return value
 of fork(2) in the parent process). This means that such children may
 run uncontrolled for a while (especially in the case of a vfork(2)),
 until the parent is scheduled again to complete its (v)fork(2)
 call. If the parent process decides to wait(2) for a child that is
 currently being traced, it is suspended until an appropriate child
 process either terminates or incurs a signal that would cause it to
 terminate (as determined from the child"s current signal disposition).
 意思应该是说跟踪某个进程时,如果发生fork()调用,则选择跟踪子进程
 可以参考gdb的set follow-fork-mode设置
 -F
 attempt to follow vforks
 (On SunOS 4.x, this is accomplished with some dynamic linking trickery.
 On Linux, it requires some kernel functionality not yet in the
 standard kernel.) Otherwise, vforks will not be followed even if -f
 has been given.
 类似-f选项
 -ff
 如果-o file选项有效指定,则跟踪过程中新产生的其他相关进程的信息分别写
 入,这里pid是各个进程号。
 -h
 显示帮助信息
 -i
 显示发生系统调用时的IP寄存器值
 strace -p 14653 -i
 -o filename
 指定保存strace输出信息的文件,默认使用标准错误输出stderr
 Use if -ff is used. If the argument begins with `|" or
 with `!" then the rest of the argument is treated as a command and all
 output is piped to it. This is convenient for piping the debugging
 output to a program without affecting the redirections of executed
 programs.
 -O overhead
 Set the overhead for tracing system calls to overhead microseconds.
 This is useful for overriding the default heuristic for guessing how
 much time is spent in mere measuring when timing system calls using
 the -c option. The acuracy of the heuristic can be gauged by timing
 a given program run without tracing (using time(1)) and comparing
 the accumulated system call time to the total produced using -c.
 好象是用于确定哪些系统调用耗时多
 -p pid
 指定待跟踪的进程号,可以用Ctrl-C终止这种跟踪而被跟踪进程继续运行。可以
 指定多达32个-p参数同时进行跟踪。
 比如 strace -ff -o output -p 14653 -p 14117
 -q
 Suppress messages about attaching, detaching etc. This happens
 automatically when output is redirected to a file and the command is
 run directly instead of attaching.
 -r
 Print a relative timestamp upon entry to each system call. This
 records the time difference between the beginning of successive
 system calls.
 strace -p 14653 -i -r
 -s strsize
 指定字符串最大显示长度,默认32。但文件名总是显示完整。
 -S sortby
 Sort the output of the histogram printed by the -c option by the
 specified critereon. Legal values are time, calls, name, and nothing
 (default time).
 -t
 与-r选项类似,只不过-r采用相对时间戳,-t采用绝对时间戳(当前时钟)
 -tt
 与-t类似,绝对时间戳中包含微秒
 -ttt
 If given thrice, the time printed will include the microseconds and
 the leading portion will be printed as the number of seconds since
 the epoch.
 -T
 这个选项显示单个系统调用耗时
 -u username
 用指定用户的UID、GID以及辅助组身份运行待跟踪程序
 -v
 冗余显示模式
 Print unabbreviated versions of environment, stat, termios, etc. calls.
 These structures are very common in calls and so the default behavior
 displays a reasonable subset of structure members. Use this option to
 get all of the gory details.
 -V
 显示strace版本信息
 -x 以16进制字符串格式显示非ascii码,比如"/x08",默认采用8进制,比如"/10"
 -xx 以16进制字符串格式显示所有字节 

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