1、Deep CNN-Based Blind Image Quality Predictor
1) predict the objective error map,
Image Normalization:A Gaussian low-pass filter and subsampling (下采样1/4再上采样回去)(原因:低频很难失真,HSV对低频不敏感。)
ground-truth objective error map:p = 0.2,数据分布大于0。
根据内容判断预测的Reliability Map Prediction可靠性:实验a = 1.0最佳。
2) predict subjective score
additional handcrafted features: 归一化后的u和std 。
实验:In the experiment with the LIVE IQA database, the patch size was 112 × 112 and each step was 80 × 80.
epoch、Reliability Map(r)、Image Normalization 、Handcrafted Features、Proxy Training Targets(FR第一阶段的学习目标)、Performance on Individual Databases 、 Performance on Individual Distortion Types 、Cross Data Set Test
PS:最后提出了一个DIQA-SENS:引入视觉敏感性。distorted image, its objective error map, and its ground-truth subjective score 三个输入,label 是质量分数。即使用第一阶段的网络加一层全连接回归分数得到sensitivity map(中间还有一个相乘)。得到predicts local visual weights of the objective error map (权重)
2、Deep Learning of Human Visual Sensitivity in Image Quality Assessment Framework
a)Image Normalization:灰度图归一化到(0,1)
b)ground-truth objective error map:,作者称之为sensitivitymap
c)得到sensitivity map后,与下采样1/4的error map矩阵相乘得到P,作者称之为perceptual error map
PS:在loss中加了对sensitivity map的L2正则化项,惩罚高频。
实验:正则化项权重,e and sensitivitymap and perceptual error map不同失真和同一失真不同程度的图像对比,结果比对,以及Cross Dataset Test。感觉作者的实验比我的严谨又全面多了。
3、Fully Deep Blind Image Quality Predictor
step 1:用SSIM 、GMS 、FSIM and VSI获取patch label作为中间目标。
step 2:在进过1训练的网络上将1扩展到Nm
in Step 1, the CNN is trained for each patch and regressed onto the local metric score
In Step 2, the CNN is trained using the patches of an image and is pooled to the subjective score
where Nm is the number of patches in the mth image
实验:Performances comparison(fsim)、1 epoches、4个FR使用比较、Cross dataset test、Effect of patch size、Predicted local metric score visualization等一系列,,太全面了。但是好像最后一个实验才用神奇的MFSIMC,为什么第一个不用呢,,只有图,,不应该有它的结果数据吗,