Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT0400 | Data store header fails basic sanity test | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0402 | Cannot close data store file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0403 | Attempt to read from checkpoint truncated | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0404 | Corrupted block header | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0406 | Incomplete write to file file_name. OS-detected error: error | If this happens during commit, it may be due to limited disk space for reclaim. See description of error 902 for more information. |
TT0407 | Failed to seek in checkpoint file. OS-detected error: error | Internal error: An attempt to seek within a checkpoint file has failed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0408 | Failed to sync checkpoint file file_name to disk.OS-detected error: error_message | Internal error: An attempt to sync a checkpoint file to disk has failed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0409 | Invalid checkpoint LSN | Internal error: Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0411 | OS-detected error error while destroying directory directory | Warning only. TimesTen failed to destroy a directory due to an operating system error. |
TT0412 | Bad file-open mode | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0413 | Bad file-exists mode | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0414 | Bad file-missing mode | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0415 | Incompatible file-open modes | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0416 | Block merge operation terminated due to high contention | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0420 | Operation is not permitted over client-server connections | The attempted operation can only be performed in direct mode. |
TT0421 | Invalid file handle (may have been closed by application) | A file handle used for reading the transaction log has been unexpectedly closed. This error almost always indicates an application programming error. Check your application code to see if it is closing a file handle improperly. |
TT0422 | File handle repositioned (may have been read for written by application) | A file handle used for reading the transaction log has been unexpectedly repositioned. This error almost always indicates an application programming error. Check your application code to see if it is reading from or writing to the wrong file handle. |
TT0423 | Log directory in NFS is not supported on this platform | Installations of TimesTen are supported on the Linux platform. |
TT0600 | Checkpoint not done due to transaction commit/rollback failure | Commit or rollback of the transaction failed. As a result, checkpointing was not attempted. Consider performing a checkpoint in its own transaction. |
TT0601 | Checkpoint failure | Checkpoint failed. Check that there is sufficient disk space and that database files are writable, then retry. |
TT0602 | Transaction already has a pending fuzzy checkpoint request | A checkpoint procedure has been called on a transaction that has another checkpoint request pending. |
TT0603 | Transaction already has a pending checkpoint request | A checkpoint blocking procedure has been called on a transaction that has another checkpoint blocking request pending. |
TT0604 | Log missing record for checkpoint file (lsn LSN_number). | If the transaction log on disk has been truncated or otherwise corrupted, it may be missing log records corresponding to the checkpoints on disk. In this case, the transaction log is ignored, any log files existing are moved to the directory indicated in this message, and the database is recovered from the checkpoints alone. This message is issued as a warning when this situation occurs. |
TT0605 | Checkpoint Log record number.number) not present | If the transaction log on disk has been truncated or otherwise corrupted, it may be missing log records corresponding to the checkpoints on disk. In this case, an attempt is made to move any existing log files to another directory, so they can be ignored and recovery can continue with the checkpoints alone. If it is not possible to move the existing log files, this error is issued. The database administrator may want to manually move or remove the truncated or corrupt log files and try connecting again. |
TT0606 | Checkpoint cannot proceed because another checkpoint or backup is in progress | An attempt was made to checkpoint the database while a backup or another checkpoint was in progress. Wait until the backup or checkpoint has completed and retry the checkpoint. |
TT0607 | Backup cannot proceed because another checkpoint or backup is in progress | An attempt was made to backup the database while a checkpoint or another backup was in progress. Wait until the backup or checkpoint has completed and retry the backup. |
TT0609 | Data store failed validity check | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0610 | End-checkpoint log record not found | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0611 | Backup process died | This error is reported by thettBackupStatus built-in procedure when an in-progress backup was killed or died unexpectedly. |
TT0622 | User user_name does not have group permission to connect to data store | The user is not a member of the group that is authorized to connect to the database. Add the user to the appropriate group. |
TT0623 | User user_name does not have group permission to create data store | The user is not authorized to connect and to and create the database. Add the user to the appropriate group. |
TT0629 | No permission to access data store files | The user is not authorized to connect to the database. Reset theGroupRestrict attribute. |
TT0649 | Log file file_name has been purged | By default, TimesTen automatically removes archived transaction log files at checkpoint time. To retain archived transaction log files, setLogPurge=0 . For more details on transaction log files, see "Managing transaction log buffers and files" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. |
TT0650 | Invalid backup type | The specified backup type is invalid. SeettBackup for a description of valid backup types. |
TT0651 | Backup path is not enabled for incremental backup | The backup file must be enabled for incremental backups when it is created. SeettBackup . |
TT0652 | Backup directory does not exist | Create or specify a valid backup directory. |
TT0654 | Too many incremental-enabled backup directories | TimesTen supports the creation of up to eight incremental-enabled backup instances for each database. |
TT0656 | Incremental_enabled backup requires disk logging | Incremental backups are supported only for permanent disk-logging databases. |
TT0657 | Backup path exceeds maximum length of number characters | The backup path cannot exceed the path length indicated in the error message. Create or specify a path no longer than the maximum length. |
TT0658 | Backup point is behind backup's log hold | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0659 | Backup is out of date | The backup files specified by the backup directory and/or basename are not from the database that is being backed up. They may be from a previous database that had the same database path name but which has since been destroyed. These backup files can be overwritten by specifying a backup with the-force option. |
TT0660 | Requested backup point cannot be honored because needed log files have been purged | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0661 | Requested backup point cannot be honored because it is in the future | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0662 | Data store file file_name reflects unfinished restore operation. | Unable to recover from the specified database file because it is the result of an incomplete restore operation. The most likely cause of this error is a user-initiated interruption of an in-progress restore operation. Other possible causes for the incomplete restore operation include an out of space condition in the file system that contains the database's checkpoint files or a system crash. To correct the problem, address the issue that caused the interruption of the original restore operation and retry the restore. |
TT0663 | Operation requires logging to disk | The requested operation requires that you enable disk-based logging (Logging = 1 ). |
TT0664 | Log record size of number bytes exceeds maximum size of number bytes | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support |
TT0665 | The size of LogBufMB should at least be at least LogBufParallelism * 8 | The size that you have specified for theLogBufMB attribute is too small. Increase the size in the DSN.ini file. |
TT0666 | ReplicationApplyOrdering cannot be 0 if ReplicationParallelism is greater than 1. | If the number of replication threads is greater than 1, which configures the transmit and application of transactions in parallel, then configuration of an ordering mode is required in theReplicationApplyOrdering attribute. The value of In the DSN |
TT0668 | LogBufParallelism value of |
Change the value ofLogBufParallelism and/orReplicationParallelism value in the DSN.ini file so thatReplicationParallelism is not greater thanLogBufParallelism . |
TT0669 | Cannot change replication track within an active transaction. | When using parallel replication, connections can select which parallel replication track to use. However, an application is not allowed to change the replication track in which it writes logs once it has started a transaction. |
TT0670 | Batch cursors cannot be used because replication tracks are not enabled. (ReplicationParallelism = |
Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0700 | Waiting for other 'in flux' threads failed | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0701 | Marking data store 'in flux' failed | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0702 | Connect failed because max number of connections exceeded | The maximum number of connections to the database or instance has been exceeded. TimesTen allows maximum of 2048 concurrent database connections per instance. |
TT0703 | Subdaemon connect to data store failed with error TTerror_number | Check other error messages for more information. If the problem cannot be identified from other errors, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0704 | Connecting to a data store that is invalid and still has connected clients | Another application connected to the database has failed; the RAM-resident version of the database is corrupted. Once all users now connected to the database disconnect from it, TimesTen rebuilds the database. Try to connect again later. |
TT0706 | Spawning a thread in the daemon failed | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0707 | Attempt to connect to a data store that has been manually unloaded from RAM | The application has tried to connect to a database whose RAM residence policy is set to manual and which has been manually unloaded from RAM. Applications cannot connect to the database. UsettAdmin with the -ramLoad option to reload the database. |
TT0709 | Adding new data store to catalog failed, OS error 'error_number' | When a database is created, the daemon stores some information about the database on disk. If this operation fails, this error is issued. The database administrator should consider the OS error that is reported and take action accordingly. Additional information may be present in the syslog on UNIX and the Event Log on Windows. This may involve a disk-space problem or a file permission problem, for example. Make sure the daemon is running as the instance administrator on UNIX systems. |
TT0711 | Data store creation in progress, try later | The database is currently being created and, therefore, cannot be accessed. |
TT0712 | Unable to lock data store memory segment, error error_number | 1 (EPERM) - indicates that the daemon was started by a user other than the super-user. Restart the daemon, as described in "Working with the Oracle TimesTen Data Manager Daemon" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.
TT0713 | Attempt to connect to data store as user "user_name" | You must supply a user name other thanSYS to connect to the database. |
TT0714 | Log directory attribute does not match current value | Any log directory specified for a connection must agree with the value that was specified when the database was created. A warning is be placed in the syslog on UNIX or the Event Log on Windows indicating the directory names that conflict. The database administrator should amend the connection attribute and try reconnecting. |
TT0715 | Unable to access log directory 'log_directory'. OS- detected error: error_details | The path specified in theLogDir attribute is not accessible due to reasons described inerror_details .TimesTen cannot perform the requested connect or disconnect operation. Change theLogDir attribute in the DSN to a valid directory or create the directory as needed. |
TT0716 | Undo of dead connection failed | This error is returned in daemon log and is an internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0717 | Update of data store catalog entry failed | TimesTen main daemon tried to update the DBI file in the daemon home directory to indicate a change in the meta information about a database. Check that your file system is not full. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0720 | Permission denied while opening directory directory_name | Permissions are not set correctly on the specified directory. Make sure the directory has read and execute permissions for the TimesTen application. |
TT0721 | No such directory: directory_name | The specified directory does not exist. Create that directory, or specify another one. |
TT0722 | Log flusher reports error error_number (error) | The log manager was not able to flush the log due to operating system error. |
TT0723 | Log cursor is not open | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0724 | Log cursor has no current position | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0725 | Log cursor is unpositioned | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0726 | Log cursor is at end of log | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0744 | Log read encountered additional data afterend of log | Recovery has encountered log data after the last complete and intact log record, which suggests that one or more log records may have been lost. This error should only occur after an operating system crash or other external event that corrupted one or more log files. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0745 | Log file file_name" LFN_FMT " contains partial log block | Recovery has encountered a log file that ends with a partial log block. This error should only occur after an operating system crash or other external event that corrupted one or more log files. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0746 | Extra log files found after end of log | Recovery has encountered log files after the file containing the last complete and intact log record. This error should only occur after an operating system crash or other external event that corrupted one or more log files. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0747 | Log read encountered incomplete log record at location log_record.log_number | Recovery has encountered an incomplete log record after the logical end of the log. This error should only occur after an operating system crash or other external event that corrupted one or more log files. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0748 | Log ended unexpectedly at LSN number; recovery terminated | Recovery has encountered an error while reading transaction log and theLogAutoTruncate first connect attribute is set to 0. If you can determine and correct the problem, do so and try to connect again. Otherwise, contact TimesTen Technical Support. Do not modify or remove any TimesTen checkpoint or transaction log file without first making a backup copy of the original file. |
TT0749 | Invalid log block found at location number -- details: error_description | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0750 | Log read encountered log record with incorrect LSN at location number -- remainder of log ignored | TimesTen encountered an unexpected value while reading the log. During recovery, the transaction log is effectively truncated at the point of the unexpected value, and the operation continues. The transaction log corruption is likely the result of a crash affecting the disk controller. Depending on the position of the error, some logged information may be lost. It is extremely unlikely that durable commits are lost, but it is possible on some operating systems. If this error is encountered at any time other than recovery, is not the result of a crash that you believe may have affected the disk controller, or if you are concerned that durably committed information may have been lost, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0751 | Log read encountered log record with bad length at location number -- remainder of log ignored | TimesTen encountered an unexpected value while reading the log. During recovery, the transaction log is effectively truncated at the point of the unexpected value, and the operation continues. The transaction log corruption is likely the result of a crash affecting the disk controller. Depending on the position of the error, some logged information may be lost. It is extremely unlikely that durable commits are lost, but it is possible on some operating systems. If this error is encountered at any time other than recovery, is not the result of a crash that you believe may have affected the disk controller, or if you are concerned that durably committed information may have been lost, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0752 | Log read encountered log record with bad type at location number - remainder of log ignored | TimesTen encountered an unexpected value while reading the transaction log. During recovery, the transaction log is effectively truncated at the point of the unexpected value, and the operation continues. The transaction log corruption is likely the result of a crash affecting the disk controller. Depending on the position of the error, some logged information may be lost. It is extremely unlikely that durable commits are lost, but it is possible on some operating systems. If this error is encountered at any time other than recovery, is not the result of a crash that you believe may have affected the disk controller, or if you are concerned that durably committed information may have been lost, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0754 | Cannot open log copy file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0755 | Cannot chmod log copy file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0756 | Cannot write to log copy file file_name: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0759 | Log file file_name has invalid file header -- details: error_description | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0760 | Attempt to read past the end of the log; LSN = LSN_number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0761 | Cannot determine size of log file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0762 | Invalid log truncation LSN LSN_number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0763 | Cannot truncate log file file_name. OS-detected error error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0764 | Cannot move away log file. OS-detected error error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0765 | Cannot create log file copy directory. OS-detected error error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0766 | Cannot create log reserve file file_name. OS- detected error error_details | The log manager was not able to create reserved log space due to operating system error. |
TT0767 | Cannot chmod log reserve file. OS-detected error error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0768 | Cannot determine size of log reserve file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0769 | Log reserve file has invalid size value | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0770 | Cannot open log reserve file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0771 | Cannot write log reserve file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0772 | Cannot seek in log reserve file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0773 | Cannot sync log reserve file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0774 | Cannot close log reserve file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0775 | Cannot delete log reserve file file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0776 | Cannot rename log reserve file; old name = old_file_name; new name = new_file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0777 | Log reserve exhausted | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0778 | Log write failed because filesystem is full; transaction must rollback | The filesystem that holds the transaction log directory is full. You must abort your transaction. If your application hasAUTOCOMMIT set to 0, your application must rollback the transaction. If your application hasAUTOCOMMIT set to 1, the command failed and the application has no further responsibilities. |
TT0779 | Request denied; transaction must rollback because log filesystem is full | This transaction has previously received error 778. No new requests are accepted for this transaction; the transaction must abort. |
TT0780 | Log file file_name not found | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0781 | Cannot sync log file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0782 | Cannot rename log file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0783 | Cannot sync log file even after retrying for number msec. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0784 | Log record type is disallowed at this time | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0785 | No log record exists at LSN LSN_number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0786 | Cannot truncate log reserve file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | The log manager was not able to maintain reserved log space due to operating system error. |
TT0787 | Log file size exceeds maximum size of size MB | The transaction log file exceeds the maximum defined size for TimesTen. Set the transaction log file size to a size smaller than the maximum allowed limit. For details, see the description for theLogFileSize attribute in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. |
TT0788 | Log file size less than minimum size of size MB. | The log file is less than the minimum size required by TimesTen. For details, see the description of theLogFileSize attribute in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. |
TT0789 | LogFileSize size with parallel mode of replication is less than minimum size of 8* LogBufParallelism = %" UINTP_FMT " MB | When parallel replication is used, theLogFileSize should be at least 8 MB per buffer inLogBufParallelism . The size that is specified for theLogFileSize attribute is too small. Increase the size in the DSN.ini file. |
TT0790 | Incomplete write to log file file_name. OS-detected error: error | Unable to write all bytes to the log. If this happens during commit, it may be due to limited disk space for reclaim. See description of error 902 for more information. |
TT0791 | Cannot communicate with subdaemon | Could not connect to or disconnect from a subdaemon because it is not running. Consider restarting the daemon once all applications have disconnected. |
TT0792 | Attempt to read from log file file_name truncated; byte_countbytes read | Unable to read all bytes from the log. Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0793 | No idle subdaemons | Unable to connect to a database because there are no idle subdaemons available. TimesTen supports up to 50 shared databases per daemon. |
TT0794 | Thread join failed | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0795 | Protocol failure | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0796 | Failed to initialize procedure procedure_name with arguments/results argument/result_list | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0797 | Two threads using a single context | This error is issued by the debug version of the library only. If the error persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0798 | Daemon reports error error_number | Daemon encountered a problem while TimesTen was creating a database, connecting to a database, disconnecting from a database or destroying a database. |
TT0799 | Unable to connect to daemon; check daemon status | Unable to connect to the daemon during a database creation, database connection or destroy database operation. The daemon is not running. Start it with thettdaemonadmin -start utility. |
TT0800 | Too many errors - error buffer overflow | The number of errors pushed onto the error buffer exceeds the maximum of 50. |
TT0801 | Malloc (C library) failed | Unable to allocate memory for TimesTen internal data structures. |
TT0802 | Database space exhausted | Unable to allocate memory from the heap. An additional error message indicates which data partition is full. Try increasing the size of the appropriate data partition. |
TT0803 | Name length exceeds 30 characters | The number of characters in the length of an identifier or user name has exceeded the maximum of 30. |
TT0804 | Internal error: unknown error code error_string | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0805 | operation_name has not been implemented | Operation is recognized by the parser but its functionality is not currently available. |
TT0806 | Garbage left on heap | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0807 | Null pointer argument | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0808 | Operation not atomic (failed and not undone) | Operation was not rolled back because logging was not enabled. Database may be inconsistent and may not be recoverable. You can try dumping and reloading withttBulkCp . You can also attempt the operation again with logging turned on (Logging=1 ). |
TT0809 | Heap page directory overflow - cannot allocate space | This error indicates that the database's allocation structures are full. Try freeing any items possible and/or compacting the database, usingttCompact , and retrying the operation. Disconnecting all connections and reconnecting may also free up some space. |
TT0810 | Pointer does not reference the data store | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0812 | Platform not supported platform | Some of the characteristics of your machine (that is, alignments, type sizes) do not match the expected values. Check that you have installed the correct release of TimesTen appropriately. If the error persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0814 | Size specified by 'attribute' connection attribute is less than the minimum size of megabyte_count megabytes | During a database creation operation, the initial size of either thePermSize orTempSize attribute was less than the allowed minimum. Increase the value of the attribute to at least the minimum indicated size. |
TT0817 | Internal error - TimesTen initialization failed | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0818 | Sum of permanent and temporary partition sizes (size) exceeds maximum size (max_size) allowed on this platform | During a database creation operation, the initial total size exceeded the maximum. |
TT0819 | Data store not compatible with library library | An attempt was made to connect to a database whose release is not recognized by the current release of TimesTen. Database must be upgraded to current release. |
TT0820 | Cannot destroy data store logs | Unable to remove the database logs because of an operating system error, such as"File in use." |
TT0821 | No readable checkpoint files | An attempt was made to connect to a database that has been deleted. Consider connecting withOverwrite=1 to create a new database. |
TT0823 | Compact operation not fully completed | This warning is issued when a compaction operation is unable to complete. Additional errors that are pushed should indicate the reason for the failure For example, the failure could be caused by an out-of-disk error. |
TT0824 | Error information lost. Routine was at step number | The operation failed, but error information was lost. Contact TimesTen, Technical Support regarding this lost error information. |
TT0826 | Temporary data store exists but is unattached | Attempting to connect to a temporary database (Temporary attribute set) that is not connected to an application process and should have been automatically destroyed. Try explicitly destroying the database (seettDestroy ) or setting theAutoCreate andOverwrite attributes to overwrite the database. |
TT0827 | Bad connect options: When Logging=0, DurableCommits must be set to 0 and LockLevel must be set to 1 | If logging to disk is off, then database level locking must be on (LockLevel=1 ), theDurableCommits andLogPurge attributes must be off. |
TT0829 | Bad options: Cannot copy logging options if first connection | The copy logging options must be off if creating a database or establishing the first connection to the database. |
TT0830 | Cannot create data store file. OS-detected error: error_text | Unable to remove existing database during a database creation operation with overwrite (Overwrite attribute set) or unable to create the database checkpoint file because of an operating system error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0831 | Cannot change mode on data store file, error error_text | Unable to change the permissions on the database file during a database creation operation because of an operating system error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0832 | Cannot open data store file for reading. OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to open the database file for reading during a database connection operation because of an operating system error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0833 | Data store data_store_name not found | Warning: attempting to connect to or destroy a database that does not exist. |
TT0834 | Data store file invalid or corrupted | Type of Message:Error Cause: During recovery or a database connection operation the database file was found to be corrupted. Impact: You cannot use the TimesTen database. User Action: Recover the database from a backup or failover to a standby node. For more information, see "General failover and recovery procedures" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Replication Guide. For additional help, contact TimesTen technical support. |
TT0835 | Data store file file_name reflects unfinished checkpoint | Unable to recover from the specified database file because the file is incomplete. This generally indicates that either the application failed when writing the checkpoint or that there was not sufficient disk space to store the checkpoint. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide for information on preventing disk space shortage. Generally a connection is still possible when you receive this error because TimesTen saves two different checkpoints. |
TT0836 | Cannot create data store shared memory segment, error error_number | Unable to create a shared memory segment during a database creation or database connection operation. The database may have been invalidated and some applications may still be connected to it. The shared memory segment cannot be freed until all applications disconnect from the corresponding database. See "Installation prerequisites" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide. |
TT0837 | Cannot attach data store shared memory segment, error error_number | Unable to attach to a shared memory segment during a database creation or database connection operation.You receive this error if a process cannot attach to the shared memory segment for the database. On UNIX or Linux systems, the shmat call can fail due to one of: - The application does not have access to the shared memory segment. In this case the system error code isEACCESS . - The system cannot allocate memory to keep track of the allocation, or there is not enough data space to fit the segment. In this case the system error code isENOMEM . - The attach exceeds the system limit on the number of shared memory segments for the process. In this case the system error code isEMFILE . It is possible that some UNIX or Linux systems have additional possible causes for the error. Theshmat man page lists the possibilities. On Windows systems, the error could occur because of one of these reasons: - Access denied - The system has no handles available. - The segment cannot be fit into the data section. |
TT0838 | Cannot get data store shared memory segment, error error_number | Unable to access a shared memory segment during a database creation or database connection operation. |
TT0839 | Cannot access data store because it is in use. A data store may be considered to be in use due to its RAM Policy setting, even though there are no active connections to it. | Operation cannot be performed until other connections have finished. IfOverwrite=1 , consider setting it to zero. |
TT0840 | Cannot allocate space byte_count for non-shared data store | Unable to allocate memory for the database header of a non-sharable database during a database creation or database connection operation. Not enough available swap space or physical memory. On HP, Sun and IBM systems the data space limit may be increased with the command /usr/bin/ulimit -d n This command is built in some shells, in which case the shell may take precedence. For For For Bourne shells ( |
TT0841 | Cannot detach data store shared memory segment, error error_number | Warning: unable to detach a shared memory segment during a disconnect from database operation. |
TT0842 | Invalid data store identifier | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0843 | query/feature is not supported | The requested type of query is not supported. |
TT0844 | Cannot write data store file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to write to the database file during creation of a database or initiation of a checkpoint, most likely due to a lack of disk space. |
TT0845 | Cannot read data store file. OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to read the database file during a database connection operation. |
TT0846 | Data store connection invalid or not current | To execute the current operation, an existing valid database connection was expected but not detected. |
TT0847 | Cannot open data store file for writing. OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to open a database file for writing during an initiation of a checkpoint because of an operating system error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0848 | Recovery failed on number sets of data store files; the TimesTen error log has more information | Recovery was performed on one or more checkpoint files and failed. The user error log contains warning messages that indicate where the problem occurred. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0849 | Recovery failed on number sets of data store files; try connecting with a larger data store size | Recovery was performed on one or more checkpoint files and failed. During recovery, the database ran out of space. The most likely reason is that the database was very full when the application exited. If you increase thePermSize attribute and try reconnecting, more space is available for recovery. Contact TimesTen Technical Support |
TT0850 | Application has existing connection to data store | Unable to create, connect to or destroy a database because the application has an existing connection to the database. |
TT0851 | Cannot destroy data store file | Warning: unable to destroy the database file during a database connection or destroy database operation because of an operating system error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0852 | Unable to lock data store memory segment, error error_number...continuing with connection... | The system was unable to lock memory, but the error was ignored as per theMemoryLock attribute value.1 - indicates that the daemon was started by a user other than the instance administrator. Re-start the daemon as the instance administrator.12- indicates there was not enough lockable memory available on the system. Add more real memory, delete other memory-consuming processes or connect with a different value for theMemoryLock attribute. |
TT0853 | Operation is only supported when logging is enabled | Unable to roll back transactions or use row-level locking in a non-logging database. Connect with logging to disk or do not use this operation. |
TT0854 | Data store data_store_name already exists | Unable to create a database because it already exists. Either usettDestroy to destroy the existing database or connect with theOverwrite attribute set. |
TT0855 | Top level heap not defined | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0857 | Invalid flags for heap creation | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0860 | Invalid savepoint | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0862 | Number of active transactions exceeds the maximum | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0863 | Operation requires an active transaction | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0864 | Operation prohibited with an active transaction | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0865 | Cannot destroy log file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to destroy the log file during a database creation, database connection or destroy database operation because of an operating system error. |
TT0866 | Cannot close file. OS-detected error: error_details | While attempting to flush file buffers to disk, the operating system encountered an error. |
TT0867 | Cannot flush file buffers to disk. OS-detected error error_details | While attempting to flush file buffers to disk, the operating system encountered an error. Check the OS error message. |
TT0868 | Cannot open directory directory_name for reading. OS-detected error: error_details | While attempting to open the specified directory, the operating system encountered an error. Check the OS error message. |
TT0870 | Cannot close data store shared memory segment, error error_number | Warning: Unable to close shared memory segment handle after detaching the segment. |
TT0871 | Column column_name cannot be set to null | Cannot insert aNULL value into a non-nullable column or field. Check the input values and retry. |
TT0872 | Length of inline columns (value) exceeds limit maximum_value | Length of the inline columns exceeds the maximum of 8,400. Decrease the number and/or length of the columns in the table (only length of non-variable types matters). |
TT0873 | Length of inline row (value) exceeds limit maximum_value | Length of the inline row exceeds the maximum of 8,400. Decrease the number and/or length of the columns in the table (only length of non-variable types matters). |
TT0875 | Invalid or missing column number in column descriptor | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0876 | Overlapping columns in column descriptor | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0877 | Misaligned columns in column descriptor | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0878 | Invalid column number | Column number is not valid. Note that column numbers start at 1 (not 0). Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0879 | Table table_name has existing primary index | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0880 | Cannot create index; table has maximum of 32 indexes | A maximum of 32 indexes can exist on a given table. This includes both hash (primary key) and range indexes. |
TT0881 | Hash key and primary key columns must be identical | For a hash table, the columns of the hash key must be the same as the columns of the primary key. |
TT0882 | Primary index must be unique | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0883 | Index has open cursors | Cannot insert into, delete from or destroy an index that has open cursors on it. |
TT0884 | Invalid hash index | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0885 | Invalid T-tree index | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0886 | Index operation unsupported | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0887 | Table has no primary index | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0888 | Tail log truncated at position n.n. (where n is a long integer) | Recovery was unable to read the log past the given LSN. The log was truncated at that point to allow recovery to continue. The original, pre-truncated log file should be found in a directory calledsavedLogFiles , which should be a subdirectory of the database's log directory. |
TT0889 | Number of log files exceeded the maximum | Cannot create a transaction log file because the number of transaction log files that currently exists is at the maximum of 9,999. Roll back and perform a checkpoint. See "Checkpoint Operations" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. |
TT0890 | Log file name too long | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0891 | Log file file_name already exists | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0892 | Cannot create log file. OS-detected error: error_details | While attempting to create a log file, the operating system encountered an error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0893 | Cannot open log file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | While attempting to open a log file, the operating system encountered an error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0894 | Cannot write log file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | While attempting to write to a log file, the operating system encountered an error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0895 | Cannot close log file. OS-detected error: error_number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0896 | Cannot read log file file_name. OS-detected error: error_details | While attempting to read from a log file, the operating system encountered an error such as file system permission problems. |
TT0897 | Cannot seek in log file. OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0898 | Log record exceeds maximum size of log file | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0899 | Log buffer size is smaller than minimum size of minimum_size KB | Change the transaction log buffer size to a valid size, using theLogBufMB attribute. To see the current value of the transaction log buffer size, use thettConfiguration built-in procedure. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0900 | Cannot generate temporary file name | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0901 | Cannot create file file_name for reclaim records: OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to create a temporary file to be used to spool the headers of reclaimed log records. |
TT0902 | Cannot write file file_name for reclaim records: OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to write to the temporary file used to spool the headers of reclaimed transaction log records. Make sure there is enough space on the disk where your temporary directory resides or change the location of your temporary directory by setting theTMP environment variable on Windows or the TMPDIR environment variable on UNIX. To avoid writing this file all together, each transaction should limit the number of deleted rows, deleted varying-length data and updated varying-length data. In particular, the total of (number of deletes) + (number of deletes to varying-length data) + (number of updates to varying-length data) should be limited to 90, to avoid writing to this file. |
TT0903 | Cannot seek in file file_name for reclaim records: OS-detected error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0904 | Cannot read file file_name for reclaim records: OS-detected error: error_details | Unable to read the temporary file used to spool the headers of reclaimed log records. |
TT0905 | Invalid index identifier | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0906 | Cannot change mode on logfile file_name, error error_details | While attempting to change file mode access permissions on the log file, the operating system encountered an error. |
TT0907 | Unique constraint constraint violated at Rowid row_number | There are duplicate values in the primary key column(s) of a table or in the column(s) of a unique index. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0908 | Key not found in table or index | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0909 | Cannot update primary key or hash key | Cannot update values in the primary key columns or hash key columns of a table. |
TT0910 | Row has already been deleted | A transaction is trying to delete or update a row that it has already deleted. |
TT0911 | Null or blank table name | During table creation, no name was provided for the table. |
TT0912 | Row with ID not found in table | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0913 | MaxCnt exceeds limit | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0914 | table_name is not a valid table name | The length of the table name exceeds its maximum of 30 characters. |
TT0916 | Key column must be not-null | Cannot insert aNULL value into a key column. |
TT0917 | Invalid column number for key | The column number of the table that is specified as a key column is invalid. |
TT0918 | Key column count is zero or greater than the number of table columns | The number of key columns is either zero or exceeds the number of columns in the table. |
TT0919 | Invalid comparison condition | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0920 | Invalid default value for column column_name | The specified default value is not a constant or one of the allowed values,NULL was specified for a non-nullable column or the default data type is not compatible with that of the column. For details, see "Column Definition" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT0921 | Unsupported column type | Data type is recognized by the parser but is not currently supported. |
TT0922 | Invalid row identifier | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0923 | Invalid row implementation | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0924 | Row implementation unsupported for operation | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0925 | Cannot create data store semaphores | Unable to create a semaphore during a database creation or database connection operation. This error usually indicates that your system was not tuned for TimesTen. See the "Installation prerequisites" section of the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide for more details. |
TT0926 | Cannot create data store latch error_number | On Windows, there is a shortage of system resources such as "named events." End any stray processes that are running. If that does not help, reboot the system. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0927 | Cannot open data store semaphore (number) number | On Windows, there is a shortage of system resources such as "named events." End any stray processes that are running. If that does not help, reboot the system. If the problem persists contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0928 | Error in semaphore operation error_number | An operating system semaphore operation failed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support with the error number. |
TT0929 | Logging attributes specified for connection are incompatible with existing connections. | TheLogging attributes provided to a database connection operation were incompatible with the Logging attributes currently in effect for existing connections. Change the logging attributes to be the same or use theMatchLogOpts attribute. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide for valid combinations. |
TT0931 | Data store has maximum number of connections | Unable to create a connection to the database because the current number of connections is at the maximum of 2047. |
TT0932 | Invalid column name: string | The specified column name is invalid. Thestring in the error message gives more information about the specific problem and/or column name involved. |
TT0933 | Invalid SQL string | SQL string isNULL . |
TT0934 | Invalid binary string | A SQL statement has a binary string constant that is larger than 20,000 characters. To get around this limitation, specify the binary value as a parameter. Then, it can be bound to a program variable of arbitrary length. |
TT0935 | SQL statement must return a result | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0936 | SQL statement may return multiple results | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0937 | Invalid compiled command number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0938 | SQL statement has arguments | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0939 | SQL statement has no arguments | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0940 | SQL command has too many results | A maximum of 32,767 projected expressions are allowed for a singleSELECT statement. This includes all columns referenced indirectly by any* expressions. |
TT0941 | Execution of operation not possible -- dependent object (e.g. command or index) is in use. | The application is currently scanning the table or a corresponding index, so it cannot perform operations such as creating an index, dropping the table or dropping an index. The application must wait until scanning is complete. |
TT0942 | Imprecise numeric coercion | Warning: unable to convert a numeric value from one type to another without losing precision. |
TT0943 | MaxTups argument must be positive | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0946 | SQL command is no longer valid | The command has been invalidated. This may happen as the result of some DDL operations, such asALTER TABLE . The command should be prepared again. |
TT0947 | Cannot generate log file name | A failure occurred generating a name for the log file. Additional errors are returned indicating the reason for this failure. |
TT0948 | Read log buffer size specified is too small or too large | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0950 | Invalid format width | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0951 | Invalid float precision | The precision of a float type cannot be negative. |
TT0952 | Null string too long - value will be truncated | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0954 | SQL command has mismatched version number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0955 | Current Connections attribute setting (setting) exceeded by this connection. For optimal performance, configure Connections attribute higher. | The maximum number of connections allowed per database is determined by theConnections attribute. TimesTen supports between 1 and 2047 connections per database. |
TT0956 | Merge statement cannot update a primary key | You are attempting to update a primary key through aMERGE statement. This is not supported. |
TT0960 | String exceeds column width for column column_name - value will be truncated | Warning: attempting to insert a string into a character or binary column that is larger than the column's maximum length. The string is truncated. |
TT0962 | Bad value for parameter | While calling an API function, an invalid value was provided to a particular parameter. Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0963 | Internal error writing checkpoint log record | During a checkpoint, an error was encountered when writing the checkpoint log record. Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0964 | Internal error truncating log | During a checkpoint, an error was encountered when truncating the log. Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0965 | Specified join order is not applicable - valid join orders will be considered | Warning: the specified join order is not applicable and is ignored. All valid join orders are considered. |
TT0966 | Join string too long - join order not changed | Warning: the length of the specified join order exceeds the maximum of 1,024, and is ignored. All valid join orders are considered. |
TT0967 | Bad join string - join order not changed | The join order set byttOptSetOrder built-in either has incorrect format and therefore is ignored. The correct format is a list of table names separated by spaces. |
TT0968 | Invalid index usage specification | The index usage string provided to thettOptUseIndex built-in procedure has a syntax error. |
TT0969 | Index string too long - default index usage will be used | The index usage string provided to thettOptUseIndex built-in procedure is too long. |
TT0970 | Invalid cursor handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0971 | Supplied buffer too small | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0972 | Invalid data store handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0973 | Invalid savepoint handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0974 | Invalid format handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0975 | Invalid table handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0976 | Invalid index handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0977 | Invalid row handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0978 | Invalid command handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0979 | Invalid command argument handle | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0980 | Input buffer not properly aligned | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0981 | Invalid cursor type (R/W) | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0982 | String exceeds column width column width | This error happens when an application inserts a string value into a column that has a declared length that is shorter than the inserted value. |
TT0983 | Invalid index or table name table_name - default index usage will be used | The specified table or index was not found. The default index is used. |
TT0984 | Cannot find index that matches index_name. This index usage specification will be ignored | The specified index was not found. No index specification is used. |
TT0985 | Application cannot change statistics on statistics system tables | Statistics system tables are maintained by the system and cannot be changed by the application. |
TT0990 | Invalid maxCnt value for table | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0991 | Quota exceeds maximum row count for table | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0992 | Number of table pages in use exceeds quota | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0993 | Number of index pages in use exceeds quota | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0994 | Data store connection terminated. Please reconnect | An unexpected error or abrupt disconnect (that is,control-C ) caused the connection to be terminated. The application can reconnect once all connections have disconnected.If this error was accompanied by other errors indicating an assertion or unexpected error from the engine, notify TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT0995 | Cannot destroy data store shared-memory segment, error error_number | This indicates a failed attempt to remove a shared memory segment. The OS-specific error code given in the message indicates the reason for this failure. |
TT0997 | Data store path too long | The path to the database files is too long. The maximum allowed is 256 characters. |
TT0998 | Connections cannot be used across fork(). | TimesTen does not allow a child process to use a connection opened by its parent. Any attempt from a child process usingfork( ) to use a connection opened by the parent process returns this error. |
Error number | Error or warning messages | Details |
TT1000 | Cannot set primary key columns to different values | Updating values in primary key columns in not supported. |
TT1001 | Syntax error in SQL statement statement | The parser has detected a syntax error in the SQL statement. If your SQL syntax appears ok, check if you are using one of the TimesTen SQL reserved words listed in "Reserved Words" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. Add quotes around the suspected reserved word or use an alternate word as a test. If your SQL worked before upgrading to a new TimesTen release, this error is likely the result of a reserved word. |
TT1002 | Identifier in SQL statement exceeds maximum length | The length of the identifier used in the SQL statement exceeds the maximum of 30. |
TT1004 | Identifier in SQL statement is zero-length | An identifier specified in the SQL statement is of zero length. For example, the following SQL (where the replication name is of zero length) generates this error:CREATE REPLICATION ELEMENT E1 MASTER REP1 SUBSCRIBER REP2 |
TT1005 | Identifier in SQL statement is all spaces | The identifier is all blank spaces. Spaces are not supported in identifiers. Provide a supported identifier and execute the SQL statement again. |
TT1006 | Identifier statement contains illegal characters | Identifiers (including delimited identifiers) can contain only characters from theASCII character set. Other characters, such as native language characters, are not allowed in identifiers. |
TT1007 | Illegal parameter marker name | Parameter marker names beginning with_QMARK_ are reserved for system use. |
TT1008 | PL/SQL object names cannot contain lower-case letters or trailing spaces in the TimesTen environment | PL/SQL procedures, packages and function names in TimesTen must follow the rules for TimesTen table names, which cannot include lower case letters or trailing spaces in the name. |
TT1017 | Column number in ORDER BY clause must be greater than zero | When referencing a column by position in anORDER BY clause, the column number must be greater than zero. |
TT1022 | Constant number is outside representable range | The specified constant value was outside the range of its type. Consult "Data Types" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information on the range of each type. |
TT1024 | Referenced table table_name not in FROM list | The referenced table or correlation name used to qualify a column name does not appear in theFROM list of the query. |
TT1025 | Number of column names in INSERT statement is not equal to number of values | The number of column names specified in theINSERT statement does not match the number of values specified in theVALUES clause. |
TT1026 | Column names must contain at least one character | The name of a column cannot be blank. |
TT1027 | Floating-point precision out of legal range | The precision of aFLOAT type must be between 1 and 53. |
TT1032 | Aggregate function cannot be nested | An aggregate function cannot be called within another aggregate function. |
TT1033 | Aggregate function cannot be specified in group by clause | An aggregate function cannot be called within aGROUP BY clause |
TT1061 | PRIMARY KEY syntax can only be used once in statement | A table can have at most onePRIMARY KEY column list or constraint. |
TT1102 | Stale table handle | A table has been altered during an operation. |
TT1103 | Error in converting sysdate to Timestamp | This error only occurs when trying to convert the system return time to TimesTen internal timestamp format. |
TT1104 | Unable to obtain current date and time for SYSDATE | Unable to get the time from the system specific call. |
TT1106 | Start num value must be between minValue value and maxValue value. | Make sure that your starting number is within the range specified by the minimum and maximum values supplied for this operation. |
TT1107 | Error converting sysdate to Date | This error only occurs when trying to convert the system return time to TimesTen internal date format. |
TT1108 | Converting Oracle rowiD to TimesTen rowiD | This error is caused by an invalid or improperly formatted OracleROWID in a SQL statement. TimesTen reports this when it tries to convert an improperly formatted OracleROWID to a TimesTenROWID format. |
TT1109 | Error converting char to ROWID | This error is caused by an invalid or improperly formattedCHAR in a SQL statement. |
TT1110 | FOR UPDATE with aggregate function is deprecated | You have used SQL syntax that is no longer supported. It is necessary to rewrite your query. |
TT1111 | Error in converting rowid to char string | Your application provided a buffer that is too small to store aROWID string. Provide a buffer that can hold an 18-character string. |
TT1112 | Error in converting char string to rowid | You provided a string that is not a valid rowid string. |
TT1119 | Arguments/bind variables not allowed for data definition operations | Binding variables or arguments are not allowed for any DDL statements, such asCREATE VIEW ,CREATE TABLE . |
TT1120 | SQL command does not exist | You have specified a SQL command that cannot be found in the SQL command query cache. |
TT1200 | Invalid transaction ID was input | No such transaction exits in TimesTen. |
TT1203 | This transaction needs rollback since rollback was forced | This transaction has been rolled back via another connection. You must complete it by rolling it back |
TT1740 | Missing double quote in indentifier identifier_name | You must delimit an identifier name with double quotes. Add the double quote and try the operation again. |
TT1742 | Comment not terminated properly message | Comments must be terminated with the character specified in the message. Add the specified character and try the operation again. |
TT1756 | Quoted string not properly terminated message | The quoted string must be terminated with the character specified in the message. Add the specified character and try the operation again. |
TT1801 | Cannot create index on expression with datatype LOB | You attempted to create an index on a LOB column. Action: Change the column data type or do not create the index on the LOB column. |
TT1802 | Column of datatype LOB cannot be unique or a primary key | You attempted to create a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint on a column of data type LOB. Action: Change the column data type or remove the constraint. Then retry the operation. |
TT1803 | Specified trim length is greater than current LOB values's length | The input length for which to trim the LOB value to is greater than the current length of the LOB value. You may not need to trim the LOB value because it is already smaller than the specified trim length. If trimming the LOB value is required, use a smaller trim length. |
TT1804 | Invalid character set form | An invalid character set form was passed into an OCI LOB function. For example, SQLCS_CHAR could have been specified for a CLOB or SQLCS_IMPLICIT could have been specified for a NCLOB. Action: Specify a valid character set form. |
TT1806 | Invalid LOB locator specified | The LOB locator in the LOB API call is either not properly allocated or is not initialized. Action: Initialize the LOB locator. |
TT1807 | LOB already opened in the same transaction | You attempted to open a LOB that is already opened in the transaction. Action: Close the LOB before attempting to re-open it. |
TT1808 | Cannot update a LOB opened in read-only mode | You attempted to write to or update a LOB opened in read-only mode. Action: Close the LOB and re-open it in read-write mode before attempting to write to or update the LOB. |
TT1809 | LOB type mismatch | When copying or appending LOB locators, both source and destination LOB locators should be of the same type. Action: Pass the same type of LOB locators for copying or appending. |
TT1812 | Operation would exceed maximum size allowed in bytes for a datatype value | You attempted an operation that would result in writing too much data to the LOB value. Maximum size for the CLOB and the NCLOB data types is 4 MB and maximum size for the BLOB data type is 16 MB. Either start writing at a smaller LOB offset or write less data to the LOB value. |
TT1813 | Less data provided for writing than indicated | When issuing the OCILobWrite call, make sure the length of the data buffer is large enough to accommodate the data to be written. |
TT1814 | Source offset is beyond the end of the source LOB | The source offset for the LOB copy or convert operation is beyond the end of the source LOB. Action: Check the length of the LOB and then adjust the source offset. |
TT1818 | Warning: Open LOBs exist at transaction commit time | You attempted to commit a transaction with open LOBs. This is a warning message. TimesTen closes the LOBs and commits the transaction. |
TT1819 | Inconsistent datatypes: expected datatype got datatype | You attempted an operation (such as an INSERT) that was expecting a data type (such as a CLOB) and you provided an invalid data type (such as a BLOB). Check the supported data types and conversions for the operation. |
TT1820 | Cannot create materialized view that includes LOB columns | You attempted to create a materialized view on a table with a column of type CLOB, NCLOB, or BLOB. Recreate the materialized view without including the LOB column. |
TT1821 | Offset or offset+amount does not land on character boundary | You provided an offset that would cause the operation to override the character boundary. This error occurs with NCLOB data types stored in a single byte or multi-byte database or CLOB data types stored in a multi-byte database. |
TT1822 | Cannot perform operation operation on an unopened file or LOB | The file or LOB is not open for the required operation to be performed. Action: Precede the current operation with a successful open operation on the file or LOB. |
TT1824 | Row containing the LOB value is not locked | The row containing the LOB value must be locked before updating the LOB value. Action: Lock the row containing the LOB value before updating the LOB value. |
TT1825 | CLOB or NCLOB in multibyte character set not supported | A CLOB or NCLOB in a fixed-width or varying-width multi-byte character set was passed to a SQL character function which does not support multi-byte LOB data. |
TT1826 | Illegal parameter value in OCI LOB function | You specified an invalid parameter value in the OCI LOB function. Action: Check each parameter in the OCI LOB function call to make sure they are correct. |
TT1829 | CLOBs are not supported when database character set is TIMESTEN8 | Your database character set is TIMESTEN8. CLOB and NCLOB functionality is not supported in this character set. |
TT1830 | BLOB/CLOBs are not supported in the SELECT lists of set operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS | You attempted to specify a LOB data type in the SELECT list of a set operator such as UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS. Action: Do not use the LOB data type with these set operators. |
TT1831 | Operation on a passthrough LOB is not supported | Operations such as ConvertToClob and ConvertToBlob are not supported. |
Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT2042 | Column defined with interval data type is not supported | A column in theCREATE TABLE orALTER TABLE statement was defined with anINTERVAL type.INTERVAL data type is not supported. |
TT2043 | Binary data exceeds column width for column column_name - value will be truncated | Warning: attempting to insert a string into a binary column that is larger than the column's maximum length. The string is truncated. |
TT2044 | Binary data exceeds column width width | This error happens when an application inserts a binary value into a column that has a declared length that is shorter than the inserted value. |
TT2206 | Table table_name not found | The referenced table does not exist. |
TT2207 | Table table_name already exists | Attempting to create a table that already exists. |
TT2208 | Column column_name does not exist in table | The referenced column does not exist in the table |
TT2209 | Column column_name specified more than once | The referenced column is specified more than once in the statement. |
TT2210 | Column reference of column_name is ambiguous | A column reference without a table name qualification can be associated with more than one table. |
TT2211 | Referenced column column_name not found | The referenced column does not exist in the table. |
TT2212 | Named index not found in table | Attempting to drop an index that does not exist. |
TT2213 | Named index already exists on specified table | Attempting to create an index that already exists. |
TT2214 | Column cannot be named ROWID | ROWID is a reserved word and cannot be used in this context. |
TT2215 | Attempt to drop a primary key index | Primary keys can only be created in aCREATE TABLE statement. An attempt was made to drop a primary key. The primary key cannot be dropped. |
TT2216 | Index key length is long, lookup based on the indexed key may be slow | An attempt was made to create an index on column(s) having length of more than 4MB. This message warns that the lookup may be slowed down. Indexes can be up to the maximum key length. |
TT2221 | Duplicate column name found in insert list | A column was specified more than once in theINSERT column list. |
TT2222 | Index name is not unique | While attempting to drop an index, the index is indirectly referenced more than once. |
TT2223 | Named index does not exist | Attempting to reference an index that does not exist. |
TT2230 | View view_name not valid input to ttSize | A view name was specified tottSize . You cannot pass a non materialized view tottSize . Only tables, cache groups and materialized views are valid input. |
TT2231 | New index index_name would be identical to existing index index_name | Redundant indexes are not allowed on TimesTen tables. The new index was not created. |
TT2232 | New index index_name is identical to existing index index_name; consider dropping index index_name | The new index references the same column(s) as a previously existing index. You must drop one of the indexes. |
TT2233 | Key columns of new index index_name are a prefix of the columns of existing index index_name; consider dropping index index_name | Redundant indexes are not allowed on TimesTen tables. Some columns of the new index are refrenced in an existing index. You must drop one of the indexes. |
TT2234 | Key columns of existing index index_name are a prefix of the columns of new index index_name; consider dropping index index_name | Redundant indexes are not allowed on TimesTen tables. Some columns of the new index are refrenced in an existing index. You must drop one of the indexes. |
TT2235 | Table can have only one primary key | A table cannot have more than one primary key. |
TT2236 | Nullable column can not be part of a primary key | All columns that are part of a primary key must be defined asNOT NULL . |
TT2237 | Adding a primary key constraint on a replicated table is not allowed while the replication agent for data store data_store_name is running. Stop the replication agent to perform this operation. | To add a primary key to a table that is involved in replication, you must stop the replication agent. |
TT2238 | System table cannot be altered | TimesTen system tables cannot be altered by user. These tables are used to store metadata for necessary for various TmesTen operations and diagnostics. System tables are identified by the ownerSYS orTTREP . |
TT2239 | New unique index index_name has the same key columns as existing non-unique index index_name; consider dropping index index_name. | The new index references the same column(s) as a previously existing index. You must drop one of the indexes. |
TT2240 | New non-unique index index_name has the same key columns as existing unique index index_name; consider dropping index index_name | The new index references the same column(s) as a previously existing index. You must drop one of the indexes. |
TT2241 | Such unique or primary key already exists in the table | A table in a TimesTen database can have no more than one unique or primary key. |
TT2242 | Invalid value for MAXVALUES in 'COMPRESS BY DICTIONARY' clause | You entered an incorrect value for MAXVALUES. Valid values are between 1 and 232 -1. Respecify the COMPRESS BY DICTIONARY clause using a different value for MAXVALUES. |
TT2244 | Cannot drop compressed column column_name1 without also dropping column column_name2 which is in the same compression group. | You must drop all columns in a multiple column compression group. Use the ALTER TABLE statement to drop all columns in the compression group. |
TT2245 | Maximum values for compression group containing column column_name already present | The space allocated for the dictionary table for your compressed column has been exhausted. 1-byte compression accommodates 255 (28-1) distinct values. 2-byte compression accommodates 65,535 (216-1) distinct values. 4-byte compression accommodates 4,294,967,295 (232-1) distinct values. NULL is considered a distinct value and is counted. Investigate the maximum number of distinct values you require in your compressed column group and consider changing the MAXVALUES clause. |
TT2246 | Cannot change compression clause for already defined column column_name | You attempted to add compression to a column after the column was defined. Consider respecifying the ALTER TABLE statement without using the already defined column in the compression clause. Or consider dropping the column. |
TT2247 | Total table size calculation overflowed unsigned 32-bit integer; table too large to exist in a 32-bit TimesTen installation | Indicates that the size projection for the specified table overflowed an unsigned 32-bit integer. This table cannot exist on a 32-bit TimesTen installation, but may be able to exist on a 64-bit TimesTen installation. |
TT2248 | Total table size calculation overflowed unsigned 64-bit integer; table too large to exist in a 64-bit TimesTen installation | Indicates that the size projection for the specified table overflowed an unsigned 64-bit integer. |
TT2249 | Duplicate column name found in update set list | A column was specified more than once in theSET column list of anUPDATE statement. |
TT2250 | New column name `column_name' duplicates existing column name | When altering a table, use a unique column name. |
TT2286 | Attempt to define constraint on column that does not exist | Attempting to create aPRIMARY KEY orUNIQUE constraint on a column that does not exist. |
TT2294 | UNIQUE/PRIMARY KEY column must specify NOT NULL | Columns referenced in aPRIMARY KEY orUNIQUE constraint cannot be nullable. |
TT2295 | Duplicate columns in primary key specification | The column list specified in thePRIMARY KEY or aUNIQUE HASH clause of aCREATE TABLE statement cannot contain duplicates. Remove them and retry the operation. |
TT2376 | Duplicate entries in FROM clause | A table was specified more than once in theFROM clause of aSELECT statement. |
TT2377 | Target table of insert cannot be in the from clause | When usingINSERT SELECT , the table into which rows are to be inserted cannot also be referenced by theSELECT portion of the statement. Rewrite the statement and retry the operation. |
TT2400 | Number of columns columns_num exceeds the maximum max_num | Attempting to create a table with more columns than the maximum limit of 1000. |
TT2404 | Number of primary key columns exceeds the maximum | Attempting to create a primary key containing more columns than the allowed maximum of 16. |
TT2405 | Number of index key columns columns_num exceeds the maximum max_num | Attempting to create an index with more columns than the allowed maximum of 16. |
TT2407 | Length of column column_name (length) exceeds maximum (max_length) | Attempting to create aCHAR orBINARY column whose length exceeds 8,300 or aVARCHAR orVARBINARY column whose length exceeds its maximum of 4,1943,04. |
TT2414 | Length of column column_name (length) below minimum (min_length) | Attempting to create aCHAR ,BINARY ,VARCHAR orVARBINARY column whose length is less than 1. |
TT2416 | Number of hash key columns exceeds the maximum | Attempting to create a table containing more than the maximum primary key columns of 16. |
TT2420 | Number of values specified in INSERT statement exceeds number of columns in table | The number of values specified in theVALUES clause in theINSERT statement is greater than the number of columns in the table. |
TT2421 | Column number exceeds length of select list | When referencing a column by position in theORDER BY clause, the column number must be less than or equal to the number of columns in theSELECT column list. |
TT2430 | Precision of decimal or numeric type is out of range | The specified precision of aDECIMAL orNUMERIC data type must be between 1 and 40. |
TT2431 | Scale of decimal or numeric type is out of range | The specified scale of aDECIMAL orNUMERIC data type must be greater than or equal to zero. |
TT2432 | Scale of decimal or numeric type must not be larger than precision | The specified scale of aDECIMAL orNUMERIC column cannot exceed the column's precision. |
TT2433 | Invalid fixed-point number provided | A fixed-point value can only contain items in the following order: a sign, digits (0-9), a decimal point and digits (0-9). The sign and decimal point are optional. |
TT2434 | Decimal overflow | The number of digits to the left of the decimal point exceeded the amount allowed based on the defined precision and scale. |
TT2435 | Decimal value exceeds scale - value will be truncated | Warning: The number of digits of the right of the decimal point exceeded the amount allowed based on the defined scale. The decimal value is being truncated. |
TT2436 | Decimal divided by zero | Attempting to divide a decimal value by zero. |
TT2437 | Decimal product cannot be represented; scale scale_value is greater than maximum of maximum_value | Multiplication of decimal values must preserve the full scale in a decimal product. If this is not possible, precision might be lost. In that case, this error is issued and the operation is canceled. Refer to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information on the maximum scale and precision of decimal values, and the scale and precision of the results of arithmetic operations on these values. |
TT2438 | Precision of decimal or numeric value is out of range | A decimal or numeric value must have between 1 and 40 digits, inclusive. |
TT2439 | Scale of decimal or numeric value is out of range | A decimal or numeric value must have between 0 and 40 digits to the right of the decimal point, inclusive. |
TT2440 | Value outside of range supported by decimal or floating point type | A decimal or numeric value must have between 0 and 40 digits to the right of the decimal point, inclusive. |
TT2599 | Overflow: Value too big for TimestampDiff's return type | The return type for the function TIMESTAMPDIFF is TT_BIGINT. This error occurs if the difference in the values between two timestamps results in a value that is too big or too small to fit into TT_BIGINT for the specified interval. An example is when the difference in the two timestamps is large and the specified interval is small (seconds or nanoseconds). Respecify the interval making sure to specify a value that is appropriate for the TT_BIGINT return type. |
TT2600 | Integer overflow | The specified or calculated value is greater than the upper bound that the signed or unsigned integer type allows. |
TT2602 | Integer divide by zero | Attempting to divide an integer by zero. |
TT2603 | Extended precision overflow | The specified or calculated value is greater than the upper bound that the signed floating-point type allows. |
TT2604 | Extended precision divided by zero | The specified or calculated value is greater than the upper bound that the signed floating-point type allows. |
TT2605 | Extended precision underflow | The specified or calculated value is less than the lower bound that the signed floating-point type allows. |
TT2606 | Error converting from character string `string' to date | ACHAR orVARCHAR constant is not in correct format to be converted toDATE format. See "Data Types" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2607 | Error converting from character string `string' to time | ACHAR orVARCHAR constant is not in correct format to be converted to TIME format. See "Data Types" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2608 | Error converting from character string `string' to timestamp | ACHAR orVARCHAR constant is not in correct format to be converted toTIMESTAMP format. See "Data Types" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2609 | Incompatible types found in expression | Attempt to use an incompatible type in an expression. For example, using a boolean operator on a character string operand is an error. |
TT2610 | Operand data type data_type invalid for operator operator in expr (expression) | Attempt to use an invalid operand data type with an operator. For example, using an integer operand with aLIKE relational operator is invalid. |
TT2611 | Errorconverting date to character string | ADATE value of aTO_DATE function has an incorrect format. Refer to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referencefor the correct format ofDATE values. |
TT2612 | Error converting time to character string | ATIME value of aTO_DATE function has an incorrect format. Refer to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referencefor the correct format ofTIME values. |
TT2613 | Error converting timestamp to character string | ATIMESTAMP value of aTO_DATE function has an incorrect format. Refer to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referencefor the correct format ofTIMESTAMP values. |
TT2614 | Value outside of range supported by integral type | A data type conversion caused an overflow. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information about the maximum values for each integer data type, and consider using one that permits larger values. |
TT2616 | Error converting Oracle date to TT_TIMESTAMP | The requested data type conversion is not supported. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information supported conversions. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT2617 | Error converting Oracle date to Oracle timestamp | The requested data type conversion is not supported. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information supported conversions. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT2618 | Error converting Oracle timestamp to TT_TIMESTAMP | The requested data type conversion is not supported. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information supported conversions. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT2619 | Error converting Oracle timestamp to Oracle date | The requested data type conversion is not supported. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information supported conversions. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT2620 | Error converting TT_TIMESTAMP to Oracle date | The requested data type conversion is not supported. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information supported conversions. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT2621 | Error converting TT_TIMESTAMP to Oracle timestamp | The requested data type conversion is not supported. Refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for information supported conversions. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT2622 | Format string in string must be a string literal | You cannot use an expression when specifying a format string. The format string must be a string literal. |
TT2623 | Invalid number | The value is invalid for the data typeNUMBER . For a description of valid values for this data type, refer to "Data Types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2705 | Column column_name in select expression not in group by list | All simple columns (not aggregate or expressions) referenced in theSELECT column list or theHAVING clause must appear in theGROUP BY column list. |
TT2706 | query not in select distinct list | The query contained both anORDER BY and aDISTINCT clause, however the column that is to be ordered did not appear in the projection list. |
TT2712 | Attempt to update primary key column(s) | Cannot update values in the primary key columns of a table. |
TT2764 | DISTINCT within aggregate function cannot reference expression | Within an aggregate function, theDISTINCT operator can only reference a simple column and not an expression. |
TT2765 | Invalid use of aggregate function | The aggregate function is being used improperly. For example, an aggregate function cannot be used in theSET clause of anUPDATE statement. |
TT2774 | Invalid character following escape character | Escape character must be followed either by a wildcard character or by the escape character itself. |
TT2775 | Invalid ESCAPE clause in LIKE expression | An invalid escape clause was found within theLIKE expression. |
TT2776 | Both arguments of binary operation cannot be parameters | In a binary operation, both operands cannot be argument references like dynamic parameters. |
TT2777 | Argument of unary operation cannot be parameter | In a unary operation or aggregate, the operand cannot be an argument reference like a dynamic parameter. |
TT2778 | Cannot infer type of parameter from its use | The operator requires operands of a specific type. TimesTen cannot determine whether the dynamic parameter used as one of the operands is of the appropriate type. For example, providing dynamic parameters to theLIKE operator does not guarantee that the operands are character types. |
TT2779 | Value length is inconsistent with type length | The routine to set column statistics takesVARBINARY values as input. AVARBINARY value has been specified that does not have the correct length of the column. Check this length and provide an appropriateVARBINARY value. |
TT2781 | Pages value must be a positive value | A negative value has been specified forPAGES . Change the value to a positive value. |
TT2783 | Alter table to set new pages value is valid only if the table has a hash index | You must set a hash value on the table to include theSET PAGES clause in anALTER TABLE statement. |
TT2784 | Column column_name has no default value defined | Default value clause was used in anINSERT or anUPDATE statement with a non-nullable column where no default value had been defined. |
TT2785 | Column column_name has no unique constraint | ALTER TABLE to dropUNIQUE constraint was executed on a column with noUNIQUE constraint. |
TT2786 | Column column_name already has unique constraint | ALTER TABLE to add aUNIQUE constraint on a column which already has aUNIQUE constraint. |
TT2787 | DateTime arithmetic error | A datetime operation results in an invalidDATE ,TIME orTIMESTAMP . For example, the resultingHOUR is not in the range 0..23 (inclusive), the resultingMONTH is not in the range 0..12, or the resultingDAY is invalid like'Feb 30' or'Jan 32' . |
TT2788 | Value too big for the interval type | Interval constant is too big or conversion from one interval type to the other results in a value that is too large. |
TT2789 | An interval data type must be specified for a datetime arithmetic result | Casting to interval type was not specified for a datetime subtraction and this type cannot be inferred from the context. |
TT2790 | Cannot infer type of case expression from its use | All resulted expressions are arguments without aCAST operator and the data type cannot be inferred from the context. |
TT2791 | The FROM clause of a join update statement must include the updated table | The updated table was not specified in theFROM clause. |
TT2792 | All updated columns must belong to updated table | TheSET clause of a joinUPDATE was used to update a table different from the updated table. |
TT2793 | A selected rowid or column reference is not found in the current scope | You cannot select aROWID from a view. |
TT2794 | Argument argument_name is out of range | The specifiedn value of anINSTR function is less than or equal to zero. The value must be positive and greater than 0. |
TT2795 | column_name not in the select list of the first select | Only column name of tables or column alias in the left mostSELECT can be specified in theORDER BY clause. |
TT2796 | ON COMMIT option is only support with temporary table | ON COMMIT option was specified with a permanent table. |
TT2797 | First two arguments of INSTR operation cannot be both parameters with undefined type; use CAST operator to define data type for parameters | Both expressions of anINSTR are arguments with no defined type. |
TT2798 | First argument of SUBSTR operation cannot be parameter with undefined type; use CAST operator to define data type for parameter | First argument ofSUBSTR has no defined type. |
TT2803 | Only one unique value for NLS_SORT is allowed for an index and all character type fields must be specified with that NLS_SORT | You must use the sameNLS_SORT value for all character type columns in a linguistic index. For example, the following statement is not allowed:CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (NLSSORT(c1, 'NLS_SORT=french'), NLSSORT(c2, NLS_SORT=german')); Use one of the multi-lingual sorts instead or create separate indexes for each |
TT2804 | NLS parameter for linguistic index must be a constant string | TheNLS_SORT parameter to theNLSSORT function in a linguistic index definition must be a constant, as in:CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (NLSSORT(c1, 'NLS_SORT=french')); |
TT2806 | Invalid NLS parameter for NLSSORT function sort_value | TheNLS_SORT value supplied to theNLSSORT function is invalid. It may be a sort that is unsupported or unknown to TimesTen or there may be a problem with the syntax, which must be of the form NLS_SORT=sort For example: CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1(NLSSORT(c1, 'NLS_SORT=bogus')); Returns 2806: Invalid NLS parameter for NLSSORT function 'NLS_SORT=bogus' |
TT2809 | Invalid interval | The string specified in interval literal, thusINTERVAL ' string ' is of an illegal format. |
TT2811 | Not a group by expression | The user try to use a non-aggregate expression which is not in the group by list of a group by query. Within a group by query, all column references must be either inside an aggregate function or on the group by list. For example, the following query triggers this error:CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT); SELECT c1+1 FROM t1 GROUP BY c1+2; /* incorrect */ should be SELECT c1+1 FROM t1 GROUP BY c1+1; /* the expression is on the GROUP BY list */ or SELECT c1+1 FROM t1 GROUP BY c1 /* the column is on the GROUP BY list */ |
TT2812 | Error converting from character string string to Oracle date | Could not convert the specifiedCHAR string to an OracleDATE . |
TT2813 | Error converting from character string string to Oracle timestamp | Could not convert the specifiedCHAR string to an OracleTIMESTAMP . Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2814 | Trim character value should be a single character | You specified more than one trim characters. Try the operation again with only one character specified for theTRIM function. |
TT2815 | Invalid number of arguments for function function_name | Too many arguments were specified for the function indicated. Try the operation again with fewer function arguments. |
TT2816 | Given or computed year year is out of range | The year specified is out of range. |
TT2817 | Invalid data type type for argument argument_name for function function_name | An invalid data type was specified for the indicated argument and function. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for a description of the valid syntax for this function. |
TT2818 | Unknown function function_name. If this is a PLSQL function, note such functions are not yet supported in SQL statements. | The specified function is not supported in TimesTen. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for a description of supported functions. |
TT2819 | Invalid value 'value' for argument number of procedure procedure_name. The valid values are values. | You have passed an invalid value for a parameter in the position indicated in when calling a built-in procedure. The position of the invalid parameter, the invalid value and a list of valid values are displayed. Call the built-in procedure passing a valid value for the parameter. |
TT2820 | Invalid USERENV parameter | The user supplied an invalid option to the functionSYS_CONTEXT . For more information, see "SYS_CONTEXT" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2821 | <DateFormatModel> is not a valid date format model for date function | You specified an invalid date format model for you date function. Check the date format model and re-execute your query. |
TT2822 | Index type was changed | The primary key index type was changed while replication was using the index. TimesTen will attempt to retry using the new index. |
TT2860 | Invalid zero-length parameter value | The application provided a parameter of the incorrect length. |
TT2861 | Incorrect parameter value length | The application provided a parameter of the incorrect length. |
TT2862 | Parameter length exceeds maximum | The application provided a parameter of the is greater than the maximum allowed length. Provide a parameter with a shorter length and try your operation again. |
TT2863 | Char parameter length exceeds maximum length | The application provided aCHAR parameter value that exceeds the maximum parameter length. Provide aCHAR parameter with a shorter length and try your operation again. |
TT2864 | Output parameter value truncated | The value of an output parameter is too large for the buffer provided by the application. The value was truncated. This is a warning. |
TT2865 | Output parameter buffer is too small | The value of an output parameter is too large for the buffer provided by the application. The value was truncated. This is a warning. |
TT2866 | Parameter value too large for 2-byte included-length | The length of an output parameter is larger than the maximum value that can be expressed with a 2-byte included length. |
TT2867 | Length of number value exceeds maximum | The length of aNUMBER parameter value exceeds the maximum length of aNUMBER value. Provide aNUMBER parameter with a shorter length and try your operation again. |
TT2868 | String contains an invalid hexadecimal character | Conversion of a character string to binary failed because the string contained an invalid hexadecimal character. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9, A-F and a-f. Provide a valid string and try your operation again. |
TT2869 | String is not a valid numeric literal | Conversion of a character string to a numeric value failed because the string does not contain a valid numeric literal value. Provide a valid numeric literal value and try your operation again. |
TT2870 | String contains an invalid date-time character | Conversion of a character string to a date-time value failed because the string contains an invalid character. Provide a valid character string and try your operation again. |
TT2871 | Truncation occurred during conversion to date-time value | Conversion toTIMESTAMP resulted in truncation of the fractional seconds because the source value specified more digits of fractional seconds than the destination value can accept. |
TT2872 | Error converting to date-time value | Conversion to adate-time value failed either because the source value was not a validdate-time value or because one or more values were out of range. |
TT2873 | Invalid statement handle | An invalid statement handle was bound to a ref cursor parameter. |
TT2874 | Statement handle for ref cursor is in an invalid state | A statement handle bound to a ref cursor was in an invalid state. A statement handle bound to an out ref cursor must not have an open result set. |
TT2875 | Ref cursor statement handle must be from same connection as base statement handle | A statement handle bound to a ref cursor was allocated from a different connection handle than the base statement handle. The two statement handles must be allocated from the same connection handle. |
TT2876 | Value number out of range; specify 0 or 1. | The built-in procedure parameter accepts values0 or1 . Specify a value of 0 (indicatingFALSE orNO ) or 1 (indicatingTRUE orYES ). |
TT2877 | Output parameter conversion resulted in an incomplete character | An output parameter buffer was too small, causing the output value to end with a partial multi-byte character. Bind an output buffer that is large enough for the entire result value. |
TT2878 | Output parameter conversion error (code=) |
An internal error occurred while performing character set conversion for an output parameter. |
TT2879 | Non-positive timestamps not allowed for function | An internal error occurred while performing character set conversion for an output parameter. |
TT2903 | Illegal character character in SQL statement | A SQL statement contains a character not acceptable in SQL outside of a string constant. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2904 | Invalid element element in number format | An invalid element was found in the format of aTO_CHAR function. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2905 | Invalid element element in date format | An invalid element was found in the format of aTO_CHAR orTO_DATE function. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2906 | Bad number format | The format ofTO_CHAR function is invalid. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2907 | Bad date format | The format ofTO_CHAR orTO_DATE function is invalid. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT2908 | Error converting decimal to character string | Error in converting aDECIMAL toCHAR forTO_CHAR function. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference. |
TT2909 | Error converting numeric to character string | Error in converting anINTEGER orFLOAT toCHAR forTO_CHAR function. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference. |
TT2910 | Float overflow for TO_CHAR function | The absoluteFLOAT value of aTO_CHAR function is greater than1e+126 . See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference. |
TT2911 | Float underflow for TO_CHAR function | The absoluteFLOAT value of aTO_CHAR function is less than1e-126 . See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference. |
TT2912 | Invalid Unicode escape "\ustring\" | TimesTen detected an improperly formed Unicode escape sequence. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference for a description of Unicode escape sequences. |
TT2913 | Invalid argument argument_string for NUMTODSINTERVAL function | The second argument ofNUMTODSINTERVAL is not one of:'DAY' ,'HOUR' ,'SECOND' or'MINUTE' . |
TT2914 | Invalid argument argument_string for NUMTOYMINTERVAL function | The second argument ofNUMTODSINTERVAL is not one of:'YEAR' or'MONTH' . |
TT2915 | Too many values in the subquery of the set clause | In theSET clause of a join update, the subquery specifies more values than the updated column list. |
TT2916 | Not enough values in the subquery of the set clause | In the set clause of a join update, the subquery specifies fewer values than the updated column list. |
TT2917 | Invalid extract field for extract source | An attempt was made to extract an incompatible field from a value, for example extracting aYEAR field from an intervalDAY toSECOND . |
TT2918 | Precision of number type is out of range [1,38] | TheNUMBER type precision can be between 1 and 38. It is currently out of range. Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2919 | Scale of number type is out of range [-84,127] | TheNUMBER type scale can be between -84 and 127. It is currently out of range. Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2920 | Number type arithmetic overflow | The result of the arithmetic operation was too large for the result type, based on the precision and scale of theNUMBER . |
TT2921 | Number type arithmetic underflow | This is a warning. The result of the arithmetic operation was too small for the result type, based on the precision and scale of theNUMBER . The result was rounded to 0. |
TT2922 | Invalid number type value | An operand to an arithmetic operation was not a valid number. Specify a valid number type. |
TT2923 | Number type value overflow | The value of aNUMBER was too large for the type of the variable. |
TT2924 | Number type value underflow | This is a warning. The value of aNUMBER was too small for the type of the variable.The result value was rounded to zero. |
TT2925 | Overflow converting number to char | ANUMBER parameter to theTO_CHAR function was too large to be converted. |
TT2926 | Underflow converting number to char | This is a warning. ANUMBER parameter to theTO_CHAR function was too small to be converted. The result value was rounded to zero. |
TT2927 | Error converting Number to Char | TheNUMBER could not be converted to a character type. Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2928 | Error converting Char to Number | The character string could not be converted to aNUMBER . Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2929 | Error converting Number to Double | ANUMBER value could not be converted to aDOUBLE . Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2930 | Error converting Number to Float | Check the string type and make sure that the result type does not result in an overflow or underflow. |
TT2931 | Overflow converting Number to TinyInt | ANUMBER value was too large to be converted to aTINYINT . |
TT2932 | Underflow converting Number to TinyInt | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aTINYINT . This is a warning. The result value was rounded to zero. |
TT2933 | Error converting Number to TinyInt | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aTINYINT . |
TT2934 | Overflow converting Number to SmallInt | ANUMBER value was too large to be converted to aSMALLINT . |
TT2935 | Underflow converting Number to SmallInt | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aSMALLINT . This is a warning. The result value was rounded to zero. |
TT2936 | Error converting Number to SmallInt | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aSMALLINT . |
TT2937 | Overflow converting Number to Int | ANUMBER value was too large to be converted to anINT . |
TT2938 | Underflow converting Number to Int | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aINT . This is a warning. The result value was rounded to zero. |
TT2939 | Error converting Number to Int | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aINT . |
TT2940 | Overflow converting Number to BigInt | ANUMBER value was too large to be converted to aBIGINT . |
TT2941 | Underflow converting Number to BigInt | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aBIGINT . This is a warning. The result value was rounded to zero. |
TT2942 | Error converting Number to BigInt | ANUMBER value was too small to be converted to aBIGINT . |
TT2943 | Error truncating a date | This is a warning. The date could not be truncated. |
TT2944 | Invalid number format model | The format string does not represent a validNUMBER . Specify a validNUMBER format. |
TT2945 | Truncation occurred during Number conversion | This is a warning. The number could not be truncated. |
TT2946 | Truncation occurred converting Number to Char | This is a warning. Truncation occurred when converting fromNUMBER toCHAR , and some fractional data (i.e., numeric data to the right of the decimal point) could not be converted because the suppliedCHAR buffer was not big enough. |
TT2947 | Buffer too small for number to char conversion | TheNUMBER toCHAR conversion requires more bytes than the size of the buffer provided for the conversion. The application can fix this problem by passing in a larger buffer. |
TT2948 | Bad format string `string' | Specify a valid string format. |
TT2949 | Error occurred during Number conversion | This is a warning. The number could not be converted. |
TT2950 | Merge may not update a row more than once, but the row at rowid IDmatched at least two source rows | More than one row in the source table matches the same row in the target table. But the target table row cannot be updated more than once in oneMERGE operation. |
TT2951 | The table being merged into cannot be used for insert values | You cannot insert values from target table columns. |
TT2952 | Source table table_name cannot be updated | MERGE update columns cannot be used in theON clause. |
TT2953 | Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated | MERGE updateWHERE clause can refer to both source and target table, but only a target table can be updated. |
TT2954 | Columns referenced in update WHERE clause is not in either source or target table | TheMERGE statement contains a column reference in theUPDATE WHERE clause that cannot be resolved. Check to make sure the column exists in either the source or the target table of theMERGE . |
TT2955 | Column in insert whereclause is cannot refer to target table | TheMERGE statement contains a column reference to the target table in its insert clause. This is not allowed. |
TT2956 | Column in insert whereclause is not in source table | TheMERGE statement contains a column reference in theUPDATE WHERE clause that cannot be resolved. Check to make sure the column exists in the source table of theMERGE . |
TT2957 | Bad insert value | If the application inserts a value such asCOUNT(*) and TimesTen does not know to which table it refers, theMERGE operation fails. Avoid using an aggregate function as anINSERT value. |
TT2958 | Source table table_name with set operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS is not supported in merge statements | You have specifiedSET operator in aMERGE statement that are not supported in TimesTen. |
TT2960 | Scale of timestamp type is out of range [0,9] | ATIMESTAMP can only have a scale in the range 0..9. Any other specified scale value is out of range. |
TT2961 | Inconsistent datatypes: cannot convert datatype_A to datatype_B in expression (expression) | Cannot convert data type A to data type B. |
TT2962 | Inconsistent datatypes: expected datatype_A got datatype_B in expression (expression) | Expected data type A , but instead received the unexpected data type B. |
TT2963 | Inconsistent datatypes: (datatype_A,datatype_B) are not compatible in expression (expression) | Data type A is not compatible with data type B in this expression. |
TT2970 | Decode syntax error: not enough operands | ADECODE operation must have at least 3 arguments. |
TT2971 | Coalesce syntax error: need at least two operands | ACOALESCE operation must have at least 2 arguments. |
TT2972 | Invalid relational operator: all group of values in the value list must have the same number of values as the left operand | This problem occurs when the relational operatorANY orIN is specified with more than one value in the left operand and the right operand is a list of constant sets where some set has a different number of value than the number of values in the left operand. For example: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (x1,y1) IN ((1,1),(2)); In this example, the error is returned because the second set of values in the The remedy is to add the missing value. |
TT2973 | Invalid relation operator: subquery does not project same number of columns as specified in the left operand | This problem occurs when the relational operatorANY orIN is specified where the right operand is a subquery and the select list of this subquery specifies fewer or more values than the left operands. For example: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (x1,y1) IN (SELECT x2 FROM t2); In this example, the error is returned because the second set of values in the The remedy is to add the missing value. |
TT2974 | Using rownum to restrict number of rows returned cannnot be combined with first N or rows M to N | ROWNUM cannot be used in the same query as eitherFIRST N orROWS M toN operators. |
TT2975 | Number divide by zero | Performing an arithmetic operation with numbers resulted in a divide-by-zero error. |
TT2976 | Parallel value must be greater than one | Specify a parallel value that is greater than one and retry the operation |
TT2977 | Only DAY lifetime unit is allowed with a TT_DATE column | DAY is the only unit supported for the lifetime unit of aTT_DATE column. |
TT2978 | Transparent load value must be between 0 and 2 | An invalid value has been supplied for theTransparentLoad attribute. Use 0, 1 or 2. |
TT2979 | Invalid relational operator | During parsing, an invalid relational operation was found. |
TT2980 | Cannot add aging policy to a table with an existing aging policy. Have to drop the old aging policy first. | Only one aging policy can be defined on a table at any time. |
TT2981 | Non existent column column_name specified for time-based aging | The column specified in theAGING USE clause of aCREATE TABLE statement does not exist. |
TT2982 | Column column_name specified for time-based aging is not a timestamp column | The column specified in theAGING USE clause of aCREATE TABLE statement must be of the typeTIMESTAMP . |
TT2983 | Cannot drop aging or change aging attribute of a table with no aging policy | An attempt was made to drop or change aging on a table that does not have an aging policy defined. |
TT2984 | LRU aging does not have the specified attribute | LRU aging must specify one ofLowUsageThreshold ,HighUsageThreshold orAging cycle attributes. |
TT2985 | Cannot add aging policy to a materialized view table | Aging policy is not supported on a materialized view or its detail tables. |
TT2986 | Cannot add aging policy to a detail table of materialized view table | Aging policy is not supported on a materialized view or its detail tables. |
TT2987 | A temporary table cannot have an aging policy | Aging policy is not supported on temporary tables. |
TT2988 | Cannot add aging policy to a non-root table of a cache group | LRU and time based aging cannot be specified on any non-root table in the cache group. Aging can only be specified on the root table. |
TT2989 | LRU aging policy is not allowed with autorefresh cache group | An LRU aging policy is not allowed with autorefresh cache group. Specify either time-based aging or no aging policy. |
TT2990 | Cannot change aging attributes or add/drop aging policy of autorefresh cache group while cache agent is active | To solve this problem, stop the cache agent, alter aging and then restart the cache agent. |
TT2991 | Cannot combine aging duration with other aging policy | The application has specified the duration aging and either time-based or LRU aging.DURATION is deprecated in this release and is only available for backward compatibility. Specify either time-based or LRU aging for this cache group. |
TT2992 | Cannot drop aging column | To drop a column used by time-based aging, you must first drop the aging policy. |
TT2993 | Aging column cannot be nullable | A column used by time-based aging are required to be specified asNOT NULL . |
TT2994 | Parent parent_table of table child_name has different agining policy: aging_policy | The parent and children tables involved in an aging definition must have the same policy. |
TT2995 | Child child_table of table parent_table has differnt aging policy: aging_policy | The parent and children tables involved in an aging definition must have the same policy. |
TT2996 | Cannot start aging on table without aging policy | To use aging, the table must be created with an aging policy. |
TT2997 | Transparent load cannot be used with passthrough 3 | Transparent load is not supported with the passthrough policy specified as 3. You can prepare the statement with a passthrough value other than 3. |
TT2998 | Named constraint not found in table | An attempt was made to drop a foreign key that was not defined. |
TT2999 | Illegal format for rowid type | The second parameter ofTO_CHAR is specified and the data type of the first parameter is aROWID data type. Alternatively, make sure that if the first parameter of theTO_CHAR function is aROWID expression the second parameter isNULL . |
Error Number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT3000 | There is no unique index on the referenced columns for foreign key defined on table table_name | A foreign key cannot reference any of the columns contained in the foreign key itself. |
TT3001 | Foreign key violation index_name parent key not found in table table_name; (or) Foreign key violation [Index_name]: the row at Rowid rowid in child table table_name has no key in the parent table table_name | TheINSERT ,DELETE orUPDATE statement caused a foreign key constraint violation. See "SQL Statements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT3002 | Foreign key enforcement requires logging | The statement cannot be executed because database Logging is off. Logging to disk or diskless Logging must be enabled. |
TT3003 | Table/Index is in use by a foreign key | The table or index cannot be dropped or modified because it is referenced by a foreign key constraint. |
TT3004 | Foreign key column type mismatch | The foreign key columns do not match the primary key columns in number, type, length, precision or scale. |
TT3005 | There is no unique index on the referenced columns for foreign key defined on table table_name | The foreign key constraint requires a primary or unique index on the referenced columns of the referenced table. |
TT3006 | System/Cached tables cannot be referenced by a foreign key | Cannot create a foreign key on any system or cache tables or referencing any system tables. |
TT3007 | Both foreign key function arguments are nulls | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3008 | Scalar subquery returned more than one row | A scalar subquery may return at most one row. Refer to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference for an explanation of scalar subqueries. |
TT3009 | Dropping an index used to enforce unique column constraint is not allowed | ADROP INDEX statement was used to drop an index used to force a unique constraint. UseALTER TABLE MODIFY to drop the unique constraint instead. |
TT3011 | Duplicate columns in foreign key specification | When defining a foreign key, duplicate column names were used. To avoid receiving this error, do not construct foreign key columns with duplicate names. |
TT3014 | Cascade and non-cascade foreign keys cannot be mixed on a table | For consistency, all foreign key constraint paths in a table or leading to a table must be specified as cascaded or not cascaded in aCREATE TABLE statement. |
TT3015 | Cascade and non-cascade foreign keys cannot be mixed on paths leading to a table | For consistency, all foreign key constraint paths in a table or leading to a table must be specified as cascaded or not cascaded in aCREATE TABLE statement. |
TT3016 | Cannot add a foreign key that makes two paths for a parent-child pair have different cascade delete action | For consistency, all foreign key constraint paths in a table or leading to a table must be specified as cascaded or not cascaded in aALTER TABLE statement. |
TT3017 | Child table table_name of a cascade delete foreign key is not replicated while its parent table table_name is replicated | When a primary key table is included in a replication scheme, its corresponding foreign key table must included in the replication scheme, as well. This error is returned when anON DELETE CASCADE operation is attempted on a foreign key table in a replication scheme, but the primary key table is not included in the replication scheme. |
TT3018 | Child table table_name of a foreign key is not replicated while its parent table table_name is replicated | A foreign key table in a primary key/foreign key relationship is not being replicated. Make sure both or neither of the tables is in the replication scheme. |
TT3019 | Parent table table_name of a cascade delete foreign key is not replicated while its child table table_name is replicated | When a primary key table is included in a replication scheme, its corresponding foreign key table must included in the replication scheme, as well. This error is returned when anON DELETE CASCADE operation is attempted on a primary key table in a replication scheme, but the foreign key table is not included in the replication scheme. |
TT3020 | Parent table table_name of a foreign key is not replicated while its child table table_name is replicated | A primary key table in a primary key/foreign key relationship is not being replicated. Make sure both or neither of the tables is in the replication scheme. |
TT3021 | LRU aging policy for a readonly cache group is allowed only if the cache group is dynamic | You have specified an LRU aging policy on a explicitly loaded cache group. |
TT3022 | REFRESH CACHE GROUP with a WHERE clause is only allowed only if the cache group is not dynamic | You cannot execute theREFRESH CACHE GROUP command with aWHERE clause for dynamic cache groups. |
TT3025 | Missing ORDER BY expression in the window specification | You attempted to specify a window specification without including the ORDER BY clause for an analytic function. Respecify your function including the ORDER BY clause. |
TT3026 | ORDER BY is not allowed with analytic aggregation with distinct | You attempted to specify both the DISTINCT qualifier and the ORDER BY clause for your analytic aggregate function. Respecify your function omitting either the DISTINCT qualifier or the ORDER BY clause. |
TT3027 | Windowing clause is not allowed with RANK/DENSE_RANK/ ROW_NUMBER analytic functions | You attempted to use the windowing clause for the RANK or DENSE_RANK or ROW_NUMBER analytic functions. Respecify the function omitting the windowing clause. |
TT3028 | Invalid analytic window argument | You did not correctly specify the start point or end point of your windowing clause in the analytic function. The start point and end point must evaluate to a positive numeric value and the start point value must be less than the end point value. Check your start point and end point specifications and redefine your analytic function using the correct windowing clause specification. |
TT3029 | Invalid use of analytic function function_name | You did not specify the analytic function in the SELECT list of a query. Respecify the analytic function making sure to include the function in the SELECT list of your query. |
TT3030 | Missing window specification for this function | You attempted to specify an analytic function without the windowing clause. Respecify the function with the windowing clause. |
TT3039 | The first argument of NULLIF cannot be NULL literal | You specified NULL as the first argument to the NULLIF function. Invoke your function again without specifying NULL as the first argument. |
TT3040 | GROUPING function only supported with GROUP BY | You specified a grouping function such as GROUP_ID, GROUPING, or GROUPING_ID that was not within the GROUP BY clause. Modify your query by specifying the grouping function as part of the GROUP BY clause. |
TT3041 | Number of groupings exceed the maximum (2147483648) | Your specified number of groupings in the GROUP BY clause exceeds the maximum limit of 2147483648. Reduce the number of groupings. |
TT3050 | Subquery is not allowed in the RETURNING clause | You have specified a subquery in aRETURNING clause. You must modify your query. |
TT3051 | Number of returning expressions (num) should match the number of arguments in the INTO clause (clause_arguments) | The number of expressions and arguments in theINTO clause do not match. You must modify your query. |
TT3052 | Rownm is not allowed in the RETURNING clause | You have specified rownum in aRETURNING clause. This is not supported. You must rewrite your query. |
TT3053 | Sequence references are not allowed in the RETURNING clause | You have specified a sequence reference in aRETURNING clause. This is not supported. You must rewrite your query. |
TT3054 | Outparameter (:parameter) in the INTO clause is referenced more than once in the SQL statement | The specified parameter is referenced more than once in theINTO clause. You must remove one of the references. |
TT3055 | Error in handling the output parameters in the INTO clause: (error_message) | There is an error whenprocessing the output values in the specifiedINTO clause. The details are in the error message. |
TT3056 | Aggregate functions are not allowed in the RETURNING clause | You have specified an aggregate function in aRETURNING clause. This is not supported. You must remove the aggregate function from the clause. |
TT3070 | Cannot create a synonym with same name as object | This error appears when users create a synonym that points to an object of the same name. |
TT3071 | Synonym |
This error appears when users drop a non-existing private synonym. The private synonym may have been previously dropped or may have never existed. |
TT3072 | Public synonym |
This error appears when users drop a non-existing public synonym. The public synonym may have been previously dropped or may have never existed. |
TT3073 | Public synonym cannot have a schema name | This error appears when users create a public synonym name with a schema name. |
TT3074 | Looping chain of synonyms | A synonym can be created to point to another synonym. If two or more synonyms are created to point to each other, this synonym chain can form a loop. Whenever a loop forms, this error is thrown when using any synonyms in the loop. |
TT3076 | Using synonyms in this statement is not implemented | Synonyms are not supported in certain statement types. This error is thrown when using a synonym in a statement where synonyms are not allowed. |
TT3077 | Cannot resolve synonym string to any existing object | This error appears when users use an synonym that points to an non-existing object. |
TT3078 | Circular view definition encountered | This error appears when users create an view that uses a synonym inside itsSELECT statement, which points to the view itself. |
TT3079 | Creating synonyms in schema string is not allowed | This error is thrown when users create synonyms in restricted schemas, such asSYS ,GRID , andTTREP . |
TT3095 | Name is already used by an existing object | This error appears when users create a synonym name that is the same as an existing object. |
TT3096 | Object object_name not found | The database object does not exist. |
TT3097 | A object with this name (name) already exists | An object with this name is already in use in the database. |
TT3098 | User username does not exist. | The user tried to create a database object for a schema that does not exist. |
TT3100 | Outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN | TheOUTER JOIN operator (+ ) was either used in aOR 'd condition (for example:x1(+)=1 OR x1(+) FROM...) or in anIN condition (for example:x1(+)IN (1,2,3) ). Neither of these uses are supported. |
TT3101 | Outer join operator (+) not allowed in select list, order by, or group by clause | TheOUTER JOIN operator (+ ) was illegally used in aSELECT list (for example:SELECT x1(+)FROM...) or in an ORDER BY clause (for example:ORDER BY x1(+)) or in a group BY clause (for example:GROUP BY x1(+) ). None of these uses are supported. |
TT3102 | A table may be outer joined with at most one outer table | A table was outer joined with more than one table. For example:T1.X1(+) = T2.X2+T3.X3 OR T1.Y1(+)=T3.Y3 . TableT1 was outer joined with bothT1 andT2 . This is not supported. |
TT3103 | Two tables cannot be outer joined together | A cycle ofOUTER JOIN was found where each table is both an inner and an outer table. For example:T1.X1(+) = T2.X2 AND T3.X3(+)=T1.X1 . This is not supported |
TT3104 | A predicate may reference only one outer-joined table | AnOUTER JOIN condition illegally refers to more than one inner table. For example:T1.X1(+) + T2.X2(+)=T3.X3 . In this case, both tablesT1 andT2 are inner tables. This is not supported |
TT3105 | In the First or Rows Clause the number must be greater than 0 | The value passed for theFIRST N clause was negative or zero. You must use a positive value |
TT3106 | FIRST keyword cannot be used in subquery | TheFIRST keyword can only be used in the main query. TimesTen does not support theFIRST keyword in subqueries. |
TT3107 | N must be bigger or equal to M in 'Rows M to N' specification | In aSELECT statement change the value ofN to a value larger thanM . |
TT3108 | Outer join operator (+) cannot be used in query that specifies joined table | Joined table and outer join specification using operator (+ ) cannot be both specified in the same query. |
TT3110 | Expression expression has no name | Supply an expression name and run the statement again. A name was not specified for a column in the select list of aCREATE VIEW statement. |
TT3111 | Column name column specified more than once | Each column in a table must have a unique name. Rename the column. |
TT3112 | Cannot drop view table table_name; use DROP VIEW instead | The specified table is a view. Use theDROP VIEW statement to drop this table. |
TT3113 | Cannot drop tables with defined materialized views: the view view_name refers to table_name | The detail table that you are attempting to drop has an associated view. You cannot drop a detail table without first dropping the view. See "Working with materialized views" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. |
TT3114 | Cannot alter view tables | To alter a view, you must drop the table, using theDROP VIEW statement and then create a new view, using theCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. See "Working with materialized views" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. |
TT3115 | Cannot drop columns referenced in materialized views | The specified column is referenced in a view. As long as the view exists, you cannot drop this column. See "Working with materialized views" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. |
TT3117 | View SQL must be less than number bytes long | The view's select text is bigger than the maximum size of 400*1024 bytes. |
TT3118 | View view_name already exists | ACREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement specified an existing view. |
TT3119 | More than number views reference table table_name | ACREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement specified a detail table that already has 100 views referencing it. |
TT3120 | View view_name does not exist | ADROP VIEW statement specified a non-existent view. |
TT3121 | A cache group table table_name cannot be referenced in a materialized view | ACREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement specified a cache group table as a detail table. This is not supported. |
TT3123 | Foreign keys on view tables are not allowed | Foreign keys are not allowed to be defined on materialized views, only tables. |
TT3124 | Cannot create a view that references a system table | ACREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement specified a system table as a detail table. This is not supported. |
TT3125 | View definition was too long. Could not store the definition in the system tables | An error occurred while creating a materialized view because some filed was too long. |
TT3127 | View maintenance requires logging | A view's detail table was updated when logging was off. This is not supported. Turn on Logging before updating a view's detail table. |
TT3128 | Invalid size of column name list | A column name list was specified for a derived table or non-materialized view but its size does not match the number of projected columns. |
TT3129 | Invalid column name for view | Names in the column name list of a derived table or view cannot have table name specification. |
TT3130 | Derived table name table_name is not unique among all based/viewed/derived table names | A derived table name must be unique among the names of all derived tables, base tables and views referenced in the same query. |
TT3131 | View view_name is not a materialized view; use DROP VIEW instead | DROP MATERIALIZE VIEW statement was used to drop a nonmaterialized view. SeeDROP VIEW in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference. |
TT3132 | A materialized view cannot reference a regular view | A non-materialized view was referenced in the definition of a materialized view. See "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT3133 | Cannot truncate tables with defined materialized views: the view view refers to table | You attempted to truncate a table and the table has a materialized view defined on it. User Action: Either drop the materialized view or do not use the TRUNCATE statement. You can consider using the DELETE statement. |
TT3134 | Cannot truncate materialized view: view_name | You attempted to truncate a materialized view. This is not a supported operation. User Action: Do not use the TRUNCATE statement to delete rows. Consider using the DELETE statement to delete the rows from the table. |
TT3135 | Cannot truncate table: parent_table; child table: child_table is not empty. Please execute truncate on child table first | You attempted to truncate a parent table and the child table was not empty. Consider truncating the child table first and then truncate the parent table. |
TT3136 | Cannot truncate temp table: temp_table; Please use delete | You attempted to truncate a global temporary table. This is not a supported operation. If you wish to remove rows from the table, use the DELETE statement. |
TT3137 | Cannot insert into a truncated table in an uncommitted transaction | An in-progress transaction is attempting to insert rows into a table that has already been truncated. Consider committing the transaction with the truncate statement and then execute the insert operation. |
TT3138 | Cannot delete from a truncated table in an uncommitted transaction | An in-progress transaction is attempting to delete rows from a table that has already been truncated. To avoid this problem, commit the truncate transaction and then execute the delete operation. |
TT3139 | Cannot update from a truncated table in an uncommitted transaction | An in-progress transaction is attempting to update rows from a table that has already been truncated. To avoid this problem, commit the truncate transaction and then execute the update operation. |
TT3140 | Cannot alter to change hash page a truncated table in an uncommitted transaction | An in-progress transaction is attempting to alter the hash pages on a table that has already been truncated. To avoid this problem, commit the truncate transaction and then execute theALTER operation. |
TT3141 | Cannot alter to add/drop column on a truncated table in an uncommitted transaction | An in-progress transaction is attempting to add or drop a column on a table that has already been truncated. To avoid this problem, commit the truncate transaction and then execute theDROP orADD the column. |
TT3143 | Cannot drop Materialized View Log table table_name with Drop Table. Use Drop Materialized View Log On view_log | To drop a materialized view log table, you must use theDROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG SQL statement. |
TT3144 | Cannot drop table table_name with defined Materialized View Log. First drop materialized view log. | You must drop the materialized view log before dropping the table. Use theDROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG SQL statement. |
TT3145 | view_name is not an Asynchronous Materialized View | The name that you provided in theREFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW statement is not an asynchronous materialized view. Verify the name and try again. |
TT3146 | Column not found in the Materialized View Log | TheCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW withREFRESH FAST statement specifies a column that is not in the materialized view log. Drop the materialized view log, then re-create the materialized view log with all the desired columns. If there are any asynchronous materialized views that depend on this materialized view log, first drop all those materialized views, then drop the materialized view log. |
TT3147 | Key Column or rowid owner.column_name not found in the selectlist or it is part of an expression. | TheCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW withREFRESH FAST statement must include all the primary key columns orROWID s of all the detail tables. If the primary key column is an argument to a function such asUPPER , it does not satisfy this rule. |
TT3148 | No Primary Key in the detail table table_name. Specify ROWID option for the Materialized View Log | TheCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement has the primary key clause (either explicitly coded or by default). However, the detail table does not have a primary key. In this case use theROWID clause in theCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement. |
TT3149 | Insert/delete/update/ truncate operations not allowed in a Materialized View Log Table | You cannot perform SQL operations on a materialized view log table that change the data in the table. |
TT3150 | Refresh name is not accepted. System is busy. Try again | Only one refresh request can be processed at any given time. Retry the operation again. |
TT3151 | Asyncmv Thread encountered error while refreshing the view view_name. Check the Daemon Log | An error was encountered by the asynchronous materialized view daemon thread while refreshing the materialized view. The refresh failed. The correction to this problem depends on the error message on the daemon log. For example, if the error is due to a lock conflict, you can retry the refresh statement. If it due some other internal error, contact TimesTen Customer Support. |
TT3152 | Refresh interval of 0 is not allowed for Asynchronous Materialized View with refresh mode Complete | The refresh interval value must be a positive integer. |
TT3153 | There is no materialized view log on table table_name | You issued aDROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement on the indicated table. However, there is not materialized view log on that table. |
TT3154 | A materialized view log already exists on table table_name | You issued aCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement on the indicated table. However, there is already a materialized view log on that table. |
TT3155 | Cannot drop column column_name that is included in the corresponding materialized view log | You attempted to drop the specified column. You cannot drop a column from a detail table if the column is in the corresponding materialized view log. |
TT3156 | Cannot create a materialized view on a materialized view log. | You have made an attempt to create a materialized view on a materialized view log table. This operation is not supported. The materialized view was not created. Check the |
TT3157 | Cannot drop Materialized View Log on a detail table with defined Asynchronous Materialized View. View materialized_view refers to the detail table. | Materialized view log was not dropped. First drop the dependent asynchronous materialized view. Then, drop the materialized view log. |
TT3158 | Cannot create a materialized view log on a system table | Error thrown when user executesCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON system_table . Cannot create a materialized view log on a system table. The materialized view log is not created. |
TT3159 | SELECT not allowed on invalid materialized view string | When a materialized view is invalid, the owner of the view does not haveSELECT privileges on every detail table referenced by that view. To fix an invalid materialized view, re-grantSELECT privileges on every detail table to the view owner (or grant higher-level privileges such asSELECT ANY TABLE orADMIN ). Once the privileges are granted, drop the materialized view and then re-create it. |
TT3160 | REFRESH not allowed on invalid materialized view string | When a materialized view is invalid, the owner of the view does not haveSELECT privileges on every detail table referenced by that view. To fix an invalid materialized view, re-grantSELECT privileges on every detail table to the view owner (or grant higher-level privileges such asSELECT ANY TABLE orADMIN ). Once the privileges are granted, drop the materialized view and then re-create it. |
TT3200 | Sequence increment by value cannot be 0 | The sequence increment option that is specified must be greater than 0. |
TT3201 | Sequence cache has not been allocated | This is an internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3202 | Illegal max value. Possible reasons: maximum/ minimum limit, or max < min | The maximum value input is not valid in aCREATE SEQUENCE statement. Make sure that the maximum value does not exceed the maximum limit, or that the specified maximum is not less than the minimum value. |
TT3204 | Sequence sequence_name is not found | The sequence object specified is not found. UseCREATE SEQUENCE to create one. |
TT3205 | A table or sequence with this name already exists | The sequence object has a name conflict with an existing table name or vice versa. The sequence object name has to be unique in the sequence and table name spaces. |
TT3206 | CURRVAL or NEXTVAL not allowed in select with distinct, aggregate function, group by or order by | When aSELECT query has aDISTINCT ,GROUP BY orORDER BY clause specified,CURRVAL andNEXTVAL references are not allowed. |
TT3207 | CURRVAL or NEXTVAL not allowed in subquery of update, delete or select | References toCURRVAL andNEXTVAL are allowed in main query statements but not in the subquery of anUPDATE ,CREATE VIEW orSELECT statement. |
TT3208 | CURRVAL or NEXTVAL not allowed in where clause | TheWHERE clause in theSELECT ,UPDATE orCREATE VIEW SQL statements cannot have sequence reference. However,CURRVAL is allowed only in theSELECT WHERE clause. |
TT3209 | CURRVAL or NEXTVAL is not supported in views | References toCURRVAL andNEXTVAL are not supported in aVIEW statement. |
TT3210 | Sequence max/min limit has been reached. | The value in the sequence has already reached its maximum or minimum limit. This occurs when theCYCLE option is not turned on for the sequence, and the minimum or maximum has been reached. |
TT3211 | CURRVAL may not be referenced before NEXTVAL in this session | In a single session, the application should referenceNEXTVAL prior to referencingCURRVAL , so that theCURRVAL can be posted to this session. |
TT3212 | Failed to get the NEXTVAL | Unable to obtain aNEXTVAL . Possible reasons are: Application is unable to get the next value of the sequence from the cache because of an update problem or lock timeout; there is a problem in posting theNEXTVAL in the environment due to a memory allocation problem, or The application is adding theNEXTVAL to the session context. |
TT3213 | Load sequence to cache failed | An internal error occurred while loading the sequence into the cache. |
TT3214 | An error occurred while adding sequence value info to context | An internal error occurred while trying to add a sequence value into the context, possibly because of a memory allocation failure. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3215 | An error occurred while cleaning up sequence cache during rollback | When a rollback is performed, TimesTen clears up the cached sequences appropriately. An error is reported when the cleanup is not successful. |
TT3221 | Invalid statistics information: error_number | The statistics information passed to thettOptSetColIntvlStats built-in procedure was invalid or incorrectly formatted. Theerror_number describes the specific problem. See "ttOptSetColIntvlStats" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for a description of the correct format. |
TT3222 | Estimate statistics on schema.table_name failed due to concurrent operations; try again. | ThettOptEstimateStats built-in procedure may throw this error when there are concurrent transactions, which makes it difficult to estimate statistics. This error happens when there are a large number of rows deleted in a concurrent transaction. The table listed is the one on which the statistics are being updated. |
TT3300 | type_name is not a valid type name; instead use type_name | An attempt was made to use a type name that is not valid in the current type mode. Use the suggested name instead. |
TT3301 | Type mode must be set to Oracle to use this feature | Only databases that have theTypeMode attribute set to Oracle type (TypeMode=0 ; the default) can contain cache groups. TheTypeMode of the database cannot be changed after creation. To use cache groups, recreate the database with Oracle type mode. |
TT3304 | Foreign key definition is not allowed for CREATE TABLE AS SELECT | A foreign key clause cannot be specified in aCREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement. |
TT3305 | Invalid number of column names specified | You have specified too many column names. Attempt the operation again with fewer column names. |
TT3306 | No column name specified when creating table with hash index | A column name is required when creating a table with a hash index. |
TT3307 | Need to specify the datatype for the column | When creating a column in this statement, you must specify a data type for that column. Retry the operation, specifying a data type for the column. |
TT3308 | May not specify column datatypes in this CREATE TABLE | The statement does not allow the specification of a data type for the column. Retry the operation, without specifying a data type for the column. |
TT3309 | No column name specified when creating table with aging | When creating a table, each column in a table must have a name. |
TT3315 | Only dynamic AWT cache group can be defined as a global cache group | TheCREATE CACHE GROUP statement cannot include theGLOBAL keyword for a cache group that is not an asynchronous writethrough (AWT) cache group. |
TT3316 | Cache group definition mismatch among the members of the grid | Global cache groups on the same set of Oracle tables cannot have different definitions among the members of the grid. Redefine one or more of the global cache groups. |
TT3317 | Cache group cache_group does not exist in grid member member | A message was sent to a grid member that specifies a non-existent cache group. It is possible that the cache group was dropped from that member. |
TT3318 | Cache group group is not a global AWT cache group in grid member member | An operation related to a global cache group encountered a local cache group. It is possible that the global cache group was dropped and replaced by a local cache group. |
TT3319 | This operation needs the database to attach to the grid first | A member must be attached to the grid before performing any DML on a global cache group table. Use thettGridAttach built-in procedure to attach the member to the grid. |
TT3320 | Node ID table table_name is not found on Oracle | An Oracle table that stores information about the node ID of all grid members has been dropped. |
TT3321 | Node ID table table_name has no row | The row on an Oracle table that stores information about the node ID of all grid members has been deleted. |
TT3322 | Node information table table_name is not found on Oracle | An Oracle table that stores information about the node ID of all grid members has been dropped. |
TT3323 | Cache group definition table table_name is not found on Oracle | Table on Oracle to store information about global cache groups of a grid has been dropped. |
TT3324 | Cache grid cannot be destroyed when there are attached members | Before destroying a cache grid, you must detach all members of the group. Use thettGridDetach built-in procedure to detach the member to the grid. |
TT3325 | Cache grid cannot be destroyed when there are global cache groups or local cache groups in cache grid enabled mode | Before destroying a cache grid, you must drop all global and local cache groups. TimesTen cannot destroy a grid if there are global cache group or local cache groups when cache grid is enabled. |
TT3326 | Cannot create a cache grid or change cache grid while attached or attaching to the grid | Before creating a cache grid, you must detach from the grid. Use thettGridDetach built-in procedure to detach from the grid. |
TT3327 | Only one uncommitted create/destroy grid statement is allowed. Please commit the previous one before starting a new one. | A statement to destroy or create cache grid must be executed in its own transaction. |
TT3328 | Have to commit grid create/destroy statement before attaching | You have to commit the current transaction before you can attach the grid. |
TT3329 | Have to detach from grid before destroying a grid | Before destroying a cache grid, you must detach from the grid. Use thettGridDetach built-in procedure to detach from the grid. |
TT3330 | Grid grid_name with adminID ID does not exist | Cannot find the specified grid under the specified admin ID. |
TT3331 | Fail to send a message to member member_name | There may be a network problem or the member has exited and TimesTen cannot communicate with that member. |
TT3332 | Failed to open a connection member member_name from member member_name. Check if this node is still alive and detach it if it is dead and/or set its standby state to fail | There may be a network problem or the member has exited and TimesTen cannot connect with that member. |
TT3333 | Time out waiting for a response from member member_name | TimesTen could not get a response from a remote member within the specified time. Either the member has exited or there was a network problem. |
TT3334 | Specified IP address and port number combination have been used | The IP address and port number of each node in a cache grid must be unique. |
TT3335 | Cannot use cache grid with SMPOptLevel=0 | Cache grid is not supported with the attributeSMPOptLevel set to 0. One or more cache grid members has theSMPOptLevel attribute set to 0. Change theSMPOptLevel setting for these members. |
TT3336 | Cache gride name must be set for this database before performing this operation | Before a database can attach to a cache grid, it must name the cache grid to which it would like to attach. |
TT3337 | Cannot stop the cache agent when the cache grid is attached. Detach the cache grid first | A cache grid requires that the cache agent be running. Before stopping the cache agent, you must first detach the cache grid. Use thettGridDetach built-in procedure to detach the member to the grid. |
TT3338 | The instance has been deleted and has not been propagated to Oracle. Please make sure replication agent is up. | A cache instance has been deleted and this delete is being propagated to Oracle. No operations are allowed on this instance. |
TT3339 | Active or standby node of an active standby pair must be in active or standby state before it can attach to a grid | Put the master of the active standby pair in theACTIVE orSTANDBY state and attempt to attach to the grid again. |
TT3340 | Passthrough delete/update/insert /truncate of cache grid tables are not allowed | You cannot passthroughDELETE ,UPDATE ,INSERT orTRUNCATE statements to Oracle tables that are defined in a global cache group. |
TT3341 | Cache grid can only work with active standby pair or standalone node | When using replication in a cache grid, active standby pair is the only supported configuration. |
TT3342 | Inserted key already exists on Oracle or remote node | Duplicate keys were inserted. |
TT3343 | Key was not found in current owner member member_name | Key was not found in the member that owns the instance. This is an internal member communication error and it is not reported to the application level. |
TT3344 | Error creating grid threads: thread_names | Some threads needed to support cache grid operation could not be created. |
TT3345 | Grid platform platform_name and node platform platform_name are different | Cache grid configurations must be set up on similar (homogenous) platforms. |
TT3346 | Grid release release_number and node release release_number are different | All members of a grid must run the same major release of TimesTen. |
TT3347 | Both active and standby have to attach to the grid before loading can be done | Attach both the active and standby before attempting to load data into the global cache group. |
TT3348 | Missing communication address for standby node. Need to detach and re-attach the grid with this information | If a database is part of an active standby pair scheme, both the active and standby communication addresses must be identified at attach time. |
TT3349 | Member member_name is not in active state to receive message destined to active node | The active state of a master of an active standby pair has changed. An old message was routed to a wrong node. The grid software retries one time. If the message still fails, you can retry the operation. |
TT3350 | Member member_name is not in standby state to receive message destined to standby node | The standby state of a master of an active standby pair has changed. An old message was routed to a wrong node. The grid software retries one time. If the message still files, you can retry the operation. |
TT3351 | P2PTest failure at line line_number, number of message sent message_number: message | Internal error used for testing communication problem. |
TT3352 | Key was not found in standby member member_name | A key was not found in a standby node of a cache grid member. Replication may be behind and the instance has not been replicated. Retry the operation. |
TT3353 | Key is being loaded in remote member member_name | The instance needed by a member is being loaded by another member of the grid. Wait and retry the operation. |
TT3354 | Grid thread died before committing ownership change to Oracle | A thread died while loading data. The change is being rolled back. |
TT3355 | Member member_name timed out waitng for updates to be propagated to Oracle | Instance loading failed because it took too long for a change on the instance to be propagated to Oracle. |
TT3356 | Error loading cache instance from member member_name; some instance is already owned by some member | Bulk load of a global cache group can succeed only if no other members own any loaded instance. |
TT3357 | Failed to detach remote member member_name. Member was not attached or standby is still attached and force was not specified | Detaching a remote node member failed because this node member is not attached. |
TT3358 | Failed to detach remote member member_name. Member is still alive | Cannot detach a remote member that is still alive. That member must detach itself. |
TT3359 | Grid receiver thread received obsolete message Id | Internal communication error. An old message was received. |
TT3360 | Grid already exists | Each cache grid must have a unique name. The name you chose is already assigned to a cache grid. |
TT3361 | Failed to check if inserted key is unique in Oracle. Reason inserted_key | The statement checks whether a newly inserted instance that already exists in Oracle fails. The failure reason is provided in the error message. The insert will fail. |
TT3362 | Node already attached to a grid | You have attempted to attach a node to a grid, but the node is already attached to a grid. |
TT3363 | Node is not attached to a grid | Cannot detach a member from the grid because it is not attached to the grid. |
TT3364 | Grid attached operation failed. details | A member failed to attach to the grid. The message contains the details of this error. |
TT3365 | Failed to get root table primary key for transparent load. Reason details | A transparent load that specifies the primary or foreign key of a child table failed to select the primary key of the root table. The reason is provided in the error message. |
TT3366 | ttGridNameSet cannot be called from the standby of an active standby pair. Call it from the active instead | You cannot call thettGridNameSet utility from the standby of an active standby pair grid member. Call it from the active. |
TT3369 | Cannot detach from cache grid when there are number outstanding transparent load and/or unloading | A member cannot detach from a cache grid when there are a number of outstanding transparent loads or unloads. |
TT3370 | Member is in grid detach or failed during last detach. If the last detach failed, please complete the detach and re-attach the member first. | Last detach failed and the member is still in detaching state. Re-execute the detach to complete it. |
TT3371 | Grid control table table_name on Oracle was corrupted | Some Oracle tables containing control information for the cache grid were corrupted. |
TT3372 | Timed out wating seconds seconds for change to be propagated to Oracle | A timeout occurred while waiting for a change on an instance to be propagated to Oracle before loading the instance to another member. |
TT3373 | Cache instance does not meet aging requirement | An instance in an old owner does not meet the aging requirement of the new owner. |
TT3374 | Member may contain stale global cache group table data. Attach to the grid to clean up the data. | Attach to the grid to clean up the data. |
TT3375 | Oracle table/procedures needed for global cache group are missing. Perform manual install to create them. | A global cache group was created without creating all Oracle control tables due to a lack of the required privileges. Perform a manual install to create these tables. |
TT3377 | Failed to acquire grid info. Grid information on Oracle may be stale. Reason cause | This error occurred while executing a built-in procedure to get information about cache grids. The detailed error is included in in the message |
TT3378 | Cannot drop ownership table of global cache group. Drop the cache group instead. | Tables used to store ownership information cannot be dropped using theDROP TABLE statement. Drop the associated global cache group instead. |
TT3380 | This operation is invalid with ownership table table. | TheSELECT statement is the only statement that is allowed on tables used to store ownership information of global cache groups. |
TT3381 | Timed out waiting number seconds for response from remote nodes name to add or remove node. | A remote member did not respond within the specified time during an attach or detach operation. |
TT3382 | Timed out waiting number seconds for response from remote nodes. | A remote member did not respond within the specified time during the current operation. |
TT3383 | Cache group string.string failed ownership checking: string. | Internal error while executing an internal built-in. |
TT3384 | Transparent load failed because both primary and backup ownership nodes are down. | Both primary and backup nodes that contain ownership information needed for a transparent load are still down, even after three retries. |
TT3385 | Invalid char found in member name string string. | The argument string of thettGridDetachList built-in procedure that specifies a list of member names to be remotely detached contains some unrecognized characters. |
TT3387 | Conflict owner information was found during load. Old configuration owner owner, new configuration owner owner. | Conflict ownership information was found while a transparent load was executed concurrently with a member attach or detach. This error is not expected to occur. |
TT3390 | Create/drop global cache group is disallowed during a grid member configuration change. | During a member attach, detach or fail over, global cache group creation and dropping are disallowed. |
TT3391 | Operation failed because cache agent for remote member member was restarted and information was lost. | Internal communication error during ownership maintenance. The operation will automatically be retried. |
TT3392 | Operation failed because remote member string(number) was invalidated. | A remote member was invalidated during an ownership maintenance. Retry will be attempted if the member is recovered right away. Otherwise, the command will fail |
TT3398 | Mismatched cache group type in grid member grid_member | An attach failed because the current node did not define some of the global cache groups or mismatch global cache group definition. Define and fix the cache group definition and retry the attach. |
TT3399 | The recorded information indicates that there are or were numberattached members of the grid but this member failed to communicate with any of them | During an attach, the attaching node cannot contact any other members even though the grid information indicates that there are some attached members. This could happen because some members exit before detaching from the grid. All these members must be detached from the grid to clear up the grid. |
TT3400 | The following members members are not responding. Check if they are still alive and detach them if they are dead. | The cache grid was not able to communicate to the members specified. The operation that must communicate with these members will fail. Check if these members are still operational. If they are not operational, use thettGridDetach command to detach them from the grid. |
TT3401 | P2P error: string | This error is issued when a problem occurs with the peer-to-peer communication layer of cache grid. The provided string provides details for the problem. |
TT3402 | Cannot drop an active standby pair when the cache grid is attached. Detach the cache grid first. | The active standby pair cannot be dropped from a member that is being attached to the grid. You must detach the member from the grid and retry the command. |
TT3403 | This node was attached as part of an active standby pair and the other node of the active standby pair is still attached. Detach the other node first and retry. | A node of an active standby pair was converted to a stand-alone node and an attempt was made to attach this node to the grid. The operation failed because the previous standby of this node is still attached to the grid. Detach the standby node first and then retry the command. |
TT3404 | Cannot drop AWT cache group with unpropagated deletes | Wait until all deletes of a dynamic ascynchronous writethrough cache group are propagated to Oracle before trying to drop the cache group. Ensure the replication agent is up. Wait until the replication agent completes propagating before retrying the drop. |
TT3405 | Cannot do blocking checkpoint until all commited deletes of AWT cache groups have been propagated to Oracle | A non-fuzzy checkpoint cannot complete until all committed deletes of all dynamic asynchronous writethrough cache groups have been propagated to Oracle. Ensure that the replication agent is up. Wait until the replication agent finishes propagating all changes before retrying the checkpoint. |
TT3406 | Unique constraint (constraint) violated at Rowid <rowid> due to unpropagated delete | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3407 | Cannot allocate space to store ownership information for global cache groups because temporary data partition free space is below the minimum threshold of number bytes | Free up space within the temporary data partition before continuing. |
TT3408 | Global statement needs the database to attach to the grid first | A member must attach to the grid first before executing any global statements. |
TT3409 | Combination of global processing option and |
Global statement optimizer hint cannot combine with passthrough hint. |
TT3410 | Grid sender queue is too full | Internal error. Grid sending queue is too full. |
TT3411 | Global select failed because temporary data partition free space is below the minimum threshold of |
Global select failed because temporary data partition free space is below the minimum threshold of the specified number of bytes. |
TT3412 | Detach is disallowed on transaction with uncommitted grid work | A transaction with uncommitted statements that involves global cache group ownership change is not allowed to execute detach command. You must commit the transaction first. |
TT3413 | Internal error: conflict ownership acquisition of threads of same member. | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3414 | Member failed to attach as an active during the last fail-over. Please re-execute attach before performing this operation. | The last failover that turned this node into an active node has failed to complete grid failover. Execute the attach command before performing operations on any global cache group tables. |
TT3415 | Internal error: instance was found but not qualified. | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3416 | Member is doing failover and not in grid active state yet. | Grid fail-over is still in progress, so operations on global cache group tables are not allowed. |
TT3417 | Internal error: Propagation thread is executing on active node. | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT3418 | Load/unload are disabled because there may be some unpropagated update before the last failover/restart. Please check if the standby is up and set its state to fail if it is not up. | Operations on global cache group tables are not allowed, since there may still be some un-propagated changes since last fail-over or restart. If the standby is not active, set its state to fail so propagation can progress. |
TT3419 | Cannot detach standby node. Either detach active node first, or stop replication agent on standby and use ttRepStateSave to set its replication state to 'FAILED' before detaching standby. | Cannot detach the standby node that is not in failed state before detaching the active node. Either detach the active node first or set the standby state to failed from the active node before detaching the standby. |
TT3420 | Cannot detach from cache grid when there are pending transaction on global cache groups. | All pending transactions on global cache group table must commit and changes must be propagated to Oracle before a node can detach. |
TT3421 | Grid Configuration was changed | A grid member was added or removed after a global query was compiled. User Action: Recompile the query. |
TT3422 | The instance has been updated and unloaded and the update has not been propagated to Oracle. Please make sure replication agent is up | A cache group instance has been updated and unloaded and the update has not been propagated to Oracle. As a result, the instance cannot be reloaded. User Action: Check to see if the replication agent is up. If not, start the replication agent. |
TT3422 | The instance has been unloaded by the same transaction and cannot be reloaded. Please commit the transaction first and retry the operation | A cache group instance has been unloaded by a transaction and the transaction has not been committed. The instance cannot be reloaded until the transaction is committed and the update is propagated to Oracle. User Action: Commit the transaction and make sure replication agent is up. |
Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT4053 | Internal error. error_number | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT4054 | Internal warning: detailed_warning | This message warns that TimesTen adjusted either the heap page sizes or number of heap pages during a heap validity check. These values may have required readjusting because they had been overwritten. |
TT4501 | Data store cannot checkpoint to a network file system | Database files cannot be located on a network file system. Move the checkpoints to a local file system and retry the operation. |
TT4502 | Data store cannot log to a network file system | Database files cannot be located on a network file system. Move the checkpoints to a local file system and retry the operation. |
TT4600 | Argument error and error | Bad Argument Generic error message |
TT4601 | Argument error message | Bad argument generic error message |
Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT5002 | Unable to connect to the cache agent for data_store_path_name; check agent status | Cannot connect to Oracle for the named database. Check the status of the cache agent. |
TT5006 | Defining SQL string exceeds maximum allowed length | The sum of the "Column Mapping," "Primary Key" and "SQL Piece" specifications in the configuration file exceeds the maximum allowed length. |
TT5007 | Cache agent error | There was a communication failure between the TimesTen cache agent and the client process. |
TT5008 | ODBC call failed | The TimesTen cache agent got an error on an ODBC call. For more details, look at the user error log entries. |
TT5010 | No OracleNetServiceName specified in DSN | An attempt was made to start a TimesTen cache agent for a DSN that does not have theOracleNetServiceName attribute specified. |
TT5011 | Oracle (OCI8) call failed | The TimesTen cache agent got an error on an Oracle (OCI8 ) call. For more details, look at the user error log entries. |
TT5012 | Oracle login failed | The TimesTen cache agent could not connect to the Oracle database with the given username and/or password. |
TT5013 | Operation requires cache connection | The TimesTen cache agent could not execute the operation because it was not able to connect to TimesTen and/or Oracle. Ensure that the user name, password and Oracle ID are correct. |
TT5014 | Could not execute defining SQL | The SQL specified for defining the cached table could not be executed against the Oracle database. Check the column names and table names. |
TT5015 | Mismatch in number of columns extracted and number of columns in cached table | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5016 | Cache agent has too many existing connections | The number of active connections to this TimesTen cache agent exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
TT5019 | Bad table name specification | The "Cached Table" specification in the configuration file has an invalid table name. |
TT5020 | Warning(s) during population of cache. See the user error log for details. detailed_error_message | A warning was given during table population. View the user error log for more details. |
TT5021 | Could not get meta data from Oracle: detailed_error_message | The Cache Administrator could not get the requested metadata from Oracle. |
TT5022 | Could not open output file for writing Oracle meta data | The Cache Administrator was not able to write the Oracle metadata to the output file because it was not able to open the output file. |
TT5025 | Commit failure in Oracle. Transaction must be rolled back in TimesTen. | Commit failed in Oracle. The TimesTen transaction must be explicitly rolled back. |
TT5026 | Cannot alter cached tables | Cached tables cannot be altered. To modify a cached table and execute the newCREATE CACHE GROUP statement. |
TT5029 | "Warning(s) while populating the cache. detailed_warning_message(s) | A warning was generated while populating the cached table. The details are attached to the message. |
TT5030 | Communication buffer overflow. The cache group definition is too large to perform this operation | The TimesTen cache agent communication buffer overflowed. The operation failed. The most likely cause of this error is that the cache group contains several tables and/or each table contains several columns and the total length of these tables and columns has exceeded the communication buffer |
TT5034 | The operation must be executed within its own transaction | Each cache group operation must be executed within its own transaction. A commit must be done both before and after executing a cache group operation. |
TT5035 | A cache group may not have a negative number of tables | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5036 | Warning(s) while populating the cache. detailed_warning_messasge(s) | Some SQL warnings were generated while loading or refreshing the cached table. Detail warning messages are appended to the end. |
TT5037 | An error occurred while loading cache_group_name: detailed_warning_message | An error occurred while loading or refreshing the cached table. The detailed error follows this error message. |
TT5038 | Warning(s) while populating the cache. detailed_warning_message | Some SQL warnings were generated during the population stage of theMERGE operation.The detailed error follows this error message. |
TT5039 | An error occurred while refreshing the cache_group_namedetailed_error_message | An error occurred while refreshing the cached table. A detailed error follows this error message. |
TT5045 | Cache group operations may not use data store level locking | Cache group operations require row-level locking to allow the TimesTen cache agent to get simultaneous access to the database. |
TT5046 | Commit/rollback required after Cache operation | An error occurred after executing aLOAD ,UNLOAD orREFRESH command. This error occurs when the user does not immediately commit or rollback the transaction after executing aLOAD ,UNLOAD orREFRESH command. These cache group commands are required to be the only operation in the transaction. To fix this error, commit or rollback right after these cache group operations. |
TT5047 | This operation is not allowed on cached tables | An index from a cached table cannot be dropped. |
TT5048 | Feature, feature_name, not supported | The feature entered is invalid or not supported. |
TT5050 | Cache group definition was too long. Current system limit on field_name is size bytes. Specified definition requires size bytes | Either the cache groupWHERE clause is too long or the cache group has too many long column names or too many tables. The maximum allowed length of the cache groupWHERE clause is 4096 characters. |
TT5051 | Commit message to cache agent failed. Cache agent must be restarted | Failed to notify the cache agent of the transaction commit. Check if cache agent has been shut down. If so, restart the cache agent. |
TT5052 | Cache group name required with install_flag value 1 | Nocache_group_name parameter was provided for thettCacheSqlGet built-in procedure call. Thecache_group_name parameter cannot beNULL or empty when the install_flag parameter is set to 1. |
TT5053 | Add/Drop foreign keys are not allowed on cached tables | Adding or dropping foreign keys to cached tables is not supported in TimesTen. |
TT5054 | Detect loss of Oracle Connection (error_number) during rollback. Oracle rollback will be implicit | The Oracle connection terminated during a transaction rollback. The pending Oracle transaction was (or will be) rolled back by the Oracle server. Theerror_number is either anORA- xxxxx message, an Oracle error code that was returned by Oracle during rollback, or "no error code," which means the connection was broken prior to the Oracle rollback request. |
TT5060 | Rollback on TimesTen not available in no logging mode. Rollback on Oracle succeeded. Must refresh the affected cache groups | An error was encountered when propagating to Oracle. The transaction on Oracle has been successfully rolled back. Because there is no rollback available on TimesTen, the user must manually fix the TimesTen transaction. One way to make the cache groups consistent with Oracle is to unload and reload all affected cache groups. |
TT5061 | Oracle and TimesTen in inconsistent state. Invalidating the data store. Must refresh the affected cache groups | An error was encountered when propagating to Oracle. The rollback on Oracle also failed. TimesTen and Oracle data are in a transactionally inconsistent state. One way to make the cache groups consistent with Oracle is to unload and reload all affected cache groups. |
TT5064 | The Oracle client version version_number is not compatible with Oracle server version version_number. Upgrade Oracle serve to version_number or higher. | An Oracle Client Oracle client version is 10.2 or higher and it is not compatible with the Oracle Server version. This error can be encountered by the application during any operation that requires a connection to Oracle. Fix is to use compatible Oracle client/server version according to our docs. |
TT5067 | Name name is already used by an existing object | The name specified is already in use. Specify a unique name for the indicated object. |
TT5068 | Argument argument_name ignored | An IMDB Cache built-in procedure was called with an argument that was not needed. The argument was ignored and the built-in was executed without the argument. |
TT5069 | Argument argument_name error_message | An IMDB Cache built-in procedure was called with an invalid argument. The error message indicates the invalid argument. |
TT5070 | Error compiling PL/SQL block. Check that user_name has privilege_type on table_name | There was an error compiling an Oracle PL/SQL block because the application user does not have the correct privileges on Oracle. Check the privileges indicated in the message. |
TT5071 | Name string reused within statement. Use different names. | The cache group name is being used by another TimesTen object. Use a different name. |
TT5101 | An error occurred while generating the name of the backend database shared library for database type: database_type | Oracle is the only supported backend database for cache group operations and passthrough. |
TT5102 | Cannot load backend library library_name for Cache Connect. OS error message error_details. | The library used by IMDB Cache could not be loaded. This can happen if:
Some platforms use something other than |
TT5103 | The cache group operation could not unload the backend database shared library. library_name | The OS had some problem unloading the backend database library. |
TT5104 | Could not initialize the function pointers backend database api. Function function_name was not in the library. | This usually indicates that an older version of the backend library was loaded. Check the library search path to verify that it is pointing to the correct library directory. |
TT5105 | OCI initialization failed: description. | Oracle OCI could not be initialized. This is a necessary component for IMDB Cache. This usually occurs when there is not enough memory on the client machine. |
TT5106 | Could not allocate handle_name handle | This is usually occurs when there is very little memory left on the client machine. |
TT5107 | Oracle(OCI) Oracle_error_id in OCI_call: Oracle_error_number | The operation that was being performed has failed because of an error that occurred while executing an Oracle OCI function. Details on the error are specified within the error message. |
TT5109 | Cache Connect general error: Oracle_operation | IMDB Cache failed in the identified Oracle operation. This error is usually accompanied by a more specific error message. If not, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5110 | Table does not exist in Oracle: table_name | The cache group table does not exist on Oracle. |
TT5111 | Could not find matching unique index for cache table table_name | The primary key defined on TimesTen must match the primary key or uniqueNOT NULL key on Oracle. |
TT5112 | Cache table table_name contains VARCHAR column(s). Oracle VARCHAR comparison rule is different. | This is a warning. The comparison rule for OracleVARCHAR differs from the TimesTen comparison rule. This may cause a primary key constraint violation on TimesTen while loading Oracle rows. The problem may happen when there are trailing spaces in the Oracle data. TimesTen generates this warning whenever there is aVARCHAR column in a cache table. |
TT5113 | Cache table table_name contains REAL/DOUBLE/ FLOAT column(s). Cached value may have a different precision. | This is a warning. Oracle and TimesTen have different implementations of floating point data types and the precisions are different. As a result, the cached value may be slightly different than the value in Oracle. TimesTen generates this warning when you try to create a table with aREAL ,FLOAT orDOUBLE type. |
TT5114 | Unsupported type mapping for key column column_name | The data type mapping rules were violated on a key field. See "Data type support" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for more information. |
TT5115 | Unsupported type mapping for column column_name | The data type mapping rules were violated on a non-key field. See "Data type support" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for more information. |
TT5116 | Column column_name does not exist in Oracle | Verify that you have correctly spelled the column name or provide a new name. |
TT5117 | Illegal WHERE clause for cache table table_name | TheWHERE clauses specified in theCREATE CACHE GROUP statement do not work on Oracle. |
TT5118 | Column column_name has different precision/ scale in Oracle | This is a warning. Oracle and TimesTen have different implementations of floating point data types and the precisions are different. TimesTen issues this warning when a TimesTenDECIMAL type is mapped to an OracleNUMBER type. |
TT5119 | Column column_name has different nullability setting in Oracle | This is a warning. The nullability setting of a column on TimesTen differs from that of the column on Oracle. |
TT5120 | No matching unique index with not null columns, unique key constraint with not null columns, or primary key constraint on table table_name, cache operations are restricted | The cache group operations are restricted to full cache groupLOAD CACHE GROUP ,UNLOAD CACHE GROUP andMERGE operations because TimesTen cannot find a primary key or a uniqueNOT NULL index on Oracle to match the cache table's primary key. |
TT5121 | Non-standard type mapping for column column_name, cache operations are restricted | The cache group operations are restricted to full cache groupLOAD CACHE GROUP ,UNLOAD CACHE GROUP andMERGE operations because non-standard type mapping was used. |
TT5123 | Operation not allowed on restricted cache group cache_group | The specified operation is not allowed on a restricted cache group. A cache group is restricted if it has a non-standard data type mapping in one of its columns or if there is no matching primary key on Oracle. |
TT5124 | Autorefresh/propagate are not allowed on restricted cache group | AUTOREFRESH andPROPAGATE are not allowed on a restricted cache group. A cache group is restricted if it has a non-standard data type mapping in one of its columns or if there is no matching primary key on Oracle. |
TT5125 | Caching of Timestamp column(s): fractional seconds may be truncated | The scale of the TimesTenTIMESTAMP type is always 6. Mapping of OracleTIMESTAMP COLUMNS with a scale other than 6 to a TimesTenTIMESTAMP column may cause silent truncation of the column value at runtime. |
TT5126 | A system managed cache group cannot contain non- standard column type mapping | See "Data type support" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for a list of supported data type mappings. |
TT5127 | Backend connection invalid. error_details | An error occurred while trying to connect to Oracle or an invalid backend database was specified in the connection. |
TT5128 | handle_name handle is invalid. The Oracle connection may have been lost. Retry your operation. | IMDB Cache handle has been invalidated. In most cases, this occurs when the connection to Oracle has been lost. Check if the Oracle instance is up and retry the operation. |
TT5129 | SQL command is no longer valid. handle_name handle has been invalidated. The Oracle connection may have been lost after the statement was prepared. | IMDB Cache handle has been invalidated. In most cases, this occurs when the connection to Oracle has been lost. Check if the Oracle instance is up and retry the operation. The prepared statement must be re-prepared. |
TT5130 | Error executing the following statement on Oracle: query | The execution ofquery failed on Oracle. Examine the query and verify the Oracle schema has not changed during IMDB Cache operations. |
TT5131 | Cannot connect to backend database: OracleNetServiceName = Oracle_service_name, uid = user_id, pwd is hidden,TNS_ADMIN = tns_admin , ORACLE_HOME= Oracle_home | Common causes of connection failures are incorrect Oracle Service Name, user id or password,TNS_ADMIN or location of the Oracle installation. You may also find the Oracle error number in other messages on the error stack. Check Oracle error message documentation for the corresponding Oracle error. |
TT5132 | SQL command is no longer valid. type handle has been invalidated. The Oracle connection may have been lost after the statement was prepared. | The Oracle SQL statement used by IMDB Cache is no longer valid. |
TT5133 | Could not re-install SIGINT signal handler | IMDB Cache failed to re-install theSIGINT signal handler. The handler was changed by Oracle. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5134 | Could not determine Oracle server version | IMDB Cache failed to determine the version of the Oracle server. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5142 | Autorefresh is not allowed on cache groups with Oracle synonyms | You cannot setAUTOREFRESH for a cache group that uses Oracle synonyms. |
TT5144 | The cache group contains a Oracle materialized view, cache operations are restricted. | You cannot create a restricted cache group on an Oracle materialized view. |
TT5150 | The statement handle is in an invalid state for the operation: operation_name | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5151 | Pass through is not supported for this type of Oracle statement. | Attempt to pass through an unsupported SQL statement from TimesTen to Oracle. For details, see the description for thePassThrough attribute in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. |
TT5152 | Could not determine what type of Oracle statement that is being prepared. Maybe a possible syntax error. | OCI was not able to identify the type of statement being passed through. Check the syntax. |
TT5153 | operation is not allowed for this type of Oracle statement | A fetch was called on a non-SELECT PASSTHROUGH statement. |
TT5155 | Wrong number of parameters | The number of input parameters does not match the number of parameters set by the user. |
TT5156 | Too many parameters. Maximum number of parameters allowed is maximum_number | For passthrough operations, the number of input parameters exceeds the maximum allowed. |
TT5157 | Pass through of Timestamp column(s): fractional seconds will be truncated | TimesTen does not support fractional seconds in TIMESTAMP columns. Any Oracle TIMESTAMP columns that have fractional seconds appear in TimesTen without those fractional seconds. |
TT5158 | Oracle compilation error: error | The IMDB Cache operation encountered an Oracle compilation error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5159 | Index was converted to a non-unique index because table is a member of an autorefreshed cache group. | This is a warning. Any unique index created on a table in an autorefresh cache group is automatically converted to a non-unique index. |
TT5160 | Failed to prepare Oracle objects for datastore duplication: details | Can occur during database duplication. Some Oracle objects are missing or are in use by another application. Additional details may be displayed. |
TT5161 | Conflicting concurrent updates to bipropagated rows | See "PROPAGATE cache table attribute" in Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT5162 | Could not register Oracle failover callback function | A callback function to handle Oracle RAC failures was not registered. You must manually reconnect to Oracle after a connection failure. |
TT5163 | Oracle failover failed with event event_ID. Retried for numberminutes | TimesTen was not able to re-establish a connection to Oracle. TimesTen retries the connection for the indicated number of minutes. |
TT5164 | No matching foreign key with cascade action for table table_nameon Oracle | To specify aCASCADE DELETE foreign key on a cache table that is specified asPROPAGATE , or belongs to a cache group that is specified as AWT or SWT, there must be a matchingCASCADE DELETE foreign key defined on the corresponding Oracle table. You must either remove theCASCADE DELETE foreign key on the cache table or add one on the Oracle table. |
TT5165 | Autorefresh state state for cache_group is incompatible with replication scheme. Autorefresh state should be state. | TheAUTOREFRESH state indicated in the messages for the specified cache group is incompatible with the associated replication scheme.You must eitherALTER orCREATE the cache group with the compatible state indicated in the message. |
TT5166 | Autorefresh state state for store is incompatible with replication store state state. Autorefresh state should be state. | TheAUTOREFRESH state indicated in the messages for the specified cache group is incompatible with the associated replication store state.You must either alter or create the cache group with the compatible state indicated in the message. |
TT5167 | Deprecated type mapping for column column_name | The type mapping is not supported. You must change the type of the indicated column. |
TT5168 | Restricted cache groups are deprecated | Restricted cache groups are supported in this release for backward compatibility. |
TT5169 | The data store must be in Oracle data type mode (TypeMode=0) in order to use any of the Cache Connect features. | Oracle type mode is required for the database that contains the cache group. |
TT5170 | Duplicate completed successfully but the cache metadata will be updated after the cache and replication agents have been started on the destination store becuase of the reasons stated below. | Metadata stored on Oracle for cache groups is updated by the cache and replication agents after they are started and they are able to connect to Oracle. Ensure that the cache and replication agents are started on the destination database. |
TT5171 | Lookup for username user_name failed on Oracle. | The cache operation requires the specified user name, but not such user is found on Oracle. |
TT5181 | Oracle column maximum byte length is restricted to 4000 bytes for column column_name | You have specified a column length on the specified table that is greater than the maximum allowed length of 4000 bytes. |
TT5182 | IMDB Cache is supported only with Oracle server release 10.2 and later. | Version of the Oracle RDBMS Server is not supported. The Oracle Server must be release 10.2 or later. |
TT5183 | Function |
Discover that a function is not a part of the library during the first cache connect operation within an application or during the startup of the replication agent. No action necessary, as the function will not be called by cache connect. Check that the OCI client library version is 11.1 or later. |
TT5184 | Tried to create a cache group on an Oracle synonym that is owned by another user in Oracle. Resolve by performing one of the following:
TT5185 | Cache admin user |
This is either an error or warning depending on the privilege that the cache administrator lacks and the type of cache group that is being created. The user should grant the appropriate Oracle privileges to the cache admin user. |
TT5186 | The OCI client library in use does not contain required routines to support caching LOBS from Oracle. | The application is linked with an OCI library that was not shipped with TimesTen. |
TT5187 | Caching LOBs from Oracle requires using an OCI client library provided by the TimesTen installation, or other versions of OCI client supported by TimesTen. | TThe application is linked with an OCI library that was not shipped with TimesTen. |
TT5185 | Cache admin user |
This is either an error or warning depending on the privilege that the cache administrator lacks and the type of cache group that is being created. The user should grant the appropriate Oracle privileges to the cache admin user. |
TT5201 | Operations for Cache Agent are not allowed for temporary data stores | Oracle data can be cached only in a permanent TimesTen database. |
TT5202 | Environment variable ORACLE_HOME must be set to perform this operation | Set theORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the location of your Oracle installation. |
TT5203 | Could not find library library_name | On UNIX only, Oracle client library or cannot be found under$ORACLE_HOME/li b or$ORACLE_HOME/lib32 . Check your$ORACLE_HOME environment variable. |
TT5204 | Environment variable PATH not set | To cache Oracle data, you must specify the location of theOCI.DDL in the PATH environment variable. |
TT5205 | OCI.DLL must be in PATH to perform this operation | To cache Oracle data, you must specify the location of theOCI.DDL in the PATH environment variable. |
TT5206 | Environment variable ORACLE_HOME must not be more than 256 characters long | TimesTen limits the value of$ORACLE_HOME to 256 characters. |
TT5207 | The cache admin UID cannot be changed while there are any cache groups in the datastore. Drop all cache groups and try again. | The cache administrator UID/PWD cannot be set if there are any AWT or autorefresh cache groups with stateON orPAUSED . Drop or alter the cache group and reset the UID/PWD. |
TT5208 | There are existing cache groups under the Cache Admin's schema on Oracle. schema_name | When TimesTen starts to track DDL changes on Oracle, there are already existing cache groups in the database. Since the corresponding Oracle tables may have been altered before the tracking started, there may be an inconsistency between the cache schema and the Oracle schema. Verify that the TimesTen and Oracle schema still match. |
TT5209 | Cannot start cache agent because TNS_ADMIN not specified during install. Use ttModInstall -tns_admin to fix. | The user did not specify a value forTNS_ADMIN during the installation of TimesTen. You cannot start a cache agent without specifying theTNS_ADMIN variable. |
TT5210 | Oracle unique constraint violation error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Unique constraint violation occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5211 | Oracle out of resource error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Out of resource error occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5212 | No longer connected to Oracle error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Connection lost to Oracle. |
TT5213 | Bad Oracle login error/ warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Oracle login error |
TT5214 | Not connected to Oracle error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | No connection to Oracle. |
TT5215 | Oracle resource timeout error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Oracle resource timeout occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5216 | Oracle resource busy error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Oracle resource busy. |
TT5217 | Oracle deadlock error/ warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Oracle deadlock occurred on Oracle during the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5218 | Bad parameter to Oracle error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Bad parameter specified for the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5219 | Temporary Oracle connection failure error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Temporary IMDB Cache failure occurred on Oracle during the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5220 | Permanent Oracle connection failure error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Permanent IMDB Cache failure occurred on Oracle during the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5221 | Oracle syntax error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Oracle syntax error occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5222 | Oracle constraint violation error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Constraint violation occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5223 | Oracle orphan violation error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Orphan violation occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5224 | Oracle foreign key violation error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Foreign key violation occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5225 | Oracle recovery in progress error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Recovery in progress error occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5226 | Oracle data truncation error/warning in OCI_function: Oracle_error_number | Data truncation error occurred on Oracle in the named Oracle OCI function. |
TT5227 | Insufficient privileges name occurred while performing an Oracle operation in function: error_message. | The user has insufficient privileges. Grant the user the appropriate privileges and retry. |
TT5228 | A transient mode occurred while performing an operation in function: error_message. | There was a temporary error while executing the indicated function. The transaction must be rolled back. The details are in the error message. The mode is set to error. |
TT5229 | An Oracle savepoint error occurred: error_message | This cache operation requires TimesTen to set a savepoint on Oracle. The setting failed. The details are in the error message. |
TT5230 | A transient mode occurred while performing an Oracle operation in function: error_message. | There was a temporary loss of connection to the Oracle server while executing the indicated function. The transaction must be rolled back. The details are in the error message. The mode is set to error. |
TT5243 | The operation cannot be executed if the Replication Agent is not running. Check the status of the agent. | Check the status of the replication agent and restart the agent if it is not running. |
TT5244 | Asynchronous WriteThrough will not be enabled until the Replication Agent for this datastore has been started. | Asynchronous writethrough cache groups require the replication agent to be running. The replication agent appears to be stopped. Restart the replication agent if it is not running. |
TT5245 | The operation cannot be executed while the Replication Agent for this datastore is running. | Stop the replication agent. |
TT5246 | The Replication Agent for this datastore is currently running. | Informational message. |
TT5247 | The operation cannot be executed while the cache agent for this data store is running. | Stop the cache agent. |
TT5249 | Awt Initialization Failure: detailed_error_number | An error occurred while initializing the asynchronous writethrough thread in the replication agent. |
TT5250 | Awt Initialization Failure. Could not compile meta data SQL. | TimesTen attempted to get metadata from Oracle. One of TimesTen SQL statements did not compile. |
TT5251 | Cache admin uid and pwd must be set since there are awt cache groups in this datastore. Shutdown the replication agent and the cache agent, set the cache admin uid and pwd, and restart the agents. | Asynchronous writethrough cache group must have the cache administration user ID and password set. 1. Stop the replication agent and the cache agent. 2. Set the cache administration user ID and password by using either the 3. Restart the agents. |
TT5252 | Could not retrieve the cache admin user and password | Failed to retrieve the cache administration user ID and password for asynchronous writethrough cache groups. |
TT5254 | Operation failed. Could not find AWT cache group information. | This error can occur during execution ofttAdmin -duplicate . Information about an asynchronous writethrough cache group could not be found in the TimesTen schema. |
TT5256 | Could not find runtime data for AWT. | This error can occur during the creation of an asynchronous writethrough cache group. The replication information for the cache group could not be found. Try creating the cache group again. See "Permanent Oracle errors reported by TimesTen" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide. |
TT5257 | Cache admin user and/or password could not be found. Changes via AWT cannot be applied without them. | The cache administration user ID or password is not set or could not be found during startup of an asynchronous writethrough cache group. UsettCacheUidPwdSet to set the cache administration user ID and password and restart the replication agent. |
TT5258 | An update operation tried to update a row that does not exist on Oracle. Expecting number updates and number rows were affected. | The transaction was rolled back because there were update operations on rows that are not in the Oracle tables. |
TT5259 | Failed to store AWT runtime information for data store data_store_name on Oracle | TimesTen could not store the state information for AWT. Check the state of the Oracle server if the error persists. |
TT5260 | Failed to store AWT runtime information for data store data_store_name on Oracle. Wrong number of rows updated. Should be 1 but value were updated | The state information for AWT is corrupt. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5261 | Failed to read AWT runtime information for data store data_store_name on Oracle | TimesTen could not read the state information for AWT. Check the state of the Oracle server if the error persists. |
TT5262 | Could not store the autorefresh bookmarks because the autorefresh state should be state but instead was state | The system is trying to store bookmarks forAUTOREFRESH when theAUTOREFRESH state is not appropriate. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5263 | owner.table is not an autorefresh cache group | The cache or replication agent tried to storeAUTOREFRESH bookmarks on a non-AUTOREFRESH cache group. If the problem persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5264 | Master data store state not active or standby. State is state. | You must specify theACTIVE orSTANDBY state for the database. |
TT5265 | Internal error: error_details | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5266 | Cache ddl lock request denied because of time-out\Owner info: message | This is a cache DDL lock timeout information. The lock owner information is specified in message. |
TT5267 | The operation failed because the data store is marked dead and name option is set to value | The autorefresh cache groups must be recovered before the operation can be performed. Refer to the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for details on recovering the autorefresh cache groups. |
TT5268 | Changing the recovery method to none has caused recovering cache groups to be marked dead for all data stores | All cache groups that were being recovered are marked dead since the recovery method has been changed to none. |
TT5269 | is not an incrementally autorefreshed cache group | The status can only be shown on incrementally autorefreshed cache group. The indicated table is not an incrementally autorefreshed cache group. |
TT5275 | Asynchronous writethrough metadata not found error in object: object | Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5276 | Asynchronous writethrough role or state change occurred error in object: object | Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5277 | Timeout while updating active standby metadata on Oracle error in object: object | Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5278 | Statement over 4000 bytes: statement | Statement is over accepted limit of 4000 bytes. |
TT5279 | statement is not allowed when transaction isolation level is set to serializable. | TheCREATE ,DROP andALTER CACHE GROUP statements are not allowed with the serializable isolation level. Reset the transaction isolation level to read-committed isolation and re-execute the statement. |
TT5280 | Autorefresh state of string.string is string; autorefresh state must be string. | The specified cache group is in the incorrect autorefresh state for the operation you are attempting. Use theALTER CACHE GROUP ... SET AUTOREFRESH STATE command to set the autorefresh state as indicated. |
TT5281 | Autorefresh of specified cache group is already in progress. | A new autorefresh operation cannot be initiated while a current autorefresh operation is in progress. Wait for the current autorefresh operation to complete and try again. |
TT5282 | ttCacheAutorefresh cannot be called from the standby of an A/S pair. Call it from the active instead. | The ttCacheAutorefresh built-in procedure cannot be called from the standby node of an active/standby pair. Call it from the active node instead. |
TT5283 | Autorefresh did not complete within 24 hours | When called withSYNCHRONOUS >1 , thettCacheAutorefresh built-in procedure waits for the autorefresh operation to complete. In this case, the autorefresh operation did not complete within 24 hours. Check the daemon log for issues. |
TT5284 | Error launching autorefresh, see daemon log | ThettCacheAutorefresh built-in procedure encountered an unexpected error while initiating the autorefresh operation. Check the daemon log for issues. |
TT5285 | Autorefresh failed, see daemon log | The autorefresh operation initiated by thettCacheAutorefresh built-in procedure failed. See the daemon log for details. |
TT5286 | Autorefesh activity has occurred so rapidly that the history of the requested autorefresh has been overwritten by subsequent autorefreshes before it could be retrieved. There is not necessarily any problem. Check the daemon log for the status of the requested refresh. | The TimesTen cache agent keeps a history of the 10 most recent autorefresh operations. The autorefresh operation that you initiated with thettCacheAutorefresh built-in has completed. Before its status could be read from the autorefresh history, it was displaced by another autorefresh operation that occurred at an unusually high rate. This is not necessarily a problem. The autorefresh operation you initiated may have completed successfully. Check the daemon log for the status of your autorefresh operation. |
TT5287 | Unexpected status returned by autorefresh, see daemon log | ThettCacheAutorefresh built-in procedure encountered an unexpected status return value from the autorefresh operation. Check the daemon log for issues. |
TT5288 | Autorefresh failed due to contact lost with Oracle (dead cache group) | The autorefresh operation failed because contact with the Oracle RDMBS server has been lost. Check the status of the Oracle server. |
TT5289 | Operation failed because user lacks Oracle RDBMS privilege privilege. Action_statement. | Grant the user the appropriate privilege within the Oracle database. |
TT5291 | The following Oracle indexesand constraints on table owner.table contain cached columns that do not have corresponding unique indexes on TimesTen: <list of oracle unique indexes or constraints> | During Create Cache Group: In order to use Parallel AWT, all unique constraints and indexes on a cached Oracle table must also have a corresponding unique index on TimesTen. During Replication Agent Start:The replication agent could not be started because Parallel AWT requires that all unique constraints and indexes on a cached Oracle table must also have a corresponding unique index on TimesTen. To resolve these errors do one of the following:
TT5292 | Any unique indexes and constraints on Oracle tables that are cached in an AWT cache group that has enabled parallel propagation containcached columns that do not have corresponding unique indexes on TimesTen | In order to use parallel propagation for AWT cache groups, a unique constraint or unique index on an Oracle table that is cached in an AWT cache group must have a corresponding unique index on the cached table in the AWT cache group. Do one of the following:
TT5800 | Could not allocate a statement handle | The TimesTen cache agent was not able to allocate either an Oracle or TimesTen statement handle. See the user error log for more details. |
TT5801 | Could not get a column attribute. | The TimesTen cache agent was not able to get information about the columns in a table. The operation that the agent was performing failed. See the user error log for more details. |
TT5900 | Could not get the start and end of auto-refresh log | This error occurs when the TimesTen cache agent is not able to access the log table or the log table is corrupt. When this happens the agent tries to access the log table a few times. If all attempts fail, the agent stops incrementally auto-refreshing the cache group. |
TT5901 | The Oracle refresh log table, log_table_name, for base table, owner.table, cannot be found. | The log tablelog_table_name for autorefresh of the tableowner.table cannot be found. It may be that the cache administrator user does not have sufficient privileges to read the log table. |
TT5902 | The length of the name of the Oracle object has exceeded the expected length. Call technical support | This is a fatal system error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5903 | Log was truncated during incremental refresh. Report to technical support. | This is a fatal system error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5904 | A cache admin uid was not set before starting the cache agent. | If you are incrementally refreshing a cache group, the cache administrator user ID is required. 1. Stop the agent. 2. Set the cache administration user ID and password by using either the 3. Restart the agent. |
TT5905 | A cache admin pwd was not set before starting the cache agent. The Oracle objects required for incremental autorefresh must be created manually. | 1. Stop the agent. 2. Set the cache administration user ID and password by using either the 3. Restart the agent. |
TT5907 | The cache admin uid was not set before performing the operation. Set the cache admin user id and password either through the built-in procedure ttCacheUidPwdSet or the utility ttAdmin and try again. | Set the cache administration user ID and password by using either thettCacheUidPwdSet procedure or thettAdmin utility and retry the operation. |
TT5908 | The cache admin pwd was not set before performing the operation. Set the cache admin user id and password either through the built-in procedure ttCacheUidPwdSet or the utility ttAdmin and try again. | Set the cache administration user ID and password by using either thettCacheUidPwdSet procedure or thettAdmin utility and retry the operation. |
TT5909 | The cache admin user id was not set before starting the agent. Set the cache admin user ID and password either through the built-in procedure ttCacheUidPwdSet or the utility ttAdmin and try again. | The TimesTen cache agent must be started with the cache administration user ID and password for autorefresh and AWT cache groups. 1. Stop the agent. 2. Set the cache administration user ID and password by using either the 3. Restart the agent. |
TT5911 | Could not login into Oracle using the cache admin user id and password. | The TimesTen cache agent was not able to login into Oracle using the cache administration user ID and password that were provided. Check if the cache administration user ID and password are valid on the Oracle SID that you specified for the DSN. |
TT5912 | Cache admin uid is not a user on the Oracle instance. | Invalid cache administration user ID provided for the cache agent. Check if the cache administrator user ID that was provided is a user on the Oracle SID for the DSN. |
TT5913 | Table parameter should be NULL | The table_name parameter for thettCacheSqlGet built-in procedure should beNULL . |
TT5914 | table not found in Oracle. | The TimesTen Cache Agent could not find the Oracle table to be cached. Check if the table exists on Oracle. Also verify that the cache administration user ID has the privilege to access the table. |
TT5917 | Object id ID not found or the user user does not have sufficient privilege to view the object | Indicates that either the Oracle table that was cached has been dropped in Oracle or, if this error is returned in response to aCREATE CACHE GROUP statement, the specified Cache Agent account does not have the appropriate privileges. See "Grant privileges to Oracle users" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for details. |
TT5918 | Log table table_name not found or the user user does not have sufficient privilege to view the log table | The autorefresh log table could not be found on Oracle, or the specified cache agent account does not have the appropriate privileges. |
TT5919 | The description is different from when the cache was created or no longer exists. The cache group definition is no longer valid | Verify that a cache group exists with the original attributes. |
TT5920 | Oracle object id objectID or log table table_name for cache group cache_group_name not found on Oracle | TimesTen cannot find the Oracle object with IDobjectID or the TimesTen installed tabletable_name forAUTOREFRESH . Check that the table has not been dropped or altered underAUTOREFRESH . Also, check that no changes have been made to the schema on Oracle. |
TT5921 | Could not connect to Oracle. Check the status of the Oracle instance. | Verify that the Oracle instance exists. |
TT5922 | The minimum stop timeout value is min_value which will be used instead of specified_value | The timeout value specified for thettCacheStop procedure is too small. The default value is used. Autorefresh does not start until able to connect. Check the user error log for any errors. |
TT5923 | Cache agent has deferred the create/alter cache group request because it is not connect to Oracle yet. | TheCREATE ,ALTER orDROP CACHE GROUP statement cannot be completed because the cache agent is still waiting to connect to Oracle. Verify the Oracle instance is running and the network connection is also available. Check the user error log for any errors. |
TT5925 | Cache admin user does not have privilege to create trigger_nametrigger. Grant CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege or use ttCacheSqlGet built-in to manually create the trigger | The cache administrator does not have OracleCREATE TRIGGER privileges, so the operation failed. Either grant the privilege to the cache administrator UID or use thettCacheSqlGet built-in procedure to manually execute the SQL statement. |
TT5935 | Could not validate Oracle login: uid = Oracle_UID, pwd = HIDDEN, OracleNetServiceName = Oracle_Service_Name, TNS_ ADMIN = "tns_admin" , ORACLE_HOME= "Oracle_home" | IMDB Cache failed to verify the Oracle login for named user ID.The common causes of this errors are:
TT5936 | Need to specify both cache admin uid and pwd or neither of them when starting the cache agent. | The cache administration user ID or password was omitted when calling the deprecated built-in procedurettOracleAgentStart . |
TT5937 | Need to specify both cache admin uid and pwd to start the cache agent since there are cache groups specified with autorefresh or there are asynchronous cache groups. | The cache administration user ID and password must be set prior to the start of the cache agent if there are autorefresh or asynchronous writethrough cache groups. Use thettCacheUidPwdSet procedure to set the User ID and password and restart the cache agent. |
TT5938 | or table does not exist on Oracle. Oracle objects related to cache groups may not get cleaned up. | The specified objects created by TimesTen on Oracle are missing. Drop and recreate the cache groups in TimesTen. |
TT5940 | The operation failed because the cache admin uid could not be verified. Reconnect and try again. | The cache group operation requires that the cache agent be first started with the assigned cacheUid and cachePwd. Restart the cache agent with the correct cache administration user ID and password and reconnect the application. |
TT5941 | Cache admin uid has been changed from cacheUid to cacheUid. Switching over to the new uid. | The cache administration user ID has been changed by the user. Verify that the cache agent is started with a new cacheUid. |
TT5942 | The specified cache admin uid cacheUid and pwd (hidden) does not match the stored ones. Use ttCacheUidPwdSet() to change the stored ones. | The cache administration user ID and password do not match the stored cache administration user ID and password. Change the stored cache administration user ID and password with thettCacheUidPwdSet procedure. |
TT5943 | The source datastore cache admin uid cacheUid is different from the destination datastore cache admin uid cacheUid. | The cache administration user ID must be the same on the source database and the destination database. |
TT5947 | Cache admin UID and PWD need to be specified for datastore duplication because there are AUTOREFRESH or ASYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGH cache groups | The cache administration user ID and password are required to duplicate autorefresh or AWT cache groups. |
TT5948 | Subscribing stores in Active Standy schemes must specify -noKeepCg | When duplicating databases that contain Active Standby schemes, cache group tables cannot be maintained as cache group tables. You must specify the-noKeepCG option withttRepAdmin -duplicate. |
TT5949 | Cache agent uid UID is different from the data store cache uid UID | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT5950 | Lack Oracle privileges to create metadata objects on Oracle. Either grant appropriate privileges to cache admin user and try again or install the objects manually. | You must have the appropriate privileges on the Oracle database to create the requested objects. Either obtain the appropriate privileges or install the objects manually. |
TT5951 | Lack Oracle privileges to create metadata objects on Oracle. Either grant appropriate privileges to cache admin user and try again or install the objects manually. | You must have the appropriate privileges on the Oracle database to create the requested objects. Either obtain the appropriate privileges or install the objects manually. |
TT5952 | Metadata objects on Oracle are missing. Either grant appropriate privileges to cache admin user to create the objects and reexecute ttCacheUidPwdSet or install the objects manually | The cache admin user does not have the appropriate Oracle RDBMS privileges to create and store metadata information on the Oracle RDBMS server. Either grant the appropriate privileges to the cache admin user on the Oracle RDBMS server or install the metadata objects manually. |
TT5953 | The string string is different from when the cache was created or could not be found. Check if you have SELECT privileges to the table on Oracle Database. If you have privileges, then the cache group definition is no longer valid. | If the user hasSELECT privileges to the table on the Oracle RDBMS server, then the cache group is no longer valid. You will need to recreate the cache group. |
TT5992 | Metadata objects on Oracle are missing. Either grant appropriate privileges to cache admin user to create the objects and re-execute ttCacheUidPwdSet or install the objects manually. | You must have the appropriate privileges on the Oracle database to create the requested objects. Either obtain the appropriate privileges and re-execute thettCacheidPwdSet procedure or install the objects manually. |
TT5990 | A fatal error occurred in the cache agent. | Cache agent reports a fatal error during autorefresh. Contact TimesTen Technical Support and send TimesTen the latestdaemon/sys log. |
TT5991 | The refresh operation failed. The agent will try again to refresh the cache group | A nonfatal error, such as a lock timeout, occurred during autorefresh. The cache agent retries the autorefresh. |
TT5992 | Unable to cleanup orphaned Oracle objects because it could not lock the appropriate tables | When the cache agent starts, the agent removes any orphaned Oracle objects that were used in a previous autorefresh process. Before dropping the orphaned object, the agent locks theFT_USER_COUNT table so that no other agent can create new or drop old Oracle objects. This warning is triggered when the agent was not able to lock theFT_USER_COUNT table. |
TT5994 | Existing tt_xx_user_count table is not compatible. Use TimesTen built in procedure ttCacheSqlGet to generate SQL to cleanup all autorefresh objects under user user_name | TheUSER_COUNT table on Oracle is not compatible with this version of IMDB Cache. Uninstall and reinstall the Oracle objects for autorefresh manually. See the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for details. |
TT5995 | Cache agent is shutting down | Informational message |
Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT6000 | Bad locking level for data store connection | Only row-level and database-level locking is allowed. ResetLockLevel attribute. |
TT6001 | Lock request denied because of conflict on conditional request Details: error_description | Lock request denied because of conflict on conditional request. This error only appears in the TimesTen user error log. |
TT6002 | Lock request denied because of deadlock Details: error_description | Unable to grant lock request because granting it would cause a deadlock situation. The application must rollback and re-start the whole transaction. For information on lock resources and modes indicated in this message, see "ttXactAdmin" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. |
TT6003 | Lock request denied because of time-out Details: error_description | Unable to grant lock request because the lock is not immediately available or a timeout occurred waiting for the lock to be released. (If thelockwait interval is set to 0-2 seconds, this error may also result from a deadlock, as the deadlock detector runs only every 2 seconds.)Retry the lock request. If denied, rollback and restart the operation. For information on lock resources and modes indicated in this message, see "ttXactAdmin" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. |
TT6004 | Bad transaction isolation level | An ODBC application can never get this message. |
TT6005 | Lock request denied because of not enough temp space available: error_description | The lock manager has run out of memory in the temporary segment. Compact the database, or increase the size of the temporary segment. |
TT6006 | Lock-wait interval must be between 0 and 1,000,000 | The lock-wait interval is out of range. Use thettLockWait built-in procedure to set the lock-wait interval. |
TT6009 | Active connection has conflicting isolation level | The non-blocking delete isolation level cannot be used concurrently with other isolation levels. If a connection has an open transaction using any other isolation level, then no transaction using non-blocking delete isolation can be started. Similarly, if a connection has an open transaction using non-blocking delete isolation, then no transaction using any other isolation can be started. The conflicting transactions must be committed or rolled back. A lock is used to wait for access, but it may time out if the conflicting transactions do not complete in the timeout interval. |
TT6010 | Lock request denied (db is invalid: data_store_name) | The database is not valid. See the description of error 994 for more information. |
TT6011 | lock request denied (locksleep error error) | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT6013 | Bad value for check Override parameter, should be 0 or 1 | Provide the appropriate attribute value. Legal values are 0 or 1. |
TT6014 | Row list maintenance error. To avoid this use prefetchcount of 1 | A row list that was thought to be wide enough for storing rowids was not wide enough. The system underestimated the required memory size. The fetch failed. No invalidation should have occurred. Use a prefetch count of 1 and try to force the system not use these lists. Alternatively, use cursor stability isolation mode. |
TT6015 | Transaction priority value must be between 0 and 65535 | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT6101 | Attempting operation beyond end of cursor | Application is trying to fetch rows beyond the end of cursor. This typically happens when the application does not check for end-of-cursor indication and attempts to seek beyond. |
TT6102 | Cursor is not updatable | Application attempts to open cursor for updating on a non-updatableSELECT . |
TT6103 | Cursor has no current row defined | Cannot perform the delete or update operation because the operation is being done onCURRENT of cursor before the firstFETCH . |
TT6104 | Column is not updatable via this cursor | The column cannot be updated by the cursor because the column is not a simple column or it does not exist. |
TT6105 | Update conflict caused by open index cursor(s) on table | There is an open index scan on the table and the application attempts to delete a row from the table or the application attempts to insert a row into the table, thereby attempting the deletion or insertion of a key into one or more indexes. |
TT6106 | Operation conflicts with open table cursor(s) | The operation is not permitted when a cursor is open on the table. Close any cursor on the table and retry the operation. |
TT6107 | Invalid cursor | The cursor is invalid because it has not been opened or the structure of the table or index on which the cursor is defined has changed. |
TT6108 | Cursor state made "unpositioned" by updates in the same transaction | Within the same transaction, an operation has deleted the page of the row that the cursor was positioned on. This error can occur when the following conditions are met: - Logging is turned off, and- A searched - The transaction does the next fetch on the cursor and tries to fetch the rows it deleted via the searched delete. |
TT6109 | Cannot open cursor until updates are committed | There is an open index scan on the table, and the application attempts to deleteCURRENT of cursor, or the application attempts to updateCURRENT of cursor. One (or more) of the columns being updated is also the key for the index being used in the index scan. |
TT6110 | Cursor update disallowed due to conflict with index | Cannot use a cursor to delete from or update an index. |
TT6111 | SQL Query has reached its timeout limit and has been terminated | This statement has exceeded the maximum time allowed by theSQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT option. TimesTen has stopped its execution and removed its effects, if any |
TT6112 | Ref cursor binds are not allowed in SQL statements executed from PL/SQL | This error is thrown whenever refcursor bindings are found in any SQL statements from PLSQL |
TT6113 | SQL statement has been canceled | The currently executing SQL statement was canceled by user request. |
TT6200 | New value for permanent data partition size ignored since smaller than current value of megabyte_count megabytes | Warning: ConnectPermSize is ignored if it is smaller than or only slightly greater than the current permanent data partition size. To avoid this warning, increase the value of the |
TT6203 | Overflow in converting data store or log file size from megabytes to bytes, or in converting log buffer size from kilobytes to bytes | The attributeSize ,MaxSize andLogFileSize are expressed in megabytes. Overflow occurred when converting them to bytes. |
TT6206 | Heap is full | This error indicates that the database's allocation structures are full. Try freeing any items possible and/or compacting the database. See "ttCkptBlocking" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. Disconnecting all connections and reconnecting may also free up some space. |
TT6212 | MemoryLock connection attribute not supported on this platform | TheMemoryLock connection attribute is supported only on select platforms. |
TT6213 | Could not shmget the user-defined segment | Could notshmget the user-defined segment For HP-UX only, theshmget system call failed for the user-definedshmkey . |
TT6214 | Could not start user-defined segment | For HP-UX only,shmctl system call with IPC_STAT as thecmd parameter failed for the user-definedshmkey . |
TT6215 | User-defined segment too small | For HP-UX only, the size of the user-defined shared memory segment is less than the size needed by the database. |
TT6216 | User-defined segment attach count not zero | For HP-UX only, one or more processes are attached to the user-defined shared memory segment. The attach count must be 0. |
TT6220 | Permanent data partition free space insufficient to allocate byte_count bytes of memory | This error is pushed following error 802 and indicates the partition in which memory has been exhausted. |
TT6221 | Temporary data partition free space insufficient to allocate byte_count bytes of memory | This error is pushed following error 802 and indicates the partition in which memory has been exhausted. |
TT6222 | Permanent data partition in use size has exceeded PermWarnThreshold | This warning is returned when a memory allocation in the permanent data partition causes the threshold to be exceeded, and memory threshold warnings have been enabled by thettWarnOnLowMemory built-in procedure. |
TT6223 | Temporary data partition in use size has exceeded TempWarnThreshold | This warning is returned when a memory allocation in the temporary data partition causes the threshold to be exceeded, and memory threshold warnings have been enabled by thettWarnOnLowMemory built-in procedure. |
TT6226 | Ignoring value requested for first connection attribute 'attribute_name' -- value currently in use: used_value, requested value: requested_value | If you enter more than one value for a First Connection attribute in the same connection string, or if you attempt to connect to a database with a different value than that given in the first connection to the database, TimesTen ignores the second value and returns this warning. |
TT6228 | Invalid value (specified_value) for attribute_nameconnection attribute -- value must be correct_value(s) | The value specified for the named connection attribute is invalid. Use the correct value, as indicated. TheTYPEMODE connection attribute cannot be modified once a database has been created. To change the type mode of a database, you are required to destroy and recreate the database with a changed type mode. |
TT6229 | Fatal error:cannot rollback transaction because out-of-space condition prevents re-inserting old values into index(es). Reconnect with a larger PermSize | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT6230 | Cannot perform DML such as update and DDL such as create index or alter table in same transaction when using DDLCommitBehavior=1 | This error is returned when using DDLCommitBehavior=1. If DDLCommitBehavior=1, TimesTen allows multiple DML and DDL statements in the same transaction. However, some mixes of DML and DDL in the same transaction while using DDLCommitBehavior=1 are no longer allowed. For example, you will see this error when updating rows in a table and then creating an index on that same table (or updating rows in a table and then resizing that table's hash index with ALTER TABLE ... PAGES = ). To prevent this error, do not mix DML and DDL in the same transaction. User Action: Make sure the DDL operation is in its own transaction. |
Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT7000 | SQL statement exceed the limit of limit table references | The number of tables referenced in the SQL statement has exceeded the allowed maximum. |
TT7001 | User authentication failed | Authentication using the user and password information supplied has failed. Check the user and password information and retry. |
TT7002 | No current user to use as default user_name | Cannot find current user name from the operating system. |
TT7003 | Value is not a valid float | Floating-point values provided forFLOAT columns can only contain an optional sign (+ or -), followed by the digits 0-9 and an optional decimal point or exponential notation character between the digits. |
TT7004 | Value is not a valid double | Floating-point values provided forDOUBLE PRECISION columns can only contain an optional sign (+ or- ), followed by the digits 0-9 and an optional decimal point or exponential notation character between the digits. |
TT7005 | Procedure procedure_name not found | Attempted to call an ODBC procedure that does not exist. |
TT7006 | Bad argument supplied | Argument value is not valid. Check the description of the relevant procedure in the manual and retry. |
TT7007 | Required argument omitted | In the call to the TimesTen built-in procedure, a required parameter was not being passed. See "Built-In Procedures" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. |
TT7008 | Statement forbidden for read-only connections | This operation is not permitted on a read-only table. |
TT7009 | Too many parameters for procedure procedure_name | In the call to the TimesTen built-in procedure, more parameters were passed than was expected. |
TT7011 | Procedure procedure_name failed | The procedure failed. Additional errors are returned indicating the reason for this failure. |
TT7012 | Illegal attempt to update system table table_name | Cannot destroy, insert into, delete from or update a system catalog table or index. |
TT7013 | Error while scanning SQL statement: statement | On a Windows or Linux system, the scanner detected an error in the SQL statement. The text of the error found is included in the message. An"input buffer overflow" error text indicates that the length of a string literal has exceeded a platform-dependent internal buffer limit. Any other error text indicates an unexpected internal error condition. |
TT7014 | Fixed size of command argument too large | The length of the input argument row descriptor has exceeded the maximum of 8,400. Command should use fewer (or shorter) arguments. |
TT7015 | System table cannot be used in index creation | This error occurs when an attempt has been made to use theCREATE INDEX statement with system tables. TheCREATE INDEX statement cannot be used with system tables. |
TT7017 | Unknown optimizer flag flag_name | The name of the flag provided to the optimizer is invalid. SeettOptSetFlag for the complete list of flags. |
TT7018 | Creation of user objects in system-user schemas is not allowed | Cannot explicitly create a table with the ownerSYS , which is used for TimesTen system tables. |
TT7019 | Index owner must match table owner owner_name | An attempt is made to create an index whose owner is different from that of its underlying table. |
TT7020 | Durable commits not available with logging to disk disabled | An attempt is made to perform a durable commit to a transaction log that is not writable. |
TT7022 | Recovery must increase size of permanent data partition; specify a permanent partition size of at least megabyte_count megabytes | The redo log indicates that a grow operation took place subsequent to the most recent checkpoint. |
TT7023 | Unable to rebuild nonpersistent structures during redo (error at step number) | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT7024 | Bad sample string (`string'). Format is 'int ROWS' or 'float PERCENT' | The sample string specified does not have the correct format. |
TT7025 | Illegal use of reserved keyword keyword | Application used a keyword that is reserved by TimesTen. For a list of reserved words, see "Reserved Words" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT7026 | Illegal attempt to alter system table 'table_name' | Applications cannot modify TimesTen system tables. System tables are identified by the ownerSYS orTTREP . If you are attempting to alter a table that has a name similar to a TimesTen system table, explicitly specify the owner name. |
TT7027 | Unable to evaluate index key due to multiple warnings | If possible, rewrite the expression to avoid warnings, so that the value can be inserted into the index successfully. |
TT7028 | Table names must contain at least one character | The name of a table must have a least one character. Rename the table and retry the operation. |
TT7029 | Index names must contain at least one character | The name of an index must have at least one character. Rename the index and retry the operation. |
TT7030 | Expression provided as argument for parameter_name paremeter message | An expression cannot be provided as an argument for a parameter_name. |
TT7050 | Undefined trace component 'component_name' | Specified a trace component that is not defined. |
TT7051 | Error in setting-up TimesTen traces: 'trace_names' | Invalid trace command or function, or unable to create trace output file. |
TT7052 | Cannot disable thread support after it has already been enabled | Application tried to disable multithreading support even though it had already turned multithreading support on. |
TT7053 | Cannot enable thread support after it has already been disabled | Application tried to enable multithreading support even though it had already turned multithreading support off. |
Error number | Error or warning message | Details |
TT8000 | No primary or unique index on non-nullable column found for replicated table owner.table_name | To be replicated, a table must have a unique index over non-nullable columns. See "Table requirements and restrictions" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for details. |
TT8001 | Attempt to read invalid LSN log record | The LSN provided does not exist. See "About XLA bookmarks" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide for information on bookmarks. |
TT8002 | Cannot drop replicated table, index, or sequence | TimesTen Replication prevents tables, indexes, and sequences from being dropped when they are being used for replication.To drop such a table, index, or sequence, stop the replication agent, drop the replication scheme with theDROP REPLICATION statement. Then drop the table, index, or sequence. |
TT8003 | Update older than TimeStamp of existing row | The timestamp of update is older than that of the row in the database. The update was rejected. |
TT8004 | Column owner.table.column cannot be used for replication timestamp checking if in an index or added by ALTER TABLE; and must be binary(8) with NULL values allowed | The Timestamp column type must beBINARY(8) NULL , cannot be in the index and must be in the original unaltered table. |
TT8005 | Invalid update rule for timestamp-based conflict checking | Invalid flag value used by a replication stored procedure. |
TT8006 | Application must set timestamp column with 'UPDATE BY USER' | The application has not set the timestamp column. The insert or update is rejected. Set timestamp or allow TimesTen to automatically set timestamp. |
TT8007 | Cannot change aging attributes or add/drop aging policy of replicated tables while replication Agent is running | The replication agent must be stopped before attempting to perform changing aging policies or attributes on replication tables. |
TT8009 | Transaction Log API Buffer size too small or too large | The transaction log API buffer size is too small or too large for the platform. Choose a different buffer size. See "Managing the transaction log on a replicated database" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for details. |
TT8010 | Unable to attach to XLA segment | Unable to attach to the shared memory segment used to store the transaction log updates. |
TT8011 | Unable to re-configure active XLA segment | The transaction log buffer size cannot be changed in an active transaction. |
TT8012 | Table with given ID not found | Table with the user-specified ID does not exist in the database. |
TT8013 | Attempt to specify illegal version | The version specified is not a valid TimesTen release version. |
TT8016 | No replication buffer configured | The transaction log buffer has not been configured to store updates. See "Configuring the staging buffer" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide for information on configuring the staging buffer. |
TT8017 | Foreign table has number columns while local table has number columns | The tables being compared differ in the number of columns. |
TT8018 | Foreign table indexed on different columns | The tables being compared have indexes on different sets of columns. |
TT8019 | Foreign and local table differ on column type type | The tables being compared do not match on the column types. |
TT8020 | Inconsistent row in update description | Bad row format in transaction log update. |
TT8021 | System table ID invalid | User specified system table ID does not exist. |
TT8022 | Operation not permitted on non-shared data store | Operation permitted on shared database only. |
TT8023 | Table row does not have expected value | The contents of the row do not match the expected values in the transaction log update. |
TT8024 | Illegal XLA record type | The XLA record is invalid or unsupported. |
TT8025 | Replication log threshold limit reached at master. The replication state for this subscriber data store is now set to FAILED. This store is not in sync with the master | The replication state for this database has been set to FAILED state by a replication peer. This happens when the amount of log that the peer is holding for the database exceeds a user configurable threshold. See "Setting the log failure threshold" and "Subscriber failures" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for further details. |
TT8027 | Network load of data store not allowed because connection was reset | Network error occurred while running attRepAdmin -duplicate operation. Check your network connections. Make sure that the remote replication agent is still running. If not, restart the replication agent. |
TT8028 | Network load of data store timed out | Network timed out while running attRepAdmin -duplicate operation. Check your network connections. Make sure that the remote replication agent is still running. if not, restart the replication agent. |
TT8029 | Persistent transaction log API bookmark already in use | Only one persistent transaction log API connection can use a persistent transaction log API bookmark. Close the connection using the bookmark or set up a new bookmark. |
TT8031 | Persistent transaction log API log sequence number is invalid | The transaction log API log sequence number is not a valid one. It is either not provided by the API or it is in the range already acknowledged by the connection. |
TT8032 | Stale post handle | The replication transmitter accessed a synchronization object, used for return service processing, that no longer applies to this particular service request. This is an internal condition that is externalized only as a part of the user error log warning "Attempt to awaken connection connection_id failed." |
TT8033 | Invalid post handle | The replication transmitter accessed a synchronization object, used for return service processing, that was no longer a valid synchronization object. This is an internal condition that is externalized only as a part of the user error log warning "Attempt to awaken connection connection_id failed." |
TT8034 | Record cannot be expressed in SQL | This error is returned when an XLA record presented tottXlaGenerateSQL does not translate into SQL. |
TT8035 | Persistent XLA requires disk based logging | Logging to disk is required for persistent transaction logging API. See "XLA concepts" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide for more information. |
TT8036 | Parameter parameter value not in valid range | The parameter is not in the valid range. Change the parameter. |
TT8037 | Table definition of record differs from the table definition in the data store | The table definition of the record at the time of its creation differs from the table definition of the record in the data s tore. Since the definitions do not match, the record cannot be interpreted by the database. |
TT8038 | Operation not permitted on system table | You cannot perform the attempted operation on aSYS table. The operation is only permitted on a user-defined table. |
TT8039 | Attempt to drop replication timestamp column from table table_name | The timestamp column is used by TimesTen to resolve conflicts. This column cannot be dropped. |
TT8040 | No free slots in replCTNArr | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8041 | Invalid replCTNArr slot | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8042 | ReplCTNArr slot is not allocated | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8043 | Materialized views cannot be defined in a replication scheme | An attempt was made to replicate a materialized view. Only detail tables can be replicated. See "Replicating materialized views" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for more information. |
TT8044 | To avoid data inconsistency, copy the data store from a replication subscriber using 'ttRepAdmin - duplicate'. Use ForceConnect=1 in the connection string to override this restriction | WhenRETURN RECEIPT replication is used with theTRANSMIT NONDURABLE option, a failed master database is allowed to recover only by restoring its state from a subscriber database using the-duplicate option ofttRepAdmin command. Use theForceConnect attribute to override this restriction. |
TT8046 | The input old value row does not match the data store row | The old value row of the XLA update being applied does not match the value of the row in the database. |
TT8047 | Connection is currently dedicated to XLA exclusively | The connection is in use by XLA. No direct ODBC calls may be made on this connection until the XLA connection is closed. |
TT8049 | Commit ticket number will wrap around | The commit ticket number for replication wraps around with this operation. |
TT8050 | The alter table operation on a replicated table needs to be in a transaction of its own | TheALTER TABLE statement for a replicated table must be in a transaction of its own and cannot be preceded or followed by any other SQL statement. |
TT8051 | The alter table operation on a replicated table cannot be in a two safe by request transaction | Cannot useALTER TABLE to alter replicated tables in aRETURN TWOSAFE BY REQUEST transaction. Rollback the transaction. |
TT8052 | Cannot commit transaction that involves commit to Oracle and TWOSAFE replication handling | Cannot commitRETURN TWOSAFE transactions on tables in a TimesTen cache group. |
TT8056 | Temporary tables cannot be defined in a replication scheme | A temporary table was used in a replication scheme. Temporary tables cannot be used in a replication scheme. |
TT8059 | All DDLs on a replicated table need to be in a transaction of their own | This error is returned when DDL operations on a replicated table are not present exclusively in a transaction of their own. |
TT8060 | Cannot specify replication timestamp column on a cached table | The user is not allowed to configure timestamp-based conflict resolution for replication on cached tables. |
TT8061 | Operation not permitted when the connection attribute ForceConnect is set to 1 | The connection attributeForceConnect must be set to 0 on any connections that attempt these replication operations. |
TT8062 | Local store not in ACTIVE state | The state of the local store is not in theACTIVE state for a store that is part of an active standby replication scheme. |
TT8063 | Local store not completely quiesced | This error is returned when an active store in an active standby replication scheme has pending updates that have not yet been replicated. Turn off local application updates and ensure that replication has sent all pending updates to the standby store to avoid this error. |
TT8064 | Table is already subscribed | A subscription attempt for the same table is being attempted twice. |
TT8065 | Table is not subscribed | The table is already unsubscribed from the XLA bookmark. There is no need to perform an unsubscribe operation. |
TT8066 | Canot alter subscription | The XLA bookmark must be closed before this operation can be performed. |
TT8067 | Inconsistency detected in the COLUMN_HISTORY system table | The contents of the system table,COLUMN_HISTORY seem to be corrupted. |
TT8068 | Cannot drop a table or view that is subscribed by an XLA bookmark. | The table must be unsubscribed from every XLA bookmark to avoid this error. |
TT8069 | Operation only supported when the character set of the data store in which the record is generated matches that of the connected store | The operation is only supported when the character set of the source and destination store match. |
TT8070 | The specified XLA bookmark does not exist | The XLA bookmark does not exist. You can create a bookmark using thettXlaBookmarkCreate built-in procedure. |
TT8071 | A replicated bookmark can only be created on a store with active standby pair replication. | Enforcement of this restriction. |
TT8072 | Operation only permitted on an ACTIVE store. | User attempted an XLA operation that is only permitted on a store when in theACTIVE state. |
TT8073 | Failed to update XLA bookmark :bookmark. | The replication agent on the standby store ran into a problem updating the XLA bookmark. The agent will keep trying until the condition that caused the error is alleviated. Standby updates to XLA bookmarks will fail every time this error is returned. Possible causes may be an unhealthy standby store or locks held on XLA tables on the standby store. |
TT8074 | Maximum number of bookmarks exceeded. | User attempted to create more than the maximum number of replicated bookmarks per database. |
TT8075 | Error loading bookmark list. | The replication agent ran into an error reading the set of replicated bookmarks from the database. Agent will keep trying until the condition that caused the error is alleviated. Possible causes may be an unhealthy standby store or locks held on XLA tables on the standby store. |
TT8076 | Bookmark reset due to state change at store. | The state of the store was recently changed. All the bookmarks that were open at the time of the state change need to be reset since their state may be stale. The bookmarks are reset and users can use them to read XLA updates. |
TT8077 | Error moving bookmark on the standby store. | The replication agent on the standby store ran into a problem updating the XLA bookmark. Agent will keep trying until the condition that caused the error is alleviated. Standby updates to XLA bookmarks will fail every time this error is returned. Possible causes may be an unhealthy standby store or locks held on XLA tables on the standby store. |
TT8078 | The deletion of replicated XLA bookmarks is not allowed while the replication agent is running. | Replicated bookmarks can only be removed when the local replication agent is not running. |
TT8079 | Cache group ownership table cannot be defined in a replication scheme. | An attempt was made to replicate a table used to store ownership table of a global cache group. Only cache group tables can be replicated. |
TT8093 | The local replication agent needs to be running for this operation | The local replication agent must be started. |
TT8094 | Mutiple concurrent executions of this built-in are not permitted | Only one execution of the built-in is allowed at any time. Once the previous call returns, a new call may be made. |
TT8095 | Truncate table not permitted when ttRepTransmitSet(0) has been invoked on the connection | The replication agent attempted to truncate a table when replication has been disabled on this connection. To allow table truncation, invoke the built-in procedurettRepTransmitSet with argument 1. |
TT8096 | Alter table not permitted when ttRepTransmitSet(0) has been invoked on the connection | The replication agent attempted to alter a table when replication has been disabled on this connection. To alter a table, you must invoke the built-in procedurettRepTransmitSet with argument 1. |
TT8097 | Error getting parent table during autorefresh bookmark lookup | This is a run-time error that indicates that a table that is part of an autorefreshed cache group is missing. |
TT8098 | This built-in is not permitted in an active standby pair scheme | The built-in procedure is not permitted in an active standby scheme. |
TT8099 | 2-safe operation not permitted with AutoCommit = 1. | RETURN TWOSAFE transactions are not permitted whenAutoCommit=1 . |
TT8100 | Invalid parameter value passed in | Check the validity of all parameters passed into the built-in procedure |
TT8101 | ELEMENT element_name specified more than once, being ALTER'ed or DROP'ed with ADD, already exists, or its owner (MASTER or PROPAGATOR) is already the owner for another ELEMENT with the same data store object. | Element names must be unique within a replication scheme. Also, one store cannot be aMASTER orPROPAGATOR more than once for any elements with the same underlying database object. See "Defining replication elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8102 | STORE store_name specified more than once | A store can be specified at most once in aSTORE clause of aCREATE REPLICATION orALTER REPLICATION statement. See "Setting STORE attributes" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8103 | attribute specified more than once or already defined for STORE store_name | A store attribute can be specified at most once in aSTORE clause of aCREATE REPLICATION orALTER REPLICATION statement. See "Setting STORE attributes" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8104 | ALTER or DROP ELEMENT for element following DROP | AnALTER ELEMENT clause cannot follow aDROP ELEMENT clause for the same element in anALTER REPLICATION statement. See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8105 | STORE store_name does not have a MASTER, PROPAGATOR, or SUBSCRIBER role for any ELEMENT | It is permissible to define aSTORE to a replication scheme without assigning it a replication role. However, doing this evokes this warning. |
TT8106 | STORE store_name specified as both owner and SUBSCRIBER for replication ELEMENT element | A store cannot subscribe to the same element for which it is either theMASTER orPROPAGATOR . See the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8107 | Cannot specify both ELEMENT DATASTORE and ELEMENT TABLE or SEQUENCE since the former already covers all objects in the data store | When you specifyELEMENT DATASTORE , all tables are included in the statement. To only specify a particular table or sequence, remove theELEMENT DATASTORE clause and use theELEMENT TABLE orELEMENT SEQUENCE clause. See "Defining replication elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8108 | For TRANSMIT NONDURABLE, must use the ELEMENT element_name DATASTORE clause | Nondurable transmits require anELEMENT DATASTORE clauses. See "Setting transmit durability on data store elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8109 | Element element_name will not have any subscribers | No subscriber specified for the element in the replication scheme. A replicated element must always have at least one subscriber. Either remove the element from the scheme or specify a subscriber for the element. |
TT8110 | Connection not permitted. This store requires Master Catchup. | Master catchup is required for the database. New connections are disallowed until master catchup is complete. |
TT8111 | Connection not permitted. Master Catchup in progress. | Master catchup in progress. New connections not allowed until catchup is complete. |
TT8112 | Operation not permitted. Master Catchup not complete. | An update, insert, delete or alter to a replicated table is not permitted until master catchup is complete. |
TT8113 | Operation not permitted since replication DDL was performed in the transaction. Commit/rollback the transaction. | Replication DDL should be in a transaction of its own. If an operation that is disallowed in the same transaction as replication DDL is attempted, this error is returned. |
TT8114 | Duplicate not permitted. Reason reason. Duplicate is only permitted from the ACTIVE store to the STANDBY store, from the STANDBY store to a SUBSCRIBER, or from the ACTIVE store to a SUBSCRIBER if the STANDBY store has failed. | It occurs when you are trying to perform a duplicate operation from a node in an active standby store to another and the source node is not in the correct state. The duplicate operation fails. Try duplicating from the correct store, or setting the state of the source store. |
TT8118 | Column column_name of table owner.table_name is longer than the maximum column size of num bytes when used with replication. | The specified column violates the max size limit for replicated columns. The message indicates the maximum limit. |
TT8119 | Set name operation skipped as the new name for the element (element_name) matches the current name. | The new name matches the existing name for the element. If you are attempting to change the element name, supply a unique name to the set operation. |
TT8120 | The TRANSMIT NONDURABLE clause can only be used with a DATASTORE element | This store attribute can only be specified for database replication elements. |
TT8121 | localhost,, ::1 or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 cannot be used as a host identifier. | The IP address 'localhost ' or any of its aliases cannot be used as a host identifier. |
TT8122 | The replication scheme cannot begin with '_' | An attempt was made to create a replication scheme which begins with `_ '. |
TT8123 | An ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme does not exist | ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR orDROP ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR was attempted for an active standby pair that does not exist. |
TT8124 | Store DSN has been specified as an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR node and a SUBSCRIBER | CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR designates a specific database as both a master database and a subscriber database. For example:CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR rep1, rep2 SUBSCRIBER rep1 |
TT8125 | The store cannot be dropped from the ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme because it is a master node | An attempt was made to drop a master database that is part of an active standby pair. |
TT8126 | An ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme already exists and must be the only replication scheme for the store. | A database cannot be in two active standby pairs. An attempt was made to create an active standby pair using a database that is already in an active standby pair. |
TT8127 | Cannot create ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme because another replication scheme already exists. | An attempt was made to create an active standby pair, but a replication scheme already exists. |
TT8128 | Store DSN is already in the ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme. | ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR attempts to add a database that is already in the active standby pair. |
TT8129 | Store DSN: The "attribute_name" attribute cannot be set for DSN in an ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme. | Only thePORT andTIMEOUT attributes can be set for subscribers. |
TT8130 | CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR must only be run on one of the MASTER nodes. | TheCREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR statement must be run from one of the nodes on which a master database resides. For example,CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR rep1, rep2 SUBSCRIBER rep3 must be run from the node on whichrep1 orrep2 resides. |
TT8131 | Table is already part of the replication scheme, or is in the process of being included | An attempt is made to add a table to a replication scheme, but the table is already part of the replication scheme or is already in the process of being added to the replication scheme. |
TT8132 | {INCLUDE|EXCLUDE} element_name cannot be used on TABLE element element_name. The operation is for DATASTORE level elements only | An attempt was made to include or exclude a table-level element. |
TT8133 | You cannot {include|exclude} table owner.namebecause it is part of a cache group. Use {INCLUDE|EXCLUDE} CACHE GROUP instead. | An attempt was made to include or exclude a cache group table. |
TT8134 | Store DSN is not a MASTER for any element. | TheALTER ELEMENT statement did not find a matching element name in the database. |
TT8135 | Object_type is not part of DATASTORE element element_name, or is in the process of being excluded | An attempt was made to exclude a table or sequence that is not in the replication scheme or that is already in the process of being excluded. |
TT8136 | All tables or cache groups cannot be excluded from element element_name. Use DROP ELEMENT instead. | An attempt was made to exclude all tables or cache groups from an element. There must be at least one object in an element. |
TT8137 | Cannot exclude object_type because it is not in the Active Standby scheme. | An attempt was made to exclude a table or sequence from the databases by using anALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR...EXCLUDE statement, but the table or sequence is not in the active standby pair. |
TT8138 | All tables or cache groups cannot be excluded from the ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme | An attempt was made to exclude all tables and cache groups from the databases in anALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR...EXCLUDE statement. |
TT8139 | The specified peer store is not in the standby state | An operation was attempted for a store that was not in a standby state. The operation is only permitted on stores that are in the standby state. |
TT8140 | Scheme does not exist or inconsistency detected in the local ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR scheme | Error returned for an store with an inconsistent or corrupted active standby replication scheme. |
TT8141 | Local store not eligible to be set to the active state | Local database that is part of an active standby pair is not eligible to be set to the active state. |
TT8142 | Error checking on store header attributes | An error occurred while reading the database header for attributes related to the active standby replication scheme. |
TT8143 | The standby can only be duplicated from the active | A database that is in the standby state for an active standby pair can be duplicated only from the active database. |
TT8144 | Duplicate only allowed from a standby store or from an active when the standby has failed | Subscriber databases in a active standby pair can be duplicated only from the standby database or from the active database when the standby database is in a failed state. |
TT8145 | The local store needs to be in the active state for this operation. | A database that is part of an active standby pair must be in the active state. |
TT8146 | There can be only one INCLUDE or EXCLUDE clause for object_type. | There can be only oneINCLUDE orEXCLUDE clause for an object type (cache group or table). For example, the following is invalid:ALTER ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR INCLUDE TABLE t EXCLUDE table u. |
TT8147 | INCLUDE and EXCLUDE can only be used on DATASTORE level elements. | An attempt was made to use anINCLUDE orEXCLUDE clause with a table element definition in aCREATE TABLE orCREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR statement. |
TT8148 | Host name exceeds limit of num characters | The size exceeds the maximum permitted limit. The message indicates the maximum limit. |
TT8149 | Data store name exceeds limit of max_num characters | The size exceeds the maximum permitted limit. The message indicates the maximum limit. |
TT8150 | This change is not allowed while the replication agent for data store data_store_name is running. Stop the replication agent to perform this change. | Most replication scheme changes are not allowed while the replication agent is in the start state. For a list of supported scheme changes, see "Altering Replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8151 |'s replication role disallows the requested operation | Replication denies write access to a database object underlying a replication element for which it is a subscriber or propagator, provided that the local store is not the master for any other element with the same underlying database object. |
TT8152 | No ODBC type for column | The type for a column in a replicated table could not be mapped to a known ODBC data type. See "Data Types" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference. |
TT8153 | Store store_name already owns (is MASTER or PROPAGATOR of) specified ELEMENT(s) | It is permissible to useALTER REPLICATION ALTER ELEMENT SET OWNER to reassign an element to its current owner (MASTER orPROPAGATOR ). However, doing this evokes this warning |
TT8154 | REPLICATION scheme already exists | TheCREATE REPLICATION statement requires that each new replication scheme specified to a store have a differentowner .name from any replication scheme already defined there. |
TT8155 | ELEMENT element_name already has SUBSCRIBERsubscriber_name | A store can subscribe to a replication element only once. See "Defining replication elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8156 | Internal error: Column column_name for ELEMENT element_name already defined for SUBSCRIBERsubscriber_name | Replication caught itself trying to re-add column information for a replicated table. This is an internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8157 | No elements element_name found for REPLICATION | A replication element could not be found for the requested operation. This is a warning when the request is for an indefinite number of elements (* IN store_name ). It is an error when the statement specifies one particular element. |
TT8158 | Failed to retrieve LSN data for initializing PEER | AMASTER orPROPAGATOR store could not get its local LSN to initialize a (subscribing) peer store. |
TT8159 | No SUBSCRIBER PEER information found for REPLICATION for MASTER or PROPAGATOR store store_name | It is permissible for there to be no peers to delete for aDROP REPLICATION request. However, doing this evokes this warning. |
TT8160 | REPLICATION not found | The local store does not know about the replication scheme specified in anALTER REPLICATION orDROP REPLICATION request. (It is not registered in theTTREP.REPLICATIONS table.) |
TT8161 | No STORE store_name found for REPLICATION | Database was not found for theSTORE specified in anALTER REPLICATION ALTER STORE orDROP REPLICATION request. |
TT8163 | Failed to retrieve table or column descriptor for table | While trying to create a replication element forCREATE REPLICATION orALTER REPLICATION ADD ELEMENT , this information about the underlying table could not be retrieved. |
TT8165 | Replication schema is inconsistent | Replication has noticed an inconsistency in its schema. This is an internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support |
TT8166 | Log not writeable or transaction not initiated by system | Replication DDL requests require that transaction logging be enabled for transaction rollback. This error is returned if logging is disabled. |
TT8167 | Cannot determine system table attributes (e.g. REPACCESS) for table from replication role | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8168 | Cannot set system table attributes (e.g. REPACCESS) for table from replication role | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8169 | Store transmitting_store ON ransmitting_host already transmits to store receiving_store ON receiving_host; at most one path allowed from one store to another | An attempt was made to configure a replication scheme with an element that has the same master or propagator and subscriber as an element in another replication scheme. Two such elements must reside in the same replication scheme. See "Defining replication elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8170 | Receipt or commit acknowledgement not returned in the specified timeout interval | A subscriber withRETURN RECEIPT orRETURN TWOSAFE service did not receive a commit acknowledgement within the current connection time limit. This can occur when the subscriber Replication Agent is not running or f the standby replication state is set toSTOPPED . For an active standby pair, this can occur when the standby replication agent is not running and the standby has not been declared as "failed" on the active. You can adjust the connection time limit with a call to |
TT8171 | Illegal to replicate a system table system_table_name | At attempt was made to specify as a replicated object one of theSYS.* orTTREP.* tables that the system creates and maintains. These tables cannot be replicated. |
TT8172 | The store store_name ON host_name_1 is already specified with an equivalent host name as store_nameon host_name_2 | Two different forms of host name were used to refer to one particular store in a replication scheme. The same form of host name must be consistently used to refer to any one database. |
TT8173 | Replication may not be configured while XA transactions are active | TimesTen Replication is not supported with XA transactions. |
TT8174 | attribute specified more than once | You have specified more than one value for an attribute. Remove one of the instances of the attribute specification. |
TT8175 | Report file name report_name cannot be resolved | An attempt to configure a conflict resolution report file to a non existent directory failed. Use a valid path to the report file |
TT8176 | Conflict checking configuration conflict between elements element_name and element_name with the same underlying table | TimesTen cannot configure a partial database replication because a replication scheme already exists that covers the entire database. UseDROP REPLICATION to drop the existing replication scheme andCREATE REPLICATION to create a new replication scheme. |
TT8177 | Executing store (store_name) not permitted to operation_name | TimesTen cannot drop the replicating element because the specified replication scheme covers the entire database and theTRANSMIT NONDURABLE option is set. If needed, drop the replication scheme and use aCREATE REPLICATION statement to create a new replication scheme. |
TT8178 | Cannot set a subscriber to state code code_number | TimesTen cannot specify theTRANSMIT NONDURABLE option for the replication scheme because the scheme does not cover the entire database. TheNONDURABLE option must apply to the entire database. If needed, drop the replication scheme and use aCREATE REPLICATION statement to create a new replication scheme, using theELEMENT DATASTORE clause with theTRANSMIT NONDURABLE option. See "Setting transmit durability on databease elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8179 | Cannot create dupicate store: store already exists | This error message indicates that the user is attempting to overwrite an existing database during an operation to duplicate databases. |
TT8180 | Full versus partial replication conflict with an existing replication scheme on data store data_store_name | When aDATASTORE element is used on a particular database for replication, no other element type can be used either in the same scheme or in any other scheme. See "Defining data store elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8181 | Cannot create table or alter replication because data store data_store_name is covered by a full datastore replication scheme | When aDATASTORE element for replication is present in a database no other new element type can be introduced. See "Defining data store elements" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8182 | Cannot configure conflict checking on DATASTORE element | To configure conflict resolution for replicationDATASTORE elements cannot not be used. Replication must to be configured for each individual table. See "Resolving replication conflicts" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8183 | Cannot alter element because it is owned and managed by the system | ALTER REPLICATION cannot be run on elements created as part of theDATASTORE element configuration.ALTER REPLICATION must be run on theDATASTORE element itself. |
TT8184 | Attempt to configure replication_type replication for a store with no permanent objects | An attempt was made to configure database-level replication or active standby replication with an empty database. |
TT8185 | Attempt to exceed limit for return receipt receivers | Number of subscribers to receiveRETURN RECEIPT replication updates exceeds the system specified limit. |
TT8186 | Replication agent not responding to Return Receipt transactions | The replication agent is not processing return receipt replication updates. |
TT8187 | A Return receipt transaction has not been executed on this connection | A transaction with return receipt replication updates has not been run on the connection. |
TT8188 | Transaction handle not valid | The handle for examining the status of a transaction withRETURN RECEIPT replication is not valid. |
TT8189 | Transaction token subscriber information not available | The replication subscriber cannot be found in the replication scheme. |
TT8190 | Host name host could not be resolved | The host name specified cannot be resolved on this host. Check the host name for correctness or make changes to the network host name lookup. See "Configuring host IP addresses" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8191 | This store store_name on host_name not involved in a replication scheme | The replication agent does not start if the database does not participate in any replication scheme. Either no replication scheme is defined on this store or the store is not part of any replication scheme. If a replication scheme is defined, verify that the name of each database involved in replication matches the names specified in the This error might also occur if the replication agent cannot determine that the current running host is involved in the specified replication scheme. Confirm that you have correctly identified your database hosts, as described in "Configuring host IP addresses" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8192 | Dropping/adding a foreign key that references a replicated table is not allowed while the replication agent for data store store_name is running. Stop the replication agent to perform this operation | You cannot add or drop a foreign key in a table that references a replicated table. Stop the replication agents, add or drop the foreign key in the table that references the replicated table, and restart the replication agents. See "Starting and stopping the replication agents" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for details on how to stop and restart the replication agents. |
TT8193 | The TWOSAFE subscriber attribute is only permitted on a DATASTORE element. | Attempt to configureRETURN TWOSAFE with a table element. Change theELEMENT type toDATASTORE or removeRETURN TWOSAFE from the replication scheme. For more information, see "Return twosafe replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8194 | The TWOSAFE subscriber attribute is not permitted on a propagator element. | Attempt to configureRETURN TWOSAFE for a propagator database. TheRETURN TWOSAFE service can't be used in a propagation scheme. See "Return twosafe replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for details. |
TT8195 | The TWOSAFE subscriber attribute requires an exclusive bi-directional configuration. | Attempt to configureRETURN TWOSAFE in an invalid replication scheme.RETURN TWOSAFE can only be used in a bi-directional scheme between a master and a single subscriber database. See "Return twosafe replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guidefor details. |
TT8196 | Remote application of the transaction ran into error : error_description. Rollback the transaction. | TheRETURN TWOSAFE transaction ran into an error when it was applied on the subscriber. The transaction was not applied to the subscriber and must be rolled back on the master. |
TT8197 | Operation not permitted once commit processing has begun | A commit call has already been issued for thisRETURN TWOSAFE transaction. Therefore the operation is not permitted. |
TT8198 | A 2-safe transaction has not been executed on this connection | Attempt to get the replication status of aRETURN TWOSAFE transaction when none has been executed. |
TT8199 | A 2-safe or return receipt transaction has not been executed on this connection | The above is usually returned when attempting to get the replication status of aRETURN TWOSAFE orRETURN RECEIPT transaction when none has been executed. |
TT8200 | Attempt to drop all columns in table | An application cannot drop all columns in a table. Consider usingDROP TABLE to drop the table instead. |
TT8201 | Column is part of the table's primary key | An application cannot drop a column that is part of a primary key. Consider dropping and recreating the table. |
TT8202 | Column is part of a foreign key | An application cannot drop a column that is part of a foreign key. Consider dropping and recreating the table. |
TT8203 | Attempt to drop indexed column | Application attempted to drop an indexed column in a table. Consider dropping the index and then dropping the column. |
TT8204 | Columns have been added to table too many times | The operation is not permitted because the table would have more than the maximum number of partitions. As described in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Referenceference, the maximum number of partitions for a table cannot exceed 255. Consider rebuilding the table, either usingINSERT SELECT or by using thettBulkCp utility. |
TT8206 | Invalid parameter value STANDBY passed in. The command failed. | Indicates that an invalid input parameter has been passed in to an active standby pair. |
TT8207 | Illegal to replicate a system sequence (owner.sequence) | Objects owned bySYS andTTREP are system objects. Users cannot perform operations on these items, including involving them in a replication scheme. Remove the sequence from your replication scheme. |
TT8210 | Table reference of table_name is ambiguous | More than one table with a matching foreign key constraint was found. Qualify all references to other tables with an owner name. |
TT8211 | Table table_name is not a member of the cache group | No tables external to the cache group may be referenced by a foreign key constraint from within the cache group. See "Cache groups and cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8212 | Multiple foreign keys defined for table table_name | Foreign keys for a cache group table have been found to refer to more than one table. All foreign keys for a cache group table may only refer to a single table within the same cache group. See "Cache groups and cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8213 | Cache group tables must have a primary key | All tables within a cache group must have a primary key. See "Cache groups and cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8214 | Cache source cache_name is not supported | Cache group tables currently work only with Oracle data sources. |
TT8217 | Invalid duration value | A cache group duration must be a positive integer. |
TT8220 | Table table_name is both read only and propagated | Cache group tables may not be simultaneously marked as bothREADONLY andPROPAGATE . See "PROPAGATE cache table attributes" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8221 | No parent table found | No table in the cache group was found to be a root table. Only one table in a cache group may have any foreign key constraints. All other tables in a cache group must refer to a single table within the same cache group. See "Cache groups and cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8222 | Multiple parent tables found | Multiple potential root tables were found within the cache group. Only one table in a cache group may have foreign key constraints. All other tables in a cache group must refer to a single table within the same cache group. See "Cache groups and cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8223 | A referenced primary key is not found in the associated parent table | The referenced primary key was not found in the cache group. See "Cache groups and cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8224 | Cache group cache_name already exists | Attempting to create a cache group which already exists. |
TT8225 | Table table_name is read only | Tables within a cache group which are marked asREADONLY may not be updated. |
TT8226 | Column column_name is read only | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8227 | Cache group cache_name not found | The referenced cache group does not exist. |
TT8228 | Cannot drop cache group table table_name; pleaes use DROP CACHE GROUP instead | Tables within a cache group may not be explicitly dropped using theDROP TABLE statement. |
TT8229 | Memory threshold value must be between 0 and 100 | The cache group aging memory threshold must be a percentage value between zero and 100. |
TT8230 | Aging interval value must be greater than zero | The cache group aging interval must be a value greater than zero. |
TT8231 | Cache groups are not supported on this platform | Cache groups are not supported in this version of the product. For a list of supported platforms see the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8232 | Oracle PassThrough not supported on this platform. PassThrough value must be set to 0 | ThePassThrough attribute is not supported on this platform. For a list of supported platforms see the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8233 | PassThrough value must be between 0 and 5 | Incorrect value for thePassThrough attribute. Reset to a value between 0 and 5, as described in "Setting a passthrough level" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8234 | PassThrough command is no longer valid. One possible cause is creation of a new table on the TimesTen data store | After creating a table in TimesTen, including a cache group table, all prepared passthrough statements are invalidated, until reprepared. This error indicates that the application is trying to use an invalidated statement.The application must prepare the passthrough statement after creating a table or cache group. |
TT8235 | Number of WITH ID keys values does not match the primary key columns for cache group cache_name | The number of values given in theWITH ID clause does not match the number of primary key columns defined on the root table of the cache group. |
TT8236 | Invalid commit value | A commit interval for aLOAD CACHE GROUP orMERGE statement on a cache group must be a positive integer value. |
TT8237 | Cache group WHERE clauses must be less than numberbytes long | EachWHERE clause of a cache group may not exceed the maximum byte length specified in the error message. |
TT8238 | Cannot truncate cache group table table_name; Use DROP/REFRESH/ UNLOAD CACHE GROUP instead. | ATRUNCATE statement is not allowed on a cache group table. |
TT8239 | PROPAGATE syntax can only be used once in statement | This is a syntax error for theCREATE CACHE GROUP statement. You specified aPROPAGATE orNOT PROPAGATE clause on a cache table that already has been specified as eitherPROPAGATE orNOT PROPAGATE . Check the syntax and remove the redundant or contradictoryPROPAGATE orNOT PROPAGATE clause. |
TT8240 | READONLY syntax can only be used once in statement | This is a syntax error for theCREATE CACHE GROUP statement. You specified theREADONLY keyword twice for the same cached table. Remove one of the instances ofREADONLY . |
TT8242 | Index on name column not supported | You cannot create an index on columnname because it is a system-created column. |
TT8243 | Invalid AUTOREFRESH interval value | The specifiedAUTOREFRESH INTERVAL is invalid. It must be a positive integer. |
TT8244 | Cannot alter AUTOREFRESH status of a cache group which was not initially created with AUTOREFRESH | For a cache group'sAUTOREFRESH setting to be altered, it must be created with theAUTOREFRESH clause. For example, you cannot create a cache group without anAUTOREFRESH clause and later try to modify it toAUTOREFRESH STATE ON . |
TT8247 | The ttCGGenSQL built-in procedure requires that the cache group was initially created with AUTOREFRESH | ThettCacheSqlGet built-in procedure cannot be called on a cache group that was created without anAUTOREFRESH clause |
TT8248 | Cache group cache_group_name is not currently being autorefreshed | EitherAUTOREFRESH state is off orAUTOREFRESH has been stopped because of a fatal error during refresh. Check user error log to find cause for refresh failure. |
TT8249 | Cache agent is shutting down autorefresh for cache group cache_group_name. Please try again | WhenAUTOREFRESH is deactivated either by dropping the cache group or by altering the state to off, the TimesTen cache agent takes some time before theAUTOREFRESH is completely shutdown. An application may not be able to reactivate (create the same cache group or alter the state toON/PAUSE ) that cache group while it is being shut down. The application must wait forAUTOREFRESH to completely shut down before it can be reactivated. |
TT8252 | Table table_name is both read only and not propagated | The cache group table,table_name , cannot be specified as bothREADONLY andNOT PROPAGATE . This error can occur if you try to create aREADONLY cache group that contains a table that is specified asNOT PROPAGATE . |
TT8253 | Table table_name cannot have same name as an existing cache group or the cache group containing this table | Cache groups and tables cannot have the same name. You see this error when you try to create a cache group or a table that has the same name as another table or cache group. To correct the error, use a different name in theCREATE CACHE GROUP/TABLE statement. |
TT8254 | Flush fails; all tables are either propagated or read only | This error occurs if you useFLUSH CACHE GROUP on a cache group where all of its tables are configured withPROPAGATE orREADONLY and therefore not flushable. You can flush a table that is markedPROPAGATE by using thettCachePropagateFlagSet built-in procedure. |
TT8255 | Attempt to bi-directionally propagate multiple copies of cache group cache_group | You can create any number of cache groups that are bi-directionally propagated as long as the names of the cache groups are different and no bi-directionally propagated table appears in more than one cache group. IMDB Cache has this restriction to avoid update conflict anomalies. To correct the error, choose a different name for one of the cache group.In very rare instances, IMDB Cache falsely reports this error. The most likely cause is that there are some residual Oracle objects that were created by IMDB Cache but were not dropped when the cache group was dropped or the cache agent was shutdown. For more about the Oracle objects created by IMDB Cache, see "Oracle objects used to manage a cached environment" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8256 | Illegal subquery used in create cache group table WHERE clause | Sub-queries are not allowed in theWHERE clause of theCREATE CACHE GROUP statement. To correct the error, remove the sub-query. For more information, see "Using a WHERE clause" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8257 | Parameters are not supported in Oracle WHERE clauses | Parameter binding ("? ") is not allowed in theWHERE clause ofLOAD CACHE GROUP andMERGE statements. Use SQL literals instead. For more information, see "Using a WHERE clause" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8259 | WHERE clause does not match | You must specify identicalWHERE clauses in cache group definitions for replicating cache groups. You must: stop replication, delete the replication definitions, drop the cache groups, recreate the cache group definitions with the sameWHERE clauses, recreate replication definitions and restart replication. For more information, see "Cache groups and replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8260 | Join predicate does not match | The root/child tables in one cache group aren't joined in the same manner as the root/child tables in that cache group's replicated counterpart.You must specify identicalJOIN predicates in the cache group definitions for replicating cache groups. You must: stop replication, delete the replication definitions, drop the cache groups, recreate the cache group definitions, recreate replication definitions and restart replication. See "Cache groups and replication" of the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8261 | Cache groups operations may not be performed while XA transactions are alive | There is an active XA transaction. No cache operations are allowed when there is an XA transaction accessing the database. These two TimesTen features cannot be used at the same time. The XA and JTA APIs described in the TimesTen developer guides are not supported in cache groups. See "Summary of compatibility issues" in Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8262 | A READONLY or WRITETHROUGH cache group can only replicate to a cache group of the same type | Attempted to replicate a readonly or writethrough cache group to a database with another type of cache group. When replicating between cache groups, only one cache group can be specified asAUTOREFRESH . In addition, the other cache groups must be markedREADONLY . See Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8263 | If a replicating cache group has AUTOREFRESH specified than the remote cache group must also specify AUTOREFRESH | Replicated cache groups must both haveAUTOREFRESH set, though the subscriber must have theAUTOREFRESH STATE OFF . See "Cache groups and replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8264 | Transaction commit/rollback succeeded on Oracle but failed on TimesTen | Updates were successfully propagated to Oracle but failed on TimesTen. If a commit or rollback succeeds on Oracle but fails on TimesTen, the data in the TimesTen cache group may no longer be synchronized with the data in Oracle. After clearing up the cause of the TimesTen failure, it may be necessary to re-apply the failing transaction in TimesTen. See the discussion on |
TT8265 | To use AUTOREFRESH, all of the tables in the cache group must be READONLY or all the tables in the cache group must be PROPAGATE | You cannot specifyAUTOREFRESH with propagation disabled (NOT PROPAGATE ). A cache group that is usingAUTOREFRESH must be marked eitherPROPAGATE orREADONLY . By default, cache tables are markedNOT PROPAGATE . If the cache group is notREADONLY , you must explicitly mark each table eitherPROPAGATE orREADONLY . This is to avoid overwriting changes during the next C operation. See the discussions on |
TT8268 | Asynchronous or Synchronous Writethrough cache group cannot have a WHERE clause | TheCREATE SYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGH CACHE GROUP statement or theCREATE ASYNCHRONOUS WRITETHROUGH CACHE GROUP specifies aWHERE clause on at least one of its tables, which is not allowed. This is a compile time error message. See "Cache group types" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for a description of asynchronous writethrough cache groups and synchronous writethrough cache groups. |
TT8270 | Table level READONLY/NOT PROPAGATE/PROPAGATE flags are not allowed in a System Managed cache group | The table-levelREADONLY andPROPAGATE attributes cannot be used in system-managed cache groups. This is a compile time error. See "Cache group types" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8271 | Manual LOAD/UNLOAD/REFRESH/FLUSH operations are not allowed on cache group cache_name because it is system managed | TheLOAD CACHE GROUP ,UNLOAD CACHE GROUP ,MERGE , andFLUSH CACHE GROUP statements cannot be used on system-managed cache groups. This is a runtime error. See "Cache group types" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide. |
TT8273 | At least one of the local or remote cache groups must set autorefresh STATE to OFF or PAUSED | When replicating to a cache group, theAUTOREFRESH state of the cache group must be set toOFF . |
TT8274 | If a replicating cache group has both AUTOREFRESH and PROPAGATE then the remote cache group must set autorefresh STATE to OFF | When replicating from a user managed cache group that is specified as bothAUTOREFRESH andPROPAGATE , to another cache group that is specified withAUTOREFRESH only, the second cache group must have theAUTOREFRESH STATE set toOFF . To enable replication, you must first setALTER CACHE GROUP and setAUTOREFRESH STATE OFF on the cache group that currently hasAUTOREFRESH on or paused. See "Cache groups and replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8275 | Manual LOAD/UNLOAD/REFRESH/FLUSH operations are not allowed on cache group cache_group_namebecause it uses AUTOREFRESH | The manualLOAD CACHE GROUP ,UNLOAD CACHE GROUP orFLUSH CACHE GROUP statement failed because the cache group is specified withAUTOREFRESH . This is not allowed. |
TT8277 | If a cache group on the receiver has AUTOREFRESH specified then the corresponding cache group on the transmitter must also specify AUTOREFRESH | When replicating to a subscriber cache group withAUTOREFRESH STATE OFF , the master cache group must specify theAUTOREFRESH attribute with either theSTATE ON orOFF . See "Cache groups and replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8278 | Cache groups with AUTOREFRESH and PROPAGATE can only be replicated if both the transmitter and receiver cache groups have autorefresh STATE set to OFF | The subscriber cache group must haveAUTOREFRESH STATE OFF . See "Cache groups and replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8279 | If a transmitting cache group has AUTOREFRESH and the receiving cache group has PROPAGATE then transmitting cache group must also have PROPAGATE | Attempt to replicate from a cache group withAUTOREFRESH specified butPROPAGATE not specified to a cache group withPROPAGATE specified. For details on how to replicate cache groups, "Replicating cache tables" in the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide and "Cache groups and replication" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide. |
TT8287 | Manual LOAD/REFRESH operations with WHERE or WITHID clauses are not allowed on cache group cache_group_name because it is specified as AUTOREFRESH | Issued during aLOAD orREFRESH cache group operation on an autorefresh cache group. ALOAD orREFRESH operation cannot have aWHERE clause orWITH ID clause for an autorefresh cache group. |
TT8288 | Manual LOAD of cache group cache_group_name is not allowed because it is specified as AUTOREFRESH and it is not empty | This error is issued during aLOAD CACHE GROUP operation on anAUTOREFRESH cache group. ALOAD CACHE GROUP operation cannot be performed on a non-emptyAUTOREFRESH cache group.REFRESH cache group can be used instead. |
TT8289 | Manual LOAD/REFRESH of cache group requires AUTOREFRESH STATE to be PAUSED, but the STATE of cache_group_name is state. The LOAD is not allowed. | This error is issued during aLOAD orREFRESH CACHE GROUP operation on anAUTOREFRESH cache group.AUTOREFRESH STATE must bePAUSED when issuingLOAD orREFRESH cache group statements. |
TT8290 | Manual LOAD/REFRESH must have COMMIT EVERY N ROWS clause | This error is issued during aLOAD orREFRESH CACHE GROUP operation. To solve this problem, specify aCOMMIT EVERY N ROWS clause in the statement. |
TT8291 | Manual LOAD/REFRESH WITH ID statement cannot have the COMMIT EVERY N ROWS clause | This error is issued during aLOAD orREFRESH CACHE GROUP operation. ACOMMIT EVERY N ROWS clause cannot be specified when aWHERE orWITH ID clause is used. |
TT8292 | The cache group where clause contains a subquery. Changes of the subquery result may not be tracked by INCREMENTAL AUTOREFRESH | An autorefresh cache group has a subquery in theWHERE clause. IncrementalAUTOREFRESH does not track any changes of the subquery result list. Accordingly, IMDB Cache may not cache the result rows as specified by the cache groupWHERE clause. |
TT8293 | Autorefresh interval should be at least nummilliseconds | TheAUTOREFRESH interval should be at leastnum milliseconds. Currently the minimum number of milliseconds allowed for theAUTOREFRESH interval is 10. |
TT8294 | Replication not allowed from a non-cache group table to a READONLY cache group table | You cannot replicate from a non-cache table to a table in aREADONLY cache group. |
TT8295 | To use NCHAR/NVARCHAR values through Cache Connect, Oracle Database national character set must be AL16UTF16 | To useNCHAR/NVARCHAR2 types in a a cache group table column or a passthrough statement, the Oracle database national character set must beAL16UTF16 . You can use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database and issue the following query to check the database national character set: SELECT VALUE FROM v$nls_parameters WHERE PARAMETER = 'NLS_NCHAR_ CHARACTERSET'; |
TT8296 | TimesTen and Oracle database character sets do not match. TimesTen: database_character_set, Oracle: database_character_set | TimesTen databases that use cache groups or provide passthrough must have the same database character set as the Oracle database. TheDatabaseCharacterSet of the database cannot be changed after creation. |
TT8297 | The session parameter parameter cannot be altered through a PassThrough statement | TimesTen does not support passthrough execution of the indicatedparameter in a SQLALTER SESSION SET statement. |
TT8298 | Table in autorefresh cache group cannot have more than num columns | The maximum number of columns in an autorefresh cache group table is 999. Generally TimesTen supports tables that contain up to 1000 columns. |
TT8299 | Cache Connect database character set cannot be TimesTen8 | TheTIMESTEN8 database character set cannot be specified for databases that are used with cache groups. |
TT8302 | Autorefresh state of cahe group cache_group_name is off | TheAUTOREFRESH state for the cache group isOFF . To performAUTOREFRESH operations, set the state toON . |
TT8303 | Sequence number must be non-negative and end sequence must be greater than or equal to start sequence | A sequence number must be positive and must be greater than or equal to the first number in the sequence. |
TT8304 | Manual REFRESH operation with WHERE clause is not allowed on cache group cahegroup_name because it is specified as dynamic AUTOREFRESH | Refresh operations are automated on the dynamic autorefresh cache group. You have attempted to perform a manual refresh operation. It is not supported. |
TT8305 | Manual LOAD/REFRESH on cache group failed because dynamic counter update failed. | Manual load or refresh of a dynamic cache group failed because of the failure in updating the internal dynamic counter. This could be because of another operation holding a lock on the row for this cache group in theSYS.CACHE_GROUP table. |
TT8306 | A cache group cannot be created as dynamic if it is defined as both autorefresh and propagate | A dynamic user managed cache group cannot use both the autorefresh cache group attribute and thePROPAGATE cache table attribute. |
TT8307 | Autorefresh interval cannot exceed 99 days | Create the cache group with anAUTOREFRESH interval less than or equal to 99 days. |
TT8308 | All replicated autorefresh cache groups should have autorefresh state PAUSED before calling ttRepDeactivate. | This error can occur when a user calls the built-inttRepDeactivate . The error is triggered when there are some replicated autorefresh cache groups where state isON and the cache agent is running. Alter the replicated autorefresh cache groups on the active node (to be deactivated) to the |
TT8309 | Manual REFRESH with PARALLEL clause is not allowed for dynamic readonly cache groups. | Refresh cache group statement was allowed to have parallel clause for refreshing a dynamic read only cache group. It is disabled in this release. |
TT8311 | To set the number of parallel AWT applier threads, ReplicationParallelism must be set to > 0 | You cannot configure CacheAwtParallelism to be greater than 1 if ReplicationParallelism is 0. |
TT8312 | CacheAWTParallelism value of cache_value must be greater than or equal to ReplicationParallelism value of replication_value | CacheAwtParallelism must always be greater than or equal to ReplicationParallelism. |
TT8313 | Cannot use parallel replication or parallel AWT with SMPOptLevel=0 | Parallel Replication or Parallel AWT cannot be configured for a database with SMPOptLevel set to 0. |
TT8314 | ReplicationParallelism cannot be greater than 1 with ReplicationApplyOrdering set to 0 | You cannot set ReplicationParallelism to a greater than 1 value when ReplicationApplyOrdering is set to 0. |
TT8315 | Timeout in commit wait for parallel AWT thread | The parallel AWT applier thread timed out waiting for a dependent AWT applier to commit. |
TT8316 | Creation of AWT cache groups is disabled with ReplicationApplyOrdering set to 1 | |
TT8400 | System catalog creation failed: failure_message | When a TimesTen database is created, a number of predefined tables and views are defined in the new database. An error occurred in the process of defining these objects. Review the included message, make suggested corrections and attempt database creation again. |
TT8500 | PL/SQL feature not installed in this TimesTen instance | You have attempted to use a PL/SQL feature, but PL/SQL was not enabled for TimesTen at install time. PL/SQL features not supported unless PL/SQL was enabled for the TimesTen instance. To use PL/SQL, it is necessary to re-install TimesTen and enable PL/SQL at install time. |
TT8501 | PL/SQL feature not installed in this TimesTen database | You have attempted to use a PL/SQL feature, but PL/SQL was not enabled for TimesTen at install time. PL/SQL features not supported unless PL/SQL was enabled for the TimesTen instance. To use PL/SQL, it is necessary to re-install TimesTen and enable PL/SQL at install time. |
TT8502 | Error Error_number initializing PLSQL_MEMORY string | Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |
TT8503 | Error_text | An error occurred while the PL/SQL compiler was compiling an anonymous block. The text of the error message references an ORA error number from the Oracle error documentation. In general, diagnosis is the same for PL/SQL in TimesTen and for PL/SQL in Oracle, though there are known differences between PL/SQL in these two environments. |
TT8504 | PL/SQL object_type object created with compilation warnings | This is a warning. A PL/SQL block specified in aCREATE orREPLACE procedure, function or package statement cannot be compiled due to a syntax problem or other problem. |
TT8505 | PL/SQL object_type object created with compilation errors | This is an error. A PL/SQL block specified in aCREATE orREPLACE procedure, function or package statement cannot be compiled due to a syntax problem or other problems. |
TT8506 | error_text | You have received this error for one of the following reasons:
TT8507 | error_text | An error occurred while a PL/SQL subprogram is executing or while invoking the PL/SQL compiler. The text of the error message references an ORA error number from the Oracle error documentation. In general, diagnosis is the same for PL/SQL in TimesTen and for PL/SQL in Oracle, though there are known differences between PL/SQL in these two environments. |
TT8508 | Question mark parameter markers are not allowed in PL/SQL blocks | You provided a question mark parameter in a PL/SQL block. Parameter marker names beginning with_QMARK_ are reserved for system use. This is not supported. This error generally signifies either that an attempted operation (such as commit, rollback, or some DDL statement) cannot proceed because of a conflict with an existing PL/SQL object or because some unexpected error occurred while attempting to manage memory or locks in the |
TT8509 | PL/SQL execution terminated; PLSQL_TIMEOUT exceeded | A PL/SQL block executed for longer than the value specified for thePLSQL_TIMEOUT attribute. |
TT8510 | Error loading PL/SQL system package file file_name: error_message | When a TimesTen database is created, a number of predefined PL/SQL packages are defined in the new database. Any error encountered during this process is returned in this message. |
TT8511 | PL/SQL can only be enabled during database creation or at first connect | You attempted to enable PL/SQL on an existing database. You can only enable PL/SQL at the time that you create a database. |
TT8512 | PL/SQL is not supported with exclusive mode data store access | PL/SQL is not supported with databases that are created with exclusive access. Exclusive access is a deprecated feature. |
TT8513 | PL/SQL is not supported in non-thread-safe mode | PL/SQL is not supported with databases that are created without thread safety. Non thread-safe mode is a deprecated feature. |
TT8514 | Invalid PL/SQL compiler parameter parameter_name | Only persistent parameters are allowed. The PL/SQL persistent parameters arePLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL ,PLSQL_CODE_TYPE ,PLSQL_DEBUG ,PLSQL_WARNINGS ,PLSQL_CCFLAGS andNLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS . You supplied a parameter other than one of these. |
TT8515 | Duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter parameter_name | You can specify each parameter only once in each statement. See the Oracle Database documentation for complete compiler parameters clause information. |
TT8516 | PL/SQL is not supported with logging turned off | You must log transactions to use PL/SQL. Set theLogging attribute to 1 for this database. |
TT8517 | Cannot attach PL/SQL shared memory; PLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS not valid or already in use | The virtual memory address specified byPLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS is in use. Specify a virtual address that is free in all processes that can connect to the database. |
TT8518 | The preceding error occurred during the execuation of an internal SQL statement | Warning message: |
TT8519 | Invalid PLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS specified | An illegal value (for example, 0) was specified forPLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS . |
TT8520 | PL/SQL library mismatch. Corrupted TimesTen installation. | Your TimesTen installation is corrupted. Some files are from a PL/SQL-enabled version of TimesTen. Others are from a non-PL/SQL-enabled version. Re-install TimesTen with PL/SQL enabled. |
TT8521 | Cannot attached PL/SQL shared memory; virtual memory at PLSQL_MEMORY_ ADDRESS already in use by TimesTen. | Your application has connected to two different TimesTen databases that use the samePLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS value. Specify a differentPLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS value for one of the databases.SeePLSQL_MEMORY_ADDRESS for details. |
TT8522 | PLSQL_MEMORY_SIZE too small. | SeePLSQL_MEMORY_SIZE for the appropriate memory size for your operating system. |
TT8523 | No data found. | No rows were found when the user executed aSELECT statement inside PL/SQL. |
Error number | Error warning message | Details |
TT9990 | Unkown error from TimesTen daemon | An internal error occurred in the TimesTen subdaemon during a connection attempt. Contact TimesTen Technical Support |
TT9991 | Invalidation of data store in progress | An application attempted to connect to a database while it was being invalidated. Wait and retry the operation. |
TT9992 | Daemon reports error error_details | The TimesTen daemon encountered a problem when executing an administrative request, such as starting or stopping the cache agent or the replication agent. The details are contained in the error message. |
TT9993 | Final checkpoint of data store from RAM onto disk in progress | Unloading the database from RAM or in the middle of final checkpoint. The amount of time this takes depends on the number of changed pages in the database. |
TT9994 | Loading data store from disk into RAM in progress | Loading the database from disk into RAM. The amount of time this takes depends on the size of the database and the number of inserts, updates and/or view creations that have occurred since the last checkpoint. |
TT9995 | Process recovery in progress: rolling back transaction of failed process | Process recovery running on this database. Rolling back transactions. The amount of time this takes depends on the number of inserts, updates and/or view creations caused by the failing transaction. |
TT9996 | Process recovery in progress: examing health of in-RAM data store | Process recovery running on this database. Checking the state of the database. This can take anywhere from several seconds to 15 minutes, depending on the precise state of the database when the application failed or terminated. In general, you can expect it to take between 5-6 minutes to recover a database. |
TT9998 | Cannot perform requested operation because TimesTen service is being quiesced | An attempt was made to connect to or destroy a database while the TimesTen daemon was shutting down. Wait for the TimesTen daemon to start again. |
TT9999 | Subdaemon exited unexpectedly | An internal error occurred in the TimesTen subdaemon during a connection attempt. Contact TimesTen Technical Support. |