ros actionlib多客户端加单服务器的同步问题

ros actionlib多客户端加单服务器的同步问题_第1张图片

Server States
Intermediate States
  • Pending - The goal has yet to be processed by the action server

  • Active - The goal is currently being processed by the action server

  • Recalling - The goal has not been processed and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled

  • Preempting - The goal is being processed, and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled

Terminal States
  • Rejected - The goal was rejected by the action server without being processed and without a request from the action client to cancel

  • Succeeded - The goal was achieved successfully by the action server

  • Aborted - The goal was terminated by the action server without an external request from the action client to cancel

  • Recalled - The goal was canceled by either another goal, or a cancel request, before the action server began processing the goal


  • Preempted - Processing of the goal was canceled by either another goal, or a cancel request sent to the action server

Since multiple action clients can connect to a single action server, it is possible for a second client to cancel a goal sent by the first client. Thus, it is valid for the client to transition from[PENDING] to [RECALLING] if a [RECALLING] state is received from the server.


status topic: Server goal state updates

The status topic uses actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray, and gives action clients server goal status information about every goal currently being tracked by the action server. This is sent by the action server at some fixed rate (generally 10 Hz), and is also sent asynchronously on any server goal state transition.

A goal is tracked by the action server until it reaches a terminal state. However, to increase communication robustness, the server publishes status for this goal for a few more seconds after reaching a terminal state.


ros actionlib多客户端加单服务器的同步问题_第2张图片


ros actionlib多客户端加单服务器的同步问题_第3张图片

