


1.the distance between two vertices in a graph is the number of edges in a shortest path (also called a graph geodesic) connecting them. This is also known as the geodesic distance

2.The eccentricity of a vertex v is the greatest geodesic distance between v and any other vertex. It can be thought of as how far a node is from the node most distant from it in the graph.

3.The radius r of a graph is the minimum eccentricity of any vertex

4.The diameter d of a graph is the maximum eccentricity of any vertex in the graph. That is, d is the greatest distance between any pair of vertices or, alternatively. To find the diameter of a graph, first find the shortest path between each pair of vertices. The greatest length of any of these paths is the diameter of the graph.

5.A central vertex in a graph of radius r is one whose eccentricity is r—that is, a vertex that achieves the radius

6.A peripheral vertex in a graph of diameter d is one that is distance d from some other vertex—that is, a vertex that achieves the diameter

7.A pseudo-peripheral vertex v has the property that for any vertex u, if v is as far away from u as possible, then u is as far away from v as possible.

附加:如果一个图中每对节点只有一条最短路径,此图为geodetic graph
