2018农历新年还没过,我们就看到两个好消息,SiFive和PULP都有和可运行Linux的CPU的好消息,如果说去年RISC-V在MCU上遍地开花,那么今年这个RISC-V Linux元年也一定会很精彩。新的平台和新的板子总能够让软件开发人员为之兴奋,小编已经迫不及待跃跃欲试。下半年我预计就会看到大量的操作系统移植,开源显卡是不是也离我们不远了哈哈。
SiFive最近发布了其HiFive Unleashed开发板,并在Crowdsupply上开始同步预售,最早一批75块开发板将于3月30日发货。
在这块开发板上搭载的是SiFive最新的Freedom U540 SoC芯片,小编估计其早期版本搭载的是MPW工程样片,后面则开始发售搭载量产版本的芯片。
关于Freedom U540 SoC,SiFive官方发布的Spec如下:
与此同时,在FOSDEM’18上,来自SiFive的Palmer和Yunsup还发表演讲向大家公开了更多的相关细节。现场还通过在搭载在FPGA上的显示模块和接口向观众演示了FPS游戏Quake比如,SiFive还将开源他们的L2$设计,之前的rocket-chip中L2 Cache的设计被发现存在问题,所以社区也一直等待在这方面能够有所进展。
以下是业界对HiFive Unleashed的一些相关评论:
DataCenterKnowledge网站在看到RISC-V和HiFive的演讲后发表了《Is Open Source RISC-V Ready to Take on Intel, AMD, and ARM in the Data Center?》的文章,其在文章中表示:
While software is eating the world, open source hardware might soon be eating the data center. Definitely not tomorrow or next month, and probably not even next year, but sooner than you think, there might be as much open source hardware as the old-fashioned proprietary kind running data centers.
Need proof? Take a look at RISC-V, an open processor architecture.
Link: Is Open Source RISC-V Ready to Take on Intel, AMD, and ARM in the Data Center?
LinuxGizmos网站则发表了文章《RISC-V gains momentum as it moves from MCUs to Linux-friendly SoCs》,当中提到封闭的ARM和Intel x86限制了创新、减缓了上市时间并且增加了成本。
RISC-V’s timing seems to be right, as the growing acceptance of open source software and hardware logically leads to a desire to open up of the processor. Opaque chip designs often create obstacles and blind spots — not only for open source projects, but also semiconductor vendors. Conceivably, hidden issues such as Intel’s Spectre and Meltdown security problems might have come to light more quickly in the open source spotlight.
There’s also a sense that the dominance of two closed source architectures — ARM and Intel x86 — is limiting innovation, slowing time to market, and increasing cost. In addition, RISC-V advocates claim that both ARM and x86 platforms are burdened by legacy code. By comparison, RISC-V is starting with a clean slate of modern components.
Link: RISC-V gains momentum as it moves from MCUs to Linux-friendly SoCs
DesignNews发表了《First Open-Source RISC-V SoC for Linux Released》,当中提到:
But how does SiFive expect an open-source board to stand out in an ever-crowding market? And why should a company, particularly in a space like IoT, choose open source over any of the other solutions available? “ I certainly believe IoT will be solved by having lots of customization,” Kang said. “I believe IoT inherently is not a one-size-fits-all type of market. What that means is you’re not going to be able to have one killer chip that does everything. What you’re going to need is to be able to customize or get your partners to customize the silicon to meet the specific problems that will come up. And I will argue that RISC-V is great for customization.”
Link: First Open-Source RISC-V SoC for Linux Released
Github Repo
此外,其I/O接口中小编还看到了Camera Interface (CPI)。简单评价一下的话,小编认为这个平台的目标是为了IoT应用而量身打造的,自管理的I/O子系统能够很好的解决低功耗的问题,而丰富的接口则能够支持图像采集等应用。
前面提到了PULPissimo,最近有新闻就表示PULP基于TSMC 40LP工艺的**群核(cluster based processor)**芯片,内含8个RIC5Y处理器和1个zero-riscy处理器。8个大核支持RV32IMCF以及PULP自有的DSP指令扩展。
“We actually plan to release the entire Mr. Wolf code later this year. Of course, various NDAs prohibit us from releasing technology specific data, our releases contain only System Verilog code, testbenches and associated files for verification,” Gurkaynak.
Link: RISC-V processor Mr Wolf arrives to solve problems
在 glibc和linux合併主线以后,许多人开始关注软件上的下一步,像是OpenEmbedded/Yocto, Debian, 和Java/OpenJDK。像是Palmer 最近就在sw-dev开始讨论如何开始移植OpenJDK的问题。
有兴趣参与或讨论的请参考邮件列表: Project proposal: RISC-V port
去年11月底,邮件列表上针对 hart 的精确定义以及 core 和 hart 之间的区别有一个热烈的讨论。由于在许多RISC-V 文档中,core 和 hart 常常被交互使用,Liviu Ionescu 提议在 ISA manual 中加上 hart 的精确定义。
Prof Krste 最近提交了这个更新。其中,core 和 hart 分别定义如下:
A component is termed a core if it contains an independent
instruction fetch unit. A RISC-V-compatible core might support
multiple RISC-V-compatible hardware threads, or harts, through
From the perspective of software running in a given execution
environment, a hart is a resource that independently fetches and
executes RISC-V instructions within that execution environment. In
this respect, a hart behaves like a hardware thread resource even if
time-multiplexed onto real hardware by the execution environment.
从定义中,hart 代表的是在环境中让程式执行的资源,至于底层是Emulation、硬件、还是用M:N的方式 multiplexed,对于程式来说,都是没有影响的。Core 则是指有 IFU 的 component。目前看来,hart的定义是清晰了许多。
也许大家都和小编一样没有注意到现有的Rocket-Chip已经支持较为复杂的性能计数器了。在最近关于Rocket-Chip的一个问答中,透露出现有Rocket-Chip,或者更准确的说基于Rocket-Chip的SiFive扩展已经集成了较为复杂的功能计数功能。这个功能由mhpmevent CSR控制,其计数器的值则有mhpmcounter CSR提供。mhpmevent的低8位可以取三种取值:0,指令事件;1,微结构事件;2,内存系统事件。同一时刻,性能计数器只能记一种类型的事件。在每种类型中,mhpmevent的高56位是一个选取细节事件的bitmap,如果任何一个bitmap使能的事件发生,则会导致mhpmcounter自增。
Link: 详细的性能记数配置
一月下旬,Jacob Bachmeyer将上个月在rv-dev邮件列表中讨论的用户和内核页表分离方案提交到了RISC-V ISA的Git Repo。根据他和Andrew的对话,该方案很有希望作为一个指令集扩展被写入Priveleged Spec v1.11版,即即将公布的下一版本。具体的方案现在都可以在PR看到:https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-manual/pull/128
简单说,这个方案提出了一个名为Sdas (Standard Extension for Disjoint User/Supervisor)的扩展。该扩展增加了一个名为suatp的新CSR。该CSR指向用户空间的页表基址。如果该扩展不被支持,即仍然使用以往用户和内核共享空间的页表方式,suapt和satp的值严格相等,都指向共享页表的基址。如果使用该扩展,satp指向内核页表的基址,suapt指向用户页表的基址。内核页表和用户页表使用不同的ASID防止TLB刷新。
Michael Clark 最近提交了QEMU port 的第四版和第五版。在这两版中,他修改了不少Richard Henderson所发现的bug,同时做了些code cleanup。由于Michael目前在Sifive工作,这些QEMU patch中,还包含了SiFive Freedom U500 RISC-V Machine等实现的 Emulation。期待QEMU能早日合併主线。
Link: RISC-V port v4 & v5
以小编对内核微薄的理解,ZONE_DMA32 和 ftrace都是内核非常基础的功能。可见RISC-V port 还有许多路要走,但另一个角度讲,对于有兴趣送 patch的同学,也是个大好机会,可以多多把握。
CARRV workshop (Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V) 开始徵稿了。这次是在六月的ISCA 2018举办。有兴趣的同学可以把握机会!
FOSDEM’18 2018年2月3-4日,FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting)将在比利时的布鲁塞尔举行。
PULP WORKSHOP AT HPCA2018 2018年2月25日,在维也纳的HPCA中,会有一场跟Pulp 有关的workshop。PULP小组会介绍PULP最新的发展,和他们未来的走向,包括 PULP-CAPI (Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface) 和 Ariane (Next generation of 64-bit RISC-V implementations)等。详情可参考 pulpino mailing list 中的 < PULP newsletter - 4Q2017 >。
Embedded World 2018 2018年2月27日,在德国 Nuremberg 的 Embedded world会有一整天跟RISC-V有关的演讲。包括 Microsemi, Mentor Graphics等公司都会给演讲。AMD的CTO Mark Papermaster 也会给一个 Conference Keynote。
CNRV的成员和爱好者们正在RISC-V基金会的支持下筹备一场线下活动,时间暂定为2018年6月30日,目前暂定在复旦大学举行。有任何建议、意见和想法,都可以发邮件给群头 [email protected]。
2nd CARRV 第二次CARRV workshop(Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V ) 将在6月2日和ISCA 2018共同举办。
整理编集: 宋威、黄柏玮、郭雄飞
本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。