凸函数 (convex function) [1] 定义:
1) 线性目标函数 (linear objective function)
2) 线性约束条件 (linear constraints)
3) 自变量大于零
我们称该优化问题为线性优化问题(LP - Linear Programming) , 数学表达式为[3]:
在这我们更关注如何通过计算程序/代码解决线性优化问题, 主流思路是单纯形算法 (Simplex Algorithm) [4] [George Dantzig, 1947], 该算法的基本思路是,
1) 为待求解目标函数和约束条件添加宽松变量(slack varibles),使其成为等式
2) 设定 m个 (m < n, n 为待求解自变量)主成分变量 (basis)
3) 将n-m个非主成分变量设置为零,解出m个主成分值
4) 从该m个主成分极值(extreme point) 移到下一个主成分极值
5) 最优解为可行域中的极值点(extreme point)
具体例子, 膳食问题 (The Diet Problem) 表述已知人体所需元素列表
1) 目标函数:
问题具体化 (例子中的数据没有任何实际意义,可以为任何整数),假设人体所需元素有钙(480),锌(160),钠(1190), 市场上含有该元素的材料有红豆 (单价13),猪肉(单价23), 其中每种单位材料对应元素含量见下表:
红豆 | 猪肉 | |
钙 | 5 | 15 |
锌 | 4 | 4 |
钠 | 35 | 20 |
1) 目标函数
Step Two - 设置主成分变量,初始化时以宽松变量为主成分,即a, b, c, 并初始化非主成分元素为0, x=0, y=0, z=0, 求解得a,b,c分别为480, 160, 1190,该点一定为可行域极点;
Step Three - 随机选取待求解等式中的非主成分变量{x, y},如y, 后将y作为主成分成员,移除任意一个主成分成员{a, b, c}, 如a, 非主成分x, a为0,主成分变量y=32, b=32, c=550, z=736
Step Four - 重复主成分替换过程,将x移入主成分, {x, y, b},非主成分 {a, c, z}=0, 得x=12, y=28, z=800, c=110;
步骤 | 主成分 | 非主成分 |
Step One | a=480,b=160,c=1190 | x,y=0 |
Step Two | y=32,b=32,c=550 | x,a=0 |
Step Three | x=12,y=28,c=110 | a,b=0 |
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import re, sys
import numpy as np
import copy
class SimplexAlgorithm(object):
Implement of Simplex Algorithm
def __init__(self, A, b, c):
A = constraint Matrix
I = slack Matrix
b = constraint
c = objective coefficient
A = np.array(A)
b = np.array(b)
c = np.array(c)
assert len(A.shape) == 2
assert A.shape[0] == len(b)
assert A.shape[1] == len(c)
M = A.shape[0]
N = len(c)
a = []
for i in range(M):
_temp = []
for j in range(N):
_temp.append(A[i, j])
# I part
_I = [0] * M
_I[i] = 1.
# b Part
_b = [b[i]]
_temp += _I + _b
# c part
a.append(list(c) + [0] * (M + 1))
print "Construct Matrix: "
for ele in a:
print "\t".join([str(ent) for ent in ele])
print "---------"
self.matrix = a
self.N = N
self.M = M
def pivot(self, x, y):
for i in range(self.M + 1):
for j in range(self.M + self.N + 1):
if (x != i and j != y):
self.matrix[i][j] -= self.matrix[x][j] * self.matrix[i][y] / self.matrix[x][y]
# zero out column y
for i in range(self.M + 1):
if (i != x): self.matrix[i][y] = 0.0
# scale row x
for j in range(self.M + self.N + 1):
if (j != y): self.matrix[x][j] /= self.matrix[x][y]
self.matrix[x][y] = 1.
def solve(self):
while True:
p, q = 0, 0
for q in range(self.M + self.N + 1):
if (self.matrix[self.M][q] > 0): break # positive objective coefficient
if (q >= self.M + self.N): break
for p in range(self.M):
if self.matrix[p][q] > 0: break
for i in range(p+1, self.M):
if self.matrix[i][q] > 0:
# min ratio test
if (self.matrix[i][self.M + self.N] / self.matrix[i][q] <
self.matrix[p][self.M + self.N] / self.matrix[p][q]):
p = i
self.pivot(p, q)
return self.matrix
if __name__ == "__main__":
# value should be float type
A = [[5., 15.], [4., 4.], [35., 20.]]
c = [13., 23.]
b = [480., 160., 1190.]
instance = SimplexAlgorithm(A, b, c)
res = instance.solve()
print "Result: "
for ele in res:
print "\t".join([str(ent) for ent in ele])
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_function
2 https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/AlgsDS07/22LinearProgramming.pdf
3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming
4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex_algorithm