Ivan loves burgers and spending money. There are nn burger joints on the street where Ivan lives. Ivan has qq friends, and the ii-th friend suggested to meet at the joint liliand walk to the joint riri (li≤ri)(li≤ri). While strolling with the ii-th friend Ivan can visit all joints xx which satisfy li≤x≤rili≤x≤ri.
For each joint Ivan knows the cost of the most expensive burger in it, it costs ciciburles. Ivan wants to visit some subset of joints on his way, in each of them he will buy the most expensive burger and spend the most money. But there is a small issue: his card broke and instead of charging him for purchases, the amount of money on it changes as follows.
If Ivan had dd burles before the purchase and he spent cc burles at the joint, then after the purchase he would have d⊕cd⊕c burles, where ⊕⊕ denotes the bitwise XOR operation.
Currently Ivan has 22100−122100−1 burles and he wants to go out for a walk. Help him to determine the maximal amount of burles he can spend if he goes for a walk with the friend ii. The amount of burles he spends is defined as the difference between the initial amount on his account and the final account.
The first line contains one integer nn (1≤n≤5000001≤n≤500000) — the number of burger shops.
The next line contains nn integers c1,c2,…,cnc1,c2,…,cn (0≤ci≤1060≤ci≤106), where cici — the cost of the most expensive burger in the burger joint ii.
The third line contains one integer qq (1≤q≤5000001≤q≤500000) — the number of Ivan's friends.
Each of the next qq lines contain two integers lili and riri (1≤li≤ri≤n1≤li≤ri≤n) — pairs of numbers of burger shops between which Ivan will walk.
Output qq lines, ii-th of which containing the maximum amount of money Ivan can spend with the friend ii.
4 7 2 3 4 3 1 4 2 3 1 3
7 3 7
5 12 14 23 13 7 15 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 4 4 5 5 5
12 14 27 27 31 14 25 26 30 23 26 29 13 13 7
In the first test, in order to spend the maximum amount of money with the first and third friends, Ivan just needs to go into the first burger. With a second friend, Ivan just go to the third burger.
In the second test for a third friend (who is going to walk from the first to the third burger), there are only 8 options to spend money — 00, 1212, 1414, 2323, 12⊕14=212⊕14=2, 14⊕23=2514⊕23=25, 12⊕23=2712⊕23=27, 12⊕14⊕23=2012⊕14⊕23=20. The maximum amount of money it turns out to spend, if you go to the first and third burger — 12⊕23=2712⊕23=27.
题解:看到数异或最大值,首先想到线性基,此题跟 “杭电2019多校第一场 1002——Operation(线性基)” 几乎是一样的!!
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 5e5+10;
int a[MAX];
int p[MAX][31],pos[MAX][31];
int n,m;
void add(int x,int id){
int cao=id;
for (int i = 0; i <= 29;i++){
for (int i = 29; i >= 0;i--){
if(x&(1<= 0;i--){
return maxx;
int main(){
for (int i = 1; i <= n;i++) {
int l,r;
int ans=query(l,r);
return 0;