ubuntu: ~/Documents/Airsim
“SimMode”: 选择car或者miltimotor
“ViewMode”: 选择FlyWithMe(for drones)或者 SpringArmChase(for cars)
此设置指定放置在环境中的“”Player Start“ 的纬度、经度和高度,使用该变换计算车辆的原点。请注意,该API使用的坐标都是国际单位制的NED系统,这意味着每辆车在NED系统中从(0,0,0)开始。计算“origingeopoint”中指定的地理坐标的时间设置。
NED系统即:north (x+) east(y+) down(z+) 与gazebo只有z相反
可以设置throttle(节气门)/ steering(转向) / handbrake(手刹) / auto/manual gear(自动或手动驾驶)
获取speed current gear 和6个运动学参数(position orientation linear/angular velocity linear/angular acceleration)
除了angular velocity和acceleration 在车坐标系下,其他在世界坐标系 且均为NED系统
#include "vehicles/car/api/CarRpcLibClient.hpp"
int main()
msr::airlib::CarRpcLibClient client;
client.enableApiControl(true); //this disables manual control
CarControllerBase::CarControls controls;
std::cout << "Press enter to drive forward" << std::endl; std::cin.get();
controls.throttle = 1;
std::cout << "Press Enter to activate handbrake" << std::endl; std::cin.get();
controls.handbrake = true;
std::cout << "Press Enter to take turn and drive backward" << std::endl; std::cin.get();
controls.handbrake = false;
controls.throttle = -1;
controls.steering = 1;
std::cout << "Press Enter to stop" << std::endl; std::cin.get();
return 0;
int getStereoAndDepthImages()
using namespace std;
using namespace msr::airlib;
typedef VehicleCameraBase::ImageRequest ImageRequest;
typedef VehicleCameraBase::ImageResponse ImageResponse;
typedef VehicleCameraBase::ImageType ImageType;
//for car use
//msr::airlib::CarRpcLibClient client;
msr::airlib::MultirotorRpcLibClient client;
//get right, left and depth images. First two as png, second as float16.
vector request = {
//png format
ImageRequest("0", ImageType::Scene),
//uncompressed RGB array bytes
ImageRequest("1", ImageType::Scene, false, false),
//floating point uncompressed image
ImageRequest("1", ImageType::DepthPlanner, true)
const vector& response = client.simGetImages(request);
//do something with response which contains image data, pose, timestamp etc
"DefaultSensors": {
"Barometer": {
"SensorType": 1,
"Enabled" : true
"Imu": {
"SensorType": 2,
"Enabled" : true
"Gps": {
"SensorType": 3,
"Enabled" : true
"Magnetometer": {
"SensorType": 4,
"Enabled" : true
"Distance": {
"SensorType": 5,
"Enabled" : true
"Lidar2": {
"SensorType": 6,
"Enabled" : true,
"NumberOfChannels": 4,
"PointsPerSecond": 10000
msr::airlib::BarometerBase::Output getBarometerData(const std::string& barometer_name, const std::string& vehicle_name);
msr::airlib::ImuBase::Output getImuData(const std::string& imu_name = "", const std::string& vehicle_name = "");
msr::airlib::GpsBase::Output getGpsData(const std::string& gps_name = "", const std::string& vehicle_name = "");
msr::airlib::DistanceBase::Output getDistanceSensorData(const std::string& distance_sensor_name = "", const std::string& vehicle_name = "");