


空间中随机抽取的样本逐步构建的,并且本质上倾向于朝向大部分未探测区域生长。 RRTSteven M. LaValle

James J. Kuffner Jr. [1].[2]开发,它们可以轻松处理障碍物和差分约束(非完整和动力学)的问题,






RRT通过使用来自搜索空间的随机样本来生长以起始配置为根的树。 随着每个样本的绘制,都会

尝试与树中最近的状态进行连接。 如果连接可行(完全通过空闲空间并服从任何约束),则会导致


正比。 由于最大的Voronoi地区属于搜索前沿的state,这意味着该树优先向大型未探测地区扩展。

树与新状态之间的连接长度经常受到增长因素的限制。 如果随机样本与树中最近状态的距离超

过此限制允许的范围,则使用随机样本沿树的最大距离处的新状态,而不是随机样本本身。 随机样本

可以被视为控制树木生长的方向,而生长因子决定其速率。 This maintains the space-filling bias of

the RRT while limiting the size of the incremental growth.

RRT增长可以通过增加特定区域采样状态的可能性而产生偏差。 RRT的大多数实际应用都利用这一




For a general configuration space C, the algorithm in pseudocode is as follows:
Algorithm BuildRRT
  Input: Initial configuration qinit, number of vertices in RRT K, incremental distance Δq)
  Output: RRT graph G

  for k = 1 to K
    qrand ← RAND_CONF()
    qnear ← NEAREST_VERTEX(qrand, G)
    qnew ← NEW_CONF(qnear, qrand, Δq)
    G.add_edge(qnear, qnew)
  return G
"←" is a shorthand for "changes to". For instance, "largest ← item" means that the value of largest changes to the value of item.
"return" terminates the algorithm and outputs the value that follows.
   在上面算法中," RAND_CONF "在C中抓取一个随机配置qrand,这可以用一个函数“RAND_FREE_CONF”来代替,该函数使用Cfree中的样本,而使用某种碰撞检测算法拒绝Cobs中的那些函数。




Parti-game directed RRTs (PDRRTs),[5] a method that combines RRTs with the parti-game method[6] to refine the search

where it is needed (for example around obstacles) to be able to plan faster and solve more motion planning problems

than RRT

Parti-game directed RRTs (PDRRTs),[5]一种将RRT和parti-game方法[6]结合在一起的方法,在需要的地方(例如围绕障碍物)


Closed-loop rapidly-exploring random (CL-RRT),[7] an extension of RRT that samples an input to a stable closed-loop

system consisting of the vehicle and a controller

Closed-loop rapidly-exploring random (CL-RRT),[7]RRT的一个扩展,将采样输入到一个由车辆和控制器组成稳定的闭环系

It has been shown that, under 'mild technical conditions', the cost of the best path in the RRT converges almost surely to

a non-optimal value.[8] For that reason, it is desirable to find variants of the RRT that converges to the optimum:

已经表明,在“温和的技术条件下”,RRT中的最佳路径的成本几乎肯定会收敛到非最优值。 出于这个原因,最好找到收敛到最优


  • Rapidly-exploring random graph (RRG) and RRT*,[8][9][10] a variant of RRT that converges towards an optimal
  • solution
  • Rapidly-exploring random graph (RRG) and RRT*,[8][9][10] RRT的一个变体,趋于最佳的解决方案

  • RRT*-Smart,[11] a method for accelerating the convergence rate of RRT* by using path optimization (in a similar
  • fashion to Theta*) and intelligent sampling (by biasing sampling towards path vertices, which – after path
  • optimization– are likely to be close to obstacles)
  • RRT*-Smart,[11] 通过使用路径优化(以类似于Theta *的方式)和智能采样(通过对路径顶点进行偏置采样(其在路径优化之后可能接近障碍))
  • 来加速RRT *的收敛速率的方法,

  • A*-RRT and A*-RRT*,[12] a two-phase motion planning method that uses a graph search algorithm to search for
  • an initial feasible path in a low-dimensional space (not considering the complete state space) in a first phase,
  • avoiding hazardous areas and preferring low-risk routes, which is then used to focus the RRT* search in the
  • continuous high-dimensional space in a second phase
  • A*-RRT and A*-RRT*,[12]  一种两阶段运动规划方法,采用图搜索算法在第一阶段在低维空间(不考虑完整状态空间)搜索初始可行路径,
  • 避开危险区域,偏好低风险路线, 然后用于在第二阶段将RRT *搜索集中在连续的高维空间中

  • RRT*FN,[13][14][15] RRT* with a fixed number of nodes, which randomly removes a leaf node in the tree in every
  • iteration
  • RRT*FN,[13][14][15] RRT *具有固定数量的节点,在每次迭代中随机地移除树中的叶节点

  • RRT*-AR,[16] sampling-based alternate routes planning
  • RRT*-AR,[16]基于采样的替代路径规划

  • Informed RRT*,[17][18] improves the convergence speed of RRT* by introducing a heuristic, similar to the way in
  • which A* improves upon Dijkstra's algorithm
  • 通过引入启发式来提高RRT *的收敛速度,类似于A *改进Dijkstra算法的方式

  • Real-Time RRT* (RT-RRT*),[19] a variant of RRT* and informed RRT* that uses an online tree rewiring strategy
  • that allows the tree root to move with the agent without discarding previously sampled paths, in order to
  • obtain real-time path-planning in a dynamic environment such as a computer game
  • Real-Time RRT* (RT-RRT*),[19]RRT *和RRT *的变体,它使用在线树重新布线策略,允许树根与代理一起移动,而不必丢弃先前采样的路径,
  • 以便在动态环境中获得实时路径规划,例如计算机 游戏

  • Theta*-RRT,[20] a two-phase motion planning method similar to A*-RRT* that uses a hierarchical combination
  • of any-angle search with RRT motion planning for fast trajectory generation in environments with complex
  •  nonholonomic constraints
  • 一种类似于A * -RRT *的两阶段运动计划方法,其使用任意角度搜索与RRT运动规划的分层组合,用于具有复杂非完整约束的环境中的快速轨迹
  • 生成


  • Any-angle path planning
  • Probabilistic roadmap
  • Space-filling tree
  • Motion planning
  • Randomized algorithm


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3. http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/rrt/about.html About RRTs, by Steve LaValle

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13. Adiyatov, Olzhas; Varol, Huseyin Atakan. "Rapidly-exploring random tree based memory efficient motion planning".
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14. Adiyatov, Olzhas; Varol, Atakan (2013).  "MATLAB Toolbox of RRT, RRT* and RRT*FN algorithms" . Retrieved 3 August 2016 .
15. OlzhasAdi (Jan 26, 2015). "RRT*FN Brief Explanation" (video)YouTube. Retrieved 3 August 2016.
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17. Gammell, Jonathan D.; Srinivasa, Siddhartha S.; Barfoot, Timothy D. (8 Apr 2014). "Informed RRT*: Optimal Sampling-based Path Planning
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20. Palmieri, Luigi; Koenig, Sven; Arras, Kai O. "RRT-Based Nonholonomic Motion Planning Using Any-Angle Path Biasing".
In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on, pages 2775-2781, 2016.
  • Media related to Rapidly exploring random tree at Wikimedia Commons
  • Java visualizer of RRT and RRT* including map editor
