
Today is Wednesday.

The villagers was happy for hearing the message. And then there must have been a banquet. St. George was happy because he had won a fight and hadn't killed anybody. The dragon was happy too because there had been a fight, and so far from being hurt in it he had won popularity and a sure footing in society. The boy was happy because there had been a fight, in spite of that his two best friends were on good terms. The others were happy because there had been a fight, and - well, they didn't need a reason for being happy. After the banquet, the three good friends set off up the hill, arm in arm, the dragon singing an old song.

We arrived at our gate and the man said good night to us. Charlotte wanted to ask the man many questions, but he said goodbye firmly. Charlotte asked me if the story was true. I was not very sure but I preferred to believe it was true for all that.
