AbstractBootstrap is a helper class that makes it easy to bootstrap a Channel. It support method-chaining to provide an easy way to configure the AbstractBootstrap. When not used in a ServerBootstrap context, the bind() methods are useful for connectionless transports such as datagram (UDP).
This method is usually only used if channel(Class) is not working for you because of some more complex needs. If your Channel implementation has a no-args constructor, its highly recommend to just use channel(Class) to simplify your code
private ChannelFuture doBind(final SocketAddress localAddress) {
final ChannelFuture regFuture = initAndRegister();
final Channel channel = regFuture.channel();
if (regFuture.cause() != null) {
return regFuture;
if (regFuture.isDone()) {
// At this point we know that the registration was complete and successful.
ChannelPromise promise = channel.newPromise();
doBind0(regFuture, channel, localAddress, promise);
return promise;
} else {
// Registration future is almost always fulfilled already, but just in case it's not.
final PendingRegistrationPromise promise = new PendingRegistrationPromise(channel);
regFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
Throwable cause = future.cause();
if (cause != null) {
// Registration on the EventLoop failed so fail the ChannelPromise directly to not cause an
// IllegalStateException once we try to access the EventLoop of the Channel.
} else {
// Registration was successful, so set the correct executor to use.
// See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2586
doBind0(regFuture, channel, localAddress, promise);
return promise;
final ChannelFuture initAndRegister() {
Channel channel = null;
try {
channel = channelFactory.newChannel();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (channel != null) {
// channel can be null if newChannel crashed (eg SocketException("too many open files"))
// as the Channel is not registered yet we need to force the usage of the GlobalEventExecutor
return new DefaultChannelPromise(channel, GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE).setFailure(t);
// as the Channel is not registered yet we need to force the usage of the GlobalEventExecutor
return new DefaultChannelPromise(new FailedChannel(), GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE).setFailure(t);
ChannelFuture regFuture = config().group().register(channel);
if (regFuture.cause() != null) {
if (channel.isRegistered()) {
} else {
return regFuture;
abstract void init(Channel channel) throws Exception;
public ReflectiveChannelFactory(Class extends T> clazz) {
if (clazz == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("clazz");
this.clazz = clazz;
public T newChannel() {
try {
return clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ChannelException("Unable to create Channel from class " + clazz, t);
private static void doBind0(
final ChannelFuture regFuture, final Channel channel,
final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) {
// This method is invoked before channelRegistered() is triggered. Give user handlers a chance to set up
// the pipeline in its channelRegistered() implementation.
channel.eventLoop().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (regFuture.isSuccess()) {
channel.bind(localAddress, promise).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE);
} else {
private ChannelFuture doResolveAndConnect(final SocketAddress remoteAddress, final SocketAddress localAddress) {
final ChannelFuture regFuture = initAndRegister();
final Channel channel = regFuture.channel();
if (regFuture.isDone()) {
if (!regFuture.isSuccess()) {
return regFuture;
return doResolveAndConnect0(channel, remoteAddress, localAddress, channel.newPromise());
} else {
// Registration future is almost always fulfilled already, but just in case it's not.
final PendingRegistrationPromise promise = new PendingRegistrationPromise(channel);
regFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
// Directly obtain the cause and do a null check so we only need one volatile read in case of a
// failure.
Throwable cause = future.cause();
if (cause != null) {
// Registration on the EventLoop failed so fail the ChannelPromise directly to not cause an
// IllegalStateException once we try to access the EventLoop of the Channel.
} else {
// Registration was successful, so set the correct executor to use.
// See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2586
doResolveAndConnect0(channel, remoteAddress, localAddress, promise);
return promise;
private ChannelFuture doResolveAndConnect0(final Channel channel, SocketAddress remoteAddress,
final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) {
try {
final EventLoop eventLoop = channel.eventLoop();
final AddressResolver resolver = this.resolver.getResolver(eventLoop);
if (!resolver.isSupported(remoteAddress) || resolver.isResolved(remoteAddress)) {
// Resolver has no idea about what to do with the specified remote address or it's resolved already.
doConnect(remoteAddress, localAddress, promise);
return promise;
final Future resolveFuture = resolver.resolve(remoteAddress);
if (resolveFuture.isDone()) {
final Throwable resolveFailureCause = resolveFuture.cause();
if (resolveFailureCause != null) {
// Failed to resolve immediately
} else {
// Succeeded to resolve immediately; cached? (or did a blocking lookup)
doConnect(resolveFuture.getNow(), localAddress, promise);
return promise;
// Wait until the name resolution is finished.
resolveFuture.addListener(new FutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(Future future) throws Exception {
if (future.cause() != null) {
} else {
doConnect(future.getNow(), localAddress, promise);
} catch (Throwable cause) {
return promise;
private static void doConnect(
final SocketAddress remoteAddress, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise connectPromise) {
// This method is invoked before channelRegistered() is triggered. Give user handlers a chance to set up
// the pipeline in its channelRegistered() implementation.
final Channel channel = connectPromise.channel();
channel.eventLoop().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (localAddress == null) {
channel.connect(remoteAddress, connectPromise);
} else {
channel.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress, connectPromise);
using namespace std;
template<class T, int SIZE = 50>
class Stack{
T list[SIZE];//数组存放栈的元素
int top;//栈顶位置
public final class DateTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Date> {
public static final TypeAdapterFacto