Python 2.7.10
Tried pandas 0.17.1 -- function read_excel
Tried pyexcel 0.1.7 + pyexcel-xlsx 0.0.7 -- function get_records()
在Python中使用pandas时,是否可以读取excel文件(格式:xls | xlsx)并将包含 date 或 date + time 值的列保留为 strings 而不是 auto-converting 为 datetime.datetime 或 timestamp 类型?
如果使用pandas无法做到这一点,有人会建议使用备用方法/库来读取xls | xlsx文件并将日期列值保留为字符串吗?
对于 pandas 解决方案,尝试 和结果日期列类型如下所示:
Int64Index: 117 entries, 0 to 116
Columns: 176 entries, Mine to Index
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(145), int64(26), object(3)
memory usage: 161.8+ KB
>>> type(df['Start Date'][0])
Out[6]: pandas.tslib.Timestamp
>>> type(df['End Date'][0])
Out[7]: pandas.tslib.Timestamp
Attempt/Approach 1:
def read_as_dataframe(filename, ext):
import pandas as pd
if ext in ('xls', 'xlsx'):
# problem: date columns auto converted to datetime.datetime or timestamp!
df = pd.read_excel(filename) # unwanted - date columns converted!
return df, name, ext
Attempt/Approach 2:
import pandas as pd
# import datetime as datetime
# parse_date = lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d %H')
parse_date = lambda x: x
elif ext in ('xls', 'xlsx', ):
df = pd.read_excel(filename, parse_dates=False)
date_cols = [df.columns.get_loc(c) for c in df.columns if c in ('Start Date', 'End Date')]
# problem: date columns auto converted to datetime.datetime or timestamp!
df = pd.read_excel(filename, parse_dates=date_cols, date_parser=parse_date)
Attempt/Approach 3:
import pyexcel as pe
import pyexcel.ext.xls
import pyexcel.ext.xlsx
t0 = time.time()
if ext == 'xlsx':
records = pe.get_records(file_name=filename)
for record in records:
print("start date = %s (type=%s), end date = %s (type=%s)" %
(record['Start Date'],
str(type(record['Start Date'])),
record['End Date'],
str(type(record['End Date'])))