

201 principles of software development


by Alan M.Davis

chapter 1

This book contains a collection of principles of software engineering.These principles represent the state-of-the-art of what we believe is”right”when engineering software. Other engineering disciplines have principles based on the laws of physics, or biology, or chemistry, or mathematics. Because the product of software engineering is nonphysical, the laws of the physical do not easily form a solid foundation

The software industry has been flooded by hundreds of books that discuss techniques, languages, and tools. None has attempted to compile the list of underlying principles. As shown in Fig 1-1, principles are the rules to live by; they represent the collected wisdom of many dozens of people who have learned through experience. They tend to be stated as absolute truths(this is always true)or as inferences(when X occurs, Y will occur).

Techniques are step-by-step procedures that aid a software developer in performing a part of the software engineering process Techniques tend to enforce a subset of the underlying principles. Most techniques create either documents and /or programs. Many techniques also analyze existing documents and /or programs, or they transform existing documents and /or programs into the products.

Languages consist of a set of primitive elements(such as words or graphical symbols) and a set of rules by which one can construct more complex entities(such as sentences, diagrams, models) from those primitive elements as well as semantics that endow each combination of entitieswith meaning. Languages are used to express all products of software engineering, whether intermediate or final The documents and programs created or analyzed by techniques are typically represented in some language.

Tools are software programs that assist a soft ware engineer in performing some step of software engineering. They may:

  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the engineer(like the knowledge-based Requirements Assistant)
  • Analyze something for conformity to a technique(a data-flow diagram checker, for example)or a subset of principles
  • Automate some aspect of software engineering(such as any compiler)
  • Aid the engineer in doing some aspect of the job(as an editor)

The set of principles for a discipline evolve as the discipline grows.Existing principles are modified. New ones are added. Old ones are discarded. It is the practice and experience gained through that practice that cause us to evolve those principles. If we were to examine the set of software engineering principles from 1964 they would look downright silly today(for example, always use short variable names, or do whatever it takes to make your program smaller). Todays principles will look equally silly in thirty years.

And now,today’s principles of software engineering.


chapter 2

principle 1 : quality is #1

A customer will not tolerate a product with poor quality, regardless of the definition of quality. Quality must be quantified and mechanisms put into place to motivate and reward its achievement. It may seem politically correct to deliver a product on time, even though its quality is poor, but it is politically correct in the short term only; it is political suicide in the middle and long term. There is no trade-off to be made. The first requirement must be quality. Edward Yourdon suggests that you Just say no”when you’re asked to speed up testing, ignore a few bugs, or code before agreeing on a design or a set of requirements


无论质量如何定义,客户都不会容忍质量较差的产品。 质量必须要量化,并且激励和成就奖励机制要落实。 即使按时交付质量差的产品在政治上看起来是正确的,但仅在短期内是正确的;在中长期来看,相当于政治自杀。 没有权衡取舍(没得商量)。 第一个要求就是必须做得有质量。

Edward Yourdon建议你在以下情况直接说no:1.被要求加快测试速度;2.忽略一些bug;3.在设计和需求确认之前开发。

principle 2 : quality is the eyes of the beholder

There is no one definition of software quality. To developers ,it might be an elegant design or elegant code. To users ,who work in stress environments,it might be response time or high capacity. For cost-sensitive projects, it might be low development cost. For some customers, it might be satisfying all their perceived and not-yet-perceived needs. The dilemma is that these may not be all compatible. Optimizing one persons quality might be detrimental to anothers.(This is Weinberg’s”Political Dilemma”principle. )A project must decide on its priorities and articulate them to all parties.



principle 3 : productivity and quality are inseparable

There is a clear relationship between productivity(measured by numbers of widgits–whether they be lines of code or function points–per person month)and quality. The higher the demand for quality, the lower your productivity becomes. The lower the demand for quality, the higher your productivity becomes. The more you emphasize increased productivity, the lower your resulting quality. Bell Labs has found that, to achieve one to two bugs per thousand lines of code, productivities of 150 to 300 lines of code per person-month are common [see Fleckenstein, W,”Challenges in Software Development, ” IEEE Computer, 16, 3(March 1983), Pp 60-64].As attempts are made to drive productivity up ,the density of bugs increases.


生产效率(呵呵不太好翻呢)和质量之间有一个清晰的关系。质量要求更高,生产效率则越低。越注重增加生产效率,结果的质量就越低。Bell Labs发现,在每人月150~300行的效率下,每1000行代码出现1~2个bug是普遍的。当试图提高生产效率时,bug出现的密度将增加。

principle 4 : high-quality software is possible

Although our industry is saturated with examples of software systems that perform poorly, that are full of bugs, or that otherwise fail to satisfy users’ needs, there are counter examples.large-scale software systems can be built with very high quality, but for a steep price tag: on the order of $1000 per line of code. One such example is IBMS on-board flight software for NASAS space shuttle. Totaling approximately three million lines of code,the rigorous software development process resulted in less than one error found per ten thousand lines of code after product release.

As a developer, be aware of the techniques that have been demon-strated to increase quality considerably. These include involving the customer(Principle 8), prototyping(to verify requirements prior to full-scale development; Principles 11 through 13), keeping the design simple (Principle 67), inspections(Principle 98), and hiring the best people ( Principles 130 and 131). As a customer, demand excellence but be aware of the high costs involved



principle 5 : don’t try to retrofit quality

Quality cannot be retrofit into software .This applies to any definition of quality: maintainability, reliability, adaptability, testability, safety, and so on. We have a very difficult time building quality into software during development when we try to. How can we possibly expect to achieve quality when we don’ t try? This is primarily why you must not try to convert a throwaway prototype into a product(Principle 11).

5、 不要试图改进质量


principle 6 : poor reliability is worse than poor efficiency

When software is not efficient, it is generally possible to isolate the sections of the program that consume most of the execution time and redesign or recode them for increased efficiency(Principle 194).Poor reliability is not only more difficult to detect, it is also more difficult to fix.A system’s poor reliability may not become apparent until years after the system is deployed–and it kills somebody.Once the poor reliability manifests itself, it is often difficult to isolate its cause.



principle 7 : give products to customers early

No matter how hard you try to learn users’needs during the requirements phase, the most effective means to ascertain their real needs is to give them a product and let them play with it.If you follow a conventional interpretation of the waterfall model, the first delivery of a product to the customer occurs after 99 percent of the development resources are already expended.Thus, the majority of customer feedback on their needs occurs after the resources are expended.Contrast that with an approach, for example, of constructing a quick and dirty prototype early in the development process.Deliver this to the customer, gather feedback, and then write a requirements specification and proceed with a full-scale development.In this scenario, only 5 to 20 percent of the development resources are expended by the time customers experience their first product.f the appropriate features were built into the prototype, the highest-risk user needs will become better known and the final product is more likely to be user-satisfactory.This helps ensure that the remainder of the resources are spent building the right system.



principle 8 : communicate with customers/users

Never lose sight of why software is being developed:to satisfy real needs,to solve real problems.The only way to solve real needs is to communicate with those who have the needs.The customer or user is the most important person involved with your project.If you are a commercial developer, talk often with the clients.Keep them involved.Sure, it is easier to develop software in a vacuum, but will the customer like the result?If you’re a producer of shrinkwrap software,”customers”are harder to locate during development.So role-play.Designate three or four individuals in your organization as prospective customers and tap them for ideas that will keep them as customers or make them happy.If you’re a government contractor, talk often with the contracting officers, their technical representatives, and, if possible, the users.People and situations change often in the government.the only way to keep up with the change is communication.Ignoring the changes may make life seem easier in the short term, but the final system will not be useful.



principle 9 : align incentives for developer and customer

Projects often fail because customers and developers have different(and perhaps incompatible) goals.For example, take the simple case in which the customer wants features 1, 2, and 3 by a specific date and the developer wants to maximize revenue or profit.To maximize revenue the develper may attempt to build all three features in their entirety even if late.To maximize revenue the develper may attempt to build all three features in their entirety even if late.To help align the two organizations’ goals:
(1)Prioritize requirements (Principle 50)so that developers understand their relative importance,
(2) reward the developer based on the relative priorities(for example, all highpriority requirements must be satisfied, each medium priority requirement earns the developer a small additional bonus of some kind and each low priority requirement satisfied earns a very small bonus),
(3)use strict penalties for late delivery



principle 10 : plan to throw one away

One of the most important critical success factors for a project is whether it is entirely new.Programs that tread on brand new territory(whether it be with respect to application, architecture, interface, or algorithm) rarely work the first time.Fred Brooks, in his Mythical Man Month, makes this perfectly clear with his advice, “Plan to throw one away; you will anyway.”This advice was originally presented by Winston Royce in 1970, when he said one should plan for the first fully deployed system to be the second one created.The first should at least check out the critical design issues and the operational concept.Furthermore Royce recommended that such a prerelease version should be developed with approximately 25 percent of the total system development resources.As a developer of a new custom product, plan to build a series of throwaway prototypes(Principles 11, 12, and 13)before embarking on the full-scale product development.As a commercial high-volume developer expect that your first product version will be able to be modified for a certain period of years, after which it will need to be fully replaced(related Principles 185, 186, 188, and 201).As a maintainer of a product, be aware that you can fiddle with the program just so much before it becomes unstable and must be replaced (see related Principles 186, 191, 195, and 197).


项目最重要的关键成功因素之一是它是否是全新的。进入崭新领域的程序(无论是关于应用程序,体系结构,接口或者算法)很少会在第一次就正常工作。Fred Brooks,在他的《Mythical Man Month》(人月神话)用他的忠告明确地说,“ 打算丢弃一个,无论如何你还会拥有的”。[ps:有点怪]。这个建议最初是在1970年被Winston Royce提出的,当时他说应该为第一个完全部署的系统升级为第二个系统做计划。第一个系统至少应该检查决定性设计问题和操作理念。此外,Royce推荐这样一个预版本本应该用25%的系统资源来开发。作为一个新的定制产品的开发人员,计划在开始大规模产品开发之前建立一系列一次性原型(原则11,12和13)。作为一个商业大容量的开发人员一定要确认你的第一个产品版本在数年内能够被修改,未来它需要完全被替换(原则185, 186, 188和201)。作为一个程序的维护者,请注意,在程序变得不稳定并必须被替换之前,你可以对程序进行尽可能多的修改(见相关原则 186, 191, 195 和 197)。
