2019-05-05 Fortress Besieged围城 C1-2

'Marriage is like a fortress besieged; those who are outside want to get in, and those who areinside want to get out'                                                              ------(French proverb)

Fang Hung-chien 方鸿渐: The fictional protagonist Fang, was from a family in central China, and went abroad to study in Oxford and Paris in the mid-1930s, returning to China in early 1938. 

“When one's parents are still living, a son should not speak of getting old.”,这里更能看出方鸿渐父亲的严厉,未婚妻的离世让他不仅摆脱了父母之命的婚姻,还得到了未来丈人的经济支持,但他却辜负了他们,为了哄父亲和丈人向爱尔兰人买了假博士文凭回国。

Miss Su 苏小姐:高傲又有着博士学位的苏小姐,是方鸿渐的大学同学,在回国的船上对方产生了些小情愫,没想到被Miss Pao抢了个先去。

Miss Pao 鲍小姐:生长澳门,据说有葡萄牙血统,方在船上遇见的轻浮女子,她有未婚夫但举止不检,却引起了方的兴奋。

Mrs. Sun 孙太太,Suns:和方同船上的认识的一家人。


humor:so the mother had to humor Miss Pao herself.(vt. 迎合,迁就,顺应)

spy:but at the same time hated herself for having spied on Miss Pao.(vi.暗中监视)

dowry:Now I am going to give the entire amount, which I had set aside for the wedding and the dowry.嫁妆

swindle:vt.诈骗  n.诈骗 The man who had placed the advertisement was actually a swindler.

bogus:adj.    a ~ diploma 假的,伪造的

dupe: vt. 欺骗或哄骗某人(做某事)n. 受骗的人,傻子  

fraud: n.欺诈,欺骗行为,骗子

If he bought a bogus diploma and went back to dupe other poeple with it, wouldn't he himself be a fraud?

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