TGG 2017.12.14








And when an emperor loses the support of the people, it spells his ruin.

spell在此处作动词,表示to have something, usually something bad, as a result; to mean something, usually something bad招致、意味着(通常指坏事)

另外spell作动词还可表示to replace for a short time somebody who is doing a particular activity so that they ca rest(短时间)替换、顶替

In addition, spell作名词有几个意思也值得积累。

1 (持续的)一段时间,例如 a spell of warm weather

2 words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; a piece of magic that happens when somebody says these magic words咒语、魔法、符咒

3 a quality that a person or thing has that makes them so attractive or interesting that they have a strong influence on you魅力、魔力。例如 I completely fell under her spell.

造句:A bad weather spells disasters for farmers.

Su Tungpo warned the Emperor against reliance upon his power to cow the people into submission.

cow此处作动词,表示to frighten somebody in order to make them obey you

造句:Children are easily cowed. 

此外,cow作名词还可以表示 1 the female of the elephant, whale and some other large animals.

2 an unpleasant person, thing or situation讨厌的人(或事物、情况)

俗语 have a cow: to become very angry or anxious about something

till the cows come home: for a very long time

Hundreds of years earlier, various forms of mutilation had been used in the punishment of criminals, including branding, cutting off noses, cutting off legs, and castration. 

branding, cutting off nose, cutting off legs, castration都是古代的刑罚。


branding iron: a mental tool that is heated and used to brand farm animals.烙铁

branding这个词应该是来自brand, brand作动词主要有两个意思 1 to describe somebody as being something bad or unpleasant, especially unfair(尤指不公正地)丑化某人或败坏某人名声

此时用法主要有brand somebody as something/ brand somebody+noun./adj.

2 to mark an animal with a brand to show who owns it


造句:The farmer branded his cow in the morning. 

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