TGG 2017.12.15





The Emperor took the scroll of painting to his paintings to his sleeping quarters.

quarters此处使用复数,表示rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live in.(供士兵、服务人员居住的)营房、宿舍、住房

此外,quarter还可以表示 1 the period of time twice a month when we can see a quarter of the moon上弦月或下弦月

2 pity that somebody shows towards an enemy or opponent who is in their power(对掌控中的敌人或对手的)慈悲,同情。

quarter作动词的意思有 1 to cut or divide something into four parts

2 to provide something with a place to eat and sleep. 给…提供食宿

造句:She quartered the orange, and ate one of them.

Dunquan, who ran with the hare and hunted with the hounds, was going to have a very busy time. 

这句话主要是想学习一下林语堂先生对于alliteration(押头韵)的自如运用(比如下文里还有的totters and tumbles等)

hare这个词就不解释了,补充一个俗语是as mad as a hatter/ a March hare发狂的,非常愚蠢的

此外hare还可以作动词表示to run or go somewhere very fast

hound作动词还可以表示to keep following somebody and not leave them alone, especially in order to get something from them or ask them questions追踪、追逐、纠缠

造句:The famous singer was hounded by fans.

I once served with him on the board of a local examination and he started to upset everything.

upset这个词的意义非常丰富,此处用作动词,表示“打乱、扰乱”,林语堂先生似乎也挺喜欢用这个词,下文还有the ministers upset the law等。

作动词还可以表示 1 “使肠胃不适”upset somebody's stomach

2 to make something fall over by hitting it b accident打翻,例如upset a glass of water

upset还可以用来做名词,表示1 a situation in which there are problems or difficulties, especially when these are not expected(不可数)

2 a situation in which a person or team beats the person or team that was expected to win意外的结果、爆冷门(可数)

3 腹泻,肠胃病(可数)

造句:This result upset the whole class.

你可能感兴趣的:(TGG 2017.12.15)