英语写作中“遭受”、“面对”suffer (from)、expose、encounter、face、confront等的用法


difficulty、issue、problem、change、danger、disaster、consequence、(negative) result、overflow、congestion、insecurity、attack、disorder、disaster、obstacle 、threat、error、mistake……

二、face、encounter、confront 指面对、面临、遭受,用法:

to face/encounter/confront problems (difficulty issues changes dangers disasters consequences ……)


Our era is facing/confronting/encountering much bigger changes than the past one hundred years.(我们时代正遭遇百年未有之变局。)

Suppose two people face/encounter/confront prisoner’s dilemma.(假设两人面对囚徒困境。)

Scientists often face/encounter/confront a question that whether there exists life on other planets. (科学家常常面临一个问题:其他行星上有生命吗?)

此外可以说:to face/encounter/confront challenges ,例句:

As researchers, they have to face/encounter/confront various challenges for achieving their goals.(作为研究者,为了达到目标,他们必需面对各种各样的挑战。)

三、suffer (from)“遭受”用于一个具体的不利内、外因素、问题或结果:

to suffer (from) weakness (problems issues attacks failures overflow congestion threats insecurity……)

例句:Their plan suffers from inadequate funding.(他们的计划遭受资金不足。)

The system suffers from weakness in scalability. If devices involved increase, the performance drops dramatically.(这个系统伸缩性弱,当涉及的设备增加时,性能就急剧下降。)

The server has been suffering from replay attacks.(该服务器一直受到重放攻击。)

Internet suffered from congestion in its early years due to lack of congestion control in TCP.(Internet 在它的早期由于TCP缺乏拥塞控制,它遭受过拥塞。)

注意不能说suffer from challenges。


to expose sth. to attacks (problems issues disorder disaster obstacles threat……)

或:be exposed to attacks (problems issues disorder disaster obstacles threat……)


Space ships are exposed to cosmic radiation. (太空飞船遭受宇宙射线辐射。)

Cloud servers are inevitably exposed to adversaries’ attacks. (云服务器总是遭受敌手攻击。)

Without firewalls, intranets will expose themselves to security threats from hackers in the Internet.(如果没有防火墙,内网会受到来自Internet 上的黑客的安全威胁。)

The institution exposed its plan to potential rivals.(该机构的计划会受到潜在竞争者的破坏。)

因为weakness 不是外部因素,所以不能说be exposed to weaknesses。

注意也不能说be exposed to challenges。

五、还有be subject to,它的意思和上面稍有不同,它表示某事物的脆弱性:易于遭受问题或不利外部因素的影响,例如:

Is economic development really subject to the problem of resource shortage? (经济发展真的会受到资源短缺问题的影响吗?)

The scheme is subject to the problem of single point failure.(该方案会遭受单点失效问题的影响。)

We have to make backup regularly. Otherwise data might be subject to loss due to possible failure of the storage system.(我们必需定期做备份,否则数据会因为存储系统的失效而丢失。)

因为weakness 不是外部因素,所以不能说be subject to weaknesses。









